
Chapter 59 : Below the ground

The trip back was pretty calm. James read an old newspaper he had found in the street to pass the time in the lift, it was a little over a decade old but it did help pass the time. It luckily had unfilled crosswords as well as some ads and a few articles about the local Supers' latest exploits, whether Hero, Vigilante, or Villain. There was something about Abrakaboom blowing up the museum of explosives, Serpent preventing a bank heist, Firefighter putting out a massive fire born from Abrakaboom's plan that threatened a school, and a report about a new mysterious member of the Blood Angels that looked like a cyborg according to those that had seen it. The journalist who wrote that specific article even wondered if the guy wouldn't replace Marcus, the latest leader of the band who had taken over a few years prior since the spot had opened up after "the incident".

The ride thankfully came to an end soon enough, and James was back in the black vampire's office, the man in question still reading his magazine. He reminded James that his ID for the Sunken City should be ready in a few days, and the shadowy one took that as his cue to leave.

Outside of the office, back in the little station, James was glad to see Martha was still there, the old Australian cliché reading a book. He greeted her and without a word she invited him back on her boat.

The boat ride was mostly silent, and James easily guessed this must have been how she usually behaved with her other clients. He paid close attention to the paths they took on the Sewage Network, in case he would need to use it himself one day. A thought came to mind as he observed the various alternate entrances and passages in the walls around him.

I should probably create a few decoys. Infuse some of those dead-end ways so that people looking for me waste time locating the right one, and so that people randomly searching won't find my black entrance weird. I'll get to it after I'm done preparing things at home.

And just like that, James was back to the start. At a glance, he wouldn't be able to tell if it was the right one but based on the proximity to his infused materials he knew it was the right place.

"Thank you, Martha. Do you want me to go get the money?"

"I told you, I'm not making you pay. It was my duty to bring someone who discovered the Network to the closest station. If you gave them my name, I should even get a bonus, so there."

"Alright, alright. Say, could you come back tomorrow?"

"Sure, but why? Got something you have to do down there?"

"I... The one in charge of my group wants to go."

"Oh. How do ya know?"

"He's got his tricks."

"Fine. But he'll have to pay. You get the finder's offer, not him."


James watched her go as she rowed away, waiting for her to be out of sight before he entered the passage back home. She seemed like a friendly person, but he just wanted to be sure she wouldn't associate James the new guy in town, and the more confident Silhouette. It wasn't a true secret identity since legally speaking James didn't exist on Terra Stellis, but being free to step out of the Silhouette persona and just be himself without having to worry about the people around was nice. It's why he had been a little on the fence when it came to Sam's visit to the clinic, but in the end, the teen's health was more important and James hoped he was loyal enough to keep his mouth shut.

As for the Shadow Commando, they had never heard the name James and he had purposefully made his human form a little bigger and bulkier around them. They were not the sharpest tools in the shed, but hopefully, it would be enough for them to see their shapeshifted boss and that random guy named James as two different persons, just two individuals of the same species at best, maybe brothers or an uncle and his nephew at worst. Or, now that he thought about it, considering what they knew of Solvent, they'd think James was only someone Silhouette had infused. If asked about it, this was probably the answer he would give.

It wasn't long before he was going up the stairs between the passage and his lair, putting his clothes back inside of his body as he returned to his usual non-bipedal form. He could sense the Shadow Commando getting in position and readying themselves for a fight, which he had to give them credit for looked more intimidating than he assumed they could be.


"Still no donuts, but I think you might have a way to earn them soon."

At that the group relaxed, recognizing the little code they had set up beforehand.

"Nice to see you back, boss!"

"So, what did you find?"

"A passage to the Sewage Network."

"Never heard of that."

"I think I did once, but I can't remember where or what."

"It's a series of canals and... Artificial lakes, I suppose. Some people use boats to roam around and pick up people to bring to the Sunken City, like taxis."

"Oh, like gondolas! That sounds nice."

"Not as romantic since it's the sewers, but it's a start."

