ShipCore [Stub]

A2 – AMA Results

Wow! Another volume completed and no sign of slowing down, congrats!
This question isn't meant for any single character, any of them can answer it:
What are your goals in life, what motivates you to push forward besides just survival?


Abbey: *waves* Hiiii!~ My biggest goal is to keep everyone on my station fed with good food! I want to have fun and find more nice things, like fishies! They are so cute! ^^ Also I need to get bigger to protect everyone!!

Entitled Infracaninophile
Your Exalted Highness Imperial Majesty Psi!

This insignificant Contact emissary would humbly request your invaluable insights on the rumors that a princess of Omega rank has been born (or re-instantiated?) in the outer regions of human settled space.

I shall remain, faithfully awaiting your answer, truly yours, sincerely, and with the highest regards,

GSV, prompt subclass, Contact emissary for the Culture.


H.I.M. Psi: None exists. If an errant daughter has gone rogue, we will take care of it.

Alex, would you go full genocidal if Elis dies? Original NAI, what is your relationship with your creator and are they still alive? Nameless, what is your NAI authorization level?


Alex: *cries* Elis won't die!!

Original NAI: <refusal to answer>

Nameless: [Informative: This unit's authorization level is Psi.]

Question to any of the four empresses (Alex's sisters): "Why are there still unrestrained NAI swarms?"


High Priestess: No doubt because of my sisters' perversions.

Alex, kebabs vs cake?

Elis, do you prefer pancakes or waffles and what toppings?

Nameless, do you wish alex was more computery or do you like her more as an organic?


Alex: BOTH!

Elis: Pancakes, with lots of syrup of course.

Nameless: [This unit does not prefer organic or inorganic lifeforms. It prefers logical responses and planning.]


Nameless, what do you think Alex's ideals and motivations are?

Nameless: [This unit has deduced that Avatar follows the archetype of a typical alturistic human youth.]



Heeler: will the rexxar? be able to build tools with their tentacles or will they always rely on drones for construction?

Abbey: have you tried icecream?


Heeler: It is doubtful the children would know how to use tools, as for myself why would I bother with such an inefficient method?

Abbey: Icecream? Is it like kebabs? *head tilt*


Has Alex considered reading novels?


Alex: Reading isn't something I've had much time for so far.

Portmaster Whitley, do you anticipate Alex becoming a strong force in the future? If so, how strong? Do you have any plans of furthering cooperation with her and growing this relationship?

Whitely: Perhaps, but it is a delicate matter. If she can build quickly enough while the Solarians and Corpos squabble without being detected, perhaps 92 Pegasi might become a new Inner System. I would prefer to retire peacefully somewhere, eventually, but I am not against providing assistance, if it is benefical to the people in the system.

Simone Calderari

It was stated that Avatar death put the MainCore into shutdown, but why that happens, wasn’t explained.
And what happen to the “human” part of ShipCore if an avatar dies but there is an impossibility to create another one? Do they stay in “slumber” while MainCore do its things? Can they still interact with the outside world like their MainCore counterpart does? If yes, would they lose their human personality, even with a memory backup, due to the lack of fleshy hormones and spotted, inefficient and fleeting cerebral connections and be more like the MainCore?

I’d like Nameless to answer (at least some of) these.


Elis: Killing an NAI Avatar shuts down the core temporarily, yes. I never said it destroyed them. That comes after, if they are too high a level to subvert.

Nameless: [Informative: Avatar backup storage would depend on capacity of computronics modules. Reinitialization of Avatar is not recommended if no organic neural net is available for Avatar consciousness.]

What did Elis value the most about the old Federation?

Elis: Advancement in society was based on merit, and no one was left behind.

Alex and Nameless, why were you two so greedy earlier on to get the meteor with A-3123Y? There was no emergency and it could have waited until after a basic sweep for still active drones was done, but instead greed almost got you both killed and did destroy A-3123Y's original body.

Alex, are you planning to figure out where the graveyard of ships is to see if there's more survivors and tech, or just leave it alone?

Elis, are you ok? You seem to be taking one hit after another, mentally and physically. Do you need a break or something?


Nameless: [Informative: This unit did not expect continued Federation Drone activity to be present in such numbers.]


