
Chapter 115 : Quiet times

James stood in silence in the middle of Runar's office and simply basked in the glow of victory. The runemaster was gone, his escape card had been corrupted and had sent him somewhere, James didn't know where specifically, but through his connection with the man he could tell he was still alive, but heavily infused, much more than anyone else had ever been without being fully converted, and wherever he was it wasn't where he intended to go and by the time he reached any place he might have allies in the transformative energies in him would be done taking over his body. And judging by the sorry state of the armors of the Runarian Knights when their master had summoned them, those five were either already down for the count or soon to be at the hands of his employees. Frankly, he would need a day or two to fully recuperate mentally, but after that, he would throw a big party to reward them, with all the pastries from Sweet Pete's they could ever eat.

It was hard to believe, in a strange way. Runar was gone, his elite too, and his well-equipped men could take care of whatever was left, so he was free to just... Take a small break right now. It had all gone so fast, and it was already over, and yet it had felt like much, each second turning into an eternity during each encounter. James had no idea what he would do with the rest of the day, he was already winded and couldn't sleep without being knocked unconscious by someone else.

Oh, I know. When we're done taking care of things here, as soon as we finish sorting through whatever's here to pay Mesker and see what Techlord can use, I'm going back down and I'm hanging out with the kids. I'm sure they'd appreciate a Captain Cyan marathon together. The last one in those sewers I hope.

He had almost forgotten why he was taking out Runar in the first place with all the stress the situation brought. He wasn't doing this to clear the slums, to steal his rival's market, or to impress the local gangs, no, all of this was just a way for him to guarantee his safety, so that he and the kids could leave this miserable place and live comfortably in the main city. Granted, he felt a little guilty at the idea of leaving his loyal employees behind. Maybe he could try and look out for a place for the Commando and Techlord to stay while he was scouting for a home for him and the ratlings? Guy seemed happy to stay here, Polisson and Mischief would be fine anywhere, and the infused... Well, they weren't bothered by things such as comfort or happy lives. But was he forgetting something?

Ah. The kids Guy recruited.

He had only met Dane so far - if saving the small blue child from Runar's thugs could be called meeting them - but he was aware there were quite a few more keeping an eye and ear out for anything interesting around the Black Block. Those were... Well, they were children that had grown up in this environment, quite a few of them were on the verge of adulthood, and according to Guy himself, this was already a much better system than the one he had grown up in. Back in his childhood, all orphaned youths like him acted independently, and the survival rate was much lower. Criminals weren't inclined to pay children when they could just beat the answers out of them, and kids couldn't defend themselves from people who didn't like being watched. As selfish and manipulative as Guy felt to James, he at least had offered a better way - by working loosely together they could travel the slums and spy more effectively, and crime lords weren't as inclined to hurting their informants if they had a union of sorts since it meant antagonizing all of them, the best locale source of information outside of the gangs' respective intelligence gatherers. Not that it always worked or stopped the kids from setting up each other, from what James learned of Dane's life from Guy and Techlord, the latter only repeating the worries Doctor Drake had confided in the teen.

He had planned to bring Dane down to the orphanage and have Greenheld and the ghost nuns take care of them while having them help around the place, taking care of menial tasks to free up the Commando and so the kid could feel useful. James had to admit he didn't spend too much time thinking about those things when Runar was the main problem haunting his thoughts, but now that he was taken care of, there were a lot of things James had dismissed at the time he had to take care of now. Case in point, a ton of children with no formal education in a dog-eat-dog area who he was technically in charge of. Without the stress of fearing for his, his kids', and his employees' lives, he had to face the issue. He couldn't just leave them here as they were, he may have changed a lot as a person ever since he reincarnated but he couldn't fight off the guilt of abandoning children like that if he felt like he could help.

He could have them all go to the orphanage, but it probably wouldn't work out in the long term. Sure, it might be fine for a few months, maybe a year, maybe more, but at one point or another, whether as older teens or adults, they would want to leave and do their own thing, and James couldn't hold them back. And as adults, what skills would they have? What could do to earn their lives? No, he had to work something else out. Unless miraculously the nuns could be effective teachers, which... Maybe they were? James wasn't overly familiar with how orphanages worked, especially not one in this world from a hundred years ago, but they probably had some sort of schooling in place unless they somehow sent the equivalent of at least an entire classroom of kids at a regular school. The problem then was if the nuns could still do the job, a lot had probably happened in the last century, and a lot of what they knew was outdated. It didn't help either that they had died, and that despite being relatively sane they still weren't the same as when they were alive. His first meeting with the ghosts still gave him shivers.

