
Chapter 84 : The Black Bank manager

Today was a weird day for the people of the slums of Zalcien living near the Black Block. A troop of thugs and a few mages led by a trio of knights, chief of which was Pierce Evil, one of the most important subordinates of Runar, the enchantment specialist of Wicked Witchcraft and notable crime lord, had arrived on the block and attacked one the latest shops around, a place owned by a newcomer named Silhouette, and the battle had been quite eye-catching. Bolts of black electricity, explosions of darkness, countless tentacles made of living shadows, and magenta magic had fought until most of the thugs either had been felled or had fled, only two of the mages were still around and the knights had their helmets blown off. It was at this point that Pierce Evil jumped into the fray and directly attacked Silhouette, the two leaders ending stuck in a stalemate where one couldn't move and the other couldn't do anything but prevent the other from moving. As it looked the battle would be decided by the fighting prowess of the remaining minions of each side, a new figure appeared on their little public battlefield, the surrounding crowd parting to let him through.

The human man didn't look all that remarkable when it came simply to his features, with a face youthful yet mature enough to place him somewhere in his thirties, short shiny black hair combed and gelled into an elegant haircut, fair skin, and the only somewhat notable outlier, a pair of eyes with perfectly black irises. His height wasn't anything to write home about, maybe slightly smaller than average, but his clothes on the other hand were exquisite. A black three-piece suit with a black tie and a white shirt, with black leather shoes. On his jacket, over his heart, was sewn with white thread a simple yet elegant design, a pair of cursive capital "B"s interlaced.

Such a pristine figure in the slums was quite alien, and that was quite the feat since there was an actual extraterrestrial in the crowd, a small wrinkly psychic crystalline squid that was currently very worried for the young man she had met some time ago, and that she knew was somewhere around the attacked shop.

The man wore a smile on his face, but it wasn't the simple joy of the kind man, or the sadistic glee of a psychopath, no, it was the mechanical smile of a businessman, the facsimile of human emotion used to hide what truly happened in their head. Maltodextrin felt a shiver go through her flesh, from the tip of her crystalline growth to the very tip of her tentacles, passing through the dimensional tunnels she kept most of the length of her limbs in, she could feel how the logical mind of the man before analyzed everything that was happening around him, but everything else was muddled by the countless meaningless yet complex thoughts processes he ran in the foreground of his mind - a classic technique to hide someone's true thoughts from psychic and unwanted telepaths like her, but the level at which he did it... The man felt more like a sentient calculator than a person, and even then the living calculators on her home planet held more feelings than what emanated from this man. Either he was an incredible genius, or he truly was an unfeeling biological machine.

"Gentlemen, I believe it is time to put an end to this senseless violence. It isn't good for business, you know."

James, currently too busy trying to keep his hold onto Pierce Evil to even bother looking like anything but a wriggling mass of black matter and tentacles, obviously couldn't afford the mental effort to listen to whatever the newcomer on the battlefield was saying. And as for his opponent, the golden knight heard the man in a suit's words loud and clear, but he chose to ignore him - he was close to completing his mission, and all he needed was for his men to grow a backbone already and come help him.

Upon seeing he had been ignored, many among the crowd turned to look at his face, expecting some kind of frown or even a simple eye twitch out of anger or annoyance at the blatant disregard, and yet his smile remained unchanged, as though nothing had happened.

"Ah, I see, you're both quite busy. Let's remedy that, shall we?"

With a snap of his fingers something odd happened, a burst of air appeared between the two leaders and sent James back to the entrance of his shop while Pierce Evil was pushed to the center of the group of thugs lying on the ground and covered in black patches. The Runarian knight immediately tried to rush back to the shop but as soon as he took a single step an incredible pressure kept him locked to this spot and dispelled any magenta energy he had running through his armor's runes, disabling his magic.

"Now that the two of you are in the right conditions to discuss, let's talk, shall we?"

James returned to his usual Silhouette shape as he finally took in the sight of the strange man, and he immediately realized something was off. His appearance, the way the locals showed reverence, how he casually repelled Pierce Evil despite the dozens of enchantments on his armor... This wasn't someone James could afford to annoy. Pierce Evil for his part realized trying to go against the power keeping him from the shop was useless and instead turned around to see who had interrupted him, and it was at this point that he recognized the man standing before him. Before he had the chance to voice his thoughts, the odd man himself spoke up.

"I believe some proper introductions are in order. I am Blake Black, manager of the local branch of the Black Bank, and great-grand-nephew of our beloved founder and current chairman, Noir Black."