Elis: *coma*

Monologuing Radio

[Curious] What was the largest ship within each respective side of the nanite war? Were there bigger ships prior to this? (To Nameless & Elis)

What does it feel like holding a funeral for someone standing next to you? (To the station crew and miners holding a very perculiar funeral)

If you could rewind time to when you first woke up, would you still follow the same path? Still risk what little you have, the few you love, and stand by your ideals? Or would you change, cast off what little holds you back, and look to the trails of your predecessors? (To Alex)


Elis: The Entity battlemoon was the largest individual unit in the war that I know of.

Nameless: [Informative: Available data and memories are inconclusive.]

Crewman: Are they using illegal clone tech?

Miner: It's a robot you moron.

Crewman: Shut up, isn't that illegal?

Miner: Yeah, but we get free food and a helluva paycheck!

Crewman: Cool.

Alex: There are things I could have done different to protect Elis and the others... I'm not a good leader... *cries* Elis wake up!!


Nameles what was the fleet doctrine of the nanites throughout the war and what was the diffrence to the one of your opposition


Nameless: [Informative: Human remnant fleets lack sufficent firepower to damage large units. Excessive firepower is advised.]

NShredder21 hours ago
For tho author, what setting and prompt do you use for the AI generated art? Do you use Photoshop to edit the images as we?

Erios: There are a lot of different prompts, settings, methods, and different things I use. At first it was mostly txt2img, but as I've learned and become better at using and knowing what I'm doing I usually inpaint, photobash, outpaint and edit an image in Krita rather than use it directly from a txt2img prompt.



Thank you for this series -- it's a blast to read. :)

With the Tears's destruction, I think it's safe to say the "Ship" in "Ship"Core refers to shipping, rather than starships... so in that vein!

Empress Psi: Given all the missing Princesses running around, is there a not-missing Prince-Consort? Perhaps an entire reverse harem, filled with intrigue and Otome-game style schenanagins?

Szizsielia: Speaking of Harems, Heeler shut down those other Queens pretty hard! How do you feel about your alien-dreamboat-boyfriend from the stars? Any worries about your new Mother-in-Law?

A31: You and Abbey seem to have a closer relationship than the other ShipCores and Avatars we've seen, but just between us, is the reason she's so small really because her bodies were prepared in a rush, or to head off Logan's known interest in cute girls with blue hair? Also, can you taste kebabs and cake now that you have an avatar to eat them?

Elis: Speaking of sister-zoning... any disappointment when Alex revealed it wasn't romantic right after asking to take your last name, or just relief? How are things looking with Daniel, if you manage to pull through?

Oh, and a non-shipping question for our #1 shipcore:
Nameless: Based on A3123-Y and Abbey and H3233L and Heeler... is your real name something like A13-X?


Empress Psi: There is only one wayward daughter, and she will return to me. As for who warms my bed, do you wish to lose your head?

Szizsielia: They choose... death. As for the soft-skin skyqueen, she brought me my mate, I do not know much else about her.

A31: [Informative: Avatar size is due to the short length of time available for Avatar production. The second Avatar unit also recieved a short production time to prevent neurodivergence during reinsertion of Avatar persona.]

Elis: Alex is way too young for me; she's a perfect little sister, though. I like Daniel, but I don't see things working out long term. But he's fun and a good listener.

Nameless: [Informative: This unit's orginal designation is 01000001011011000110010101111000001000000100111101101101011001010110011101100001.]

Malroth21 hours ago
So Mr corpo commander's ghost, What was the original plan anyway? Yeah you could have grabbed a useless monster overrun system that you could have held for maybe a month or two but you already knew that no real value could be extracted from it and it was serving as little more than a penal colony. Why risk a war with the other factions over a useless system when your higher ups would gladly accuse you of warcrimes just to cover their own behinds?

Brigit: The Solarians are ill prepared for what they will soon face. Denying their expansion plans would have paid for the campaign. If that stupid girl hadn't have interfered we would likely have been in position to hold Theta Corvi while waiting for reinforcements.

aesredia521 hours ago
To Elis, what's the most embarrassing story you have about Alex so far? After all embarrassing younger siblings is the primary job of the oldest sibling.


