Skarla – The F*ta Conqueror

37 – Great Battle! (II)


PART 1 – Mommy!


The confrontation was escalating, and as time went on, more survivors of Skarla's attack were pouring out of the mountains, along with, of course, the demonic portal that had been opened.

But Letiphia and the others are elite, having adequate teamwork, and they have Viper, who is practically disappearing everywhere and slitting demons' throats.

As for Skarla, her attention beyond the battlefield was on the hitherto dying target that was being rebuilt, the sense of danger increasing, and she stood up as vigorous cracks echoed.

Snarling, Skarla fiercely stomped the ground, taking a sideways stance as the ground was pierced and several cracks appeared. With another loud stomp, large amounts of energy were consumed, and a large mass of earth rose up. Skarla watched before using wind to punch the air and push this land mass far away as she chased.

"Interesting." - Said the undisturbed creature as the ground collided and everything shook. It simply flew into the sky.

I saw your struggle with my daughter; in fact, I saw how you dealt with my other daughter, cutting the connection. It was interesting.” - Said the creature.

Her appearance did not change, but her countenance did; the atmosphere surrounding her became heavier and more worrying.

Skarla walked forward calmly, cracking her neck and massaging her shoulder. - “So you mean you saw me torturing your little daughter who opened her mouth?”

Yes, I learned interesting torture methods; I even started doing more research on electricity.” - She said calmly, waving her hand, and in moments, dozens of electrical wires appeared, bursting on the floor.

Frowning, Skarla sighed. - "How wonderful. I have to deal with a lot of spoiled daughters; now Karen arrives.”

Karen? The way she's talking, I'll take it as an insult.” - Said the creature calmly. - “Child, tell me your name.”

Skarla.” - She answered.

Skarla? A barbaric name, but whatever, this daughter of mine's body is called Melitah Lusturus, and I who possess her am Sueika, with Lusturus being one of my many demonic names.” - She smiled slightly.

Better a barbaric name than a strange one, but I think the time for conversation is over, right?” - Skarla was smiling, but to her surprise, Sueika sat down.

I’ll give you 10 minutes; I think it will be enough to recover.” - Sueika said it in a gentle tone.

I appreciate the consideration, but I don’t like being disrespected like that.” - Skarla said it with a fierce tone.

I'm not disrespecting you, child; in fact, I'm giving you the maximum respect you deserve. Know that these 10 minutes I'm giving you are simply so that when I defeat you, you won't complain that it's because you were injured.”

Hahaha~ don’t worry, I’m not a whiny bitch, but if that’s the case, I’ll accept it.” - Said Skarla, who also sat down.

Up until that point, everything was silent as Sueika assessed Skarla and observed how her body was consuming the ambient energy. - ‘Intriguing. Her level of energy absorption surpasses even mine; is she really only level 11?' - Sueika licked her lips.

Sueika saw the inside of her body; the vitality she possesses is incredible. Looking at her daughter's claws, there was blood; she licked it and appreciated it, being able to feel the vitality and quality.

Skarla, in her eyes, looks so tasty, having a life force full of energy, which makes her wonder. - ‘If I devour her, how strong will I become? How can such a delicious human exist? How does it give me the same sensation as a Legendary Elixir?!’ - Several doubts arose, with the desire for it only increasing.

But in addition to observing Skarla, Sueika replayed in her mind her direct style of doing things and... the energy that, although subtle, is in her body, more precisely, her daughter's body. This is accumulating, causing almost imperceptible damage and creating gaps.

Sueika laughed, knowing this would be complicated, but standing up, the 10 minutes were up.

Skarla also stood up, sighing.


A sonic boom resounded with Sueika breaking the sound barrier in a leap, her claws aiming for Skarla's heart. She was taken by surprise, but using [Blink], she disappeared, but was still in Sueika's field of vision.

Sueika smiled when she made a mistake, and Skarla, instead of appearing behind her or running away, appeared above her, both hands together, in front of her chest, with a sphere of energy rotating.

Skarla fell and stretched out her arms, but Sueika lashed out with her magic-covered tail, which somehow nullified Skarla's technique, which surprised her.

