
Chapter 177 : HardCored discourse

HardCored - Chatroom

MagicIsTragic: Yo, did everyone catch the opening of Silhouette's thing?

TechnoGogo: The Penumbral Palace? Not live, but I did watch the videos afterward. I didn't expect to see Decanov, nor for him to be happy for once.

KillLaKrill: You call that happy?

TechnoGogo: By his standards, yes. It's the first time he complimented his employer.

(Mod)Seagullag: Yeah, you must remember he's the most Draskian of his family. As a fellow countryman, I can tell you he may have been annoyed at the journalist but he genuinely likes Silhouette. Didn't expect that one to be honest, we don't know much about him but he didn't seem like the type to mesh well with Decanov.

The Silence: I disagree. Silhouette has been upfront about his intentions from the start, something a pragmatic man like Ivan Decanov appreciates. He has also treated his employees fairly, at least for now.

TechnoGogo: Yeah, I figured you would like the guy. I can't quite put my finger on the why though.

The Silence: Your attempt at humor is noted. Returning to the topic at hand, I think Shade Of Penumbra may grow to become one of the biggest companies in the city. It would be wise to try and join early.

MagicIsTragic: Guys! Did you all miss the part where he said he was looking for new talents? It's our chance to make it big!

The Silence: I just mentioned the subject.

MagicIsTragic: Really? Sorry, I didn't notice in all the yapping. Anyway, Techno, do you wanna collab on some magitech? It'd be our ticket in!

TechnoGogo: I dunno, Magic. The guy has Decanov working for him, I'm not sure either of us is up to his standards.

MagicIsTragic: Come on, he had a whole thing about taking in the folks no one wants. We fit the bill!

KillLaKrill: Oh, self burn.

TechnoGogo: Speak for yourself, I know a few companies interested in my work once I graduate.

MagicIsTragic: Sure, but those are small stuff. Nothing big. Nothing interesting. Nothing worth our while. I don't want to make air fresheners or whatever. I want to innovate.

KillLaKrill: Hey, there's nothing wrong with a good old mom-and-pop shop.

MagicIsTragic: But that's not what we want. Admit it, Techno.

TechnoGogo: Having a job is more important than following a dream, Magic.

MagicIsTragic: That's sad.

JamesIsInTheDark: Hi everyone. What did I miss?

KillLaKrill: Yo James, good to see you. Techno and Magic are arguing about getting a job at Silhouette's place.

TechnoGogo: We're not arguing, we're sharing viewpoints.

KillLaKrill: That's arguing without the shouting.

(Mod)Seagullag: Oh it can be just as loud, trust me.

JamesIsInTheDark: You're looking for a job there? It seems a little early, doesn't it?

MagicIsTragic: You gotta strike while the iron's hot. We're better off sending applications now than weeks down the line when the store is fully established.

TechnoGogo: It doesn't matter how early you send it, it doesn't change the fact neither of us is at the level of the sort of folks he's looking for. I know at the very least I won't ever be able to match Decanov.

The Silence: You speak as though defeat was inevitable. The lord of shadows made it clear that Decanov did not work on products but on the company's infrastructure and systems. Your goal isn't to rival him, it's to match or offer something different than the existing products.

MagicIsTragic: Yeah, that's right! Come on, I'm sure that by working together we'll be able to make something better than an alternate taser!

TechnoGogo: Hey, don't disrespect those electroguns! I don't know how they did it, but those things pack more of a punch than they should. The energy use is also far more efficient than you'd think.

KillLaKrill: Wait, you got your hands on one of those?

TechnoGogo: No, but I watched a few videos showing them off online. I even saw a guy who managed to disassemble it.

JamesIsInTheDark: Uh, I didn't think people would be interested in that sort of thing. I guess hobbyists like to know how they're made.

TechnoGogo: Not just hobbyists.

KillLaKrill: Yeah, sometimes I stumble on that kind of thing while on a binge. The brain likes seeing big things turn into tiny pieces, I guess.

TechnoGogo: I mean, sure, there's that, but there's also corporate espionage. Other companies may not be allowed to copy the design, but they can study them to see how they were made and improved over the usual standard.

(Mod)Seagullag: They won't figure anything out. Nothing they can imitate anyway.

