SHIELD's new recruits

Chapter 507 The Occupied City

Sam Witwich drove back to the house he and Carly rented, and Ricky Simmons and his bodyguards were still here, "Look, our lover brought back his girlfriend." Ricky Simmons Said.

"Did the Decepticons release the news? How did the government decide?" Sam Witwicky asked directly.

"Yes, they released the news that if the Autobots are not expelled, they will start attacking the earth. I think those politicians are weighing it now, but you can know their strategy without thinking about it, expel the Autobots." Reki. Simmons' tone was full of complaints.

"Then we can only rely on ourselves to fight the Decepticons?"

"Yes, at that time we can only rely on ourselves. The Decepticons know very well that without the Autobots, they can interfere with all our technological means, so our counterattack will be weak, and when the resistance is organized, Probably more Decepticons will appear on Earth."

"I see, let's go and have a look. If the Autobots leave, then I want to send them off." Sam Witwicky couldn't help but watch from the sidelines. After all, the Autobots were his friends. If they really If they want to leave, then he wants to see them off.

"Alright." Recky Simmons' heart was also very heavy. Sometimes he wished that he was an ordinary human being and knew nothing about these mysterious things. Sometimes ignorance might be the happiest thing.

A group of people set off and came directly to a temporary command center set up by the National Security Agency. This is an air force base, and a huge hangar became the office location. Charlotte Miying, the chief of the bureau, saw Sam Witwicky.

"I have to say that you are really powerful, you were able to find out the real purpose of the Decepticons, and you notified us, but it's a pity..."

"Have you made a decision?" Sam Witwick didn't care about the compliments. Now he wants to know whether the Autobots will leave, and then he can inform Wesley. If the Autobots leave, the only one left to fight is The two of them were separated, and he was very worried.

"Yes, it's decided, but it's not something we can decide. We don't know what will happen next."

Recky Simmons obviously had a past with the Chief. The two of them were talking on the sidelines, while Sam Witwicky was watching TV, feeling more and more heavy.

Thanks to his contribution, he, Carly and others were taken on the plane, and then went to the rocket launch base. The Autobots were preparing to leave the earth, "Optimus Prime, are you really leaving?"

"Yes Sam, from now on, this is no longer our war, but your war, I can only wish you good luck." Optimus Prime said. "Sam, you are our friend and always will be." Optimus Prime turned and walked away.

Bumblebee came over, "Sam, we're best friends, but now I'm leaving."

Sam Witwicky's mood is extremely complicated, he really wants to ask them to stay, but Wesley is right, humans need to know what is wrong, otherwise things will still develop like this in the future, the Decepticons really Can you kill them all?He didn't know what to say now, he had given up hope as the rocket lifted off, and now it was up to him to prepare for the fight.

There was a loud "boom", and Sam Witwicky looked up hurriedly. The rocket was destroyed by a plane. After the huge explosion, the fragments began to fall, and he was a little stunned.He hurriedly took out his phone and called Wesley, "The Autobots have been wiped out, what should we do?"

"Elimination, I don't think so, the person who knows you best will always be your enemy, Optimus Prime would not be so stupid to want to leave on a rocket, they must have already left the rocket." Wesley, who knew everything, analyzed .

"How is it possible, I saw it with my own eyes."

"The booster of the rocket needs the most power when it takes off, and after flying into the sky, it will throw off the first booster, well, don't be sad, they will appear again soon, now we need to prepare, weapons I have finished preparing the ammunition, we need to assemble, and arrange your parents and girlfriend so that we can go to fight."

"Understood." Sam Witwick put down the phone, then looked at the huge fireball in the sky, turned and left, he went to find Charlotte Miying, his parents and girlfriend needed her to take care of them.

The group returned to Washington by plane. Sam Witwick called his parents early in the morning, but they were blocked outside the air force base. Sam Witwick went to bring them in himself.

"Sam Witwick, do you use this place as a refuge?" Charlotte Miying asked.

"My parents and girlfriend are here, please keep them safe." Sam Witwich turned to leave, but was blocked by Recky Simmons.

"Son, are you going to fight? Now that the Autobots have been wiped out, what's the use of you going there?" Recky Simmons asked with a puzzled look on his face. Sam didn't have much fighting power, but he and the Autobots have been cooperating Well, if the Autobot is here, then it's okay for him to go, but now it's a piece of cake, or a piece of cake.

"Simmons, you stay here too and help them out. You are an expert in dealing with the Decepticons. I'm going to fight with my new companion." Sam Witwicky said with a smile.

His parents didn't know what their son was going to do, but Carly knew very well, "Sam, you are only one person, even if you add that Wesley, you are only two, let the government army go, you go It has no effect."

"What? Who is Wesley?" Recky Simmons had a confused expression on his face.

When they were entangled here, Chicago was being attacked, and the Decepticons began to block the city, and then all the satellites and communications in the surrounding area were interrupted, but under the control of Elizabeth, Wesley could still receive all the images and information, Then he picked up the phone and called Sam Witwicky.

"Sam, act, I think you can get here, we gather outside the city, and then rush in, these are the coordinates."

"Understood, I'll set off right away." Sam Witwicky ran out of the hangar, ignored the voice behind him, got into the sports car and left directly.

"Carly, what's going on with Sam? He has alien friends?" Ricky Simmons noticed some problems more keenly. First, it was Sam Witwick's new sports car, and then the name Wesley appear.

All eyes focused on Carly, "I don't know, I haven't seen that Wesley, but Sam's new car was given by him, and it's not just a car, it's a Transformer."

"What? The Autobots still have people on Earth?" Charlotte Mi Ying asked sensitively.

"It's not an Autobot. That car is inanimate, but it can transform, and the driver is Sam. He drove the robot to save me and killed a Decepticon."

"You mean that Sam owns a Transformer, a Transformer controlled by him?" Recky Simmons understood, and the expression on his face was full of excitement.

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