Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 40: Before They Howled

{At Ormshire, the Seaport Kingdom. Before the howling}

“Daddy, daddy! The emperor is here! Look!” A young girl said. Her name’s Amy.

She had green hair and a white dress. She was so happy.

Her father sat on the couch looking at shows on his Magic Screen.

It was so amazing to be part of the empire. Even though it was like a couple of hours that Ormshire joined the flag, their lives improved.

“You’re saying, she’s here?” Amy’s father asked. His name was Joseph.

“Yes! I heard so many people talking about her being here! She’s at the docks looking at our ships!” Amy said.

“Really? Who would have thought she'd be interested in our ships? I guess she’s going to use them.” Joseph shrugged.

“Can I go see her, please?!” Amy asked.

“Sure, honey! Let’s go use the telescope. I don’t want you to go out there near the docks. It’s quite dangerous and anything could happen.” Joseph said.

The girl went upstairs to look from the telescope. The house was close to the docks, but still a bit of a walking distance.

The little girl was able to see Silver talking to Wendy and the other Empresses.

It wasn’t that surprising for the citizens to find out the truth. The king was dead and the three Empresses were the rulers. Some people knew, they just ignored it.

“Daddy! They are destroying the ships! I think...” Amy was screaming from upstairs.

Joseph walked to his room to look through the telescope.

He learned his little girl would keep nagging him... It’s best to play along.

“Alright, honey. Let’s see what you’re talking about!” Joseph said. He looked towards the docks. “Honey, I still see all the ships! Actually, I see more ships if anything!”

“Let me see! I thought they disappeared!” Amy saw so many new different colors. All of the ships were bigger than before. They also had different logos on them from their typical Ormshire flags. One of the biggest ships had a Silver Coin symbol.

Although, through the telescope. She saw something weird up in the sky. It was a small dot, she zoomed-in to have a closer look.

“Daddy! I think there’s a man, flying!” Amy exclaimed.

“Honey... I know the emperor has amazing stuff... But I’m sure you’re just seeing things... There is no flying-man.” Joseph said.

“Look! Daddy, he is there!” Amy said while pointing.

The man sighed. He decided to look and see what she’s talking about. Sometimes his little girl can be troublesome.

When he looked through the telescope. There really was a man floating?!

Joseph looked closer and saw the name above the flying-man. He was an enemy of the empire. The name read as [King Albert Louis Bastion].

“It’s King Al Bastion?! When did he get the power to fly?!” Joseph yelled.

“Honey! Sweetie! Supper’s ready!” The mother yelled from downstairs.

“Mommy! Come! Look at the flying-man!” Amy yelled.

“No! Stay downstairs, Kimberly! That man is an enemy!” Joseph yelled.

“What?! What’s going on up there?!” Kimberly questioned.

Without answering, the man looked through the telescope again. Bastion was moving in a weird way, slashing down and destroying ships. The whole city was getting slashed and shredded to pieces.

“Honey! Take Amy! I’ll get the emergency packs! We need to leave!” Joseph said.

When the man looked out the window. Ships were rolling onto the kingdom with a loud howling sound.

Hundreds of people were screaming. Their buildings were getting leveled to the ground.

“We need to go to the basement, now!” Joseph yelled.

His wife came upstairs. The man picked up his daughter and ran. He needed to take his girls out of the room.

“Daddy, a ship is flying! Ship’s cannot fly, right?!” Amy said.

The father looked behind himself and saw another howling wave breaking down buildings. The howling destroyed their home and launched all three of them outside.

The Great Wolf Of The West blew all of their houses down.

Joseph was holding his little girl tight, but he couldn’t make it to his wife.

Kimberly was flung to another building. Joseph saw his wife slammed against a wall. He couldn’t believe what he saw, his wife was dead...

His little girl was crying and screaming as they were still in mid-air.

Joseph continued to hold his daughter as they crashed into a window. They both rolled onto the floor and hit a wall, hard. Although he was hurt and he wanted to mourn over his wife, but he knew to keep on moving. Amy was still in danger. He stayed low but carried his little girl downstairs of this house. The house they were in was broken up and falling apart.