Maybe I could leave them with the nuns for a while setting things up in the main city, and then when I'm all settled I can bring them in? Maybe send an anonymous message to a modern orphanage or the Union? I don't think the chatroom will be useful for that kind of thing.

In any case, the orphanage would do until he found himself a nice place in the proper Zalcien, and maybe established himself as Silhouette in a safe spot. Oh, he had no plan of becoming the next big bad, he may have learned to kill people but only out of necessity. James had no interest in the criminal lifestyle, especially not in a world of Heroes and Villains. No, he only wanted to bring the Silhouette persona along to the main city to bring along his shop and scare away the small gangs and petty thieves. He had no ID to speak of and all of his money was in cash, so buying or renting places the proper way was probably doomed to fail. Silhouette would let him kickstart a new life, and give him a foundation for a more mundane existence for him and the ratlings.

If sales went well in the city, maybe he could afford to expand his business, make an outpost for scavengers in the Junkland he had heard so much about to give Techlord all the scarps he could ever need to work on his inventions, he could offer better pays to his employees in the slums and perhaps even set up a program to let them join him in the big city. He didn't have the funds to save everyone, but he had to admit he had gotten attached to his loony crew, not quite as much to the warehouse workers, but he had to admit Bob the frog's work ethic and Elen Gurt's despair at her situation had both impressed him. Both would be loyal beyond belief if he gave them some responsibilities and a nice job out of the slums.

Thinking about the warehouse, he'd have to see if any of his workers decided to leave suddenly. He was under the assumption one of them was probably a spy for Runar - Claude Puma seemed the likeliest candidate, with how many questions he asked, but at the same time it felt a little too obvious - but now that the man was gone, they would have no reason to stick around, unless they had plans to sell the intel they got to someone else. But really, with Runar gone, there was no one else around that actively antagonized James. Maybe people jealous of his shop would try something, but after the runemaster's downfall, they would likely stay discreet.

As James was lost in his thoughts and basked in the warm rays of the sun above, the sky clear of clouds around the building but hosting half a dozen crows flying through the air in circles above him, the sound of feet running up the stairs to the office reached him and broke him out of his planning and reverie, though he wasn't worried about any incoming attack. Although it felt weird to say, he had spent enough time around the Commando to recognize the sounds of their steps - something he doubted many bosses could say.

The door to the stairs opened in a burst, kicked open by Techlord's armor-covered foot, and the teen genius leaped onto the office ready to fight as the Commando followed, their weapons aimed essentially everywhere. James could see through the black glass visor covering his face the eyes of the inventor darting all around, scanning the area before the young man relaxed as he realized his employer was alone on the roof, though he was quite surprised at the sight of the five ruined suits of armor laying on the ground.

"We're done securing the building, boss. Is... Everything alright?"

"Yes, yes. Any losses on our side?"

"Fluorine and Loedycan reported a few lost among the infused, though the mages are fine. Two Commando guys got knocked out earlier but they woke up, and I got a little scratched by that assassin, but that's it. And you boss?"

"Some stinging here and there, but it won't last long. What of prisoners?"

"Not a whole lot of those. No one surrendered, and frankly, only the Commando was safe enough to bother not using lethal weaponry."

One member of said commando interrupted.

"We also caught a Runarian Knight!"

"Yeah, an invisible guy!"

James' brain short-circuited for a moment, he could understand his men taking care of a Knight without their equipment, but the invisibility they described was part of one of the suits, which meant they defeated a Knight at their best. Despite his body staying perfectly still, the teen who was the closest thing to his right-hand man aside from Polisson felt the attention of his superior on him.

"Yeah, they got one. Weird dude with three eyes. Don't ask me how they did it. We still have him, but his armor disappeared. A similar thing happened with the assassin, she escaped and left her armor behind, but it's no longer there."

The teen turned his head to point at two of the ruined suits on the ground.

"Since they're here, I suppose you know what happened?"

James nodded.

"Runar's final defense, he brought his Knights' armors here and turned them into golems of sorts. Given how they looked when they arrived, I believe it's safe to say all of them have been taken care of. I defeated his loyal Karadok before facing Runar, you took care of the assassin, and the Commando dealt with the other mystery one. Who took care of the last two?"

"Fluorine and Loedycan reported defeating Speareau, but that's it. None of us saw Pierce Evil."

James hummed as his gaze fell to the ruined suit, the golden brass covered in burns and black spots of corruptive shadows that destroyed its runes.

"Would you know if the warehouse's surprise had been utilized?"

"Nah, but we can always call the twins."

The teen turned to the Commando, and one of them promptly pulled out his phone before he went back down the stairs, to avoid disturbing the rest of the conversation. Techlord turned back to James and stepped closer as he continued his report.

