Settle at Hogwarts

Chapter 72 Celebration

Flitwick also nodded in agreement: "Yes! So the first thing I learned was the levitation spell. A skilled levitation spell can quickly walk through the corridor with more books than I am tall."

The atmosphere between the two was very friendly and harmonious, until Miss Ram came in to urge him, and Tabor reluctantly left the hospital wing.

"Tub, you are finally back. This time you won the Quidditch match. Everyone is planning to hold a banquet in the lounge. Don't go to the library at night."

"Okay, I understand." Tabor agreed casually, then sat at his desk and studied a book list given to him by Fliversa.

"Well, most of them are about magic spells and duels. No wonder he will become a duel champion in the future!"

As for the other deans 50 years later, although they all have their own strengths, those who were not born are not born yet, and those who are playing in the mud at home are playing in the mud!

"Oh, Hogwarts is really peaceful now!" Tubo sighed again with a familiar feeling.

"Tub, the banquet is about to begin. Abraxas also asked the house elf to buy a lot of butterbeer!" Zane opened the door and said something, then hurriedly closed the door and ran towards the lounge.

After clearing away the books on the table, Tabor straightened his robe in the mirror and walked out of the dormitory.

In the Slytherin common room, almost all the Slytherins gathered here.Tabor even saw Slughorn's somewhat fat body in the crowd, moving nimbly among the students wearing school uniforms.

"Hi! Tab here."

Tubber followed the sound and saw that the members of the Slytherin Quidditch team were gathered together, sitting on the sofas closest to the fireplace.

"Are they all here? I'm not the last one here, am I?" Tabor walked to Zane and sat down, looking at Abraxas with some uncertainty.

"All the Quidditch players are here, but some of them haven't come over yet. Maybe you are like you last year, and you are addicted to studying and can't help yourself!"

As Slytherin's Quidditch captain, Malfoy was obviously extremely happy that the Slytherin team could win.

"It seems that I missed a lot of things last year. It's really a pity." Tabor said, pouring himself a glass of butterbeer.

"Oh, our great heroes are all here!" Slughorn walked to where the team members gathered and held up a bottle of sherry.

"Malfoy, congratulations on winning your first battle this year."

"Ha, Tabor, I rarely see you at banquets! It seems that you are starting to enjoy the banquet, isn't it?"

"And, Mr. Flint, look at that muscular body."


"Anyway, boys, you are the best!"

Everyone raised their glasses together, and the entire lounge suddenly became a sea of ​​joy.

Tabor also sat on the side, listening to Zane and the classmates around him talking about various strange things, while silently eating the snacks on the table.

When Tabor filled his stomach, he realized that many people in the lounge were already lying around, drunk and lying on the sofa and carpet.

"Tubber, come and try it. This is the wine I secretly bought in Hogsmeade in the afternoon. This is not something for children to drink like butterbeer."

Tabor looked helplessly at the wine bottle in Zane's hand, which read: Moscow Vodka.

"Well, you can drink it yourself! I'm a little tired and I'm going back to the dormitory to rest." After finishing speaking, Tabor quickly returned to his dormitory.

He finally understood what happened to those drunk little snakes just now. It turned out that they were all secretly carrying some private goods.I wonder if I will catch a cold if I lie in the lounge all night?

Although the wizard's magic is magical, it does not seem to have the effect of decomposing alcohol. At least, most young wizards have no resistance to alcohol.

Tabor washed up in the dormitory. After hesitating for a while, he walked to the lounge again and picked up Zane who was lying next to the sofa. After casually casting two cleaning spells on him, he The man was left on his own bed.

"I hope nothing happens."

It turned out that Tabor's worries were unnecessary. When he got up the next day and went to the auditorium to eat and passed by the common room, all the classmates sleeping there had returned to their dormitories, even the messy snack bags. The hard-working house elves cleaned up overnight.

Tabor quickly finished the food on his plate, and then waited silently for the arrival of the owl.

Today is the first Sunday in November. If nothing unexpected happens, Tubo should be able to receive the payment for his potion order last month, and the Malfoy family should also send the materials needed for making the potion on this day. Deposit.

"Tub, can you come out with me for a moment?" Slughorn said calmly.

"Okay, Professor."

Tabor followed Slughorn, and the two of them walked to a corner outside the auditorium.

"Tubo, did you take over the high-end potions from the Malfoy family?" Slughorn said as he glanced at the large package of mail that Tubo had just obtained.

Tabor nodded: "Yes, Professor, Abraxas told me. Is there any problem with this?"

Slughorn said in a serious tone: "Do you know their original supplier?"

"The Prince family, Abraxas told me." Tabor said calmly. He didn't think there was anything wrong with it.Anyway, it was Malfoy who took the initiative to hand over the order to him, and he didn't snatch it from him.

"You know what? In Alan's opinion, your behavior is robbing the Prince family. No matter what, you are named Prince and have the blood of the family flowing through you." Slughorn Said with some sigh.

"I, Professor, our group is no longer considered to be members of the Prince family, and didn't you agree with this decision? Malfoy took the initiative to find me. This can only mean that there is no one in the Prince family now. There is no pharmacist who can meet his requirements, right? As for the uncle..."

Slughorn rubbed his forehead: "Even if we are not a family, then Allen is your uncle after all, and your cousin Irene."

Tabor shook his head and asked directly: "So, Professor, what do you want me to do? Turn down the Malfoy family's order?"

"Actually, the Prince family is of some use anyway. I hope you can get along well with your uncle. When your grandmother was here, the family also provided you with a lot of help, didn't it?"

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