“It’s okay, Amy! I got you!” Joseph said.

He looked at his girl, she was non-responsive. His daughter was dead... Her neck was broken.

“Amy? Wake up, baby?! You can show me anything you want! I’ll look! I promise! Sweetheart...? Tell me about the pretty flower you saw or talk about the cute puppy you want! I’ll get it for you, honey! Just get up!” Joseph was mortified in tears...

The man went frozen in silence in the broken hallway, still holding his girl’s lifeless body. The people in the house he landed in were also screaming. Some of them died inside.

“Daddy!” Another girl cried out. “How could you die?! I’m all alone!”

This made Joseph snap.

“How can this happen?! I thought the emperor was going to save us from this!” Joseph yelled.

He heard nothing but more screams. The Kingdom was getting shrouded with black smoke. Wolves emerge from that smoke; killing people. The shadow wolves ate the people outside.

The man didn’t care. He didn’t want to live anymore. His wife and daughter were dead... He could still hear that other little girl crying. People outside were still dying.

He has given up his time as a soldier. He wanted to stay with his family. They needed him home... And yet they still died...

“Help! Anybody!” More screams were happening around him.

They didn’t need him, he has failed this city. He couldn’t help these people. His wife and daughter were dead! Who cares about anyone else?!

Joseph saw a message. It was saying something about going to a dungeon for safety. However, that was not what he was interested in. What was more shocking, his daughter also had a message over her dead body. A reviving spell was cast upon her?!

The full empire got this message.


Attention: I, the Silver Emperor am currently hiding in a dungeon from the enemy. You all are invited! So everyone come along!

Note: Anyone who’s dead will be revived. This Death Skill will only last for the next 30 minutes. If your loved one dies after you have left for the dungeon, they will still meet you here with me.

Even if they died before this message. The countdown starts after that individual dies, but they must die before the spell ends! Which is 30 minutes! (Just wanted to be clear on that.)

Note2: Have no fear! I, Silver Coin will protect you! We are going to stay only at the beginning of the dungeon to hide. I also want my troops to protect my body. I am badly wounded and I may be asleep when everyone gets here.

PS: Tell everyone to accept or they would not get the benefits of this boon! Guardians are helping our enemy kill everybody! We must hurry and hide! We will let our guardians deal with this mess. Guardians can’t see or get us inside of an active dungeon.


Joseph read the message several times. Once he was convinced of what it was saying. He looked at the little one who was crying over her father. “Little girl?! Do you see a message over your father?”

”Yes...” She nodded.

“Good! Our new emperor is going to save us all! Select (Yes) and you’ll see your father again.” Joseph said.

Amy’s body grew small wings. They wrapped around her until she faded away in a flash. Without hesitation, Joseph picks (Yes) to follow his girl into the dungeon. He was able to see his girls again. He didn’t care how or where they would be alive.

The rest of the Kingdom has done the same.

There are various types of resurrection spells.

Some can be used on a body that has died 5 to 10 minutes ago. After that, the spell won’t work.

The other rules are, these spells take a lot of mana, the caster needs to be high-level, only one person at a time, and the caster must be close.

To perform a worldwide resurrection was not possible for mortals. However, the empire expected nothing less of Silver Coin’s crazy skills. They don’t even question it anymore.


{Silver’s room, before the howling}

There was a knock at Silver’s door.

“You may enter!” Mille said.

A doorman opened the door. Hanna pushed Renee into the room using a wheelchair.

“This is our room? It’s so big.” Renee said.

“Y-yea... If Silver lets you stay... She has so many women.” Hanna said.

“No! I am her woman too! Owww!” Renee yelled, she was still in pain.

“If you say so... I don’t think we belong here...” Hanna said.

“I don’t know about you, but I do,” Renee said.

“Okay...” Hanna said as she pushed Renee to the bed.

A woman walked to them.

“Who are you two?! Silver doesn’t need any more women!” Mary said.

“Mary, it’s okay! Renee belongs here. This is her land after all.” Mille said.

“Huh?! What do you mean?” Mary asked.

