
Chapter 65 : Black Block Banter

Walking back in the slums' dark alleys alongside Sam, James nervously played with the two syringe-like contraptions he had hidden in his shadowy body, rolling them over one another like one might do with meditation balls, once more very thankful for his lack of bones and organs.

I don't like stealing from a doctor, but I can't risk letting these out there. I should probably destroy them once we're back home.

He had been tempted to steal the machine that had analyzed them too, but it was too big for him to do so stealthily. Getting a tentacle to go behind the doctor's back and catch the tests was already hard enough and he was convinced he only succeeded because she was busy panicking over the results themselves. Besides, he might not have been able to steal it but he had made sure to break it through the spot his test had been inserted in. In the best case, this meant his results were unsalvageable, and that otherwise, the broken spot would make them doubtful. He couldn't do much more than that.

Not yet, anyway, if that thing is right. She said that when people have multiple Aspects they usually fused, maybe I can find some sort of list of every combination to figure out what I could theoretically do?

He still had some trouble getting over that. Oh, it had taken a while but he had gotten used to not being human, but he also understood he was just another weirdo in this strange world. In his mind, he was stronger than the average person for sure, and a fair share of Cored too, but in the end, he was just another shmuck in the crowd. He'd get big enough to make his little home in the Sunken City with Polisson directing the lair in the sewers as an outpost to make travel easier, he'd make a small business with the shop to earn enough money to live comfortably and pay his employees, he'd maybe recruit a few more people and offer shelter to others and maybe after a few years of this, he'd get to settle down in the main city with a new shop and live a worry-free life with its income along with the ratlings, maybe he'd even find them a trainer to see if they couldn't get a chance at becoming Heroes if they still wanted to.

But now? Now he knew he had the potential to join the major players. Maybe not those who shaped the fate of the country or even the world, but his unique Aspect setup was still enough to promise a future of important choices, not only for himself but for those close to him too. Who knew, maybe despite this he could stick to his initial plan, having incredible powers didn't mean he had to use them after all, he didn't have any uncle to tragically die in front of his eyes to hammer in the message that power meant responsibility.

But what would the kids say?

"So, what now?"

Sam's voice interrupted James' musing, something he was quite thankful for. The teen was taking the news quite well, now that he thought about it.

"Now, I still have some things to take care of. Hopefully, Maltodextrin found someone willing to sell their shop. I can drop you back home first if you want."

"Nah, I'll be fine. It's nice to see the sky for a change."

"We could try to move the workshop up there if you want."

"Don't worry. I like the extra safety of the sewers, and again, I like to be with the kids. Speaking of which, maybe you should get them tested at some point?"

"I will, it's just... Well, even without taking into account the fact I just antagonized the closest doctor, I don't think it's the right moment."

"When will it be, then?"

"When we reach the main city, hopefully. They shouldn't face too much discrimination there. Maybe the occasional bully, but I'm sure Lucille would handle it before David gets a criminal record."

"I think you're underestimating the little guy."

"No, I'm not. If I were I wouldn't be so worried for anyone who crossed his path on a bad day."

The bandaged teen chuckled, and James couldn't help but laugh along. They sure were one weird family.

"By the way, Sam."

"Techlord. You know it's Techlord."

"Sorry, I just assumed you would want to make a difference between your civilian identity and your professional one."

"Well, I don't."

"Well then, Techlord, how are you taking your test results?"

"I always knew I was brilliant, so nothing surprising. I'm somewhat disappointed there's nothing more, but hey, I'll take it. Don't fear the mutant with a thousand small teeth on his head but the one with a rhino horn, ya know?"

"I can't say I've ever heard this saying, but I understand the sentiment."

"And you? How are you holding up?"

"I... It's a lot to take in. I knew it would be quite something, but not to this extent."

"Want to talk about it?"

"No. Besides, we don't have the freedom to speak freely anymore."

Indeed, they were getting closer and closer to the Black Block and, understandably, saw more and more people passing by. A few tried to stealthily get away with some light pickpocketing, but sadly for them, Sam had nothing on him besides his clothes and bandages and James stored everything of value inside of himself. Still, although the two had implicitly avoided speaking out loud about anything too confidential and James was always watching out for any potential spy or stalker, the growing number of people they met encouraged them to drop any important topic altogether.

And, since neither of them knew each other all that well on a personal level and had very few hobbies in common, their small talk was quite horrible.

"Lovely weather we're having."

"It's cloudy."

"It's a great time for fishing."

"I don't think fishing is a popular sport around here."

"Well, it should be. It's a nice way to pass the time with friends and to get some food too."

"I'm pretty sure the local fish eat people instead of being eaten."

"Never stopped anyone from cooking sharks."

"That's a thing?"

"Yes. Some folks do some medicinal soup with the fins, a lot of the time they leave the rest alone and throw it back into the sea."

"Why? That's dumb. It's just wasting tons of food."

"More space for more fins, I presume. But yes, it is stupid and was heavily frowned upon where I came from. Not that sharks were all that popular either."

"Why? They're just fish. Big fish."

"Believe it or not, people usually aren't fond of predatory animals that can eat them."

"Bah, I'd take sharks over Sicklers any day. Sharks don't try to break into your home and cut their way through your belly to get to eat your intestines."

"I've heard about Sicklers a few times, what are they like exactly?"

"Bipedal reptile and insect hybrids, with sharp metallic feathers and even sharper claws and fangs. Nasty little things, the only good thing about them is that they're not all that strong, so you're fine if you can handle the number and the blades."

