Settle at Hogwarts

Chapter 56 Unexpected

After Tabor carefully avoided the sight of the people around him, he summoned the house elf Koko in a deserted corner.

"Koko, take me back to Prince Manor."

"Okay, little master."

Koko just snapped his fingers, and Tabor and Koko appeared together in the courtyard of the Prince Manor.

Tabor walked into the castle and found that his grandparents had returned.Even his parents have arrived, and everyone is gathering on the first floor chatting.

"Tabor, you're finally back. Did you enjoy your outing?"

Seeing his family gathered together, Tabor suddenly thought of what he had overheard, and for a moment he didn't know whether he should tell his grandmother.

"Tabor, what's wrong with you? Did you encounter anything unpleasant?"

Tabor shook his head: "It's nothing, I'm just a little tired after a day of shopping."

Liya nodded slightly and pulled Tabor to sit on the sofa next to her.

"You came back just in time, we were just talking about you! Your improved potion has been considered a success, and the Pharmacist Guild has also obtained your potion. You will be the potion master after Christmas. "

Tabor smiled, but he didn't feel much surprise in his heart.

"This is really good news. Tabor should be the youngest potion master in history." Axel said excitedly.

"Of course, there are many people in the union who are opposed to Tabor becoming a potions master because of his age!"

Slughorn walked in leisurely while talking.And Allen was following him a little mentally.

"Cousin, welcome to your arrival. When will you return to Hogwarts this time?"

Slughorn smiled and gave Leah a hug, and then said: "I should go to a Christmas dinner tomorrow, and then go back. If I'm lucky, I can catch the Hogwarts dinner."

Tabor had no interest in participating in the somewhat boring conversation. He just secretly observed his uncle's every move from time to time, trying to find out what was wrong with him.

However, Tabor didn't know much about Allen, so naturally he couldn't detect any difference in his uncle.

"Tabor, now that the title of Potion Master has been basically confirmed, you should go to normal classes in the second half of the semester. But if there is an order from the Prince family, you can ask me for leave."

Tabor nodded absentmindedly, then simply made an excuse and returned to his room.

Lying on the bed, Tabor kept replaying everything he heard and saw today in his mind.

The uncle had colluded with people from the pharmacists union, and the other party probably wanted something from the Prince family.What the uncle needs is an unknown medicine.Tabor felt that the drug had something to do with his grandfather's weakening body.

Tabor wasn't going to hide this from his grandparents, and he wanted to tell them as soon as possible.If you think wrong, you can feel at ease earlier.If the truth is true, it can also make grandparents a little defensive.But during these two days of festivals, Tabor really didn't want to ruin the happy and beautiful atmosphere.

Dumbledore has not shown any hostility towards him for the time being. To be precise, his attitude towards every student is quite good.At least, he will not suppress a certain person when the student has not made a mistake.

Finally, there is Tom who is still in the orphanage. Tabor has no idea what he will become in the end.But it is undeniable that Tom in the orphanage did make Tubo feel a little ridiculous pity in his heart.

Thinking about it, Tabor fell asleep unknowingly, and did not wake up from his sleep until the next morning.

After waking up, Tabor's first thought was: Fortunately, he had asked Koko to give out the Christmas gifts yesterday.

After changing into a clean set of robes, Tabor walked downstairs and saw his grandfather sitting beside the decorated Christmas tree, immersed in his own world.

"Good morning, Grandpa. Merry Christmas."

Although Dio's face still didn't look good, he twitched his lips and whispered: Merry Christmas, Tabor.

Tabor looked at the sky and knew that it would take some time for his uncle to get up, so he approached his grandfather and asked tentatively: "Grandpa, how are you doing recently?"

Dio shook his head and let out a helpless smile.

"I'm getting older, and I'm getting worse every day."

Tabor hesitated for a moment, then leaned into his grandfather's ear and told him exactly what he heard in the potion shop yesterday.

After Dio listened quietly, the expression on his face did not change.

"Tub, don't talk about this in the future. You just walked around Diagon Alley yesterday and didn't meet your uncle to say anything. Do you understand?"

Tabor didn't understand why Dio arranged it like this, but he just nodded, indicating that he understood and would selectively forget some things.

"Okay, it's Christmas today. Do you want to see the gifts first and see them with everyone later?"

Hearing that his grandfather obviously didn't want him to get involved in these matters, Tabor shut up and silently walked to the Christmas tree to check the gifts sent to him.

Almost all the first-year students in Slytherin sent gifts. Caractacus sent a magic oil lamp, which is said to illuminate for a long time once it is lit.Zane gave him a copy of "Ancient Potion Materials and Their Origin".Sylvia's gift was a silver cufflink. The little snake on it looked like a living creature, twisting from time to time.

Dumbledore also sent a large bag of durian gummy candies. Just when Tubo opened the bag and was about to taste one, he saw his grandfather's somewhat disgusted eyes. He quickly sealed the bag and silently kept it in his pocket. space expansion pack.

Leisure time always flies by, and the Christmas holiday slips away inadvertently.

In order not to take the train back to school, Tubo came to Hogwarts through the fireplace in the Slytherin Head of House's office the night before the holiday ended, and returned to the empty Slytherin common room alone.

"A lot."

Hearing Tubo's call, a house elf named Duoduo quickly appeared in front of Tubo.

"Master, what do you need to do more?"

Looking at the little guy with moist eyes, Tabor always felt guilty that he was exploiting child labor.

"Since my grandfather gave you to me, you will bring two books from the Prince Manor every day that I have not read. Koko should remember which books on the bookshelf I have read. You can go Ask him."

"Yes, little master's order, Duoduo will definitely do his best to fulfill it."

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