“I’ll explain it later. Hanna, bring her here.” Mille said while gesturing beside herself. Hanna lifted Renee onto Silver’s bed.

Renee was quite cozy. She didn’t have to deal with pain and suffering. Bastion’s men put her in embarrassing positions as they had their way with her. She was made to do things she wanted to forget. Renee never liked Bastion before this, but she now has a hatred for anyone who is involved with him.

As Hanna was leaving the bed. She hovered over Auly.

“Hanna? You can join us if you want. I am sure Auly wants to have you near her.” Mira smiled.

Hanna regarded Mira and Auly. They were also laying on Silver’s bed. They have been talking with Mille about Auly‘s situation. Auly fell asleep.

“If it’s really okay, then I will join,” Hanna said.

“No! No more girls! Why does Silver need so many women?!” Mary yelled.

“I’m not her woman,” Mira said.

“Same here! We had done something sexual, but I bet she forgot about me. We’re not actually together...” Hanna said.

“You had sex with her?!” Mary asked.

Hanna looked at Auly, she was still asleep.

“Let’s not talk about it! We’re not together! So it doesn’t matter!” Hanna yelled, she definitely didn’t want Auly to know about that. Auly woke up then looked around.

“Sorry... I fell asleep...” Auly said to Mira.

“It’s alright, sweetie. Let’s go to your room. It’s noisy here... You can nap there...” Mira said while scowling at Mary.

“Should I come as well?” Emily asked Auly.

Emily was tasked with preventing the other personas from influencing Auly.

“It’s okay. I can handle all of her personalities. Everyone, let’s just get some rest. It’s not late but we‘ve been talking long enough.” Mira said.

“Are we still going to sleep together?” Auly asked.

“Yes! There have been so many things happening lately but we never got a chance. We can sleep tonight. Hanna will be there with us.” Mira said.

“Yes. I want that.” Auly said.

“Really? You still want to sleep with me?” Hanna asked.

“If you don’t mind, we can do it all night long. You don’t have to sleep in your own room...” Auly said shyly.

“R-Really?! Umm... You two really want to do it together? I don’t have too much stamina...” Hanna said nervously.

“I don’t mind,” Mira replied.

“It’s okay if you’re drained, that’s a good thing. I’ve been wanting to help you out for a while now! You know, with your problems.” Auly whispered. Auly didn’t want to give Hanna’s night-terror secret away. “I want to blow all of your problems away.”

Hanna was shocked. She had a hard time keeping her dick down to Auly’s words.

“My, my, aren’t you bold?! Let’s get going. I want to get started.” Mira smiled. She took Hanna and Auly’s hands then proceeded to leave the room together.

“What about you women? Are you all going to leave?” Mary asked the princesses and queens.

There were some princesses and queens in Silver‘s room. Mary tried to convince them to leave.

“We have decided to stay. We want to be Empresses.” One of them said.

“Okay! But you all can sleep in other rooms! This room is reserved for her main empresses.” Mary yelled.

“Why can’t I be her main empress?! You’re not the boss! You’re just a fiancé! Why do you even think you have the authority to say what we should do?!” The princesses and queens had various opinions about Mary’s helpful advice.

“No! This is unacceptable! She doesn't need any more women! I don’t know any of you! So I don’t feel comfortable with you all!” Mary screamed.

“Huh?! But I’m not trying to have sex with you... I was under the impression that we are courting for the emperor...” A young woman said.

“I met him before... I know he’ll want me again... I have done some things for him...” Bailey said slowly. She was nervous and embarrassed. She was a brunette with long hair. Her big fancy dress had light blue colors. “My father gave me to Russ! I am sure it will be fine!”

“Your father sold you like a whore! Technically, you’re all whores! Your men didn’t want you! At least, not more than being an emperor! I am giving you all a chance to live the way you all want in your own rooms! You girls don’t love Silver as I do! I get hot when she’s near me! All of you won’t have this feeling. Please, just go! This is better for everybody!” Mary yelled. She was crying. She didn’t want to share anymore. Having sex with Emily was not what she wanted. It made her feel like a slut... Even if Emily’s dick was nice to have inside of her... She wants to suck on it again... But regardless of that, Silver’s skill was scary!

