SHIELD's new recruits

Chapter 526 We Have Super Girls

"Yes, I just got the first-hand information. I have already called the editorial department. I want the front page when it is typesetting." Wesley sat at the desk in a hurry, and then turned on the laptop, and he Then he took out the camera and began to select the photos he had just taken.

The digital camera is very convenient, and you can preview the shooting effect. After Wesley selected a few pictures, the computer was turned on, and he immediately took out the data cable to start downloading, and then opened a new file, typing with both hands.

Miss Kate Grant stood behind him, watching Wesley work, the first thing that catches her eyes was the title, "We have Supergirl".

Wesley first talked about the dangers encountered by the plane. In despair, a girl appeared. She has the same flying ability as Superman and is infinitely strong. Then she described in detail the process of her saving the plane, and finally added pictures .

"This happened just now?" Miss Kate Grant asked at this time.

Wesley turned around and said: "Yes, what happened just now, I was eating at the restaurant with Kayla, and then I saw the news, Kayla, by the way, where did Kayla go? Oops, I lost Kayla. "Wesley pretended to be flustered, hurriedly packed his things, sent the document to the editorial department, and left in a hurry.

Ms. Kate Grant stood there blankly, the coffee in her hand was already cold, she was left aside as the boss, she turned around and returned to the office after 1 minute, and then continued what she was doing just now, as if Wesley didn't appear the same.

Driving all the way back home, Wesley first knocked on Keira's door opposite, "Kayla, are you back?"

"Kacha" the door opened, Keira's hair was still wet, and she was not very emotional, and there was another woman in her home, "Hey, Wesley, sorry, I just ran away suddenly."

"It doesn't matter, you must have your reasons, but what's wrong with you? You seem sad?" Wesley asked knowingly. Out of the idea of ​​protecting her sister, Keira's sister didn't want her to expose her alien identity For this reason, she joined the Department of Paranormal Operations and kept her sister.

"It's okay, my sister was on that plane just now, and I was very worried." Keira reluctantly explained.

"Oh, hello, my name is Wesley Gibson, I live just across the street, and I'm also Keira's colleague. I hope you haven't been shocked by the accident just now." Wesley stepped forward to shake hands.

"Hello, Alex Danvers, well, I have nothing to do now, I'm going back first, I'm too tired today." It was obvious that they were not very happy.

"Need me to see you off?" Wesley asked gentlemanly.

"No, thank you." After finishing speaking, Alex Danvers left directly.

"Hey Kayla, are you okay?" Wesley asked Kayla again.

"Not bad, how about having a drink with me?"

"No problem." The two then started drinking, but alcohol was basically useless to them. The two drank half a bottle of whiskey in one go, but they didn't feel drunk at all.

"We're good drinking buddies," Wesley said with a final smile.

"Yes, we both drink very well." Keira seemed to be in a much better mood.

"Go to bed early, you can see my new article tomorrow."

"What article?"


Kayla fell asleep in a much better mood, and the next morning she was that little assistant again, the little assistant who helped the boss bring a cup of coffee.The first time Wesley came to the company, he took a tribune and handed it to Keira, "Look, after you left yesterday, I immediately drove to chase this plane and took first-hand information. Then I went back to the company and wrote an article.”

"Uh, you have done so many things."

"Yes, isn't it very powerful, I wanted to find you at the time, but after chasing you, you disappeared, so I just went to catch up with the news, fast enough?"

"It's really soon, let me read your article first, I can't wait." Keira wanted to see it first.But the title made her a little upset, super girl?Why not a woman?She hurriedly came to Wesley, "Why is it a girl? I think it might be more appropriate to use a woman!"

"Oh? Do you think so?" Wesley asked with a smile.

"Uh~ yes, what do you think?"

"No, I don't think so. I think girls are better. Aren't girls cuter? Let people be more tolerant of her. Judging from yesterday's situation, she is obviously not very good at saving things. , but she still did it, she saved hundreds of lives of passengers and crew, which is pretty good, but she still needs to learn."

"It makes sense, let me think about it again." Keira left in thought, Wesley smiled silently, this Keira is really cute and cute.

Wesley's report caused a sensation again, this time it was a real sensation, the first-hand photos, and saw the latest news about last night directly in the morning of the next day, the readers were very satisfied with this point, and at the same time They saw a clear photo, although the heroine's appearance was not clear because her face was dark, and Wesley also explained it in the article.

Wesley's narration is very objective and specific analysis is carried out, especially some news about the destruction of the bridge during the rescue process of Supergirl, and Wesley described the situation at the time in the article, and pointed out, This is the first time that Supergirl has shown up to save people's lives, and it's pretty cool to be able to do so.If someone has to be critical, it's quite humorous to ask him to lift a plane and come back later.

But the fact is that if you can't lift a plane, then you are not qualified to express any opinions. After all, don't let others do what you can't do. Such people are very annoying.

The name of Wesley Gibson began to spread widely among readers, and at the same time the editorial department wanted Wesley to select a photo to participate in the competition, maybe he could get a grand prize, then the Tribune could compete with the Metropolitan The Daily Planet is neck and neck.

Keira is still struggling with the name issue, but now that Supergirl has become a hot topic in everyone's mouth, she is thinking that it is impossible to change, and now she can only accept it, but now she needs someone to share her secret with her , whom to look for?

She looked at Wesley first, and then at Win Short, she began to hesitate.Originally, she wanted to tell Wesley very much, but now she was very worried about Wesley's attitude after he knew about it. When he was so entangled, someone knocked on his desk.

"I'm not in a daze to invite you here. I've been calling you for a long time." Miss Kate Grant was like a big devil, condescending and furious at her, "Do I need to do it myself if I want to eat a lettuce wrap?"

Our supergirl is now off to buy a lettuce wrap for the boss.

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