Shenhao: I can get cashback a hundred times

Chapter 088

Although the above did not fire him, he was also ready to go.

But to be honest, the above resigned him so directly, and it really made him see through a little.

No matter how he said, he can also be regarded as an old man on the bullfighting live broadcast platform, right?

He was there from the very beginning of the platform.

But what!

There is hard work without credit, right?

If you don’t ask for a salary increase, forget it, now seeing that you are older, you actually fired yourself directly?

It’s amazing!

Originally, he still had some feelings for the bullfighting live broadcast platform, but now it seems that his feelings are completely like wishful thinking!

“Since you are ruthless, don’t blame me for being unrighteous!”

Atletico wanted to go alone, but now he feels that he can take a team with him!

He also contacted Xunzhi directly and asked him to help him ask if he could bring a team over.

Xun Zhi also conveyed the meaning of Atletico to Liu Dian, and Liu Dan was naturally quite happy after listening to it.

At present, the red panda live broadcast platform is in short of manpower, and it would be great if a professional team could come over.

“You tell him, if he can really bring a team over, I will call the shots and double his annual salary!”

“Okay, Liu Shao, I see!”

Xunzhi got a reply from Liu Dan here, and also said Liu Dian’s words to Ma Jingxian intact.

“Double the annual salary!”

That sentence alone was enough to make Atletico firm up their minds.

He has been an executive on the bullfighting live broadcast platform for so many years, and although his salary has not increased much, because of his outstanding ability, he has also brought many small apprentices out.

They are all their own cronies, but because they follow themselves, they basically can’t be taken seriously.

In the past, Atletico also felt sorry for them, but now that the opportunity has come, he naturally can’t miss it.

They contacted their cronies and explained the situation, and then before Atletico could say anything about taking them with them.

His little apprentices all said one after another, no matter where the teacher goes, as long as you say a word, we will all follow the past!

So, Atletico left Madrid!

At the same time, there were as many as twenty people who left with him!

Don’t underestimate these people, although they are not high-ranked, they are all selected by Atletico after all.

All of them are people who can do practical things, and their departure, the Douyu live broadcast platform has been hit hard.


Zhang Lei, chairman of the bullfighting live broadcast platform, directly and urgently called for the meeting, and for the company’s general manager Gong Xu fired the executive Atletico, Zhang Lei also directly slapped the table and roared angrily!

Gong Xu is Zhang Lei’s nephew and the general manager of the bullfighting live broadcast platform.

As for Zhang Lei, the chairman of the platform, because he is old and has no son, he will give power to his nephew Gong Xu.

But who would have thought that Gong Xu would directly do such a messy thing?!

Gong Xu also lowered his head in the face of Zhang Lei’s reprimand and did not dare to speak, but he secretly pouted and muttered in a low voice, “It’s just an executive who is almost forty years old, if you dismiss, what’s the big deal?” ”

“What do you think about the current major anchors leaving other platforms? Tell me about it! ”

Although Zhang Lei is old, he single-handedly founded the bullfighting live broadcast platform and successfully listed the bullfighting live broadcast platform, and his ability is definitely not comparable to Gong Xu’s waste material.

Originally, Gong Xu’s ability was okay, but Zhang Lei saw that it was almost the same, and he also delegated power to him.

But who knew that this would happen?

Several anchors with the largest platform traffic collectively left to other platforms, which is self-digging for their own platforms!

But what about Gong Xu?

Not only are they not in a hurry about this, but they are complacent about more than a billion liquidated damages?

Without these popular anchors, the platform will collapse, what is the use of these liquidated damages?

That’s all!

But he actually made his own claim and fired many older executives on the platform!

Originally, the external worries had already given Zhang Lei a headache, but now that Gong Xu suddenly did this, the internal troubles all came out at once!

“Uncle, I think, things are not as bad as you think, right?”

Gong Xu raised his head and also sneered and said, “These anchors, their vision is too shallow, and they choose to jump jobs for the sake of a little fly in front of them!” They don’t know at all, can they have today, not what our platform gave them?! ”

“Uncle, let me say that with so many liquidated damages, we can create more top popular anchors!”

Gong Xu stood up and felt a little like Fang Xuan.

He…… How to say, the ability is not big, the tone is not small.

“Create another batch of top popular streamers?! Do you really think that the top popular streamers can be created by us if we want to build?! ”

Zhang Lei listened to what his nephew said, his face was livid, and he almost didn’t get angry with his heart attack.

After the meeting, Zhang Lei also left Gong Xu behind.

“What do you think about Atletico?!”

Zhang Lei was about to be angry with his nephew, he originally thought that he still had some ability, but he didn’t expect his vision to be so small?!

“Uncle, Atletico will soon be forty, although his ability is okay, but, I think it is really better to keep him than to recruit some young people!” Gong Xu also stood in front of Zhang Lei and said carefully.

“Messing around with stuff! He’s old, can I not know?! ”

Zhang Lei slapped the table fiercely, startling Gong Xu, who was standing on the side.

“Then uncle, how do you…”

“If he could dismiss, I would have resigned him a long time ago!” Zhang Lei angrily rebuked Gong Xu, “What you did in this way is like a fool!” ”


Gong Xu is also very aggrieved, to be honest, this kind of thing is normal in every large company!

Before the company also fired a group of old employees, or uncle you personally issued the order!

Why is it different this time on that Atletico?!

“Atletico are a little older, but they are still very capable! He has worked hard for so many years, and he has not asked for a salary increase or anything…”

Zhang Lei sat on the chair, looked at his nephew and sneered, “People’s annual salary is a little more than three million a year, right?” It’s not as good as the money you spend on a woman in a year, right? ”

These words made Gong Xu a little speechless!

