
Chapter Seven: Rhallani

When I told the innkeeper I wanted a room with a single bed, I felt Rhallani shiver beside me. After thanking her and ignoring the pointed look she gave me, we headed to check it out. It was nothing fancy, but it was four walls, an intact roof, and an honest to gods bed with real pillows and reasonably soft covers. I barely had time to look it over once before lips crashed into mine.

Rhallani threw her arms around my neck and kissed me passionately. I stumbled a bit, caught off guard, but I quickly regained my wits. I was growing very tired of holding back, and with how fervently she explored my lips I didn’t think she’d mind.

My hands found their way below her cloak and onto her back. Then they went lower, and I grabbed a handful of pear-shaped cheek in either hand and gave it a good squeeze. She moaned into my mouth and pressed into me even harder. My hands went lower still until I had a grip on her thighs, then I lifted. Her ankles locked together behind me as her back hit the wall. I felt her fingers working their way into my hair even as one of my own hands caressed its way up her body to give one of her pert breasts a squeeze. Her legs tightened around me and she gasped.

I trailed a line of kisses across her cheek and down her neck until I could nibble at the flesh above her collarbone, and she made the most wonderful sound. I grew even harder than I already was, and from the way she started to grind her hips into mine I knew she felt it. I slid my hand under her shirt and brushed my fingers across the nub at the center of her breast and her body trembled.

“W—wait,” she panted, and I realized I could sense the faintest trace of fear in her.

I froze, not daring to move a muscle. Had I pushed too hard? I slowly lifted my lips away from her throat so I could look her in the eye. Her cheeks were flushed, but the heat in her eyes told me it wasn’t regret that made her hesitate. “Rhallani?” My voice was soft, but it made her shiver.

“B—bath. I haven’t truly bathed in a week. We should take a bath.” It sounded like she was talking to herself more than me.

Technically speaking, other than a brief dip in an icy river, I hadn’t bathed in about thirty years. That didn’t stop the second head in my pants from telling me how little it cared. Not for the first time, I wondered if Allura had remembered to give me enough blood to power my new equipment without starving my brain of it.

“If that’s what you want,” my hand went to the back of her neck and pulled her towards me so I could kiss the corner of her mouth, “then that’s what we’ll do,” I kissed the other corner, “even if you’re driving me a little crazy.” I leaned in and she kissed me back in full for a few more seconds.

She used her legs still wrapped around me to grind against my length again. “I’m sorry,” she said, though she didn’t particularly sound it, “I can help you with it, if you’d like?”

I growled and pinned her even higher on the wall. I leaned until our noses were practically touching, but our lips didn’t meet. “No. Once we start, I don’t plan on stopping.” I gave her ass a smack, leaving my hand to get a few gropes in. She squeaked, but desire flashed in her eyes. “If you want to bathe tonight, it’s now or never.”
“You’ll have to let me down first,” she pointed out, though she sounded as reluctant as I felt.

I held her up against the wall for a few more seconds, then relented and set her down on wobbling legs. I grabbed her chin between two fingers and gave her a quick kiss, then leaned so my lips were right next to her ear. “If at any point this becomes to much for you, you will tell me and we’ll stop. I won’t judge you for it.

Whatever we do tonight, I want you to enjoy it.”

I felt that hint of fear fade, and she giggled. “I’ll try not to make you wait too long, then.” I spun her towards the door and gave her another smack on the ass. The heated look she shot over her shoulder gave me the impression that there would be plenty more spanking in our future.

She’d been here before, so I followed her to the bathing house out behind the inn. It was split by gender, so I bid her a reluctant farewell after drawing her pack from storage long enough for her to get a change of clothes out. Then, pulling out my other outfit, went towards the men’s side.

Between the blightwolves, getting stabbed, and fighting two very uneven battles, I was starting to think it would be more efficient to simply burn my current shirt than worry about trying to patch it up. I banished it anyways. Never knew when I might need some strips of cloth.

Thankfully the thought of spending time in a room with other nude men was enough to quell my angry erection. There were a handful of them, but they took one look at my scars and my stature and made the wise decision to give me a wide berth. I cleaned myself up as best I could and sat down for a brief soak.

I’d never taken the best care of myself. I knew that. I went from struggling to survive for a decade under my old master straight to fighting an unwinnable war that I fully expected to kill me each and every day. I didn’t know how many of my previous levels I had earned simply by throwing myself at a powerful enemy and being genuinely surprised when I was the one left standing. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d sat in a hot bath and simply enjoyed the heat seeping into my muscles. I didn’t know if there was a last time.