“Enough, Mary! If you can’t handle Silver’s ways then you’re only hurting yourself!” Mille said. “Silver loves me because she knows I’m perfectly fine with the way she is. She can be herself with me. Do yourself a favor and just leave!”

“Yeah! We want you to take back what you said! We are not sluts! Each of us had men that possessed multiple wives and other women. This is nothing new to us.” The princesses and queens voice their opinions.

“I... I think he is good luck! I get into accidents... A lot... My father doesn't want me anywhere near him. But with Russ it’s different! When I first met him. I... I...” Bailey stuttered. “But it’s okay because nothing bad happens when I’m with Russ... Well for him anyway...”

Bailey was sitting in the corner with her maids... They had pads and helmets to protect themselves from their mistress. She’s a walking disaster...

“From what I’ve heard, your bad luck has put people in the hospital! We don’t need you here!” Mary protested.

“That’s true! But it will work out with Russ! When I first met him, I accidentally sucked his dick!” Bailey yelled then covered her mouth.

“How can you accidentally suck a dick?!” Mille questioned.

“I have strange accidents... But they never affected him in a bad way. It’s like he has a guardian looking out for him. I can’t make him unlucky. He was lucky before he became this Silver Coin. So, maybe... no one won’t get hurt, again... maybe...” Bailey said. She was hoping things would work out.

There were other accidents with Russ but she left those parts out.

“If you’re going to get people hurt then you definitely shouldn’t be here!” Mary yelled.

“N-No! I have taken precautions! Watch!” Bailey said as she walked to the window. She then opened it. “I can open a window without something bad happening! When I got here. I’ve asked Russ to make me a class to protect those around me. So, even this is fine! My maids also have classes to help!”

“Umm... pardon my rudeness. But what’s that? There something in the sky?” A princess said.

Even though Bastion was far, Bailey could still notice his name with the system.

“It’s only my father, everyone! Don’t worry! He won’t do anything bad! Maybe he is here to say goodbye! Although, I didn’t know he could fly.” Bailey said.

“What are you talking about?! He has killed so many people!” Mary yelled.

“What?! If they were his enemies it’s fine! He wouldn’t hurt an innocent! He told me so! He would give the person warnings!” Bailey said incredulously.

“What the fuck?! I was innocent! He did this to me!” Renee screamed, gesturing at her bruised and scarred body.

“But you are a whore... Aren’t people like you into that...?” Bailey replied with a look of distaste.

“What?!” Renee screeched.

Bailey ignored her. She then looked out the window and yelled. “Father! I am here! How did you learn to fly?!”

Bastion slashed, clawed, and howled the entire Kingdom down; leaving pain and suffering in his wake.

Bailey and her maids tried to protect everyone around them with their new protection skills. In the end, Bastion cut right through their defenses.

After he killed enough people in the kingdom. He destroyed what he could then disappear.


{Auly’s wing, before the howling}

Until Auly finds her own place to stay, she is staying in Silver’s castle.

Auly walked down her wings’ hallway with Hanna and Mira. Auly’s people were also there.

“Sir! We have a situation! Come see!” A girl from Auly’s personal troop said.

She took Auly to a room.

“Okay... Umm... what is going on?” Auly said.

Auly was in a room with other soldiers. They looked serious.

“Well, we didn’t know if you knew this. There are some people who want to vote you out of being a commanding role...” A man said.

“What? Is this what this is about?!” Hanna asked. “We are at war and this is not even our decision! It’s Silver’s!”

“That’s what I said! All of us agreed! We just need to help Auly out! But there are soldiers who think differently.” The man said. His name was Hector. He was fit with dual swords. “What should we do about the situation?”

“Umm... well...” Auly mumbled.

“Tell them to fall in line or quit being soldiers!” Mira yelled. She then winked at Auly. Auly was so nervous.

(They want you gone, Auly! They don’t like you! You’re useless!)

“I... I can talk with them...” Auly said.

“In any case! We will have your back!” Hector said.

“Hey! Lookup in the sky! Somethings up there!” A guy by the window said.

“Is it a bird?!” A girl asked.