"Wait, guys, shut up. Boss, did you say the Sunken City?"

"Yes. The local area isn't much, according to the administration the surface of the slums is more attractive than their underground, but I did find something interesting. A building I believe we could restore and use as a base."

"Boss, you don't understand. The Sunken City is like a myth around here. Some people think it doesn't exist, and the rest of us see it as a new chance. A relatively safe place with no murderous mutant beast running around, with enough rules to keep the big guys in check without impacting us, the little folks."

"I cannot deny it was peaceful, but I felt like the Black Block was a more welcoming place. The area we live over was eerily empty, for example. I'm sure there might also be bakers and shops further in, but on the outskirts..."

"Maybe you're right, boss. You're the one who saw the place. But all I'm saying is that if people hear about you having a place down there, they won't be looking at you the same way."

"Sewers? That's odd in these parts, but it means you're good enough to survive the monsters. The Sunken City? Now that's a new degree of prestige."

"If you say so, you are the locals after all. Now, I think we should prepare ourselves for tomorrow."

"What are we doing tomorrow, boss?"

"The same thing we do every day. Prepare ourselves for the worst and do our best to make a safe place for us."

"I feel like that was a reference to something, but I don't have the context."

"Something like that. Now, just to be on the safe side of things, do any of you have any experience in dealing with corpses, ghosts, or undead?"

Making a fake wall in the passage to hide the stairs as well as the lair and infusing other random passages nearby as decoys had been easy and had been quick. And so had the selection of the initial team to descend to the Sunken City and establish a proper base in the old orphanage, since the entirety of the Shadow Commando had volunteered. They were pretty dedicated to the fact they would always all work together, even though their new task meant interacting with undead and century-old bodies.

Martha had been pretty grumpy about transporting half a dozen persons, especially with their big backpacks, but the power of money shone true. The entire Shadow Commando fit on the boat, although they had to squeeze together. James, in his Silhouette persona, just had to stretch his body higher to avoid the little crowd. The joys of shapeshifting.

"The kid didn't say anything about a crew, just you."

"I decided to make good on my plans right away. I have a location, I might as well put them to work and get it in proper shape."

"Uh uh. So, what's your thing with the kid? You're related?"

"In a sense."

"He knows what you're doing?"


"The world ain't a nice place. Don't ruin him."

"I will always do my best to protect him and help him thrive."

"Yeah, yeah. You wouldn't be the first."

A journey filled with the complaints of the group of barely professional thugs later, and the group had arrived at the station. Martha asked them how long they planned to say, James told her she didn't need to wait for them. If all went well, the Shadow Commando would stay in the Sunken City for a few days and James was confident he'd be able to go back on his own.

Inside the one manning the office was still the vampire, he welcomed the group and had each of them go through the registration procedure one by one until it was James' turn once more.



"Are you a minor of your species?"


"How did you find this place?"

"As my employees told you, I was doing some construction work when I stumbled upon a passage."

"What's the name of the ferryman or ferrywoman or ferryother who brought you?"

"As my employees said, Martha."

"Are you familiar with the rules of the Sunken City?"

"I was, but if I hadn't been you informing each of my employees of them would have done the trick."

"I have to be sure. Does your group already have an established presence in the Sunken City?"

"Not yet, which is why we're here today."

"Are you in contact with the cops or the Union?"


"Are you a Vigilante group?"

"In some ways, I suppose. I wish to make the world around me a better and safer place, but I will not go out of my way to fight Villains or initiate hostilities endlessly."

"You better pay attention to that. Vigilantes are welcome down here, but if you're too much trouble to keep around, you're out."

"I assumed so."

"Last question. Since you're the one in charge and you plan on taking over a place, does your group have and where are you going to set up your base?"

"The name has yet to be decided, you can write down Silhouette's shadows, for now. We will notify you as soon as there is a change. And yes, I know it's cliché. As for the base, we will occupy the Greenheld Orphanage."