"Uh. You people sure have very interesting wildlife."

As they had their conversation had reached an interesting point they had reached the Black Block, navigating between the various stalls, thieves, and clients.

"How was it where you came from?"

"Manageable. Really, the worst native things around were probably boars, maybe wolves and bears in some areas but those were rare."

"Really? No weird mutant monster to rampage around?"


"Lucky you, I guess."

It was at that point that they neared Sweet Pete's bakery, taking in the wonderful smell of freshly baked goods and sugar as they walked up to the door of the pink and white building with hints of red and blue.

"Wait, Sweet Pete? That's where we're going?"

"Yes? I assumed you knew who Maltodextrin was. You've probably been around here longer than I."

"Well, I spent most of my time on the Techlord suit and the Tech Mech."

"Well, you better put on your best Tech smile and be on your best behavior. Maltodextrin is a very nice lady, though her looks might catch you off guard, and I don't want you to annoy her."

"What do you mean her looks-"

James ignored him as he opened the door of the bakery, a bell ringing as he opened it wide and stepped in under the warm gaze of the three eyes of a floating crystalline alien squid.

"Ouh, James! It's good to see you again my child! And I see you brought a friend!"

Sam walked after James, confused by Maltodextrin's physique. Not so much so her appearance, but rather the fact she was floating and that all of her tentacles went into portals not far from her body and emerged from other portals spread throughout the room, such as the pair currently serving the tan black haired girl with green tattoos and eyes from the magic shop James had bought his magic guide from who was currently watching him with a fakely disinterested eye.

"Don't worry about him, he's a little shy. but it's good to see you too, miss. How are you?"

"Ouh, I am well my child. And you?"

"I'm doing ok. I wanted to know if you had found somewhere for that shop I told you about?"

"Ouh, yes. Well, it just so happens that the lovely Maviza over here's latest neighbor had a tragic heart attack some time ago. Since it's the fifth time in a row that it happened to the place's owner, his son is having some trouble selling it. At this point, he would be more than happy to finally get rid of it, and Maviza has a special exorcism service that I'm sure she'd be happy to provide to help clean out any nefarious spirit!"

The tan tattoed girl raised a thin eyebrow at that.

"That's not what I do."

"Ouh, but could it be if I add an extra muffin to your order?"

"... Make it two extra muffins."

"Ouhouh, it's a deal dearie!"

"Thank you, miss Maltodextrin. And you too, miss Maviza."

"How is your magical training coming along?"

"It's good. I'm picking up on umbramancy right now."

She looked over James' shoulder to stare at Sam, who up until now had been more or less waiting in the background for James to be done so that he could return to his work.

"And who's that?"

"This is Techlord, you could say he's one of my roommates. He's more of a technology kind of guy."

Upon hearing Sam's alias her eyes slightly widened before returning to their usual phlegm, though she observed the bandaged teen with more focus.

"Ain't you the kid that got nuked by Sunburn?"


"And you're not a pile of ash or a screaming mess?"

"I'm the great Techlord. It's not a skin condition that's going to kill me."

She looked behind Sam.

"Oh, hi Sunburn."

The teen jumped and almost reached the ceiling, a pair of small electric daggers leaving his sleeves that he immediately clutched on as he turned around and landed in a heroic pose, ready for a fight.

Of course, there was no one behind him.

"Uh. I thought you'd scream in fear."

Sam returned to a normal standing position and turned back to face Maviza, frowning all the while.

"I faced him before. I'll do it again."

She looked down at his shaking hands as he struggled to put his daggers back in their hidden holsters.

"Ouh, that wasn't nice Maviza."

"Sorry, Mal. I thought it was just a kid boasting. Better to get rid of bad habits early on, no?"

The squid floated to Sam and moved some of her portals, her long tentacles hugging him before he had the time to react.

"Ouh, you poor, poor child. I can see the scars on your mind. Let it all out..."


Sam looked at James for help, but sadly for the teen, he had something different in mind.

James crossed his arms as he stood in front of Maviza.

"Are you happy with yourself?"

"I already said sorry. Get over it."

"I'm sure Maltodextrin would be willing to remove one of those extra muffins."

That got her attention.

"What do you want?"

"A nice, clean, usable shop, free of any curse or nefarious spirit."

"Fine. You get a discount."

"I believe last time I avoided your 'not worth my time fee', no?"

"Yeah, yeah."

"I know another exorcist, too. One that can handle demonic stuff."

"Oh come on. It's just a muffin."

"I could always ask her to remove both of the extra muffins, they're part of the deal in the first place after all, if I hire someone else you won't get them."

"You sure got a lot more confident since the last time."

"No. I just got better bargaining chips."

James couldn't help but feel like there was a small smirk on her lips, but he couldn't be sure. Even with his enhanced senses, it was hard to tell.

"Fine. You're in luck, I already bought the shop from the kid. I had planned to expand, make some space for larger products, but I suppose I could rent it to you."


"Tut-tut, rent. Unless you're willing to argue with another shop owner for hours on end only to end up with a ridiculous price, it's rent."

"Fine. But the first month is free."

"Of course. The rent will be proportional to your profits, after all."

"No percentage."

"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that."

As the two continued to negotiate, Sam half-heartedly struggled in Maltodextrin's grasp.

"I'm not a hug person, lady."

"Ouh, hush now."

"Let me go."



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