“It’s probably just a flying-device!” Hector said.

“It’s King Al Bastion!” Hanna yelled. “I can sense him!”

“What? He can fly?!” Hector asked.

Hanna’s class skills were going off. “Everyone, get down! We need to leave!” Her outburst scared everyone, making them get low.

Bastion slashed everywhere, indiscriminately; killing some people in the room.

Hanna used her lifeguard skills to protect as many people as she could. She didn’t really train for this. There were a lot of soldiers and adventurers, even though they were not prepared for what was happening.

Bastion disappeared. Two girls took his place. They huffed and puffed then blew part of the castle down.

“Ahhhh!” Auly screamed as she was getting pulled by Mira.

“Auly! Let’s get out of here!” Mira said.

“What about everyone else?! We are leaving them!” Auly yelled.

Hanna had the power to give people around her wings. They were flying inside of the falling castle trying to get out.

There were six of them with magic shields and Mira was singing for protection. However, with all of the crashing building and howling, her song was barely heard.

“We can’t worry about them! They are dead! We need to get out of this Castle! Let’s go out a window where the enemy can’t see us!” Hector yelled over the falling building.

Because this castle was so big, the howling girls needed help. Bastion appeared, then he and his two girls stood at the front of the castle. All three of them took a big inhale; and together, they blew a massive howling that killed everyone that was still alive.

When they completely destroyed the castle, they all disappeared and started going to other places. They’ve appeared and disappeared in various locations, killing and destroying what they can. Even Theodore and his family died this day.


{In Guardians Garden, Law’s private office}

Kilo and Lavender were arguing with Law. He sat at his desk as he talked to them.

“Are you really saying you’ll do nothing?!” Kilo yelled at Law. “Guardians are out there breaking your laws and you’re doing nothing?!”

“Well, first of all! I’m not even sure if this Silver, have or have not, broken laws herself. I had watched her for a bit to see if the other guardians had any good points on her. So I investigated. I saw her make ships out of nowhere. I thought that was strange. There are worlds where the system allows such functions, but in the world, she's in, that function does not exist. They can build ships with their own hands, but they’re not allowed to create with the system. Additionally, she added levels to the ships, this is also not possible with her previous world’s system.” Law said.

“So what is your conclusion?” Lavender asked.

“I am aware she’s hiding in a dungeon now. So her separate system is completely fine. And regardless of anything on what I said before. She still broke no actual laws. We are in the Guardian War. One of the key ways of winning is, for example, Guardian [A] can take his/her own system, then destroy Guardian [B]’s system. So, if that’s what’s happening with her. I will not interfere in a guardian’s plan to destroy that world’s system. It’s in the rules. Some guardians may or may not like a certain system, but that is beside the case.” Law said.

“And what are you going to do with the guardians who disobey your laws? No matter what world we are in, a guardian cannot help a human directly. It’s not the same with changing systems.” Kilo asked.

“You are absolutely correct. That human was given abilities by altering his body. They can do this with champions and some exceptions, but not anyone else. Also, they did this to get an advantage on an enemy human. System attacks are basically guardians vs guardians. What they did was make a human better than another. If they are not champions, that’s against the rules.” Law said.

“Soo... What are you going to do?” Kilo asked once again.

“If you don’t have any information about the guardian’s who did this. I am not obligated to do anything! I don’t really care about humans! Especially if I don’t know if she’s actually breaking rules or not!” Law said.

Kilo was furious! She couldn’t do anything to help her girls or Silver’s people...

“Sir, if I may? I have already done an official request on looking at Silver Coin’s soul. If you let me scan her, I will put your fears to rest.” Lavender said.

“Ah, yes! I saw your official request. Normally, this is not something we guardians do lightly, but I was willing to let you do it. However, you’re too close to this. I don’t think other guardians will accept your results. I will tell you what, allow me to select a representative to do a full investigation on Silver Coin.” Law said.

Lavender grimaced a little bit.

“We have known each other for a long time. You are an elder guardian and I respect you. I don’t think that you have ever made a difference if a person was a male or female. You rely on facts. So, I trust you completely. However, it’s your councilmen I fear that may have a hand in this mess...” Lavender said.