"So, we found quite a bit of loot. Lots of runic tools on the second floor, completed runic stuff on the first, and a few vaults on the third, along with the Knights' rooms. The ground floor was just a dormitory and basic living space for the thugs and regular knights, while the fourth-"

"I know about the fourth. Labyrinthine hallway and locked rooms holding the pillars that kept the shield over the office running. Oh, did you find a larger room at the end of it, with an unconscious orc and beast?"

Techlord raised a brow beneath his helmet.

"We found the room with a circle on the floor, but no one inside. There was a hole in one of the walls that led outside, though."

"So, Karadok, the Patcher's monster, and the assassin have gotten away..."

"Not bug."

Techlord and the Commando's gaze shifted as they watched a large black rat finish its climb up the building, reaching the roof before it sat on its haunches some distance away from James.

"Wounded. Followed."

"And have they brought her back yet?"

The member of Mischief shook its head, but its beady eyes remained filled with confidence.

"Unarmed. Harmless."

James hummed before addressing his inventor.

"So, we may have one more prisoner than planned. The only loose ends left are an orc without hands and a monster made by someone else. Is the Patcher known to take back his creatures after selling them?"

"He signs contracts, otherwise people wouldn't trust his abominations. Why buy a man-made horror if it can turn on you at any point? If Runar is dead or unable to continue his operations or uphold his end of the contract, however, then it's fair game."

"It would be nice if the Patcher dealt with Karadok, but let's avoid blind optimism for now. Are Fluorine and Loedycan organizing the new infused?"

"Yup. They're rounding up anything that can stand up and checking if they're fully converted."

"Splendid. Commando, bring anyone that wasn't affected and is still alive to the closest thing to a jail this place has. Mischief, scout the area for stragglers and opportunists. Techlord, you and I are going to do an express sorting of everything that could be of value or use. Once everyone's done with their tasks, the infused will manage things here while the rest of us will return to the base. Depending on how well the rounding up of Runar's thugs' smaller hideouts went, we may have to go out and hunt whatever's left ourselves, especially if our two escapees joined them."

"And if they're all out of commission?"

"Then we all get a nice break for once. We'll take it easy for a few days, then you and I will have to see how to best repurpose this place."

"Wait, we're keeping this? I thought we didn't have the manpower to hold it?"

James felt his connections with the dozens of newly infused thugs.

"We didn't, now we do. Would you like to move your workshop here, or keep it separate?"

"Nah, I'm fine where I am. I don't mix well with magical stuff."

"Fair enough."

The member of the Commando that had left to call the warehouse crew returned at this point, putting away his phone as he went up the stairs.

"So, Pierce Evil showed up, they lost a few infused, but the shopkeeps are fine. They said they used Techlord's experiment to deal with him."


"A little something I worked on so that they didn't only have the big surprise to rely on."

"It appears it went well, but do try to keep informed of this sort of thing in the future."

"Yeah, sorry boss. I uh... I kinda forgot to."

If James had eyes to roll, he would have. In any case, now was the time for him to see if Mesker's materials were here, and hopefully properly labeled. The pyromancer had given him a list with small descriptions and basic drawings of what he should be looking for, but given how dangerous magical things could be if handled the wrong way and how specific they could be according to the demonologist, he'd rather not risk mistaking a perfectly harmless flower for one that could disintegrate his body in seconds. Maybe they'd even find interesting runic items here, but James doubted there would be anything of similar value and use to the Runarian Knights' armors, anything like that would have been used during the attack otherwise. They likely would only find simple items, like the mace of the thug that nearly killed Dane, and maybe slightly better stuff, like the shifting clay armor of Grover, things that Runar felt safe selling without putting himself in danger. But that would be enough: with runic items to fill up his shop's product lineup, Techlord wouldn't have to work quite as much and would be free to focus his attention on personal or more important projects, depending on what James needed to be done.

James peeked up at the crows circling above and wondered if perhaps he could access Runar's account at the Black Bank. Probably not, even if the manager seemed to have an interest in him judging by how he acted and the fact his little pets spied on him - Techlord and the Commando had informed him that apparently ever since Blake Black had arrived those crows showed up around the Bank, and rumors said it was common for all members of the Black Family to have something similar going on. No, judging by the low morals of the group, the content of Runar's account and possible vault would belong to them now that the runemaster was gone.

"Let us go, everyone. We need to ensure that by dusk, no trace of Runar remains, so that our tomorrow may be brighter than ever before."


"And when everything's done I'll put together a pastry party for you."


