SHIELD's new recruits

Chapter 544 Strong Negative Emotions

Reverse Flash's face was cloudy and uncertain, but now he didn't have the slightest right to speak, so he could only compromise. Wesley threw him a glass test tube, and then Reverse Flash smashed his own blood into the test tube, and Wesley finally killed him. let go.

Without the reverse flash, it would be difficult for Flash Barry Allen to grow up quickly, so Wesley didn't have the idea of ​​killing him, it's better to let Flash handle it by himself.Wesley opened a space door for Reverse Flash, Reverse Flash walked out in doubt, and then left quickly.

"It seems very simple." Wesley shook the test tube in his hand.

"He hasn't discovered the secret of the mirror space. If he knows that he can travel through the space with speed, he should be able to go out." Apple said.

"Hehe, will I give him time to accelerate? Don't forget, I can also use space folding. He has nowhere to escape. Even super speed has opponents. Just put him in a box." Wesley started walking back.

Wesley's target is now Barry Allen, but he doesn't know if the other party's body is undergoing transformation. This needs to be contacted and let Apple check it. Wesley came directly to the hospital.

The current hospital is very crowded, and Wesley easily used his identity as a reporter to sneak in, and then found Barry Allen, but his adoptive father, Joe West, and his adoptive daughter, Iris West, both Here, Wesley has no way to start for the time being.

"It seems that we can only wait." Wesley muttered, then turned and left, but he did not leave the hospital, but found a place to rest.

Joe West's father and daughter didn't stay for a long time, after all, they still had to do, especially when the whole process was chaotic. After they left, Wesley quietly approached the ward.

However, he did not push the door directly, but checked both sides of the room. There were wards on both sides, but the patient in one of them was not there. Wesley pushed the door and entered, and then entered Barry Allen's room through the wall. Room.

"Apple, check some of his body." Wesley held Barry Allen's arm, and then let Apple invade.

"His body is being transformed, not only with the particle accelerator, but also with lightning in his body. His body can't bear it and can only enter a deep sleep, so as to protect itself." Apple said after checking.

"Can we take a blood sample now?" Wesley asked.

"Yes, but the extraction part needs to be adjusted. You can draw blood directly, and I will control it."

Wesley took out something and started to draw blood, and then Apple sent some modified blood to the location, and asked Wesley to take it away, "Okay, it's not in vain this time, and I got the reverse flash's blood, you can returned."

Wesley left from the next door again, and then walked out of the hospital. His purpose of coming to Central City has been completed, and now he needs to leave.Reverse Flash may not be reconciled, but he will definitely not act rashly when he has no idea of ​​a way.

Early the next morning, Wesley left on an early flight and landed in Nesonaar two hours later. He didn't notify Keira to pick him up, but took a taxi back home by himself, and then checked the The action record of Tian Kela.

"Huh? There seems to be something wrong with Keira." Wesley said after reading the record.

According to the records, Keira began to behave strangely after a mission. I recalled the plot of Supergirl. There was an episode in which Keira came into contact with a special ore. The radiation of this ore changed Keira's temperament drastically.

This kind of ore is red and comes from an alien. It has a strong influence on the Kryptonians and can infinitely amplify the negative emotions of the Kryptonians, and now Keira has been affected.Fortunately, Wesley came back early. If the negative emotions continue to magnify in a few days, then something more serious will happen to Keira. Now she just changed her attire and ran away a A scheming girl who just joined.

"Phew, it's a good thing you came back early, otherwise things will be troublesome, and the positive image you have finally established will be ruined." Wesley was relieved. This kind of thing is not a big problem for Wesley. With Apple It is easy to disperse under.

Wesley didn't delay, and went directly to the company. He saw Kayla as soon as he entered the company. Today, her dress was completely different from before, very sexy, and Kayla walked over with a smile after entering Wesley.

"How am I today?" Keira turned around in front of Wesley, then pinched her waist with one hand, raised her chin slightly, like a proud peacock, waiting for others' praise.

Wesley took a look, "Beautiful, very beautiful." The two entered Wesley's office while talking, and Keira closed the door behind him, and then came to Wesley, His white arms hung directly around Wesley's neck.

"We can have dinner together in the evening, and then..." Keira's face began to approach Wesley infinitely.Wesley's heart beat a little faster, not because he activated his ability, but because he was frightened by Keira's actions.

It seems that it is not only negative emotions that are affected, but also some other things, "Apple, act." Wesley was not sure what he could insist on, so he directly let Apple start to act.

The apple invaded Kayla's body, and then began to eliminate the red radiation. Kayla's eyes began to wonder, then panic, and then embarrassment.

"What's wrong with me?" Keira asked, and then retracted her arms in a panic. Wesley breathed a sigh of relief. He almost couldn't hold it just now, but Keira backed away in a panic. It was the stiletto heels she was wearing now, her body was wobbling and she almost fell down.

"You have a problem. I came back to check your operation records. You should be affected by some kind of radiation. We need the Department of Supernatural Operations, and then we will give you a physical examination." Wesley deliberately left some remnants inside , At this time, look for clues left by the Department of Natural Action.

"I...I need to go back and change. I'm sorry about what happened," Keira said.

"It's okay, let's go now, I'll go and talk to the boss." Wesley found an excuse, and then took Kayla away. When he returned home, Wesley asked Kayla to change clothes, and He was waiting in the living room.

"Wesley, come in and help me." Not long after, Keira's body was affected, and Wesley didn't think much, and then walked in, but just as soon as he went in, Keira saved him again.

"We didn't finish some things just now." Keira didn't change her clothes, and at the same time loosened her hair and draped it over her shoulders.

"Apple, what's going on?" Wesley asked.

"This kind of radiation must be completely removed, otherwise they will rely on negative emotions to grow. It is a very special type of radiation. Does it need to be completely removed?" Apple asked.

"No, we might expose our secrets so we must take her to the Paranormal Operations Department." Wesley didn't want people to discover his difference so early, and then he took Keira's arms, "Kayla, we have to Go to Paranormal Operations, now."

"What are you doing there? That Hank is annoying, why don't we just stay at home." Keira had no intention of leaving at all.

"Kayla, be obedient, we need to go there, there can help you, and now yours is very abnormal." Wesley persuaded again.

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