
Chapter 15 : Online forums to the rescue

Doomed doomed doomed doomed...

James had been pacing around the nest for the past few minutes under the worried gaze of the ratlings, shaken down to his core - he could tell there was a pun to be made here but he wasn't in the mood - by what he had learned about Aspects and what people thought of them. More precisely, the Transformation Aspect.

"Maybe it's not Transformation and just looks like it! Yes! Let's just compare a few tell-tale signs based on the list that's linked in the article. Ok, let's go..."

"Transformation can be used on anything, from inanimate objects to living things with corpses in-between. The difficulty of the transformation - or corruption, infection, purification, or infusion, depending on who you ask - depends on the complexity of the target, the materials it is made of, its mass, and, in the case of a living entity, its willingness."

Ok, there's no denying it, that's exactly what I've been doing with shadows. At least I know it works on living things and corpses too now, though they don't specify any side effects.

"Infusing a non-elemental object is easier than transforming an elemental one, and trying to infuse an elemental object with its opposing element is much harder - the Vallenian Scurge, being attuned to the Earth Element, was heavily slowed down once it assaulted the floating city of Monttaie, constructed entirely out of materials infused with the Wind Element and populated by numerous Aeromancers."

Oh. Good to know. If infusing a phone was enough to send me in the cords for a couple of days and block my shadow stuff for a while, I don't want to know what a more complex object made with better materials infused with light - I guess? At least based on usual elemental shenanigans it's what shadow's opposite should be - would do. Or well, I do, but I don't want to experience it.

Curiosity about how far his abilities could reach eased his mind, and so James jumped on the opportunity to turn to a more enjoyable train of thought.

I should try to figure out which Aspects I have, shouldn't I? Well, Transformation is obvious, but what about the rest?

James went over the list once again, taking in every single detail - though he didn't know how useful it would be to know this article was made by some Alan Leone. What were the chances he would ever meet the man? Though, thinking about it, considering this world's twisted sense of irony, he was probably setting up a flag. Oh well, having a professional opinion wouldn't hurt.

I can't test out any new stuff since my shadow abilities are still locked - or blocked, or sealed, or jammed or whatever - but I should still be able to establish a basic diagnosis. Let's get to the obvious one right off the bat, I'm a shapeshifter. But how does that work? Apparently, there's light and heavy shapeshifting, what's the difference?

Again, who better to ask a question you quickly wanted the answer to than the Internet? But, this time, James found something a little different. Not an article, not some wiki page, but a forum.

"HardCored: Confused Cored helping each other."

Well, that seemed promising. The only downside was that he required an account to view the different discussions, so he simply just made one. Well, he had to make a mail address before that, he planned on something random on a random host platform, but, when he began to fill the different spaces, an address he had never made automatically filled in. James looked at the ratlings who all shrugged before shrugging himself. It probably came with the phone infusion if he had to guess.

Ok, one last look at the rules... Blah blah, no illegal content... Privacy Policy... Hu, you can't publish personal information, not even your own. Probably to preserve people from getting taken by Villains or something? Oh, and what's that?

"This forum is not for boasting, it's about asking people for help on how to manage your abilities and what to do in which situations. Any boasting will be viewed as a faker and will be banned."

I guess when people CAN throw trucks around like they were paper planes, some people will try to gather attention by pretending to be all-powerful.

In a couple of tentacle taps, James' account was set up. It was simple, default avatar, no bio, only the bare minimum to use the site really. He wasn't in the mood to set up anything more complex and, honestly, it wasn't like he planned on using the forum much afterward. Once he had asked a few questions and received a few answers, he wouldn't have any reason to use it anymore.

He did take the time to make a good username, not something overly thought-out but enough not to seem suspicious. Someone who was simply called "Bob" or "Joe" on the Internet probably was hiding something.

James quickly checked over the numerous threads that existed and quickly gave up on browsing them. He didn't want to bother looking through a dozen different versions of "help, I set my house on fire" just to get a hint at the information he actually wanted. And, thankfully, the forum had some kind of live chatroom he could use.