Indeed, this year is less than a year, and he has already spent tens of millions on several of his women!

“But, Atletico, he…” Gong Xu was still a little unconvinced.

In fact, he has long wanted to sack Atletico, because everyone in the whole company respects him as the general manager, but only Atletico has always ignored him.

So taking this opportunity, Gong Xu also directly dismissed Atletico.

“What do you know?”

Zhang Lei directly slapped the table with his hand, startling Gong Xu, who was standing on the side.

“Atletico is a person like you give him a little sweetness, and he can give you life! You are good, I won’t talk about you if you are crony, what do you think about with him as a small person? ”

Zhang Lei looked at his nephew, and suddenly had a feeling that the mud could not support the wall.

“Now it’s good, you fired him, he took a group of people with his backhand!”

Zhang Lei is also angry, he gave him such a good platform, why is he so unmotivated?

“Uncle, things shouldn’t be as serious as you think, right? Although he took a group of people, they were all insignificant little people, it didn’t matter! ”

Gong Xu felt that his uncle had complicated the matter, and he still hadn’t realized the seriousness of the matter!

“It doesn’t matter?! I tell you, in the entire company, the people who can do things are the little people you call insignificant! Relying on those cronies of yours, you can’t catch up with the heat when you eat! ”

Zhang Lei snorted coldly, “You hurry up and find a way for me now!” First, reassure other employees of the company. Second, quickly find someone who can do things to fill the hole for me! Third, hurry up and cultivate popular anchors! ”

Zhang Lei said three things at once, all of which he could think of the best way to solve the current dilemma of the company.

However, although Gong Xu was nodding while listening, he didn’t hear a word of what his uncle said.

He and his new little lover yesterday have made an appointment to go to candlelight dinner tonight, then watch a movie, and finally open a dashing house ~~

It’s just that now it seems that the appointed time is almost reached, and the uncle is beeping here non-stop.

Gong Xu respected his uncle very much on the surface, and agreed with his mouth.

But in my heart, I was also thinking, “Dead old man, why are you going to beep here?” ”

“Did you understand what I said?!”

Zhang Lei angrily rebuked Gong Xu, and Gong Xu also said a little weakly, “I understand!” ”

“Got it, don’t you hurry up and do it?!”

“Okay, uncle, then I’ll arrange it now!”

Gong Xu answered, in fact, after he came out of the office, he found his cronies and gave a few casual orders, and then drove his sports car to pick up his new lover.

As for whether their cronies will do it?

What will be done?

That’s none of his business!

But Atletico, seeing these twenty people follow him out of the bullfighting live broadcast platform, he was also moved.

“Brother Ma, if you want me to say, we should have come out a long time ago!”

“Yes, Margo! You taught me when I first joined the company, and I wouldn’t have done anything without your dedication! ”

“Brother Ma, I believe you, as long as we follow you, we will definitely have a better life than now!”

In the private room of a five-star hotel, more than 20 men and women sat at the large round table.

They are all brought out by Atletico and their ability to do things is quite good.

This time Atletico were fired by the company, and they were also quite angry.

As the saying goes, even if there is no credit, there is hard work, right?

We have worked hard for the company for so many years, but they are good and directly fired you!

The reason is that you are older and do not adapt to the current work pressure?

It’s ridiculous!

Yes, only Atletico Madrid was sacked today.

But push yourself and others, today the company can treat old employees like this, tomorrow, can treat them like this.

People will have an old day, since the company makes itself cold, such a company, do not wait!

Atletico was also quite moved to hear them say this, stood up, holding the wine glass in his hand, “Thank you very much for supporting me so much, I won’t say more if you say more, everything is in this glass!” ”

As he spoke, Atletico also threw the wine in his glass.

His side had already contacted Liu Dan directly, and Liu Dan was also overjoyed when he heard that he brought twenty employees of the bullfighting live broadcast platform to join their red panda live broadcast platform.

The red panda live broadcast platform is now a time when there is a shortage of manpower, and the addition of their group of experienced old employees is believed to play a decisive role in the company’s future development.

However, Atletico also wanted to benefit the people he brought out as much as possible, and he also asked Liu Dan to see if he could raise everyone’s salary.

Liu Dan felt that it didn’t matter, but after all, the company’s major shareholder was Chu Jiang, and he couldn’t make full decisions.

However, according to his understanding of Chu Jiang, raising wages is just a trivial matter.

However, it was also a matter of asking, so Liu Dan hesitated, and also sent a message to Chu Jiang to explain the situation.

When Chu Jiang heard Liu Dan say this, he was very happy immediately.

“Raise wages? They must be given a raise! ”

Chu Jiang laughed happily and said, “In this way, what is the name of that one, anyway, it is the leader, the annual salary is doubled, and the bonus is calculated separately!” Other people, let’s rise by 50% first, see their ability, strong ability naturally has nothing to say! ”

“Okay, Chu Shao, I know!”

Liu Dan also complimented and said, “They can have such a generous boss as Chu Shao, that is really a blessing for their third cultivation!” ”

“Gotta go, you talk well, after all, you are also their boss!”

Chu Jiang also laughed, “Okay, Brother Liu, you hurry up over there, do a good job of publicity and other work, don’t open our platform at that time, it will be embarrassing without an audience!” ”

“Chu Shao rest assured, I’m good at drainage this kind of thing! Ha ha! ”

Liu Dan had a good contact with Chu Jiang here, and also told Chu Jiang’s words to Ma Jing.

No, Atletico also had a feeling of being smashed by happiness in an instant after hearing this!

PS: Fill in on the chapter promised yesterday, but this chapter is a 4000-word chapter!

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