I decided to give Rhallani a bit longer so I could go over things in my head for a moment. I leaned against the edge of the bath and closed my eyes. I didn’t know what exactly this was between us, but I knew she was rapidly becoming important to me in ways that honestly frightened me. If I wanted to go down this path, I needed to understand how I’d found myself on it in the first place. Was it Allura’s interference? Or was it something else? I hadn’t felt like this about someone since Eliya.

Just thinking the name felt like I was being stabbed all over again. I still remembered holding her as she died. The feeling of the life going out of her as her body went limp in my arms. The smile on her face as she spent her final breath begging me to not let her death break me. It had. Losing her shattered something in me that I figured would never be right again. It was that moment I’d decided either Karn was dying or I was.

I hadn't really thought I stood a chance, but then I found myself standing over his corpse while his laboratory went up in flames around me. I couldn’t bring myself to take my own life. Not while I was the only one left who would remember Eliya. Who would remember the others. Instead, I went searching for the nearest nasty thing that might do the job. It fell too. So did the next one. And the one after that. Rolar had found me sitting atop the corpse of a troll who’d developed a taste for the children of a nearby village.

He’d taken my rage and aimed it towards Grimsbane. I was just thrilled to have a target that I didn’t think I’d be able to kill in a million years. By the time I started to realize we actually had a chance, I’d seen too much death and destruction. Too much pain and misery. Grimsbane was the tyrant I knew my late master would have someday become.

I’d slept with women during my time with the Rolar and his party, but I’d never gotten close to any of them. I didn’t know if it was because I refused to let anyone in after Eliya or if I was simply incapable of it. If I was scared of getting hurt again or if Iliri had been right to accuse me of punishing myself for what I’d lived through and others hadn’t. Whatever the reason, by the time I decided to bury myself and this cursed blade alongside me there was nobody left to miss me. I thought I’d prefer it that way. Now? I wasn’t so sure.

I’d known her for less than a week, and Rhallani had awakened things in me that I hadn’t known still existed. I wasn’t sure the full depth of my feelings towards her, but I knew they were growing deeper with every passing day. Had Allura fixed whatever was broken in me? Or was it something else? Iliri thought I was punishing myself for failing those in my past. Now that I had a chance to secure their futures, had I subconsciously left that burden behind? Above all, did any of it even matter?

When I thought about Rhallani, the taste of her lips, the feeling of her beneath my hands, the sound of her laugh, of her moans, I decided it didn’t. I could torture myself with questions I might not ever be able to answer, or I could go back upstairs and enjoy my adorable little scholar the way she so clearly wants to be enjoyed.

After all, the mission Allura had given me wasn’t like the war against Grimsbane. I didn’t have some singular enemy to throw myself at. She wanted me to prepare this world, and that wasn’t something that happened overnight. This mission could take years, and I found that thought considerably less daunting if I had someone like Rhallani at my side. Hells, she was so smart I had no doubt she’d be invaluable if I told her about the task the goddess had given me. No, not if, when.

But I’d never get to that point as long as I sat in the bath moping. The bath had been amazing, but I had something else warm to sink into tonight.

I wasn’t surprised that she’d returned to the room before me. I was surprised at just how much difference a bath made. She’d been beautiful before, but when I entered the room and she stood to look at me I was gripped by the urge to throw her onto the bed and make sure she needed another wash by the time I was done with her. Tonight was her first time, though, so I would take things slower.

Judging by the hesitant look on her face, she’d done almost as much thinking in the baths as I had. “There you are, I was starting to wonder,” she said.

I locked the door—something that she very clearly noticed—and crossed the room until we were face to face. I cupped my palm to her cheek, and she leaned into my touch with half-lidded eyes. “I’m sorry I made you worry. Were you waiting long?”

I started to lower my hand, but her own rose and trapped it against her cheek. “No, not long. I didn’t think I’d be the first one back.”

I trailed my thumb across her bottom lip. “I take it you had a productive soak, then?”

She bit her lip where I’d touched it. “D—do you want to find out?”

This girl. I laughed and pulled her closer to me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and lowered my lips to hers. She hooked one arm behind my head and melted into me, and I enjoyed her taste much more leisurely than I had before. “I’m going to have to watch what I say to you, aren’t I?”