Smiling, Sueika was about to say something.


An explosion of flames erupted from Skarla's chest and legs, which spun in the air and ferociously struck her face with a heavy kick that crushed her face and cracked her skull.

Sueika rolled her eyes with a certain distorted delight, her hands reaching out to catch Skarla, but she used [Blink], only for Sueika's tail to shoot towards Skarla's stomach, where a metallic glow appeared.

The tail penetrated her flesh but stopped within a few centimeters, with Skarla's growl causing a powerful discharge of electrical energy that was amplified by the metal element she spread across the ground.

Sueika appeared to be confused, feeling energy from the ground, Skarla's body, and her surroundings. Her decision was to resist, using electricity to protect herself.

Soon there was a loud electrical explosion, with the metal amplifying the electricity and hitting Sueika everywhere, especially underneath.

Sueika appeared surprised; the electricity was stronger, but the energy cost didn't seem as high as before, but her power was amplified.

Her defense didn't work, and she screamed in pain, growling and smiling. - "YOU ARE WONDERFUL!!!" - Sueika roared as she extended her charred arms towards Skarla, at the same time as her tail, still attached to her stomach, glowed red.

Sensing danger, Skarla fiercely teleported away with [Blink]. She frowned at something, growling.

"What was it? Didn’t you like running away?” - Sueika laughed as she left the traces of energy, her body recovering.

Nothing much; I just lost my temper for a moment.” - Skarla said with a certain coldness in her tone that the wound in her abdomen was closing.

I feel a little sad about how many scars I am leaving on her body, but there is nothing that can be done; I need to educate my little girl.” - Sueika laughed and licked her bloody tail.

I was properly educated and taught not to pay attention to whores!” - Skarla said, huffing and moving forward with electricity coursing through her body. Her speed skyrocketed.

It got a little faster.” - Sueika said, smiling. A fierce punch came from the left, but Sueika ignored it and extended her arm, grabbing Skarla's fist that came from the right. - “That was a stupid trick.”


Skarla gave a fierce headbutt to Sueika, who was smiling and took advantage of the proximity to kiss Skarla's cheek on the corner of her lip.

Sueika backed away as she laughed, while Skarla frowned with a bloody wound on her forehead. - 'Can this bitch manipulate her bone structure, or did I just hit some damn hidden horn?' - Skarla growled, feeling a little dizzy.

Argh! Fuck!” - She cursed as she felt the heat in her body.

I see you are feeling my love.” - Sueika laughed as she licked her lips.


Skarla punched her chest, then pressed several places on her body before spitting out dark blood.

Wow! That was interesting, the way her body reacted to you hitting those spots.” - Sueika smiled with great interest, then disappeared.


Skarla couldn't react in time, so Sueika, with her fist half-clenched, hit some places on Skarla's body, some pressure points, but luckily she doesn't know how it works, thinking it's just a matter of injecting her energy and hitting the spot. with force.

Skarla hardened the pressure points, as dodging was not possible. Sueika, in that short space of time, frowned upon seeing that it didn't work, and Skarla advanced her palm in a strange posture.

Upon seeing this, Sueika decided to let herself be hit, and when her palm arrived, Skarla began to hit several places on Sueika's abdomen.

She felt a numbness in her abdomen before Skarla's palm came against her uterus.



Sueika shrieked, retreating and writhing, her entire body shuddering intensely and her face constantly twisting, before vomiting blood. She coughed and laughed at the same time.

"Haha ha! That hurt! IT HURT A LOT!” - Sueika shouted, laughing and squirming.

Skarla thought about attacking, but her instincts didn't allow her; Sueika's twitching tail was on end.

The way you injected your energy into me, how you destroyed my uterus, spreading more of your strange energy throughout my body—I understand why my daughter talks so much. Your torture method surpasses even that of demons! Who would think of using energy in this way? Who would believe that the right dosage of energy is so painful?” - Sueika salivated and then bit her tongue hard, standing up straight, still feeling pain.

You are around 20 years old; these techniques do not exist in hell, much less in this world. I don’t know where it comes from, but I want it all!” - Sueika said, laughing.

