SHIELD's new recruits

Chapter 556 Battle Inside the Mothership

Wesley stared at the exit of the alien fighter plane, and then opened the door of space again. The fighter plane disappeared all of a sudden, and the aliens were unknown, so there was a panic, and he hurriedly started to disperse the search, but Wesley had already entered. Inside the mothership, but here is the location of the entrance and exit, and some alien fighters wanted to fly out, but Wesley was taken aback.

The reaction was slow, Wesley started to attack first, the energy machine gun fired continuously, the alien didn't even open the shield, it was directly hit by a spark, and Wesley's fighter kept charging forward, he There is no intention of clearing them.

"Elizabeth, analyze the surrounding environment and scan to see if we can find a path. We are going to their central location and enter the autopilot mode. I will deploy tactical nuclear bombs." Wesley has tactical nuclear bombs, which is still the original It is on the SHIELD space carrier, but it has not been installed on the fighter plane.

Now if you want to carry out the greatest internal damage, you need to attack the center of the mothership, and you need to use tactical nuclear bombs, so that it can produce the greatest power.And Wesley doesn't need a nuclear bomb delay, just explode directly. He can use the space door to leave. He needs to observe the location when he comes in, but he doesn't need to go out. The wide universe is outside.

Elizabeth began to scan. If she scanned from the outside, she might encounter an energy shield, and it would be very difficult to succeed. But the inside is different, there is no protection here, so the scan was surprisingly smooth.

"The path is found, but the enemy fighter planes are starting to return, and they may surround us." Elizabeth reported to Wesley.

"Advance to the target, and at the same time launch missiles to attack their internal buildings and block their encirclement. I'll be here soon." Wesley said while doing his hands, and put a tactical nuclear bomb into the launch chamber.

Elizabeth received the order, and then began to analyze the surrounding environment. This place is too huge, like a huge city, but the buildings are different from those of the human race. The missiles were launched, attacked the weak points of the surrounding buildings, and then exploded.

A large number of debris fell, blocking the approach of the alien fighters, while the 'Destroyer' fighters accelerated towards the target position.Wesley accepted the control of the fighter plane, and then flew flexibly, avoiding the opponent's attack and counterattacking at the same time.

"Boss, there are more and more enemies." Elizabeth reported the surrounding situation. After all, this is a mothership, and there are too many local fighters. Wesley is still some distance away from the center.

"Understood." Wesley drove the fighter plane and began to climb. He wanted to fly to the top, and the local fighter planes also began to climb. They wanted to surround Wesley around him. "Thuktok" Wesley began to attack the top of the mothership. A series of explosions shattered the top of the ship, and the pieces kept falling. After that, Wesley put away the fighter plane, and the 'Black Jazz' armor was worn on the top of the mothership. body, and then the thrusters started, and he became more flexible in the debris.

The huge debris blocked the sight of the aliens, and Wesley just disappeared again. When the debris stopped falling, the aliens couldn't find Wesley, and Wesley was tightly attached to the On a large broken bulkhead, the thrusters were turned off, and the black painting gave him the best cover.

The aliens began to disperse, and they needed to search. Wesley looked, and saw that there were not many alien fighters, so he started the thruster again, "Lock, launch the miniature missile." As soon as Wesley came out, he launched These missiles couldn't break through the opponent's shield, but they could block their line of sight, and then he took this opportunity to accelerate towards the central area with all his strength.

"Om" replaced the 'Destroyer' fighter plane again, Wesley had already seen the central control tower, "Lock, launch." The magazine opened, the tactical nuclear bomb was launched, and then Wesley hurriedly turned the nose, and then turned on The space gate left the mothership in an instant, reappeared in the universe, and then accelerated towards the earth.

The alien fighters outside found Wesley, and then began to swarm in, but they were destined to have no chance to be friends. A violent explosion occurred inside the mothership, and then the impact of the explosion engulfed the alien fighters all the way, chasing Wes Profitable fighter.

All the propellers of the fighter plane were activated, and they sprinted forward rapidly. Wesley dared not open the door of space now, otherwise the powerful impact might make him pass through again. This risk is too great.Wesley rushed forward all the way, and the impact of the explosion behind was getting closer and closer, but the intensity was also weakening as the distance increased.

The "bang" fighter was swept by the impact. Although the power was not very great, but because of the speed of the fighter, it accelerated again and rushed directly into the atmosphere. However, Wesley was not afraid, because it was considered safe now.

"Boss, the speed is too fast, and the wear will be very serious when entering the atmosphere. The tail thruster is slightly damaged and cannot withstand the burning of the atmosphere. It is recommended to close it." Elizabeth reported the situation.

"Turn off the tail thrusters, and all six anti-gravity engines will start, reducing our speed." The fighter adjusted the fuselage, with the bottom facing down, and the anti-gravity engines on the six wings were fully activated, and the speed of the fighter began to decrease, but Gravity pulls the fighter plane down, and the outside of the fighter plane still looks like a ball of flames, and the fighter plane vibrates non-stop.

"External damage has increased, and the anti-gravity engine has begun to overload. It is recommended to shut down."

"The descent speed is faster when it is turned off. It seems that the 'Destroyer' fighter plane needs major repairs. It's really bad luck." Wesley curled his lips, then continued to operate the plane to descend, and then shut down the anti-gravity engines on the left and right.

Two were shut down, and the remaining load was even greater, but the time away from the atmosphere was not much, the remaining engines were automatically shut down, the damage was very serious, and the fighter lost power. Although it passed through the atmosphere, it had no power to start Falling, Wesley started the two engines that had just been shut down at this time, the fighter plane stabilized the fuselage, and then slowly landed, Wesley looked at the fighter plane and frowned.

It would be a troublesome problem to go back to DC Universe to repair it. After all, he is a small reporter and art director there. Repairing such a fighter is not only a waste of money, but also many things cannot be bought.

The reason why Wesley didn't change the fighter plane when he fell was to repair it in this world. Otherwise, he wouldn't need to work so hard, and just put it in the inner body space to change the battle armor.

"Sir..." The location where Wesley landed was the battlefield just now, and the aliens had already begun to be cleaned up here, and Wesley's appearance made them ecstatic.

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