She ran her hand down my chest. It didn’t stop until it found the waistband of my pants. “I wish you wouldn’t,” she said, her voice barely more than a whisper.

“Then I won’t.” She stood on her tiptoes and pressed her lips back to mine. Then, rather than going down, her hand went up. Up underneath my shirt, her cool hands trailing over my stomach. She touched the first scar, and I jerked back. My hand shot to her wrist, stopping it in its tracks. “Don’t, please.”

Her eyes searched mine. “Why?”

How could I possibly explain it to her without ruining things? “I want tonight to be about you. I don’t want you to spend it wondering about—about my scars.”

She swallowed. “I’ve seen them.” When I stiffened, she brought her other hand under my shirt and ran it up my back up to where three long lines trailed from my shoulder blade to my hip. “You were out for three days, remember? I had to take your shirt off to dress your wounds.”

I let go of the hand in my grasp and it went back to caressing my abs. I stood there, frozen, while her fingers explored every part of my torso. What could she possibly think? Many of them were from the countless battles I’d fought, sure, but I was only level nine. The only possibilities for a level nine having damage this extensive were torture, that I’d gotten them before my class, or that I was lying to her. I wasn’t sure which option scared her most, but I knew they’d all occurred to her.

“I’m sorry,” I said finally, and she smiled. “I’m sure your curiosity has been driving you crazy.”
She gave my nipple a tweak, and jumped up to capture my open mouth with hers when I gasped. “Now who’s the one throwing around unneeded apologies?” she asked coyly.

Rhallani was playing a dangerous game, and it was time she learned that. I scooped her up before she knew what was happening. She squealed as I tossed her on the bed, but when she landed there was a wide smile on her face. I pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it aside. Immediately her eyes roamed over my chest appreciatively, then she leaned back on her elbows and spread her long ivory legs enough to make her skirt ride up. I saw a flash of the black lace panties I’d noticed the day I’d purchased her pack from Pierce, and it was the final straw.

I descended upon her mercilessly. I covered her mouth with mine, propping myself up with one arm under her head while the other explored her body. I placed my knee between her legs and she wasted no time in grinding against it. The leg not under me wrapped around my waist, and I felt her hands on my back. They traced my scars with soft, light touches that drove me crazy. When my hand quested southward and rubbed the mound under the black lace, her back arched and her fingernails dug into my back.

“I think you’re wearing far too many clothes,” I whispered in her ear once I allowed her to breathe.
She stopped touching me long enough to put her arms up. In one quick motion I pulled her top off, revealing her perfect breasts. She hadn’t bothered putting on a bra after her soak, it seemed. She moaned when I leaned down to capture a nipple in my mouth while my other hand kneaded her free breast.

“Oh yes! Ren!” she ground against my leg harder, but I pulled it away. She whimpered, but stopped when I started trailing kisses from her breasts down towards her navel. No sooner had I hooked my fingers in her waistband than she raised her hips and allowed me to pull the fabric down, leaving her panties in place. One day I’d fuck her while she wore her cute little skirt, but tonight I wanted all of her.

I ran my thumb down the lace of her undergarments and she gasped sweetly. I trailed around the spot she wanted touched most, but I never quite touched it. The fabric was already soaked through. “A shame. You look so cute in lace, I’m almost hesitant to take them off,” I teased.

She rocked her hips towards my thumb. “Please, Ren. Please touch me there.”

Deciding to have mercy on her, I removed the panties as well. As soon as I got past her hips and saw that there wasn’t a single hair above her perfect pink slit, I paused and raised my brows. “A bath, huh?”

“Ren!” she begged.

Laughing, I trailed my fingers all the way down her legs while I pulled the lace off her. By the end I was kneeling at the edge of the bed, so I sank down and grabbed her thighs, pulling her body towards me in one quick move. “Since you asked so nicely.”

“What are—Oh!” she gasped when I kissed the tender flesh on the inside of her thigh. I trailed kisses up one, then the other, each one bringing me a little closer to the heat at her core. “Y—you don’t have to—aaahn!” Her words failed her when I trailed my tongue up her outer lips.

