Sixteen Years Old, The Fourth Generation of Mizukage

Chapter 86 Xiao and I are in a relationship of mutual use

The first day of the double shadow meeting ended with little progress on Konoha's side, with some absent-mindedness.

Both sides know very well that negotiation itself is an act that requires constantly pulling on each other's patience, testing each other's bottom line, and repeatedly demonstrating each other's force before finally getting a result that is barely satisfactory to both parties. The more anxious they are, the more likely they will be. The less you can get what you want.

Kirigakure's side has Kaguya Rei's military force as a guarantee, so it is natural for the lion to be more open when it proposes conditions. However, as the side with stronger comprehensive strength, Konoha cannot be like a small country that is unable to resist Kirigakure. He fully accepted the conditions proposed by Kirigakure.

It is foreseeable that the two sides will have to exchange opinions back and forth for at least several days on the specific terms of the peace treaty before they can come up with a final version of the peace treaty.

But these things have nothing to do with Jiraiya for the time being.

At this time, he was drinking alone in an izakaya in a nearby town, one sip after another, one cup after another.

It was as if he wanted to use this method to drive away all the bad things he encountered today.

"Welcome, what would you like to drink?"

"Just a bottle of sake."

"Okay, we will prepare it for our guests immediately. Where do you plan to sit?"

"This way."

"Huh? But guests, there are already other guests sitting here..."

"I just came to find him."

Amidst the gentle sound of clothes swaying, someone sat down opposite Jiraiya who was drinking. The white-haired middle-aged man looked up and saw sitting opposite a black-haired boy with a young, handsome and energetic face. At that time His face turned dark.

"Don't think that while Konoha and Kirigakure are negotiating for peace, you can just go out of the way so openly to influence my mood, Rei Kaguya?"

"The era when Konoha and Kirigakure would shout and kill each other has passed for the time being. Don't raise the hostility to such a high level right away, Jiraiya," Kaguya Rei picked up her pot of sake and poured a glass. , while taking a small sip, he said to Jiraiya, whose face was already full of alcohol, in a relaxed tone like a normal young man:

"I just have something I want to ask you, who was entrusted with the prophecy by the Great Toad Immortal of Mt. Miaomu."

"So what if I was entrusted with a prophecy?" Jiraiya smiled bitterly and put down the wine glass in his hand with a depressed expression. "I'm just a man struggling desperately in a dry well of failure, but I can't jump out of the well and see more. The toad in the vast world cannot answer your question standing at the mouth of the well."

"You are belittling yourself so seriously. Do you really not want to see Nagato hanging out with me, Jiraiya?"

Faced with Kaguya Rei's questioning, Jiraiya took the initiative to turn his face away, and while pouring out all the remaining wine in the jug at hand, he showed a very lonely expression on his face.

"'Akatsuki' came to the Kingdom of Iron to accept employment from the Daimyo and became the bodyguard of the Double Shadow Conference. Is it all because of you?"

"I just gave them an opportunity to accelerate their reputation. The ones who really decide whether to come or not are themselves."

Kaguya Rei put down the gulped wine glass in her hand, put it aside along with the pot of bland sake, and then said calmly:

"Disciples will always grow up and choose different life paths based on their own life experiences. If you always hope that they will still look like what you remember, you cannot be considered a good teacher, Jiraiya."

"Do you think I can't see that you are using Nagato to draw firepower for you, Rei Kaguya?" Jiraiya growled and subconsciously crushed the wine glass in his hand into pieces.

"You asked them to be responsible for the security work and to witness the peace treaty signed between our two villages. The purpose is to make Nagato and his reincarnation eye noticed by the other three villages, so that the people in other villages will be distracted to pay attention to Nagato. With the actions of Men and Akatsuki, I can no longer devote myself wholeheartedly to studying ways to defeat you and Kirigakure, right?"

"Then have you ever thought that Nagato and Yahiko actually cooperated with me even though they knew that I was using them?"

Kaguya Rei lightly tapped the table with her finger, pointed at Jiraiya who was stunned by what she said, and said slowly:

"Jiraiya, it's a bit boring to be self-paralyzing and self-deceiving at this time... Nagato and Yahiko created the peaceful organization 'Akatsuki' with their own will, and gathered around them little by little. Heroes with a large number of like-minded companions, do you really think that they, who have come to this point from scratch, will be so naive that they think that the gifts I give them do not need to be repaid?"

"...No." Jiraiya tightened his grip on the wine bottle in his hand and said every word.