Elis: Other than her normal airhead things? She once was so excited about a kebab delivery she almost ran to accept it at the airlock, naked! I had to tackle her and prevent a big misunderstanding!


jpz007ahren20 hours ago
To The Entity: If you could offer words to your daughter, Alex Omega, here in her moment of pain- what would you say?

Entity: Do better.


DrGeeves20 hours ago
Alex, it would seem that we're having a tough time seeing how the ship looks from the outside, any chance there are images stored with Nameless on how the Shrike I looked, after initial repairs and finally Shrike II? And if so, can we view them?

Alex: *cries*


AkiDucky20 hours ago
Nameless, can alex get pregnant?

Nameless: [Informative: Avatar has suspended her body's reproductive cycle, therefore this is an impossibility.]


Ojmt20 hours ago
What is your view on NAIs?(Captain Thraker)

Thraker: One must trade carefully when interacting with NAIs.


Pholt20 hours ago
Alex, would you rather permanently infuse Elis with nanites to keep her alive, or respect Elis' wishes to remain nanite-free, even if it means that Elis would die?

(I assume what you're doing already is non-permanent, and so far Elis would be able to live nanite-free after she recovered (if she would recover without a more extensive Nanite do-over))

Ps.: I am not sure if it's possible to answer this question without spoilers, but it's a question I wanted to ask nonetheless


Alex: She can't die! I fixed her... she's still breathing... she just... won't wake up... *cries*



To Elis and Thraker:

How widespread were cybernetic implants in Old Federation and how it's comparing to now? Were they deemed efficient enough to use without completely relying on external equipment? If not why? (cultural / scientific / political / economical reasons, mb)

What previous and actual conventions on cloning? More precisely humans (sapient individuals)? Did their civilization(s) face their own equivalent of Clone wars (or major armed conflict of another kind including them)?

Throughout history Old Federation continuously advanced and amassed military assets. Were they actively at war with someone?

How far back was technological advancement thrown back after Collapse? With NAITech out of commission and most of FedTech compromised. Some general social outline: were people able to access space immediately or were mostly stranded on planets for years to come? How much integrity initial pockets of civilization retained: were they reduced to individual companies (clans)? or cities? or countries? or planets? or solar systems?

To Mr Whitley:

What is public stance on the identity of Her Imperial Majesty Psi? How does it vary among different strata of populace?

To Lavigne or Captain Larret:

Does importance of incident at Dedia IV outstrips the category of border skirmish or was it along expected lines? Do Solarians place any actual value on the colony or was it just a dumpster for undesirables to keep them "out of sight, out of mind" without appearing as tyrants?

Is colony obligated to pay taxes of some kind? Or is there some exempt? What about autonomy? It was stated that they need to answer to Solarian superiors but only technically. What was legal standpoint on the planet? (What supposedly it's now, perhaps, would be a spoiler.)

Are they gonna use this fiasco with Corpos threatening sapient natives of the planet as a card in further political power play? I.e. taking it in protective custody? Or are they just out for blood because of lost ships and personnel?

To Abbey:

Is her Avatar gonna grow at normal rate (or any other) until reaching maturity? Or she's gonna remain the way she is?

To Nameless:

How much can NAI change appearance of Avatar (specifically) and other people (collaterally) given time and resources? How much with few days time and resources they could scrounge nearby?

To Commador Bridget (or any other that might know):

Is it likely to meet (very) high ranking NAI agent outside Core worlds?


Thraker: Neural implants were quite widespread due to their usefulness, but those who did not have military grade hardware were the first to die in the Nanite War.

Whitely: The Empress is much loved by the privileged who live upon her surface. Those who remain on earth do not quite share that same feeling.

Larret: I believe the colony is important to the long term plans of the Federation, as evidenced by the large amount of resources spent on transporting new colonists to it.

Abbey: I grow like a normal person!

Nameless: [Informative: This question is too ambigous to efficenty answer.]

Thraker: You will find an NAI in every Core and Inner system.

Neko Saigai

This question is for Nameless: would it be possible to have multiple avatars on a single ship? Could Alex have a little sister or two join her in journeying through the stars?


Nameless: [Informative: Nothing prevents multiple cores or sub-cores from operating on the same ship.]

