SHIELD's new recruits

Chapter 493 6 Forms

Wesley checked into the hotel, entered the room and fell on the bed, and then fell into a deep sleep. He didn't wake up until midnight, felt his body, and then got a report from Apple that his internal injuries had been repaired.

"It seems that it is impossible to take away the fire source directly, and now it is estimated that the fire source is gone." Wesley sat on the sofa in the living room, took out a bottle of sports drink from the refrigerator in the guest room and drank it .

"That's right, it's underestimated. I didn't expect that the Fire Seed Source would be of the same level as the Infinity Gemstone. I underestimated the energy contained in the Fire Seed Source. Fortunately, there was no special environment at that time, otherwise you would have to cross again." Apple is also annoyed.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a matter of gaining wisdom, but there is no hope for the source of fire, and the original energy matrix is ​​probably not working, so there is only one way left." Wesley said.

"You mean, Sam Witwicky? When he comes into contact with the fragments of the fire seed source in the future, he will be stored with a lot of information and energy. Is it true that he successfully repaired the energy matrix in the end?"

"Yes, these things are in his body, so after I contact him, you can enter it to record information, and we don't need energy, as long as the technology is enough, you can?"

"It is indeed feasible, but it takes two years to wait. He only activated the fire source fragments when he entered university."

"No problem, we can explore the body first in two years, as well as the metal problem, to see if there is a possibility of strengthening, and at the same time study the problem of the life circuit. Now there are a lot of samples in hand, we can explore it first, and do a good job. Technical reserves, and then wait for the moment two years later." After Wesley finished speaking, he drank a bottle of drink in one breath.

The government began to cover up the truth of the matter. At that time, all the people who saw the real scene were forbidden to speak out, and a very strange thing happened. The bodies of all the Transformers who died in battle disappeared. Such a big guy actually said that there is no such thing It's gone, but no one can say when it disappeared.

The surveillance video was controlled by the intelligence agency early on, but when they started searching, they found that there was nothing in it, and the technicians did not find any clues.The first thought of the Americans was that their own people did it, and then launched a large-scale investigation, but they definitely found nothing, but a bunch of trivial things were discovered, which caused a big headache for intelligence agencies.

After the Autobots discovered that Jazz's body was missing, they also joined the ranks of searching, but they couldn't find it with their technology, which surprised them. It's not that there are no advanced things on the earth!

In such a situation where the two sides are powerless, they can only temporarily give up, and then start cooperation negotiations, and a special team to fight against the Decepticons is established. The human Lenox became the captain of the action team, and the Autobots joined it.

After Wesley won tens of thousands of dollars at the casino, he returned to California the next day, straight home, but instead of getting to work right away, he continued building handcrafted sports cars.For a month in a row, he has been paying attention to the news from the outside world. At the same time, Elizabeth hid on the Internet and did not start any activities. However, everything was calm and no one came to ask questions, so Wesley felt relieved.

Now is the time to start work. His first sports car was also completed, and then he entrusted an auction house to auction it. The reserve price was set at 500 million US dollars. This is not a small number, but Wesley himself insisted that the auction house did not The only way is to act like this.

And Wesley started to continue researching Transformers. There are many samples, but he needs to determine the life circuit he needs, first of all, the Transformers circuits of cars and airplanes.These two transformations are necessary. As for the style, we will talk about it later. After all, the six transformations are not that simple. Now it is just to determine a direction.

Next is a transformation of animal form. The transformation of the six-faced beast is a wolf, but Wesley doesn't like it. He set it as a tiger, a tiger with two wings, a bit like Qiongqi in Chinese legends .

Next is the tank transformation, including the human form, there are already five types, and he is still thinking about the last one, but in the end he decided to be a cannon.Although it seems to be a bit repetitive with the tank, its attack power is not the same. The range and power of the turret are greater than that of the tank, and the tank is a mobile turret that can charge into battle.

After confirming the six transformations in this way, I started to look for the life circuits in the collection. The life circuits of flying can be stunned, the life circuits of cars are roadblock and jazz, the life circuits of tanks are noisy and bonebreaker, as for the animal form And the form of the fort is temporarily absent, these two are very rare.

The robot dog and the laser bird are both animal forms, and Megatron has a gun form. Wesley is thinking whether to go to the depths of the sea to check Megatron's life circuit?I don't know if it was destroyed. Wesley has some headaches. There are American nuclear submarines watching there, and early warning aircraft are cruising nearby. It is not easy to get close. It seems that he has to prepare again.

But it's not in a hurry right now, and this time period must be the time when the defense is the tightest, so Wesley should study the life circuit in his hand first, and wait for a while to talk about other things.

He is an otaku in the middle of the villa, but his work has attracted a lot of attention outside, and was photographed at a price of 760 million US dollars, which caused quite a stir.

In particular, the power system, safety system, and electronic system used by Wesley have won good reviews. Many car companies want to hire him as the chief technical consultant or designer, but why would Wesley waste that kind of time? , directly rejected all of them, he claimed that he was just a car enthusiast, and the works he made were just to prove his achievements.

At the same time, some media announced that Wesley is a low-key rich man who owns a private museum, so some car companies that want to recruit Wesley have to consider the issue of cost.

Wesley, on the other hand, is no longer subject to external interference, and concentrates on the research of life circuits. This is a very complicated process. Using technological means to build a life, and it is a mechanical life. Wesley thought it was just an intelligent program. , but now it seems that is not the case.

Therefore, the research was at an impasse for a while, and Wesley was not short of energy, but what he lacked now was information, or an idea, and the research on metals is relatively fast, even if it is alien metals or life Body metal, but the basic composition will not change.

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