“I know I don’t have to,” I gave her another long, slow lick without any real pressure behind it, “but I want to,” I trailed a slow circle around her folds, then brought a finger up to tease the soft flesh just inside them, “but if you really don’t want me to, then—”

Her hands sunk into my hair and pulled my face into her. I threw her legs over my shoulder and began licking. Slowly at first, but I quickly picked up speed. Her grip tightened and her legs squeezed my head, so I plunged my tongue into her depths. She pulled me in tighter with a high pitched cry, then she fell back when I pressed two fingers to the nub at her hood. I felt her body shudder and her pussy clench around my tongue. I worked it slowly while she shivered through her orgasm, letting her ride out the pleasure. From where I sat I couldn’t see her face over her heaving breasts, but finally her thighs released their vice grip

I could hear her breathing hard, so I gave her a few parting licks before I kissed another trail up her body. When I got to her face, she pulled me into a heated kiss, not caring that my face was still covered in her juices. She pulled back with a heated gaze that flicked towards my lower half. “I think you’re wearing far too many clothes,” she panted.

I trailed my fingers up her stomach and between her breasts. “You know, if you’re going to keep parroting what I say then we’ll never get to the really fun stuff.”

She reached up and captured my face with both hands. There was a fire in her eyes that both worried me and made my cock jerk hard. “Ren?” she said sweetly, “take off your fucking pants.”

That made me laugh, which only seemed to stoke that fire. I kissed her, giving her nipple a quick tweak as revenge for earlier, then stood at the edge of the bed. “Now we’re getting somewhere.”

She didn’t blink once while she watched me undo my belt and drop my pants to the ground. When I lost the undergarments as well and my cock came into view, she bit her lip so hard I thought it might start bleeding. As soon as I stepped close enough she reached out and wrapped her fingers around it. I groaned, and she took it as a sign to add her other to the fray. She pumped me slowly, her eyes locked on my face to watch for my every reaction, her face only inches from my erection.

Her plump lips were slightly parted and so perfectly soft looking that it took all my willpower not to push my hips forward. When she leaned in and gave the head a tentative lick, it damn near pushed me over the edge. I didn’t speak and she didn’t look away when she went in for the second one, this time much more confident. She licked it a third time, then opened her mouth wide and took my head past her lips.

“Fuck, Rhallani.” My hand found its way to the side of her head, but I didn’t push her.

Her eyes glittered and she took me deeper while her hands continued to stroke me. It started off clumsy and hesitant, but every time she pulled a groan out of me her technique improved. As her confidence grew, so did her speed. She pushed down as far as she could, but there was just too much. I felt the back of her throat again and again as she tried to take me deeper, but each time she gagged. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes, but her gaze only grew more determined.

I ran my hand through her hair. I was getting close. “Don’t push yourself too far,” I told her, my voice low and husky, “we’ve got at least six months for you to take it all.”

She moaned into my cock and one of her hands disappeared between her legs. I felt her tongue working my shaft even as I slid in and out of her mouth, and her lips felt like heaven wrapped around me. My cock throbbed, and I felt the final waves of pleasure rapidly approaching.

“Rhallani, I’m gonna come,” I grunted.

Her eyes flared, irises glowing, and her other hand returned to my length. She doubled her efforts, and the slickness from the juices on her hand were too much. I tried to pull back, not expecting her to swallow her very first time, but her hands grabbed my hips and pulled me even deeper into her mouth. I erupted, and I felt her sucking grow even more intense. Her throat worked overtime to swallow spurt after spurt of the largest load I’d ever shot in my life. I clutched onto her head with as much force as I dared while pleasure tore through me. I grunted, struggling to keep my footing, but she never stopped swallowing.

When I was finally spent, she slowly dragged her lips backward. I shuddered at the feeling of her soft mouth on my sensitive cock, and sucked in my breath when her tongue lapped against my head looking for any sign of remaining cum. Then she pulled back with half-lidded eyes. She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, showing me that none of my load remained un-swallowed.

“Holy fuck, Rhallani,” I panted with raised brows.

I watched her slowly come out of whatever trance she’d gone into. Then her eyes went wide and a crimson flush crept from her neck up to her face. She made a whimpering sound and buried her face into her hands while drawing her knees to her chest. She mumbled something into her hands that sounded something like, “oh gods, please don’t look at me like that!”

Not really the reaction I was hoping for after all that, but I was currently experiencing the wonderful clarity that came with a good nut. I sat next to her while my cock softened and wrapped an arm around her. She tensed at my touch, but her face remained buried. Had I done something wrong? “Hey,” I cooed, “hey, come on. Rhallani, tell me what’s wrong.”

