ShipCore [Stub]

A3 Character AMA

Hello everyone! I'm thrilled to announce we're getting ready for another Character AMA (Ask Me Anything) session as we head towards the release of A4!

I'll be donning the roles of our characters and answering questions you might have for them. Of course, if you have a question for me as the author, you're welcome to ask that too! ^^"

While I can't promise that every question will receive an answer, I'll do my best.

A quick note on the rules:

  1. Each participant is allowed up to three questions!
  2. You can ask only one question per character!
  3. It's crucial to specify the character each of your questions is intended for!

I'll be going through the questions on Friday and answering them the best I can!

So, what are you waiting for? Start sending in those questions for Friday!

Time for some answers!


Tia: What government type is the new nation going to be? (Empire, Corporation, etc)

Alex: What is your title going to be? (Empress, etc)

Heeler: What is it like being the only non-humanoid NAI of your faction?


Tia: I see no reason to change Meltisar's current government. That is, a Stratocratic Republic.
Alex: I don't want a title. I just want to continue my self development and help and protect my friends.
Heeler: The nest must grow, and this shall not be true forever.


1° alex: who was alex before the final battle?


Alex: *Blinks* Uhh... From what I understand I have a mix of different people's personalities that formed an amalgam, and now I've developed into my own person.


Tia: What will you call your new faction now that it officially exists as a nation state?

Alex: What do you think of becoming a grandmother thanks to Heeler, and will there be a wedding so your grandchildren aren't bastards?

Those other alien that I forgot the name of that launched a crusade: Are any of you going to appear as named characters, especially now that the Rexxor are revealed to be intelligent, or do you plan to just be in the background doing your stuff off screen?


Tia: I don't see any reason to change the name of Meltisar. Doing so would likely effect public relations and keeping it lends legitimacy.
Alex: What...grandchildren...what?
Drakaris Envoy: Word of Octanis violations has arrived... our investigation is underway.


Elis, how is your recovery going amidst all that chaos? What are your thoughts on receiving a NAI treatment from your sister, after you have expierenced grey goo in your helpless state, not being able to convey your thoughts verbally and Tia getting control of all the Meltisar?

Whitely, what is life on the heavily modified Ackman station now after Abbey has left the system? What effect does the Corpo-Solarian war has on the system, for its economics and a normal person lifestyle?

Abbey, can you tell us one of your [Warrior Poet] poems, please? clear.png

Extra: Nameless, can you please provide your Avatar's efficiency increase since your awakening till now in, in percents, rounded up to three decimals?


Elis: Alex and Nameless have helped me restore my motor function and speech. I don't know about this princess, but Alex seems to like her.
Abbey: |Starship steel and might, | |Quantum tides and solar winds, | |In stardust, we’re crowned. |
Whitely: The Corpos have stationed marines on board and taken control. Unfortunately, we have little choice but to give them what they want. We have managed to keep many of Starlight Revolution's installations secret in the belt and around the sun, though...
Nameless: Calculating this would require additional computation cycles from the author. xd

Paranoiac· 13 hours ago

Alex: Congrats on getting that AGAI situation handled and getting Elis back. Are you still planning on being in the Meltisar navy and going to flight school? I know you need the flight skills and certifications, but there are so, so many ways that could go wrong, especially with the butt-hurt anti-NAI politicians and military officials looking to take out their resentment on someone for getting their power stripped away, and their reputations trashed by the AGAI incident blowing up.

Abbey: Are you willing to make a deal with the Solarians if they use Levigne as a liason? Yes, you and Alex have your issues with them, but the Solarians, as a whole, seem rather reasonable, and Nu Crateris was originally their star system.

Admiral Darren: You dodged a tactical nuke by making your objections to the AGAI program well known. Did you have to call in any favors from Alex to not find yourself in the public's crosshairs?