James chuckled at their antics. Soon, he too would feel safe being as carefree. How would life in Zalcien be? His hometown had been much smaller than this city in another world, and it felt like it had earned the title of metropolis despite being relatively forgettable compared to other members of the ACS - though not because of its size, but rather everything else. It was hard to understand how a place that had an entire second city beneath it could be forgettable, but he supposed a world of Supers would have different standards. How would the economy in the civilized parts of the city be? What about the acceptance of his unique biology? People in the chatroom seemed pretty open, but they were a tight-knit community, how would the casual citizen react?

James chased these thoughts away. He could worry later. For now, it was just time to bask in the glow of victory, and a safer tomorrow.

HardCored - Chatroom

MagicIsTragic: Explosion! Magic!

TechnoGogo: Yes, we saw the pillar of shadows too. You can calm down.

The Silence: Oh, to witness the ascension of the darkness beneath.

KillLaKrill: Well, someones are in a good mood. Say, does anyone know anything about it yet? Should we update the Zalcien Villain Tier List?

(Mod)Seagullag: The only official communication we've gotten yet is that it happened in the slums, so we should all stay calm.

KillLaKrill: Kinda hard to do with all the guys who showed up just to mess with things.

Saray: Yeah, I don't get why people always do this. I mean, there's a risk of a big Super fight, do you really think now's the time to rob that bookstore?

TechnoGogo: That's... Kinda the point. Since it's likely the Union and the police will be busy, it's the perfect time to steal stuff and mess with things.

MagicIsTragic: Guys. Guys.

TechnoGogo: What?

MagicIsTragic: Big shadow power. In the slums. After the gang war with the darkness guy I told you about. See where I'm going with this?

KillLaKrill: First off, not a gang war, just a small fight or two. And yes, I see what you mean, but come on, seriously? Someone strong enough to do something this visible wouldn't stay in the slums, not for long.

TechnoGogo: Actually, many powerful people stay there. I mean, just look at Sunburn. If he isn't in jail or doing a gig, he's there. And sadly, she's got a point. Shadow powers aren't rare per se, but it is suspicious the Union took note of a new guy involved in a big fight, and soon after we get a light show.

MagicIsTragic: A dark show, rather.

The Silence: Correlation doesn't imply causality, but it is a notable series of events.

MagicIsTragic: Fine, be that way, I'll make fun of you when he shows up attacking a bank or something later.

TechnoGogo: Sure, you get the "I told you so" rights. But, I mean, James also has shadow powers and showed up soon before those things happened, and I don't see you fitting him in your little conspiracy.

MagicIsTragic: Oh, I'd completely forgotten about that. Nah, he doesn't fit the bill. Not enough mean stuff in him. The poor boy has no sass, could you imagine?

TechnoGogo: With you around? No.

Saray: You shouldn't compare people you know to Villains like that.

(Mod)Seagullag: The new mystery shadow man isn't officially a Villain, yet, but I agree with Saray. Keep forum people out of your fanfictions.

MagicIsTragic: Hey! It's not fanfic! It's a well-thought-out theory!

KillLaKrill: Sure, sure. Just don't bother the guy, alright? It's kinda rude talking about him when he's not there, especially if it's to compare him to a big bad.

MagicIsTragic: I didn't compare him to anyone anyway. Still, I'm curious about where he comes from. No Supers, no Cored, and he's very curious about basic knowledge, no?

TechnoGogo: Bah, they probably had a censored internet or something. I mean, it's not like WE get the same stuff as people in, say, Brol do. It's why I messed around with my connection for a while. I did the same for Daisy, too, so that she could watch that show about the garden lady on a volcano.

KillLaKrill: I miss her.

MagicIsTragic: Yeah. Me too. Think the Union is gonna do anything about the Hivines soon?

Saray: I don't think so. There's no evidence they as an organization are doing anything bad. Some members are caught doing crimes from time to time, but it can't be pinned on the whole group.

TechnoGogo: Kinda like the Blood Angels when Big N was still around but in reverse? He had all the charges, while his guys kept blank records. Seagull, can you confirm?

(Mod)Seagullag: I haven't been in Zalcien for that long. In any case, until there's an official announcement by the Union or the police, the Biflora and his followers are to be considered a religion, and nothing else, following the rules of the website.

The Silence: I miss her too.

Firefighter looked down at the petty thief he had just intercepted, fleeing from a jewelry store with his pockets full of pearl necklaces and golden bracelets. The man had tried to run, but he couldn't be faster than the Hero's hydrokinesis. Firefighter groaned as he received yet another emergency call for a minor crime like this one, and swore to himself he would give the idiot who created that pillar of shadows a piece of his mind.

Lord Of Water, did he hate Super fighting days.

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