KillLaKrill: Oh? Did you find something interesting you old bird?

The Silence: I am assuming you are referring to the likelihood of the Transformation Aspect being involved?

KillLaKrill: Wait, what?

(Mod)Seagullag: There's no evidence, but yes.

MagicIsTragic: Wait a minute, I'm with fish boy on this one. What the hell are you two talking about?

The Silence: Every item produced by Shade Of Penumbra is made of darkness-aligned materials. Silhouette is obviously capable of controlling shadows, to the point he can solidify them. Ivan Decanov worked on projects he found interesting while under Silhouette's employ, and that robot is well known for his high standards, there is little to no chance he'd enjoy working on standard production machinery for a factory. The most sensible conclusion is that Silhouette has access to something he lent the Doctor who then used it to create a Transformation machine.

MagicIsTragic: Why does that make so much sense?

JamesIsInTheDark: Uh, I'm not from around here, but isn't the Transformation Aspect a big deal? Is that legal?

(Mod)Seagullag: Yes, if they have the necessary permits. The last three Aspects are always a mess, but in this country, people with them aren't at risk of being executed or imprisoned for no reason. However, they do have to be signaled to and monitored by the Union due to the risks they pose. When it comes to gizmos with those Aspects on the other hand, all you need are permits. Those permits are hard to get, for sure, but they're still easier to manage than having the Aspects yourself.

KillLaKrill: Sounds like you have some experience there.

(Mod)Seagullag: I quite enjoy living in an actually democratic country, no matter how flawed. Draskia is dear to my heart, its leaders aren't.

TechnoGogo: I mean, I see your point Silence, but that sounds a little too close to a conspiracy theory. Decanov hasn't even worked on anything related to the Transformation Aspect in the past.

KillLaKrill: To be fair, if Silhouette found some sort of Transformation fluid or Core, Decanov should be smart enough to figure out how to use it.

JamesIsInTheDark: I mean, if they had to get permits for that sort of stuff, shouldn't it be possible to check that out? I know some of those things were publicly available where I came from, though I don't know all that much about it. I never cared how companies worked outside of the usual tax evasion, pollution, and hired mercenaries stuff.

KillLaKrill: Hired mercenaries?

JamesIsInTheDark: Well, it wasn't always mercenaries, but you know. The sole water source in a large area being privatized and locals being chased off with guns. Whistleblowers mysteriously drowning after drinking a glass of water. The usual.

KillLaKrill: Ah, right. Around here they just pay Villains to make a mess instead, it's much better when it comes to plausible deniability. You can't prove the faulty security system that let the bad guy in wasn't just the dude hacking their way in rather than purposeful sabotage to leave some fancy toys up for grabs.

TechnoGogo: I mean, sometimes it actually is the Villain hacking in.

MagicIsTragic: Yeah, but it happens super often with Xenocorp, and yet somehow regular people never manage to peep in.

TechnoGogo: I mean, Villains are on a different level.

MagicIsTragic: Sure, but they're also always super shifty with the Union helping out or checking stuff. Nothing that goes against the law, but you can't deny they're shady at the very least.

KillLaKrill: Uh, isn't this usually the point where Saray drops in to tell us to play nice and stop accusing folks of committing crimes?

(Mod)Seagullag: Not everyone has nothing better to do than stick around here. And yes, stop saying that Xenocorp is in cahoots with Villains. I don't want to get hit by another unscheduled maintenance because you lot gossip too much on the wrong topics.

MagicIsTragic: Then why are you here, you old bird?

(Mod)Seagullag: Because if I weren't, you'd have this chatroom killed by the end of the day. I can't afford you monkeys to leave this cage, who knows how much trouble you'd cause everywhere else.

KillLaKrill: I'm not a monkey, I'm a merman.

(Mod)Seagullag: You're fifty percent monkey, that's enough to qualify, fish.

MagicIsTragic: Hey, I'm not a monkey! I'm a distinguished young lady and a master of the mystical arts!

(Mod)Seagullag: You're a manic magic monkey.

KillLaKrill: As always, a moderator indulges in tyranny.

KillLaKrill has been muted by Moderator Seagullag. Reason: Disrespected a moderator.

TechnoGogo: You're not helping your case, here.