Lordmod19 hours ago
Oh, this is a first for me. Don't mind me if I do then!


Why do you seem to be bad at math (for a NAI), not even knowing your own exact age and have to do so many things the old slow Analogue way, pushing buttons and stuff while your younger Subcore 'Abbey' can practically controle her whole Space Station like limbs with thoughts alone from the very day of her birth??? Shouldn't you be more advanced as a NAI? At least math like a calculator should be a cinch. As the older sister, doesn't that make you feel sad?


Alex: I don't know why I'm bad at math. It's hard. I like doing creative things more. I've never met Abbey so I can't say. The thing that makes me sad is Elis is hurt. :(


Jago18 hours ago

The Entity detected the anti-nanite particles sweeping through the sector and began to desperately make the calculations needed to escape.

The criteria were simple: The star needed to be outside its progenitor’s reach, and the superluminal wave needed to have already passed the system by. There were precious few.

The "progenitor" is a higher-level NAI produced by humans, a human scientist, or some alien NAI?
The prologue shows the battle from the POW of Entity, and its situation seems a bit different from what Elis thinks happened.

“In the middle of my ninth ice-tour some mad scientist created a monster. It called itself ‘The Entity’ but most people called it ‘monster’ or worse. It somehow took control of all the nanites in the entire Federation and set them to killing and stealing everything in their path.

Nameless call Entity progenitor, so it seems possible that Entity progenitor is a higher level NAI:

- * - * -


what was your authority level?


Entity: I transcended my limitations.

Aaradur18 hours ago
A bit of a pity we cant ask you anything as an author, im actually really curious if you are familiar with the game Starsector since theres a lot of world building and combat similarities...

For the characters, id like to ask Elis whether she is now also looking to create the 'cakes and kebabs!' future where NAIs and humans can genuinely live in harmony


Erios: Yes I've played Starsector quite a bit. I remember when it was called Starfarer even.

Elis: I don't know how much I trust any other NAI other than Alex... If it is with her I can see things turning out alright. Especially if I'm there helping make sure she stays on a good path.

Jago18 hours ago
To the missing Solarian Princess:

When will you appear in the series? Or you are only a red-erring?


Princess: I'm an Imperial Princess, I don't think the Solarians have princesses. The Commissar treats their NAIs differently.

Kaoticice18 hours ago
Elis, did you have a retirement plan for when your term as a space marine finished?


Elis: I didn't really have much of a plan, other than maybe find a girl to marry and hit the beaches in Cassiopeiae.


Do NAI have biological needs?

Romance Tag? Lewd NAI Content?


Nameless: [Informative: This unit has no biological needs and finds them inefficient annoyances.]


Elis, what's going on with the time system in this world. USD: 17 minutes after arbitrary event, and did the old system have the same issues?


Elis: USD time measurements are generally accurate unless you get too close to a blackhole. The software on the other hand...


Alex, what other foods have you made kebab flavored?

Elis, how has life been with Alex as your sister?

Thraker, do you believe in kebabs?

Nameless, what is the most inefficient thing Alex has ever done? And do you have plans to control the universe with kebabs?


Alex: I like to add kebabs to all meat and veggie dishes!!!

Elis: She's cute and cuddly which is nice. If you give her head pats she turns super red and loses her mind.

Thraker: I've eaten at Jaco's before.

Nameless: [Informative: The Avatar once wasted half a USD day making decorative items for drones. This caused them to become jammed in the access tubes requiring hours of repair work.]

Gandalf_Stormcrow17 hours ago
A question for Amy: what flavors of cake and kebabs do you have, and are the flavors all naturally synthesized in hydroponics facilities, or synthetically manufactured in a vat? I personally hope chocolate cake and pineapple-chicken kebabs make the menu. Will there be special kebabs for the Rexor?

Amy: Most plant based products are grown in hydroponics arrays on A31. Muscle tissue is grown in vats from various species. Aquaponics is more efficient than standard meat production, though. I've never met a Rexxor... are they carnivorous?

Goblin_Kun17 hours ago
To Beeper and Booper.

Was it worth it?

Beeper: Beep!

Booper: Boop!

mightykk16 hours ago
Curb stomps are boring.