She just shook her head. “I—”

But I knew that tone. I kissed her temple, then said into her ear, “if you say ‘I don’t want you to hate me,’ I will pin you down and use my tongue to make you cum until you beg for mercy.” She sniffled, but didn’t say anything. Looks like I hit the nail on the head. “Look, Rhallani, whatever it is, we can talk about it. In fact, I’d very much like to talk about it.”

She only shook her head harder. “It—It’s embarrassing! I can’t! You won’t want to be with me!”

Gods, how many times had this girl been put down for the way she was that she was this terrified? “Rhallani,” I knew how much it meant to hear her name, so I hoped using it might calm her, “you just gave me the best blowjob I’ve ever had in my life. I can promise you that I very much want more of what we’ve done so far.”

That just made her retreat into herself even more. I gently rubbed her back, thinking about what I said. Only one possibility came to mind. That had been the best blowjob I’d ever had, even if it didn’t exactly have much competition. Not exactly the kind of thing I’d expect from someone who’d never been with a man. I knew she was a virgin, though, since I’d just seen the physical proof with my own tongue.

I kept stroking her back and put a hand on her knee. “Rhallani, if you’ve done stuff with other guys, I won’t be angry. I can hardly fault you for anything you did before we met.”

Her head jerked up, eyes wide. “NO! No, it’s not that! I’ve never—I’ve never even kissed anyone.”

I’d be lying if that didn’t make me feel a little good about myself, but if it wasn’t that… “Then would you please tell me? I’ve seen some pretty awful things in my time, and I’d prefer not to let my imagination run wild.” If I found out that someone had hurt her, that someone had done something to her against her will, then I’d hunt them down to the ends of Kasidiel.

Her hands went to her lap where she wrung her fingers. “I’ve never done anything like that with anyone, but…” Her thighs rubbed against one another, and her next words were so quiet I had to lean in to hear them, “but I’ve read about it. A lot.”

Relief floored me. Of all the world-shattering revelations I was afraid of, the fact that she was a bit of a pervert was probably best-case scenario. I couldn’t help but laugh, but that only made her shrink more. I fought down the laugh and pulled her in for a kiss. She seemed surprised at first, but when my tongue prodded at her lips she relented and melted into me.

“I’m not laughing at you,” I told her, “I was just caught off guard. You had me worried it was something actually bad.”

She stiffened in my arms. “But it is!” she practically wailed. “I’m a pervert! A degenerate! I’ve spent the last week just imagining you doing all sorts of things to me!”

Is that so? I pulled her shoulders so that her back was pressed to my chest and snaked my arms under hers so I could wrap a hand around her breast. She gasped, and my other one went lower. “What sort of things?” When she didn’t answer, I brushed my hands along the insides of her thighs.

Her legs spread for me, but she just whimpered in my arms. “I can’t.”

I gave her a loud sigh and began to withdraw my fingers. “Alright, I won’t force you.”

I’d barely made it an inch before her hand grabbed my wrist. She tugged slightly, but I had her beat on strength. “I—when you made me walk in front of you, I wondered what it would be like if you just pushed me against a tree and took me right in the forest,” she blurted out.

I smiled and let her guide my hand to her folds. I rubbed my fingers against her outer lips and she sighed. I nibbled on her ear, then whispered, “good girl.” Her body went rigid. “What else?”

“When we shared the bedroll, I secretly wanted you to just slide my panties over and slip in.” I moved my fingers quicker and began to tease her nipple with my other hand. “Ahn! I felt how hard you were. I couldn’t fall asleep because I couldn’t stop thinking about waking up with you inside me.”

I slid a finger in and she moaned. She leaned back into me, one hand still on the wrist that was between her legs, the other she reached up and placed on my cheek. “I wanted to wake you up by sucking your cock, but I was too scared.” I slid a second finger in and nibbled on her neck above the collar that served as her sole article of clothing. She needed no extra prompting, and I had better things I could be doing with my mouth.