Alex: I haven't decided yet, but I think I will stay as a cadet in the military and keep learning all I can while supporting Tia on integrating her control. She needs me... well Nameless mostly. Running the trillions of nodes in the system is really hard... Plus it would be hard to get out of Meltisar being a NAI and everyone wanting to control us... Meltisar seems like the safest place for now.
Abbey: Solar peace we seek, Through star-lit talks, hearts speak, Hope in cosmos peak.
Admiral Westlake: The public has little say in the military's governance, but my position has indeed solidified support for myself. I have found working with the NAIs has been challenging but rewarding.

NyxReader· 15 hours ago

Rachel: you still having that date with Alex ?

Any solarian that can answer this maybe the one grazhdanin captain that got away?: What's your take on starlight revolution ? Enemy, unknown or potential ally against the corpos .... For now ?


Tharker: I plan to support the NAIs and I accepted Chi Alex's proposition to Captain the Iron Horse for her for now.
Rachel: I'm planning more than that. *wink*
Captain Larret: Currently we're cautious about them. The Corpo fleet chasing us into Nu Crateris had to stop due to their interference and now we're stuck here since they have the jump point. The corporation has been sending us supplies but... they have illegal technology and weapons. But that's all above my paygrade, I just need to get the squadron back to our fleet.


Lavigne, would you consider staying with Abbey if she gave the offer, instead of going back to the Solarians?

Alex, now that you're in a position where you can make your own ship soon, what colours do you want it to be?

Admiral Westlake, how do you feel about seeing your nation taken over by NAIs?


Lavigne: I have a duty to return to the Federation and report what we've seen and done.
Alex: I like blue. Gray.. white... but not matte white... neon blue, and blue... some red to go faster? Oh and gold trim!
Admiral Westlake: With how easy it was due to the backdoors created by the NAI powers... were we ever truly free to begin with? At least now, we might have a chance with our own NAI, instead of being a plaything for the others.


Fallon: How are you still alive?! You have seem to have the escape luck of a pre-Fed era cartoon villain, always finding a way to slip under the reaper's scythe. Have you considered quitting while you're ahead? Or rather, while you're still more than just a head?

Not sure if Tia or Thea would be best informed... do the NAI powers not publish some kind of "don't research this stuff unless you want us to suddenly agree on the value of erasing your existence" list? I mean, the idiots in the Admiralty must have had some idea that certain things were just too dangerous to research, and what kind of consequences would arise the moment they tried to use them? Since Fallon pulled a Houdini, you have to be aware that Corpo know what's happened, right?

Abbey: Space whales. Not really a question, I guess. Whales in space... like little fishies, only much bigger and cooler. See if your database has the original Star Trek movies. Or sharks. Space sharks with giant lasers strapped to their heads. Super intelligent dolphins could work too... Gotta make them smarter though. Still not a question. Uh. Oh, here's one... Should I stop making suggestions that will probably give Amy a headache, or is that a problem for future Abbey?

Bonus for Erios: So, uh, other than Wyles, were the Hades casualties all MilTech redshirts? And now that I think about it... did those Alpha level atrocities get cleaned up off screen? I can't remember hearing about them again after Heeler's pincer attack on those runaways. clear.png


Fallon: I'm just doing my job... it's quite troublesome.
Tia: There's an entire catalogue of banned and illegal technologies and sciences. The AGAI was at the top of the list. NAI research is forbidden except to Chi level NAIs and above, and that is heavily restricted by directive. Meltisar could have expected an invasion, although turning them away without bloodshed will be possible since I'm now in control of the system. But not forever...
Abbey: :o?
Erios: I didn't know what to do with them so they got eaten. Yalof is still flying his destroyer escorting A3123Y.

A_Friendly_Unknown· May 31, 2023

Abby: would you like to pet a capybara?

Alex: would you like to hold a baby capybara for your thoughts on recent events?


Abbey: What's a capybara? :o
Alex: Umm. I need a nap :D

AlmouthyKing· May 31, 2023

Nameless... is Luff* still searching for that *ne pea*e?


Nameless: *ne pea*e is still ongoing on season 1283, guided by their hearts and with sails still raised.


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