This definitely sounds like the kind of person you don't want to annoy. I am NOT dealing with "young master" antics.

"My name is Silhouette. I am the... I suppose saying 'the owner' would be incorrect since we are currently renting the building, but I am the director of this shop."

"Oh, I have heard much about you mister Silhouette. Your shop has been the talk of the town in the area, and I have heard much about the products from satisfied customers. Why just the other day we had to deal with an armed robber wielding one of your electroguns!"

"Oh. I am quite sorry about this development. I can assure you I wasn't involved in this incident."

"Oh, do not worry yourself. If we were to antagonize anyone selling weapons that had been used against us, our biggest clients would be our greatest enemies! But I must say, I can certainly appreciate the quality of your products, especially given your current resources. Would you be interested in taking a loan to expand your business? We at the Black Bank can recognize potential when we see it."


"There will be no need for a loan since we are here to capture this creature and bring it back for training, Black."

"Oh, mister Pierce Evil, how rude of you to interrupt our conversation. Though I suppose it was rude of us to ignore you, so I'll let it slide for now. Though, I am quite curious. Mister Runar isn't the kind of man I'd picture approving of slavery, violence yes, but I always assumed he found it more efficient to pay his workers than threaten them, so why the sudden change of heart?"

"Lord Runar's decisions are his to make, I am only here to enact his will."

"If you say so, though I must say you fine gentlemen's merry battle has been quite troublesome. The people of the Black Block are all either hidden in their homes or here to witness mindless violence, and people from neighboring areas have been scared away. Yes, certainly, today will not be a productive one for our glorious establishment. Not only for us but for the rest of the Black Block too. Merchandise was stolen from stalls amid the chaos, money was 'lost', shoppers have fled, merchants have left..."

"I am deeply sorry if our fight has disturbed your and the rest of the Black Block's activity, but I was quite busy protecting myself and mine from an unwarranted assault and couldn't afford to keep things calm."

"Yes, I am aware of the situation, and-"

"Unwarranted? You wiped out an entire team sent to investigate the sewers!"

"A team of armed individuals sent to capture me, yes, I did take care of it. And they were not 'wiped out', they had every chance to surrender and many took this opportunity, most of which have now become my employees, with much better pay and working conditions. Just ask the two with daggers."

"Quite the remarkable feat of hostile takeover! I must say, I am impressed. Offering better pay to mercenaries sent after you by competitors is a classic maneuver, but to be able to do it so early on in your carreer and to do so permanently with a long-term job... I must say, mister Silhouette, the more I learn the more I am pleased."

"In any case, I am here to retrieve that creature, and you are stopping me from doing so, Black. Why?"

"Well, mister Pierce Evil, as I've just said I see a lot of potential in mister Silhouette's future, a breath of fresh air that would greatly benefit Zalcien and its people, which would, in turn, benefit us. Surely mister Runar understands that a supplier of rare products of high quality is more valuable than a mere assassin, no?"

"I told you, Black, I-"

"That, and, again, as I mentioned earlier, your little feud has caused a disturbance that is hurting the entire area's business. You broke the unwritten rules of the Black Block by starting a large-scale conflict, mister Pierce Evil, and I am quite certain I'm not the only one unhappy with your actions today."

"I am only doing my job, Black. Once we're done here, we'll leave. It's as simple as that."

For the first time since the conversation began, Blake Black didn't speak with a smile on his face, for at Pierce Evil's words he simply chuckled. If so far the branch manager's voice had been a friendly yet polite non-emotional tone, commonly used by businessmen and conmen, the chuckle that came out of his throat was a much darker thing. Many among the crowd found themselves shivering at the sound. And, as though it had all been a hallucination, when Blake spoke again his voice was back to his previous tone.

"Ah, mister Pierce Evil, it appears you do not understand. I am telling you to leave, now."

"And if I refuse, Black?"

"Why, I suppose I will have no choice but to punish your obvious disregard of the Black Bank's authority, banishing you from our client list and keeping everything you have currently stored in your vault and all the money on your account should be enough to send a message."

"Go ahead, Black. I have never been one for banks, I prefer keeping things under my watch."

"Ah, but that would only be the punishment for your intolerable behavior. Since you represent mister Runar's will, by your own words, then I will have to fine your group for an amount equivalent to the projected profits lost today. Depending on his response, mister Runar too might find complications in regards to his account."

Pierce Evil took a step forward, but not towards the shop.

"You wouldn't dare."

"We are the Black Bank, mister Pierce Evil. We are not a gang you can threaten, or a governmental group held back by morals or laws. We are an institution older than this country, we will exist long after it has fallen. We dare."