(Mod)Seagullag: You know I won't keep him silent for long. Sass is as vital as air for this brat. I'll let him be in a minute or two.

MagicIsTragic: Does a merman need air? Are they like dolphins?

JamesIsInTheDark: Everyone needs air, it's a matter of intake. Fish have gills, aquatic mammals don't.

TechnoGogo: That's right. I'm unsure as to which subgroup Krill belongs to, but it doesn't matter here. Not that he is genuinely at risk of suffocating in the first place anyway.

MagicIsTragic: Golems don't need air.

JamesIsInTheDark: Everyone who's made of meat without any magical or supernatural shenanigans.

TechnoGogo: What about aliens?

JamesIsInTheDark: They may not always use oxygen, but they still breathe. Even plants do. So yes, the air they use may be different from ours, but it's still air.

KillLaKrill has been demuted.

KillLaKrill: I LIVE! And for the record, I can breathe on land and underwater. I'm one of the lucky guys like that.

TechnoGogo: Alas, and here I thought perhaps you'd choke if you tried to speak on land.

MagicIsTragic: You can always do it yourself. Anyway, fun aside, I seriously want you to reconsider, Techno. If Silence is right, then this could even be the opportunity for us to experiment with one of the rarest Aspects around!

TechnoGogo: I'll think about it.

MagicIsTragic: Please do.

KillLaKrill: You're sounding almost desperate there, Magic. Is everything alright?

MagicIsTragic: Yeah, yeah. It's just that I want to seize this opportunity before it vanishes. Silhouette is our best bet at truly becoming renowned in the field rather than just another pair of shmucks wasting away at some assembly line.

TechnoGogo: Magic...

KillLaKrill: Getting a little too real for me, there.

TechnoGogo: Oh hush you.

KillLaKrill: Aye aye, captain.

(Mod)Seagullag: As someone who did work at an assembly line, I can understand your wish for more. Just remember not to sacrifice too much to achieve your dream. I've met quite a few people who got what they wanted but were far too broken to enjoy or sometimes even realize it.

MagicIsTragic: Don't worry, I'm not selling my soul to a demon.

KillLaKrill: Giving it to capitalism isn't that much better, to be fair.

TechnoGogo: Magic, you're the one who keeps up with the news surrounding Silhouette the most. Don't pretend you haven't the rumors.

KillLaKrill: Wait, what rumors?

TechnoGogo: That Silhouette might actually be a demon. Folks who study that sort of stuff say there are weird energies emanating from the Penumbral Palace.

KillLaKrill: Oh. Yeah, that changes things.

JamesIsInTheDark: Oh, I heard about that one for once! I can tell you it isn't true.

KillLaKrill: Oh? Can you share it with the rest of the class?

JamesIsInTheDark: It's the guy Silhouette hired to study the Nightsnatcher in the first place. Mesker Duskenfer. He's some big-shot demonologist, he wouldn't let a demon scheme the downfall of the city or whatever it is those usually do.

KillLaKrill: Wouldn't a demonist be the exact kinda guy to help demons?

MagicIsTragic: Demonologist, not demonist. They don't support or worship demons, they study them. Most are also exorcists. I can confirm Mesker Duskenfer The Third is reliable, he comes from a long line of exorcists and has a long career of banishing malicious creatures. Didn't I bring him up at some point?

JamesIsInTheDark: I think you did. Someone else told me more about him, but if I remember right you're the one who first taught me his name.

TechnoGogo: If Silhouette isn't a demon, then what are those strange readings? There is something suspicious going on at the very least.

MagicIsTragic: Using demons or demonic artifacts as security isn't anything new. Besides, legally registered demons are free to roam and be employed. And again, if he's working with both Duskenfer and Decanov, two men notorious for not toleration any nonsense, then it's very unlikely Silhouette is up to something.

TechnoGogo: Alright, I trust you. Just be careful.

MagicIsTragic: I have a feeling you won't want to collaborate.

(Mod)Seagullag: Alright, I think it's time to break off this topic. Krill, do something.

KillLaKrill: What am I, some sort of clown?

(Mod)Seagullag: No. A clown would be funny.

KillLaKrill: I'm going to turn you into nuggets as soon as I get my hands on you.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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