“I was so wet when you put this collar. I was afraid you’d hear it when we were walking to the inn. I was dripping.” I slid a third finger in and she arched into me. “Even in the tower,” she panted, “I could feel you looking at me. I’d never been looked at like that before. I was so hot. I kept imagining you pinning me to the wall and fucking me.” I sped my fingers up and she began pushing her hips up to meet them. Her eyes were closed, and I could tell she was lost in the bliss. “Flipping my skirt up while I worked on the traps and taking me from behind. Making me break runes with your cum dripping from my poor abused snatch.” I removed my hand from her breast and reached down to rub circles around her clit. “Throwing me onto the bed in that study and taking me in all three holes until you had to throw me over your shoulder and carry me down like a—aaaahhhhh!

She screamed as she came on my fingers. Her body convulsed, and she held onto me like she might float away if she let go. Liquid squirted far enough to clear the edge of the bed and land on the floor. I let her ride out her orgasm, peppering her neck with kisses while she bucked against me. I wrapped my arms around her stomach and held her tight until her cries calmed down and the spasms stopped.

I nuzzled into her neck. “Still think being a pervert is so bad?”

She twisted in my arms and shoved her mouth against mine. I let my hands roam freely, from her breasts to her hips to her thighs to her butt, but never quite to her swollen lower lips. She finally broke the kiss and lowered to rest her forehead against my jaw. “If you keep giving me these mind blowing orgasms, you’ll never be rid of me.”

I gave her pert rear another squeeze. “Is that all it takes?” She giggled adorably, her fingertips trailing up and down my forearm. She sighed contentedly. I knew it was a foolish question, but I asked anyways. “Do you want to stop here for tonight?”

Her eyes snapped to mine with a ferocity that almost made me flinch. “Not a chance. After all,” I felt her hands wrap around my cock that had fully recovered from her mouth, “this little guy isn’t done yet.”

My brows raised. “I’ve spent some time down here tonight,” I trailed my finger along her folds, “so trust me when I say he won’t feel so little for long.”

She rose to the challenge in my tone and shoved my chest back before leaning down and taking my length in her mouth again. She wasn’t trying to get me off like before, so it was a much more soothing affair this time. I put my hand on the back of her head and gently applied pressure, and she moaned in appreciation.

“I only wish we’d had time to stop by the store for condoms,” I admitted. The thought of her carrying my kid sent thrills through me that I didn’t have time to unpack, but I wasn’t going to bring a celestial child into this world until after I’d torn these Accords to shreds.

Her lips slid off my shaft with a pop. “Actually, that isn’t necessary.” Excitement sparkled in her eyes.
My breath caught in my throat. “Go on.”

She gently worked my shaft in her hand while she smiled up at me. “Well, you know how celestials are adept at simple magics?”

“I do now.”

She kissed the head of my dick. “For my eighteenth birthday, my sister showed me a spell that prevents conception.” Her empty hand trailed down her stomach, stopping just above her nethers. She whispered a few words in celestial and a violet sigil briefly flashed over her womb, then she looked up at me with hooded eyes. “Until I deactivate it, you can fill me up as much as you want and I won’t get pregnant.”

In a flash I had her pinned underneath me, my cock resting on her stomach. She looked up at me with wide eyes, but her legs merely spread underneath me. She reached down and pulled her lower lips apart, giving me an amazing view of her bright pink insides.

I held myself up with one hand and lined myself up with the other. Her chest heaved when the head of my cock gently prodded her opening. I felt a thrill of fear from her, but it vanished almost as quickly. “Will you kiss me when you go in?” she asked.

I leaned down so that we were face to face. “If you ask me so sweetly, how could I ever say no?”
I teased her folds, but I was still hesitant to push in all the way. I hadn’t ever been anyone’s first time, and that was before my upgrade. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt her, and after seeing just how big I was compared to her slim frame I suddenly found I had doubts.

But Rhallani just reached up with one hand, leaving the other at her pussy, and looked me in the eyes. “Fuck me, Zaren,” she whispered.

It was all I needed. I pressed my lips to hers even as I slowly inched my hips forward. Fiery hot tightness enveloped my head and she cried out into me. I pushed in a little more and felt resistance, then her body clenched below me. I froze, but she wrapped her legs around me and used them to pull me in. I slid in further and she flinched, turning her face from me.

“It’s alright,” I whispered. “Just breathe. Relax. If you clench, it just hurts worse.” That’s what I’d been told, at least, and I finally understood what that meant. Her walls clamped down on me so hard I couldn’t move if I wanted to, and I wasn’t even halfway in yet. Her eyes were clamped shut and her breathing came in gasps, so I leaned down and peppered her exposed throat with kisses until I felt her body starting to relax. Once I could move again, I slowly slid out, then back in.