"Then doesn't this issue become very clear?"

Kaguya dipped her fingers into some sake and began to write and draw on the table.

"I am using the power of 'Akatsuki' and Nagato to gain time for Kirigakure to develop and change, and 'Akatsuki' and Nagato are also using my identity as the future Mizukage to gain the opportunity for themselves to be on a larger scale. Opportunities on the stage, since everyone’s goal is to make the ninja world as peaceful as possible in the next ten years, what’s wrong with using each other’s resources?”

"I'm not like those people who say that they will hand over the task of bringing changes to the ninja world to the Children of Prophecy, and then go out and travel around on their own, regardless of how well the Children of Prophecy are doing. For useful collaborators, I’m very generous.”

"Haven't you ever considered that Akatsuki might not be able to withstand so many cold arrows and hidden spears from the shadows!?" Jiraiya slapped the table gently, and his white hair suddenly looked like an angry lion. stood up.

"Except for Nagato, most of the Akatsuki people are just ninjas with ordinary talents. If they were targeted by the hawks from the other three ninja villages, those ordinary people would definitely suffer heavy casualties! Nagato He’s not an unreasonable monster like you, he’s just a genius and can’t intimidate everyone in other villages!”

"No, you are wrong, Jiraiya," Kaguya Rei raised a finger and shook it gently, "If anyone can possibly develop the power to threaten me in this era, then the only one The only candidate is Nagato, who has the Samsara Eye."

"You don't understand the huge potential of the Rinnegan Eye, nor do you understand how the Uzumaki clan's physique plays a key role in promoting the power of the Rinnegan Eye, nor do you understand the world seen in Nagato's eyes."

"What you see in the world right now is that the great powers are licking their wounds after the war and unabashedly preparing for the next war. But what Nagato sees is a person who has felt the pain and realized the pain. Pain, understand pain, accept pain, and realize the precious world of peace."

"Everyone has shed blood, and everyone has experienced loss. No matter which country people are in, they are longing for peace. For 'Akatsuki', as long as they can seize this opportunity, the fireworks of war will be postponed for a while. , the seeds of peace will have more time to germinate, and Akatsuki's concept of achieving peace through means other than violence will be more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people."

“For them, this is the best opportunity to convey their ideas to the whole world and affect every country. Once they miss it, they can only bury their heads and work hard one step at a time. We are waiting for the end of the next ninja war to start large-scale activities."

"I think the members of Akatsuki at this time are not willing to see the organization become stronger due to another outbreak of war."

Listening to Kaguya Rei's detailed analysis, as if he had been following Nagato and Yahiko to observe their every move, Jiraiya was stunned for a while, and finally said to Kaguya Rei angrily:

"Whether it's Orochimaru or you, how can a guy with a pair of snake-shaped vertical pupils be so good at deceiving people... I almost believed it when I heard it."

"Without the ability to see through people's hearts, I would not think of using other people's ideals to achieve my own goals..." Kaguya Rei spread her hands and said matter-of-factly:

"Besides, it's not because you always want to escape. You think you can just leave the task of changing the world to the children of prophecy you found. You don't even know what they have experienced, what they dream about, and what they insist on. , that’s why I found the flaw so easily and directly criticized it, Jiraiya.”

Jiraiya's old face turned red, and he covered it up with the strength of his wine. Then he cleared his throat and asked in a deep voice:

"So, what do you want to ask me, or what do you want to ask the Great Toad Sage of Mt. Myoboku, Rei Kaguya?"

Kaguya Rei folded his hands and put them under his chin, and said calmly:

"The White Snake Immortal told me that she saw in me the possibility of turning the established future and destiny into chaos... I would like to ask the Great Toad Immortal, who has the ability to predict things that have never made mistakes, what he sees. Has the future it arrived changed because of my activity? Or is my activity itself part of the prophecy it sees?"

"Well,'s really hard to answer."

After listening to Kaguya Rei's question, Jiraiya, who had not been back to Myoboku Mountain for a while, scratched his head and said uncertainly:

"But I definitely can't answer this kind of thing myself. When the Great Toad Immortal has another dream about the future and calls me over, I'll look for another chance..."


Before he finished speaking, Jiraiya turned into a ball of white smoke and disappeared into the izakaya without any warning.

"The art of reverse channeling? Is it from Mount Miaomu?"

Kaguya narrowed her eyes and instinctively sensed something amiss.

I have been writing yesterday’s second update until now, and I have finally come up with a barely readable version.


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