"I'm not here to judge. But Greenheld Orphanage? You're sure? I'm not an expert but the local ghost can't be exorcised according to Mimi."

"I have my ways."

"If you say so. Very well, we'll get your IDs done within the next few days so remember to come by at some point. The lift to go down is behind me, with four buttons, up, down, stay, alarm. Only push the last one in case of emergency. Considering your group and the backpacks, only two persons at a time in the cabin, that thing's solid but weight is still an issue."

James nodded and headed first to the lift, followed by the sole woman of the Shadow Commando, the one that he felt was probably the closest thing to a leader the chaotic group had. They both entered the cabin and, with the press of a button, began their descent to the Sunken City. James was prepared this time and had bought a book at the Black Block about management, and he busied himself reading it as his employee took in the sight of the Sunken City. Or at least tried to.

"It's a shame there's no light. I mean, there's the few windows and neons signs we can see from there, even some moss, I think? But can you imagine what it would be like if it was fully lit up?"

"It's odd, to say the least. I'd say a diorama of an abandoned city, customized in different areas by different artists, and placed under a stone bell."

"Right, you have darkvision. Forgot about that."

"I'll try to have Techlord look into something for you. It'd be best if you were at an advantage in the dark, after all, considering my theme and where we're heading. The lanterns and flashlights with infused batteries will have to do for now."

"Thanks, boss. Say, the kid that Martha gal talked about..."

"I'd appreciate it if you and the others never bring this up again."

"Sure. Sorry."

"Don't worry about it."

"So... An orphanage, eh."

"It is a large unoccupied and uncontested space."

"A haunted orphanage."

"I already negotiated with the local ghost in charge. Though I am not sure the term 'ghost' is appropriate..."

"Yeah, I know. We can use the place, we just have to bury the dead and then the creepy skeleton tree you talked about. It's just odd, ya know? Most people avoid these places. Unless they're demons or undead or necromancers or cultists, I guess."

"If you say so."

"You have a soft spot for kids, right?"

"What are you insinuating?"

"Nothing bad! It's just, the way you act with the little rats... You care about them. It's why you chose the orphanage, you knew there were kids who needed help."

"If that is what you wish to believe. But I'd appreciate it if you stopped trying to analyze the mind of your employer."

"Sorry, I'll stop. Can I just get one last thing out? It's not a question, just a statement."

"If you can guarantee not to do this again, I suppose one more couldn't hurt."

"Boss, you should know the boys and I aren't good people. We were part of a group meant to kill you, we all have a body count. We're all cowards and scum. But you? You're a good person, and we're all glad to be working for you. We'll follow you no matter what, and we know that sometimes horrible stuff has to happen, but... Could you please try to stay the way you are? If not for us or yourself, then for the kids."


The two stayed like that in silence for what felt like minutes.

"Sorry, boss."

"No, I... I appreciate the sentiment. I do not believe that I am a good person, as you say, but I try my best. So let us try our best together, shall we?"

She nodded, and soon enough they had reached their destination. Mimi welcomed them and they made some small talk with her until the rest of the group arrived in pairs. They left on good terms and before long James and the Shadow Commando were at the Orphanage. James went by to greet Mother Greenheld before leading his team to the basement where, after some shock at seeing the state of the various bodies and the army of shades that were floating around, they delicately picked each body one by one and brought them to the inner court as they began to dig with shovels James had bought on the Black Block.

Hours went by as they dug the communal grave and placed the body of each nun and child they had found in the basement, working as silently and respectfully as they could under the gaze of the orphanage's spirits. Near the end James left the group to fetch Mother Greenheld's wooden body, carefully extracting her from the gigantic window of her office as he struggled to deal with her roots and branches.

In the end, James, the Shadow Commando, and the shades looked at the skeletal wooden form of Mother Greenheld as she stood on a mound of dirt, protecting the countless bodies of the orphanage's past residents. At some point her posture had changed, going from her sitting position when she was still in her seat to a more natural-looking standing position, her arms spread wide as though showing the inner court to the world.


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