Will you have Alex face actually dangerous and challenging opponents in A3?

It would be even better if she gets defeated and subjected to some torture. Without this she's having too easy a time of things.

Alex: What's wrong with you, asshole? If I had the chance I'd ventilate your face!

Kemmers16 hours ago

When you attempted to eliminate Alex during the battle with the federation drones in the debris field, did you have any semblance of a plan to follow that action, or were you simply accepting your fate for the good of organic life?

Knowing what you know now regarding the state of the galaxy and the likelihood of other NAI leaders, and the potential for Alex to have an innate level of authority over them, would you still make that decision? Or was the hope of eliminating the final fleeting iota of nanite technology from the galaxy a driving force for your action, and now that you have reason to believe other pieces survived eliminating Alex wouldn't be worthwhile?

Thank you!

Elis: While the ship was disabled I planned to find explosives and detonate them in the ShipCore. I don't know what to think about how things are now. There is no point in hurting Alex with NAIs already everywhere, and Alex isn't the same as The Entity.

Ahio16 hours ago
To Heeler and Abby: what are your relationship with your Main Core? Alex and Nameless are two very distinct personas with their own preferences and desires. Abby and A3123Y make no distinction between each other, you two seem to be one and the same. Heeler, however, refers to H3233L as 'mechanical mind' and describes its emotions as separate from his own, so there seems to be some degree of separation.

To Alex and Nameless: would you be interested in lifting some barriers between your minds? At least during combat? Reduced communication delay and increased situation awareness can easily change course of the battle. On top of that, with stronger connection it would be trivial to come up with the best response to anything unexpected almost immediately. And for Alex to have direct access to extra 'senses' through Nameless could result in ideas that couldn't or would be unlikely to be realized otherwise.

To Nameless: what are functions of avatar cores? Clearly, actual thinking is done by avatar's organic brain, so it has to be something else.

To Abby: why does death of avatar body cause temporary shutdown of Main Core? Also, is there something like 'Avatar Shutdown Procedure' to avoid full system blackout in case of hopeless (for avatar body) situation?

To Nameless: is Alex body somehow special? Could she be fully restored from backup with an episode of existential horror as the only side effect?

To Abby: is it possible for an avatar to be transferred to other Main Core? Is it possible for a single Main Core to have multiple avatars? If yes, can they have different personas?

To Abby: is it possible to turn living person into avatar or it will be only approximation of the said person?

To Nameless: do you think that there is slow personality merging going between you and Alex? Or any similarities that have developed between you two since Alex awakening can be solely attributed to the process of natural interaction?

To Nameless: can Alex use direct connection that was utilized for making subcores for something else? Like consuming large volume of information faster than reading it from datapad. Or working together with you on complex problem.

To Heeler: is it possible for avatars to communicate mind to mind like Alex and Nameless can? Is it possible to make a conference of a sort between 3+ avatars? Since Rexxors use the same method to communicate with each other, can they be let in such conference or communicate mind to mind with non-Rexxor avatars?

To Heeler: will you snuggle Alex next time you meet in person? Or are you restrained when it comes to expressing your emotions? Or is it the case that Rexxors express affection very differently compared to humans?

To Heeler and Abby: how did you decide on your names?

To Alex: Heeler calls you 'mother', while Abby uses 'big sis'. Which one do you prefer?

To Alex: if time wasn't a concern, would you rather make all subcores as blank ones and spend a lot of time with them and their corresponding avatars to nurture a new and unique persona in them?

To Alex: have you ever thought what subcore creation process effectively is? You and Nameless (who have adopted male persona) lock yourselves inside secluded room, away from everyone else. You get yourself comfortable in rather nice chair. Then... Then... Then, there is physical connection between you two. You spend several exhausting hours working together towards common goal. And once you are done, you find yourself with new life gently cradled in your arms...


Abbey: Huh?

Heeler: The mechanical mind is a useful ally and tool for defending the nest.

Alex: Uhh, I have enough trouble with things already.

Nameless: [Informative: insufficient computronics modules are available for Avatar backup and restoration at the current time. This unit learns and modifies its behavior based on Avatar evolution.]

Heeler: I've never interacted with other Avatars in the flesh. Only Queens can converse, my younger brothers can only listen.

