Shenhao with a learning panel

Chapter 107 Rainy Day (Modified)

Chapter 107 Rainy Day (Modified)

The so-called is tolerable and unbearable.

He stood up and walked to the master bedroom.

Entering the bedroom, Li Shi was surprised to find that the sheets on the bed had been changed. It was light blue before, but now it was light pink.

Other things such as quilts and pillows have not changed, they are still used before.

He didn't ask, didn't say a word, walked slowly to the window, drew the curtains, and turned on the ceiling lamp.

Standing at the switch, turned around and looked over, looked at Chen Qiuye who was lying sideways on the bed for three seconds, and smiled at each other.

Autumn rains in the south.

A large swath of dark clouds accumulated over the city, and after brewing for long enough, the water vaporized into rain and finally fell.

Tiny raindrops hit the window glass, making a weak sound, like light percussion music.

This kind of sound from nature is the most pure and incomparably beautiful.

No wonder some people like to fall asleep to the sound of rain.

Gradually, the rain became heavier and heavier.


Suddenly there was a thunderclap, and the gentle wind and drizzle turned into a violent storm, which wet the entire Yangcheng in an instant.

Because it was covered with dark clouds and the wind was blowing for a long time, people who got up early to go to work or drink morning tea were basically prepared and brought various rain gear. Few people got wet because of the rain.

But Li Shi, he predicted the rain, but he didn't expect it to be so heavy.

But come fast, go fast.

It rained at six o'clock, and stopped after 08:30.

Li Shi slept for a while and didn't wake up until almost eleven o'clock.

He was not in a hurry to get up, and looked at Chen Qiuye who was sleeping next to him, then got up and went to the living room, found his mobile phone, first replied to the message sent by his assistant, and then checked the news, then walked to the coffee table, and found on the ground the phone he brought with him yesterday. He took out his tablet computer from the backpack he had brought, opened the full-color electronic version of "The Complete Works of Emeralds", and began to study hard.

The content of this book is too rich. He has already read it roughly once before, but he feels that it is not enough. Now he plans to read it a second time.

This time, he will take a longer time to read carefully and carefully.

Reading repeated books is actually very boring, especially this kind of professional works, unlike story novels, there are characters and stories, the plot can change, suspense, passion, to mobilize the reader's emotions and immerse them in it—— Can gnaw, gnaw hard.

"Spend a little more time to study now, which saves time for choosing to study on the panel in the future. When you have accumulated enough, you only need to go through it once, and you can directly get the attribute points."

Attribute points are the biggest motivation for him to learn extra. Besides, it is also related to making money.

After watching for an hour, when Li Shi stood up to exercise his muscles and bones, he stopped by the bedroom to have a look.

Chen Qiuye was still sleeping and didn't wake her up, but when she remembered something, she went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and put it on the bedside table beside her.

Then I went back to the living room to read a book.

Half an hour later, he took out his mobile phone and ordered a takeaway. At the same time, he also specially ordered a donkey-hide gelatin date brown sugar water and a tiramisu for Chen Qiuye.

For lunch, he ate claypot rice with shiitake mushrooms and chicken. The taste of this restaurant was good. After eating, he was not in a hurry to continue reading. Instead, he played with his mobile phone for a while, and then began to do warm-ups and arm swing exercises on the spot.

Only the correct arm swinging action can maintain the balance of the body during running. At the same time, the swing of the swinging leg can be increased and the kicking force of the running leg can be increased, so as to maintain the coordination of the arm, body and leg movements, thereby improving Stride length and cadence.

In-situ training, there is not much movement, as long as there is room for the arms to stretch, you can practice.

Time flies when you are happy, and the same is true when you are immersed in learning and training.

Chen Qiuye didn't wake up until after two o'clock in the afternoon. Seeing the boiled water, brown sugar water, and cake on the bedside, she couldn't help but smile. She went to the bathroom to wash up, ate and replenished her water, and then came out of the bedroom.

Seeing Li Shi sitting on a single sofa chair and reading a book on a tablet, he walked over gently, sat on the side and looked at him quietly, without saying a word.

When the man looked at her, he said quietly, "Why are you so motivated to study?"

Li Shi smiled, and carefully looked at the woman who was full of sleep.

She looks more mature than before.

"Learning makes people progress. I like what learning brings."

Chen Qiuye thought he was talking about knowledge and wisdom, so she rolled her eyes beautifully.

He pushed the tablet onto the side sofa and asked softly, "Have you had enough sleep?"


"Have you eaten anything beside the bed?"


He didn't ask the third question.

After the rain in the morning, the weather in Yangcheng was fine all day, sunny and cloudless.

If you are doing what you like and are interested in, time will often pass quickly, and the same will be true for staying with people you like.

The sun fell to the west of the sky without knowing it.

This is Li Shi's favorite evening in a day - there is still the lingering aftertaste of the sun at noon, and the coolness of the night.

"Is there a place to exercise around?"

Chen Qiuye fell asleep and didn't even want to move his fingers. He hugged the pillow and lazily replied: "Yes, there is Pearl River Park not far away, and there are several universities two or three kilometers away."

"That's not bad. I'll go and have a look when you fall asleep."

Chen Qiuye finally raised his head and left his comfortable position, and looked at his face from a distance: "Do you still want to go for a run?"

Li Shi smiled and said: "Go to a track and run a few laps. Ever since I learned sprinting, if I don't run laps a day, I always feel that there is something missing."

As he spoke, he looked down at the woman's profile.

Chen Qiuye usually looks cold, like a proud snow lotus.

At this moment, it is like a bright red rose, blooming, so charming that it is mouth-watering.

Li Shi likes her cold side, but he likes her change from that side to the present, from aloof and glamorous to charming and charming.

Li Shi stretched his waist and said softly:

"I'm going to exercise, you sleep well."


Chen Qiuye hummed, then fell asleep wrapped in a quilt.

Li Shi smiled smugly, came to the living room, opened all the drawn curtains, picked up his mobile phone and searched on the map software.

The nearby park is a scenic spot. Netizens said that the scenery is good and it is a good place for leisure.

Li Shi looked at the pictures on the Internet and thought that ordinary running can be done, but if he wants to run laps on the plastic track, he has to find a university.

He checked the nearby universities again, and soon he found his target, the Shipai Campus of the headquarters of Jinan University. Some netizens said that the football field there is being developed to the outside world. From the picture, the outside of the football field of this campus is exactly a blue line. rubber track!

"It's less than three kilometers, um, just walk over there."

 Alas, writing a book is labor-intensive and not easy, fellow Taoists, please help me to reorder Chapter 1 (Chapter 95) which is on the shelves!please! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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