“Aaaahhhh! Ren!” Her nails dug into my back. Her body tightened when I started to make more progress, but it relaxed much quicker than last time. I slowly slid in and out, pushing just a litttle deeper each time. She buried her face in my neck and wrapped her arms around me, but her legs kept pulling me in deeper and deeper.

I was glad she’d already brought me to orgasm once, because I wasn’t sure if I could have lasted this long otherwise. She was unbelievably tight and hotter than I’d expected a celestial to be. Her body resisted my advance, but her walls seemed to pull me back in every time I tried to leave her fiery embrace. Her fingernails dug into my shoulders hard enough to draw blood, but I just kept slowly sawing in and out. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I felt our hips meet.

“I’m all the way in,” I told her.

“Fuck, there’s so much. I feel so full.”

“Just breathe, my adorable little scholar,” I felt her walls tighten around me, then they started to loosen. We laid there for a while, just letting her get used to my size. “That’s a good girl.”

She cried out, and I felt her pussy clench around me just before I felt a wave of wetness at my crotch. I’d begun to suspect it, but now I knew for sure. She had a praise kink. “I’m so pathetic,” she whined.
I threaded my fingers into her hair and turned her face towards mine so I could kiss her. “Perfect is what you are.” She pushed into the kiss and I slowly pulled my hips back. She moaned again as I slid almost all the way out, then pushed back in. I settled into a slow rhythm, slightly picking up speed with each thrust while we made out.

When I finally got to a reasonable speed, she pulled back. “This is perfect, but…”

I knew what she wanted, but I wanted to hear her say it. I came to a stop fully buried in her. “Yes?”

She bit her lip, then I saw the heat in her eyes. She swallowed. “I’m pretty sure I asked you to fuck me.”

Well, when she put it like that. “Be careful what you ask for.”

Her eyes glowed, and I repositioned so I was kneeling upright, dragging her hips with me. She gasped, and I could see the arousal wash over her. I grabbed her hips with both hands and lifted her so I had a good angle, then I pulled my length out until there was barely an inch left inside.

“Whatever happens,” she said quickly, “don’t stop.”

This fucking girl. Rather than pushing my hips forward, I slammed hers down. She cried out in ecstasy, then I started hammering our hips together in full. She grabbed two fistfuls of the covers and held on for dear life. My gaze was torn between watching her breasts bounce every time my hips slammed into her fantastic ass and seeing her eyes rolling into the back of her head while she screamed incoherently.

I hadn’t been thrusting for long before I felt her tighten around me and the screams reached a higher pitch. She’d given me clear orders, so I just ramped up the speed. Her orgasm chained into a second one and her body arched so deeply that only her shoulders and my cock held her up.

Not long after that, I felt her trying to rock her hips into me. An idea occurred to me, and I conjured a single tendril that I commanded to wrap around her back and lift her up so that we were once again chest to chest, but sitting upright this time. Her arms and legs wrapped around me, and she buried her face in my chest, but this position gave her the leverage to meet my thrusts.

She slammed her hips down even as I pumped in and out of her. She cried out into my chest when I resumed my previous speed, and her fingernails tore into my back. Feeling her clenching down on me was bringing me closer and closer to the edge. “I’m getting close,” I grunted.

I felt her lips frantically kissing my neck. “Cum for me, baby. Fill me up.”

I erupted, shooting burst after burst as deep inside hear as I could. She shuddered against me, and I knew she was having a final orgasm. She trembled against me limply. I kissed the top of her head and rubbed her back while I waited for her to find her way back to reality.

I could feel myself softening inside her, so I gently lifted her off my length. A deluge of cum fell from her, mixed with the crimson of her first time. I took a look at the bed and was glad to see we’d managed to keep pretty much all the fluids to one side. I’d have to make sure I left a hefty tip for the maids, but at least I’d have somewhere dry to sleep.

I stood with her still wrapped around me and walked to the dry side of the bed. I held her with my hands while I used the tendril I’d conjured in the heat of the moment to lift the covers and lay her down. She was out cold with an expression of bliss on her face. I hunted down a towel and cleaned us both up a little, then I blew out the candle that lit the room and slid into the bed next to her. I wrapped my arms around her and, even asleep, she nuzzled into me.

Safe, warm, and wrapped in the embrace of someone I was beginning to care very much about, I drifted off in no time.

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