Sixteen Years Old, The Fourth Generation of Mizukage

Chapter 272 Exposed

The big rock hand whizzed down at an extremely fast speed, so fast that even though it was big enough to catch a huge tailed beast like Nine Tails in the palm of its hand like a toy, it still had the momentum to move like thunder.

As someone who had just come here after a mindless battle, Kaguya Rei naturally recognized the owner of this big rock hand at a glance——

Hamura Stone Statue! ?


Kaguya Rei, who was standing in the air, was hit hard by the huge rock hand due to lack of support and power point. Then when the giant rock hand suddenly accelerated again, it was pressed into the palm of its hand, whistling all the way. It smashed through the barrier around the Moon Palace, and like an ape suppressed by the gods and Buddhas, it slammed into the crystallized earth he had just created!

The King Kong Earth, which had been strengthened by magic, showed extraordinary ability to withstand and resist impact. A giant rock hand hundreds of meters high was wrapped around it and hit it at a speed that broke through the sound barrier several times. The crystal still did not completely shatter. , cracked, only cracks spreading like spider webs appeared.

On the contrary, the giant rock hand that fell to the earth in the form of a stone pillar of heavenly punishment quickly fell apart in the collision with the crystallized earth, turning into gravel and dust flying all over the sky. It was in this area that Rei Kaguya was attacked. He stood up again amidst the flying stone debris, raised his head, and looked in the direction where the giant rock hand flew from with some surprise:

"Oka nails?"

Yes, through the sun and sky that were shot through each other, Kaguya Rei's white eyes, which were strengthened by the power of six paths, could clearly see the cosmic nebula in the hole, as well as the cosmic nebula floating in the dark night sky. The Hamura stone statue tore apart the surrounding stones to repair the right arm he had just launched.

"Tsk, you who are playing tricks on me... do you think I can't fight back against you?"

Kaguya Rei quickly formed the seal of the bone clone, and the spine on his back suddenly grew outwards, and quickly transformed into several clones exactly like himself in the air. Randomly, the clones each Form the seal, and be ready to unfold the pattern of Six Heavenly Vajra in an instant——

"Don't even think about it!"

At this moment, Uchiha Obito's voice came together with the space distortion he created. Under the two divine powers gathered together, in just a blink of an eye, the Six Heavenly King Kong, which was still in the process of taking shape, was under the power of the divine power to distort the space. , each of them was twisted off a key part, and this not-so-long delay gave the Hamura Stone Statue floating in the universe a chance to attack again!

"Heaven hinders the earthquake star!"

Tightly rooted in Shinya Otsutsuki's body, Black Zetsu recklessly squeezed the chakra from his body while using the power of the giant reincarnation eye to pull the surrounding meteors over and grant them the ability to ignore the moon's gravity restrictions. , the power launched at full speed launched a sky-high meteor shower at Kaguya Rei who was entangled by Uchiha Obito.

Boom boom boom boom——

The seemingly endless meteorite rain followed one after another. Even with Kaguya Rei's current strength, he had to deal with it with a serious attitude. Watching Kaguya Rei jump up from the crystallized earth, he could not splash with water. Shin's perfect posture, the scene of smashing all the falling meteorites with one punch, and the expression of Black Zetsu possessing Shinya Otsutsuki became more and more playful and excited.

"That's it, that's it...keep fighting, continue to use your power arbitrarily, and show the power of God after you ascend to the Six Paths to that guy Uchiha Obito who can't achieve anything."

"Only in this way can you be my helper, Kaguya Rei, oh no, Otsutsuki, Rei."

Listening to Black Zetsu's speech here as if it was a third-party force, Otsutsuki Shin, who had doubts about its existence, couldn't help but his heart stopped. After coughing up a large mouthful of blood, he continued intermittently and extremely. He asked in astonishment:

"You, you and that Uchiha Obito... are not the same group!"

"You, who are you? You are not Bai Jue created by the sacred tree at all..."

"The answer is correct. I am indeed not a failed half-finished product like Bai Zetsu." Hei Zetsu pulled half of Otsutsuki Shinya's face that was covered in black liquid and let out a weird laugh that made people's hearts tremble. "But what does that matter? What? Who am I, and what does it mean to you, to Uchiha Obito, and to Otsutsuki Rei?"

Otsutsuki didn't know how to answer Black Zetsu's question, but he instinctively felt that there was something special about Black Zetsu's practice of using the giant reincarnation eye in Hamura Shrine to continuously tear apart the earth and rocks on the moon to create meteors. A terrible, very dangerous purpose.

What could it be? This self-proclaimed Black Zetsu, on the surface is helping Uchiha Obito and coercing me to fight for him, but in fact it has its own agenda. What is it thinking?

Otsutsuki Shinya was thinking about this problem, and then he suddenly discovered that when Black Zetsu used his body to create chakra and used the power of the giant reincarnation eye to control gravity, he didn't feel unfamiliar or obscure at all. Compared with It is said that it is monitoring the use of the giant reincarnation eye, but it is better to say... it is using its own body to exert the power of the giant reincarnation eye!

How can this be! ? Even for Kaguya Rei, who is fighting below, it is absolutely impossible for him to reach this kind of commanding proficiency when he comes into contact with the giant reincarnation eye for the first time!

You must know that the giant reincarnation eye is the treasure of the Otsutsuki clan that was finally created at the expense of the lives and Byakugan of countless pure-blooded clan members. It is a symbol of the ultimate evolution of the Byakugan. Among people on earth, except for those incompetent Hyuga How could anyone else outside the clan possibly master the true power of the Byakugan! ?

Perhaps because of the excitement in his mind, or perhaps because his body was squeezed too hard, Otsutsuki Shinya's mind inevitably became blurred, and in this sudden blur, an event that he had not been able to associate with before suddenly jumped up. Entering Otsutsuki Shinya's mind——

The Heretic Golem was stolen.

If you want to steal the heretic golem from the seal of the distant moon, you must at least have the power of the Samsara Eye and the corresponding knowledge to be able to do it.

So, if the Rinnegan Eye is the eye opened by the person called Uchiha Madara by Black Zetsu and Uchiha Obito, then where did his knowledge of the heretic demons come from?

As the main force who sealed Kaguya Otsutsuki, the Sage of Six Paths would really mention something as dangerous as the Heretic Golem among the things he left to future generations?

The answer is naturally no.

So, what Uchiha Obito said, besides the ninjutsu, he inherited from Uchiha Madara...could it be it! ?

Sensing the sudden fluctuations in Shinya Otsutsuki's emotions, Heiju couldn't help but let out a cold and pleasant laugh. While it further increased the area it covered on Shinya Otsutsuki, it spoke in his ears. The truth that is enough to make Otsutsuki Shinya regretful and go crazy:

"It seems like you have guessed something...but don't you think it's a little too late?"

"You, you really are!?"

"Thanks to your decent bloodline and chakra, the knowledge my mother left me can finally be put to practical use... grit your teeth and hold on for a while, in this case, you might still be able to I can see the scene when my mother returns to the world."

Otsutsuki Shinya, who had been completely enveloped by Black Zetsu, formed a special seal and controlled the Hamura Shrine that was originally floating in the Moon Palace to fly to a higher place, breaking through the barrier of the Moon Palace and the false sky outside, and arrived at Then, it rushed straight towards the Hamura stone statue, which had expanded several times in size by tearing the surface of the moon, and merged into it without any hindrance like a trickle flowing into the sea. Got in.

I added a few hundred words of description at the end. Readers who feel that it is still unfinished can refresh and complete it.

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