HardCored - Chatroom

MagicIsTragic: And that's why Abrakaboom is objectively the best Villain in the big three.

TechnoGogo: Magic, I swear to the Nine, if I read one more word about Abrakaboom I WILL find you and demonstrate how good nitroglycerin is.

MagicIsTragic: Ah! You can try, then I'll show you what a good fireball can do.

KillLaKrill: Girls, girls, you're both pyromaniacs. Can we talk about something else now? Like, literally anything else?

DaffyDaisy: Like our Lord and Savior, the Biflora?

MagicIsTragic: No.

TechnoGogo: No.

KillLaKrill: No.

The Silence: No.

(Mod)Seagullag: Daisy, we already warned you about this. No preaching on the forum. I'm muting you for a week.

DaffyDaisy has been muted by Moderator Seagullag. Reason: Broke the preaching rule.

MagicIsTragic: My Artifix, even Silence talked!

The Silence: Even the vast barren plains of nothingness and apathy that plague my soul are tired of dealing with the Hivines' foolish, cultic ways.

TechnoGogo: Calm down drama queen, I'm tired of them too but you don't see me insulting their religion.

MagicIsTragic: But he's right, the Biflora IS a Villain, the Hivines are just a cult of brainwashed minions.

KillLaKrill: Nothing's proven yet, guys.

(Mod)Seagullag: Calm down everyone. Like Krill said, there's no official statement on the Biflora being a Villain. And freedom of religion is one of the rules of the forum.

JamesIsInTheDark: Excuse me everyone, am I interrupting something? I just discovered I had a Core and wanted to ask a few questions.

KillLaKrill: Oh! A newbie! Welcome little one, ask anything you want.

TechnoGogo: Awakened or just a really specific power that never kicked in until now?

MagicIsTragic: Ah! Perfect! Fresh meat! Tell me, who is the best Villain in Zalcien?

The Silence: Does it devour your soul from the inside, cursing you to an eternity of agony?

(Mod)Seagullag: Don't pay attention to Silence, he got into an emo phase ever since he discovered he could drain colors from things. So, what's your deal?

JamesIsInTheDark: Awakened, I think? Or Chaotic? I'm not sure. I haven't been in Zalcien long enough to know about its Villains, sadly. And, uh, I don't really know what to do? I don't know WHAT I can do either.

TechnoGogo: Oof, Chaotic can be a mess. You should go get examined at the Hero Union's Headquarters.

MagicIsTragic: Wait, you're not from here? Where are you from then?

The Silence: Do not listen to Techno's advice, while I have no doubt she has the best intentions in mind the Union can get really hands-on when it comes to Chaotic Cores, I don't even want to imagine what they would do on an outsider.

MagicIsTragic: Whoa, that's the least dark thing you said in a while, Silence.

(Mod)Seagullag: Not from Zalcien? Yeah, that might make things harder. Still, you should go see a doctor, Chaotic could be especially nasty if left unchecked. The last guy who had it, ChaosControl, didn't follow his medication and spontaneously exploded into a living cloud of pixels. He's ok, just really annoyed he lost his physical body.

JamesIsInTheDark: Yeah, that's a bit late. My body is already a mess.

TechnoGogo: Ok, let's take a scientific approach, what are your Aspects?

JamesIsInTheDark: I... Don't know?

MagicIsTragic: Oof.

KillLaKrill: Any elemental affinity?

JamesIsInTheDark: Yes, shadows, without a doubt.

The Silence: Ah, the darkness beckons and has claimed one more soul.

TechnoGogo: That's his way of saying that's his element too. Could you try to describe your abilities? So that we may guess what your Aspects could be?

MagicIsTragic: Could we go back on the part where they said they're not from Zalcien? Like, that's important info. What if they were a Draskian spy. One Sunburn is enough in my books.

(Mod)Seagullag: Magic, don't be racist. I'm Draskian too.

MagicIsTragic: Whoops, sorry.

TechnoGogo: Good ol' Magic, that.