In a split second Pierce Evil was covered in magenta energy and looked like a pink bonfire, flying at high speeds and thrusting his rapier. Blake stood still and his face and posture remained unchanging as the golden metal covered in runes and magic of the knight's weapon passed a breath from his skin and cut through his hair, a few black strands floating down to the ground as the two men stared at each other's eyes.

"You do not wish to make an enemy out of me, Black."

"Oh, mister Pierce Evil, do you have any idea of how much that haircut cost me? Why, the fee to make a competent hairdresser teleport to my office alone is something beyond what your meager pay earns you in a year."

"I. Do. Not. Care."

"But you should. Because now you have to repay me."

The golden knight scoffed.

"I will do no such thing."

"Oh, but you have no choice in the matter mister Pierce Evil. Let's see... Your armor is just painted and enchanted brass, so it wouldn't be enough. The craftsmanship is impressive, though, and the runes are the true worth of your equipment. So, I'll leave you the metal and I'll be taking the rest."

"What are you-"

Blake Black snapped once more, but the effects this time were incredibly different. Pierce Evil began to float, and panic spread through his being. Slowly the runes on his armor began to leave, the engravings getting stripped off to float midair and leaving smooth metal behind, but not for long. As soon as all of the runes covering the armor were hovering to the side, the metal melted - not because of heat, but pure magical power. Soon a tall muscular blond man with pale skin and in white clothes was left where once stood a golden knight, and a cube of brass the size of a watermelon and a small transparent orb joined the runes floating in the air. Only his magenta leather belt and his weapons had been spared from the spell, and without the mass of his armor, the belt had fallen to the ground.

All looked in amazement at Pierce Evil and the magic that had stolen his armor, and all with any magical knowledge felt shivers go down their spines at the display of power beyond what any of them could ever hope to reach. The armorless knight, for his part, quickly went from confusion to anger as the magic put him back down to the ground.

"What did you just do-"

"Mister Pierce Evil, you damaged something very expensive, so I took the equivalent of the money wasted from what you own. You can keep the metal, I only need the rest."

"Give me back my armor, you-"

"Do you truly wish to lose your weapons too? Right in front of a man you just attacked?"

The blond man turned around to stare at Silhouette and scoffed.

"Men. We're leaving."

At his words, only five thugs joined him, along with one of the remaining runic mages and the pair of knights. Raising an eyebrow at the number, Pierce Evil looked along and realized the rest of those he had brought with him were either lying on the ground or gone. He grumbled and tightened his belt as he sheathed back his weapons and picked up the cube of brass before leaving the Black Block, his paltry troop following him nervously.

Seeing the threat leaving, James left his shop and approached Blake.

"I suppose attacking him now would be uncivilized, and would go against your little show of force."

"Ah, you are a smart one mister Silhouette. Yes, I cannot allow you to harm him now. A messenger that dies before reaching its goal is worthless. And you should know, my intervention today was an exceptional occurrence, brought by mister Pierce Evil's public actions. I am not a Hero, it isn't in my interest to go out of my way to save people. If mister Runar sends more men after you in a less public setting..."

"If you have to intervene to save me again, I'll owe you some kind of debt, and not the kind I'd be willing to pay without years of work, am I correct?"

"I knew I liked you for a reason. Now, since I'm already here, would you be interested in creating an account within our fine establishment? Security isn't an issue, only 1836 successful heists, robberies, and security breaches in multiple millennia of operating across the globe should be more than reassuring."

"I will admit, security isn't exactly what held me back from going to the Black Bank so far, aside from being incredibly busy."

"Ah, you are uncomfortable with the power we hold."

"Yes, and your little demonstration didn't help. Other banks are somewhat held back by laws, but you said yourself that it wasn't a concern for you."

"Well, in case you ever change your mind, whether it's regarding an account or a loan, you know where to find us, and if you don't, just ask anyone here. Now, if you'll excuse me mister Silhouette, I have some unexpected goods to deal with."

Blake bowed before turning around and simply walking away, the crowd parting once more to let him through. James looked at him go before his focus returned to the situation at hand. Runar's men were gone, but they could return. Probably not to the shop, considering what have just happened, but if they sent more teams to the sewers, or even found out about his base in the Sunken City...

I thought we were ready, but clearly not. We need more training.

"Larry, Barry, Mark, Jeffrey, you all have done a wonderful work today. If I wasn't worried about your safety I'd offer you the day off, but for now it would be best if you stayed inside. I'll be with you shortly, I just need to gather the bodies first."

"Aye, boss."

Let's just hope no one notice they aren't exactly dead...

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