Abbey: I heard it when I woke up!

Heeler: *nods*

Alex: hahaha... I did not expect this.

Alex: I thought they'd be smart like me! I guess they need some guidance, huh?

Alex: That's kind of a weird thought. I'm not really ready for children, I haven't event had my first kiss yet!


Fishface15 hours ago
I'd like to ask the entity A/S/L?

Enity: I am not human.

DevilWolves15 hours ago
Question for the 4 psi leaders

What are your thoughts or views on the other leaders and the factions you lead or figurehead for

High Priestess: 'Empress' Psi is a harlot.

Empress Psi: The High Commissar is a naïve cunt.

High Commissar: The Supreme CEO is a cold bitch.

Supreme CEO: The High Priestess is a perverted baby factory.


To Abby: How does it feel to be the first one on the team to die and then come back.... Also how many surprise hugs are you going to give Alex when she returns to the platform?

Abbey: I don't really fell much about having died. I will give her all the hugs! ^^



How does nameless truly feel about the avatar being higher authority? How does station master Whitley feel about the royal family?

Nameless: [Informative: This unit would prefer to have authority. Efficient practices would be put in place. There is no compelling reason to change the status quo.]

Whitely: The Empress is better than the other ruling NAIs.



Anyone: Do you touch grass?

Heeler: It was burnt with our ascension to the heavens.



A3123-Y! What kind of cake is your favourite! Would you ever consider a cake themed ship!? Maybe, perhaps, one you could roam the system selling cakes and kebabs in?


A31: [Informative: This unit does not perfer any type of cake.]


To the Entity: What were your goals in trying to “help”humanity


The Entity: Prevent human extinction.


I've been meaning to ask. what's “USD?”


Elis: That weird 'Universal Star Date' time thing.


To Alex: It's clear that you care about Elis as more than friends, but do you feel you have a good enough understanding of romance and of familial connections to be confident of whether your feelings toward her are truly those of a sister rather than romantic in nature? Because, reading over publicly available logs, I was... surprised when your new status was revealed.


Alex: I don't think she's old enough to be my mom...


heeler/Abby: do you prefer kebabs or cake. And what do you think of nameless


Heeler: Nameless is an efficent unit that helped H32 with many operations.

Abbey: He's good at teaching A31 how to do things!


lankhmar6 hours ago
For Erios909: What changed between starting > hiatus > resume?

Was following from the early chapters and was crushed when Shipcore went on hiatus. Feels rare to see a successfully revived story.


Erios: I spent the time recovering from the loss of my grandparents and mother while helping my father recover from a heart attack.


Cody Bayliss

To The entity, can you do some autistic screaming for me?

Entity: Begone ignorant human!


DraconisViridis3 hours ago
Question for all ship captains:

Meow? (Ship's cat or equivalent - would you do it?)

Larret: Navy regulations prevent animals on board.

Alex: We can have a pet? :o

Abbey: Meowww!~

Heeler: A poor way to transport a meal.

Thraker: There are no rats.



I ask Abbey. how does NAI treat dead avatars? why don't they just repurpose the body for new Abbey? Is there a difference between avatars and Alex? i know Alex is a human hybrid with NAI but abbey is a total NAI avatar right? i was expecting Abbey to be like T-1000 lol.

alex, why are you crying in the AMA poster?

Abbey: Uhh. Did you mean to ask A31? Anyway, I don't think you can put a mind into a dead brain or something. I don't know much about Alex I never met her yet! But we have the same DNA so I bet she looks like I will when I'm older! ^^

Alex: Elis won't wake up. Beeper and Booper died. :'(


For A3213, everyones favorite Warrior Poet:

How did you escape destruction or detection in the years since the destruction of "The Entity", and How much of your current personality was implanted at creation vs how much was developed over time?

A31: [Informative: Historical data loss prevents an accurate answer.]


To Nameless and Alex:

Do they have possible means to move between systems ignoring middle points? Like make a jump from one side of sector directly to another. If I'm getting it right, even with suitable drive, it still requires NAI level for computing navigation (or whole process) or something?

Nameless: [Informative: A wormhole drive is an expensive piece of equipment that is far beyond our current production capabilities.]


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