Settle at Hogwarts

Chapter 84 See the News

"Magical animals? Ordinary magical animals should not cause any harm to an adult wizard. Could it be that he encountered a 4x or 5x magical animal?" Tabor was also a little curious about what happened after he left.

"There were a few werewolves, and there were others. Mainly Alan's wand was burned. Fortunately, there were personnel from the Department of Magical Creatures nearby. They subdued the crazy magical creatures, and then sent Alan to St. Mungo's. "

Tabor continued to ask: "Professor, did those magical animals only attack Allen? Irene should be fine."

Slughorn shook his head: "Irene is fine. When those magical animals were fighting in Prince's Castle, they probably touched the firewood in the fireplace and ignited many tapestries in the castle. The flames even spread to Eileen. Lin’s room. Fortunately, Bibi was smart and took Irene out of Prince Castle in advance.”

After hesitating for a moment, Slughorn continued: "Alan is still in the hospital and his life and death are still uncertain. Irene has been sent to Axel Manor. The Prince family..."

"Professor, what do you think is left of the Prince family? Don't worry, I have no interest in the family. The future head of the family will only be Irene and Irene's bloodline."

Slughorn wanted to explain that he didn't mean it this way, but seeing that Tabor didn't have the slightest sense of belonging to the family, he still frowned in distress.

"Well, this matter is making a big fuss. You will probably see it in the newspaper tomorrow. According to the Ministry of Magic, it may be the work of a saint. In any case, this is very bad for the Prince family. Although your father's side has left the family, it may still be affected to some extent. As for the issue of black magic and the Fire Curse, your current learning progress seems to be too fast, so you should wait a little longer."

Tabor just nodded silently. He knew that Professor Slughorn was a little suspicious. He did what happened to Allen, but Tabor also believed that he did not leave any evidence.Even if there is something missing, the fire will destroy everything.

"Okay Professor, can I go see Erin tomorrow?"

Slughorn shook his head: "It's best not to leave Hogwarts during this period of time. I have to go to St. Mungo's tomorrow. Also, the Easter holiday is coming next week, you You can think more about the courses you need to take after your third year.”

Seeing Slughorn who was already a little impatient, Tubo left here with good sense.

Tubber had already expected Slughorn's attitude, so he was not angry.It's just that Tabor was a little disappointed because he didn't get the counter-curse of the Fire Curse.

When he returned to the dormitory, Tabor saw Zane and Caractacus working on their homework together, so he did not go over to disturb them. Instead, after checking the cherries and sesame seeds, he lay on the bed and thought. My plans for the next period of time.

There is no way to continue studying the Fire Curse and Black Magic for the time being, and it is really time for me to think about which courses to take next semester.

Compared to the ancient runes, Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, and Muggle Studies 50 years later.There is currently no divination course among the optional courses. The reason is that there is no suitable professor for divination. The current Principal Dippet is not a person who can accept centaurs as professors.

But now you can choose dueling class as one of the elective courses.Tabor had heard Flivi praise the course more than once.

Ancient Runes, Arithmetic and Divination, Care of Magical Creatures, and Duels are all necessary to study in Tabor's opinion. As for the last Muggle Studies class, it should be easy for him to get a pass, and by passing It seems interesting to see Muggles from a wizard's perspective.

Maybe it's not impossible to choose all the elective courses, and maybe get a time turner to study.

After making the decision, Tabor fell asleep peacefully.

The next day, when Tabor was sitting in the auditorium after finishing his meal, he received today's newspaper delivered by an owl.

The newspaper had a lot of space, reporting everything about Prince Castle yesterday afternoon. The stone castle was surrounded by raging fire. After that, the Ministry of Magic dispatched two Aurors to put out the fire.And he pointed all the fingers at Grindelwald, who was active in Germany.

Many people believe that the sudden inspection by the Ministry of Magic some time ago cut off the Saint's financial path, so the head of the Prince family was retaliated against.

Tabor didn't see anything of value in the newspaper. Apart from a moving picture of Allen being carried into St. Mungo's on a floating stretcher, the article was full of unrealistic speculations and vague guidance. Words that the reader imagines.

"Hey! Tab, your uncle was seriously injured this time." Zane obviously also saw the newspaper: "Do you need to go and take a look?"

Tabor shook his head: "I have nothing to do with the Prince family. As for Allen, he probably doesn't want to see me at the Prince family."

Caractacus suddenly said: "This is definitely not the work of a saint. There must be someone in the Ministry of Magic who wants to forcefully accuse Grindelwald. That gentleman will never do such a thing."

Tabor lowered his head and continued to read the newspaper. He naturally knew that Grindelwald would not do this. If Grindelwald really came to take revenge, his good uncle would have died a hundred and eighty times.

"Tub, what do you think?"

"Well, Grindelwald has never been to the UK, and didn't he say before that Allen was providing resources to the Saints? Even if he wants to take revenge, he should take revenge on the Ministry of Magic for seizing the Prince family's property." Tabor was a little confused. He said perfunctorily.

Observing that almost everyone felt that this was a signal that Grindelwald was about to enter the UK, Tabor was relieved.

"Tub, what subjects are you going to take? My parents have sent me recommended courses." Zane took a sip of pumpkin juice and said vaguely.

"If possible, I would like to take all the electives. They are all useful, and I feel that taking all the courses at the same time is not too much of a burden for me."

Seeing that Tabor spoke so lightly, Zane and Caractacus looked at each other and decided to ignore the animal until dinner.

As for after dinner, I naturally had to refer to the paper that had almost become the standard answer to complete my homework.

When Tubo filled in his course selection form and handed it in, Professor Slughorn just looked at him with a complicated look and put the form away.

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