And I want you to fuck off!” - Said Skarla, showing the middle finger.

Don’t worry, I’ll fuck you!” - Sueika laughed loudly and advanced against Skarla, her long claws growing.

Skarla laughed, already feeling tired.


The claws cut through the air. Sueika looked into her field of vision and focused upward, but she knew it was a false trail of energy. She didn't think to look back, as Skarla didn't seem to be that predictable.

Well… this time she went.

Behind her, Skarla extended her arms, touching her back. In the area of her wings, the tail was already shooting towards her, but she got there first.

Sueika bit her lips in an almost seductive way, where she manipulated her energy, trying to imitate Skarla.



Sueika screamed, almost losing consciousness, as immense pain ran from her back to her entire body.

Her tail lashed out, but due to the sudden pain and the electricity causing her to partially lose control of her body, her tail still hit Skarla, only it was in her groin.

Skarla's face twisted; she backed away, but not before ferociously reaching her fingers into Sueika's back and neck.



Sueika roared as she slashed back, writhing in pain and doing everything she could to lessen it. She was still laughing, and her mood was only improving.

Skarla, on the other hand, was growling, feeling her stomach turn. - ‘I don’t think I’ll have any more children after this.’ - She laughed and looked at Sueika. - ‘The damage wasn’t that much; it doesn’t have as many pressure points as the human body, not to mention that their locations are different.’ - She sighed.

I need to land a few punches on her and find out where it will hurt the most, because taking advantage of her luck and her curiosity won’t help.’ - Skarla was getting more serious.

Hells! THAT HURTS!" - Sueika roared. - “I’ll pay you back in kind; I’m learning a lot.” - She said she was smiling and walking, still shivering.

"Just a question." - Said Skarla, Sueika, ready to move forward, stopped being curious. - "Say!"

Is your spoiled daughter still conscious, or has she just erased it and is using her body?”

“…she’s still here, inside; why?” - Sueika was confused.

It’s because you’re crying and pissing yourself.” - Skarla said, and Sueika laughed. - “There’s nothing that can be done; she’s a very fragile little girl.”

Indeed, but have you noticed that she is getting older?” - Skarla said, and Sueika remained quiet.

If I'm right, your possession comes with a cost. I don't know which one it is, but your daughter is paying a lot to keep you with her. Your vitality is being consumed; I can no longer sense energy control from you, which indicates that you sacrificed your daughter's use of energy and magic to strengthen this body to match mine." - Skarla scratched her chin thoughtfully.

“…That’s impressive, but yes, I’m sacrificing my daughter to take care of you.” - Sueika said with a shrug.

So what do you think about stopping playing? Use it all, or can’t you?” - Skarla smiled.

I can; I just want to play some more.” - Sueika laughed.

"No, you cannot. At most you have another half hour before your daughter's vitality is unable to support you; can't you also strengthen this body any further, perhaps due to your own limitations or because you succubi only know how to fuck?” - Skarla scratched her chin and smiled confidently.

You learned to talk a lot, but congratulations! You discovered me, but what will change?” - Sueika laughed. - “I still have half an hour; I will use this child's vitality to destroy his will and enslave him. You will be a vessel far superior to any other in the human world, so it is worth it.”

Skarla laughed this time. - “A shame, but I can handle more than this dying body.”

"I doubt. Just as you can see the energy, I can see this and the state of your body—how you are desperately keeping yourself conscious, keeping this body whole, as if you are patching yourself up. Do you think you can last half an hour in this state?” - Sueika mocked. - “As for me, I have no wounds and this energy you put into my body.” - Laughing lightly, she extended her arm, and Skarla frowned.

Skarla felt all the energy that infiltrated Sueika being transferred to her arm, which Sueika ripped off without blinking, and soon another one grew in its place.

So what will be your trick now? Are you going to show me that beautiful naked body, or are you going to force me to take off your clothes?” - Sueika laughed, and Skarla, a little annoyed, showed the middle finger, resulting in laughter, and the fight resumed.


PART 2 – Death & Action!


[“Don’t do that; there’s no way to save him; even I couldn’t!”]