Law narrowed his eyes at Lavender.

“Are you saying that one of my people is breaking my laws?! Am I hearing this wrong?!” Law looked offended.

“I am not saying any laws were broken by your people. I am just simply saying they don’t have my followers' best interest in mind...” Lavender reassured.

“Hmm... as you said, we have known each other for a long time. You’ve always respected me and my decisions. Not many high-guardians respect their elders and you stayed true to me. Therefore I will not take any offense to your slight accusation. How about this, let me add someone I trust to your flag. He will do his investigation, silently. This will be completely off the books. When he is finished, I'll review his findings. We will go from there on what to do. I will also look into this Bastion problem as well. When everything is said and done, I will then show my findings to my people. That way they’ll see that Silver has done no wrong. This will resolve their fears, and no more bad blood will be between everyone! Deal?!” Law suggested.

“I would have to ask Silver, but I agree,” Lavender said.

“Excellent. Look at me! I am a guardian pleaser! I just want to get all of this out of the way! However... I am concerned about some things. When I watched Silver Coin. I saw interesting things about her. I don’t think she’ll pass the investigation.” Law continued.

“Huh? How come? What did you see?” Kilo questioned.

“She may be a sleeper cell of a fallen guardian. Again, this may have something to do with the Guardian War. I will not interfere with the war unless we are dealing with a criminal. That scenario would change everything! Hopefully, the findings will come up clean and the guardian who’s hiding is a non-criminal.” Law said.

Kilo and Lavender looked at each other. They didn’t wanna say anything to further his suspicions. So they said nothing about that.

They also had a feeling Silver’s true Guardian was dangerous. It was able to make all of these things happen. Not only with the coin, but with the king's skills too.

As for being a criminal, they had no idea.

Kilo would never assume something was evil. Just because this Guardian may be a sin, doesn’t mean it’s evil! It did save everyone! Kilo didn’t think Silver cast a massive revival spell, Dungeons also can’t do this feat. This was definitely the guardian’s doing.

“I suppose we’re done here. I would like to check on my people.” Kilo said.

“Not a problem. My investigator will be called within minutes. I’ll handle the Bastion problem now. Do you have him in custody?” Law said.

“No, but I have a plan in motion,” Lavender said.


{Fairy dungeon}

Sounds of snoring fill the room. Silver was lying on a bed. She felt like there was something on her. Like she was smothered with small people. She tried to get them off but they were too busy snoring on her. Silver knew she was still inside of the fairy dungeon, but she didn’t think they’d sleep on her.

When Silver was fully awakened, she saw her situation. She’s seen human children, sleeping around the whole room. They were her citizens, but why were they here?

The room she was in was medium-size. She heard people outside of her building. It looked like she was in a small town.

Because she had to go to the restroom. She tried to peel them off of her, but they continued to hug and snore on her.

“Okay! Everyone up!” Silver yelled.

Silver really hated children... The little demons woke up, wondering what’s going on.

“Who are you, kids?! Where are your parents?!” Silver continued.

“Umm... They are in other rooms. Do you want us to get them?” A boy said.

“No, I am just curious as to why you are in here with me?!” Silver asks.

“We were told that you will protect us... There are scary fairies here...!” A girl said.

Silver looked more closely at the room she was in. It looked like a lodge. Outside of her window, she saw lots of buildings around a big forest. Her people must have done this because Silver told them to hide.

“Where is Margolin?” Silver asked them.

They all shrugged in confusion. Some didn't know where she was or even knew who she was.

“I can get someone if you want!” A little girl said.

“No, it’s fine... Just go to your parents. I have to go to the restroom anyway.” Silver said.

“Can I go with you?! I have to go as well!” A girl said.

“Yeah! I do too! Let’s go to the girls' room!” Another girl said.

“Ummm..... I’m not a girl...” Silver said.

“Huh? What do you mean? You look like a girl and my mother said you were one....” A girl asked.

“Well... I heard the emperor was a boy!” A little boy said.

“I don’t get it...” Another kid said, then they discussed amongst themselves.