KillLaKrill: And what's your opinion on mermen, Magic? Are we spies sent from the depths of the ocean to seduce and kidnap poor girls like you?

TechnoGogo: Whoa, calm down Krill. Magic is just messing around, you know her.

The Silence: Yes, Techno speaks the truth. Magic is a fool, true, but not a mean-spirited one.

(Mod)Seagullag: Everyone, calm down.

James looked down at the screen before sighing. What had he expected, genuinely helpful people on the Internet? Things seemed to be good at first but they clearly weren't focused enough to help him. At least, until he saw a notification at the corner of the screen, something about someone sending him a private message. He shrugged, he had nothing to lose trying.

HardCored - Private chat - Saray

Saray: Hey, sorry about the others. They're nice people but they get easily distracted. You wanted some help with figuring out your Aspects and what to do, right?

JamesIsInTheDark: Yeah, thanks. I don't mind, I should have known the Internet wouldn't be as useful as I had planned.

Saray: Don't say that. Really, they normally are much more helpful but... Well, things are getting tense.

JamesIsInTheDark: How so?

Saray: Daisy got indoctrinated by the Hivines about a month ago and that sparked a big debate between those who think they're a dangerous cult and those who think they're just another new religion. But hey, that's a topic for another day. Let's focus on you now, alright?

JamesIsInTheDark: That's fine with me.

Saray: So, first, you said your body was already a mess, what happened exactly?

JamesIsInTheDark: Well, I went from being a regular human guy to being a living, solid, humanoid shadow.

Was James willing to tell someone else the basics of his abilities to help narrow down which Aspects he had? Yes. Was he ready to tell them everything? Of course not. His self-diagnosis on Transformation would definitely stay secret, for example, and preferred to keep his shapeshifting secret too, just in case someone went after him.

Saray: Ah, I can't imagine what that must be like. Are you fine?

JamesIsInTheDark: Yeah, it was weird at first but I got used to it.

Saray: If you say so. Well, that sounds like Might, some kind of permanent elemental form? But normally permanent stuff is more Body's thing. Maybe a hybrid of both? It's rare but it happens. Anything else?

JamesIsInTheDark: I can manipulate shadows, nothing big or grandiose but enough to entertain kids.

Saray: Do you manipulate existing shadows or create new ones?

JamesIsInTheDark: Yes? But only small stuff, TV screen size at best.

Saray: Oh my. Well, manipulation sounds like Will, creation could also be Might technically but I'm more inclined to think it's Soul, which means it's magic. Do you feel exhausted when you use it?

JamesIsInTheDark: Not usually, no, but I was stupid and tried to do something bigger and now I can't use it all.

Saray: Ah, power burn, that one hurts. Don't worry, it's temporary and, if it helps, that means you're not a Chaotic. Chaotics can't block their powers, it's why they're so dangerous, their body doesn't set any limit and just let them self-destruct when they overuse their ability.

JamesIsInTheDark: Awesome?

Saray: Yeah, I know how you feel. but yes, sounds like magic, just a really small mana pool. So, congrats! You have two to four Aspects, depending on how convinced you are it's magic and if Body is really the source of your permanent transformation. Body, Might, Will and Soul. Not bad.

JamesIsInTheDark: I'll trust you. Thanks for the diagnosis!

Saray: No problem. I'd love to talk a bit more but I must go to work very soon and I can't afford to be late. Maybe another time? You could tell me more about the place you come from then? Have a good day!

JamesIsInTheDark: Thanks! Have a good day too! And sure, why not.

So, James had Body, Might, Will, Soul, and Transformation. Well, at least he had a plethora of choices to deal with the Titaroach once he got his powers back, as well as after some training. That thing clearly was stronger than him right now, so he too would have to go through some sparring with the rats to learn how to deal with an actual opponent.

And maybe he would check on his notifications on the forum from time to time as well. Although they hadn't been that useful they seemed like a merry bunch, and hey, that Saray had been really nice. Maybe he would take them up on that offer.

He just had to find a story to tell about his homeland that explained why he didn't know anything about everything in this world.

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