“Whatever! I’m leaving! Just leave my room! Begone when I get back!” Silver yelled.

“Wait! We want to help! I want to be a soldier one day and protect the empire!” A boy said. The one thing about children is, they don’t read between lines...

“Okay! How about this?! I will give you each 10 silver coins to leave! You can give it to your family, friends, I don’t care! Just take it and go!” Silver shouted.

“Really?! My mom and father said we needed money!” A boy said.

“My old neighbor said he needed money as well!” A girl said.

“Wait! What's money?!” A kid asked.

“All right, fine! Here’s a bag of money! One of you knows how to count, right?! Share 10 coins for each of you. Leave the bag on my desk when you’re done. Oh, and teach every other kid how to count! You kids should know what money is! Now get out!” Silver yelled. She then left for the restroom. She had to ask a guard where it was. When she got back to her room, they were gone. “Good! I don’t have to deal with that shit anymore!”

She saw a message.


New King's skills added!

[Hunger No More]: Children will not starve with one meal. This can only occur once a day.

[Generous Donations]: If you have money to spare, give it to someone who needs it! The benefits are unknown and random, but you will know when you’d make someone happy with the money.

[The Value Of Money]: Your empire knows when they’re being cheated when it comes to money. Additionally, money is easier to count for them.

[Learn From One Another]: There’s a 10% bonus if a person their own age teaches them something. A 40% bonus if an elder was doing the teaching. Lastly, teachers [classes] can teach their students with a 60% bonus.


“Sigh! Whatever! They’re not bad skills...” Silver said and looked at another message.


New King's skill added!

[Girls Can Be Boys Too]: If a boy can do it. A girl can do it just as efficiently! All females' stats will equal or become more than male’s stats.


“Huh?! I didn’t notice a difference between the stats! I thought they were always the same! Oh, well! I don’t care! It’s not like somethings going to come out of that!” Silver yelled.

Apparently, this skill was created when one of the girls said, if emperor Silver can be a guy or a girl, she can do the same. Then one boy talked about how boys have better stats, so that was not possible. This created a commotion with the children, long story short.

‘Not, my problem! I’m going to see where everyone is.” Silver said to no one. She looked at her settings and noticed her stats were altered. “What the fuck?! My stats were suppressed because I was a girl?! Who the fuck decided that girls should be weakened?!”

When Silver first became a girl. She always thought her stats were lowered because she had the [Girl class]. But that class was a support class, she thought it was not a big deal. Ala had better stats when Russ was a guy. But even She was held back this whole time.

‘Oh, well! Maybe this is a good thing! I’ll have stronger female soldiers along with my men! This shouldn’t cause problems with them, right? Ala would be stronger! She’ll love this! Although, she was already strong...’ Silver thought. ‘Anyway, time to get yelled at by Margolin...’

Sorry for the delay. It’s just been a very busy month. My program for writing kept on crashing and I lost some things as well. Very stressful stuff, lol.

I love writing other characters outside of the main! It does feel like if one thing happens to Silver, they all get affected. I wanted a flag enemy and not someone who is specifically for Silver.

Anyway, I really don’t have a lot to say other than things that may be a spoiler. I will say I cried for Amy. Writing things like that is not easy for me, I do it because I wanted to see how people were affected. Bastion's action scenes are cool to me but when you think about what happens to the citizens, it gets to you.

There may be a chance that I won’t finish the book this month because of how busy I’ll be with Christmas. I don’t want the ending to feel rushed so I will take my time.

I like to thank you all for reading for this long! This has been an amazing journey for me!

I have already been working on my next book. The big updates for this book will take a very long time as I decide what to add or take away. I wanted to continue writing in the meantime. I won’t post the book until I feel I have a chance to do so. It will be another harem but if anyone knows me, they’ll know that I like to take a topic and put it on its head. It’s a harem from where the perspective is mostly two girls who are in a harem. I am making fun of topics, as everyone knows. But that doesn’t mean I don’t like a harem. The book will ask things like why do every harem girl needs to ‘love’ a guy even if he is an idiot or a jackass. I asked various questions in this book, but this is focused on harems themselves.



Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif

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