Viper, about to act, received a mental message; she was shocked and knew it was from Skarla.

There has to be a way!” - Viper shouted, looking towards Skarla.

[“I don’t have time for this Viper. Tropim is dead! Don't waste your vital energy; you won't restore your flesh because of it. My martial arts are not absolute, not yet.”]

Viper growled. Anna on the side was preparing, but she stopped her. - “Skarla said it’s not possible. Sorry."

Anna blinked but didn't insist, and shortly after, Phinel arrived.

Phinel is the one who had the most relationship with Tropim, not just for fun, but as two of the three men in the group, they had to trust each other and not feel inferior in front of such powerful women.

His clenched jaw protruded from the pain of losing a friend as he stood calmly kneeling. - "Goodbye, my friend." - He said this as he got up, saying nothing more, and went into combat.

Letiphia was firing continuous beams of darkness, obliterating her enemies and surveying the entire battlefield, where more enemies were appearing, but somehow succeeding in dealing with it.

"Madam! Alpha is dead!” - A shadow came and screamed. Letiphia nodded slightly; she needed to be sure of this.

Her eyes fell on the intense golden glow—a bombardment of coins. Golden Mage is a school of magic that uses the rarity and properties of gold, which has a special value, even for magic, to perform powerful feats.

Even though Zenyo is not the strongest, he is one of those who has the greatest offensive power here, where it is possible to see from the dozens of demons that he is putting an end to them. But even with so many enemies dead, more appeared.

Many sacrifices have been made, and it appears that they are collecting things from underground, using them to summon more demonic creatures.

Letiphia did not fear this; the demons were weak until then, but the increasing numbers only made things more difficult, with more of her allies dying.

[“Letiphia, don’t answer, just listen!”]

Letiphia carefully listened despite being surprised by a message in her head.

[“This thing I'm facing is very powerful, and the chances of me dying are high, but I'm going to hold it back as long as possible; I just need to hold on for half an hour. I’ll make sure to hold on.”]

Hearing this made her growl and grit her teeth.

[“But this thing knew about what I did to the succubus I interrogated; I doubt it did nothing; maybe my actions delayed its plans, but there is certainly something strange here, as my instincts tell me so. Then retreat with the main forces and make some sacrifices. I will try to carry out another attack to bring down the mountain.”]

[“And send a cure to me; connecting my patched body with my energy has its limits. My control allows me to do this, but I'm already reaching my limits, and my energy expenditure is too high.”]

Letiphia looked away and nodded.

Letiphia went to Anna and others from the church. - “I want all of you Paladins to prepare. We will be heading to Skarla; our mission is to buy time for our priests to heal her.”

"Hmm?! Do you want us to get involved in that crazy battle?!” - Anna screamed in shock.

Skarla is the only hope we have of winning; if she perishes, the entire duchy will soon give way. But all we have to do is buy time, use your strongest miracles to resist 1 or 2 attacks from that creature, and the rest will use miracles to heal Skarla as much as possible. It may not seem like it, but her body is sliced up; she is only alive not because of her vitality, but because she is able to control her energy to reconnect her blood vessels and keep her organs functioning.” -Letiphia said, which was unbelievable for everyone, but as Skarla is someone of legendary status in her eyes, they believe it is possible.

Understood, we just have to buy time, right?” - Asked an old man with a firm look.

"Yes!" - Letiphia confirmed.

Listen, we will deal with this evil creature in the name of light! Even if we have to die, we have to help Skarla; only she can reduce the influence of evil in these lands.” - The oldest Paladin roared in a heroic tone, giving everyone greater inspiration.


Houston Gandi, the Chief Paladin, led Anna and two other Paladins above Level 10 into the face-off.

{Radiant Advance}

In the midst of the intense, brutal confrontation between Skarla and Sueika, this proud old Paladin arrived.

"HAHAHA! DON’T GET IN THE MISTAKE, TRASH!” -Sueika mocked, and her tail, like a whip, crashed against her study, an intense explosion resounding, and Houston growled fiercely and roared. - "NOW!!!"

Anna and 2 other paladins advanced with the same skill, a powerful [Radiant Advance] from the other 3 directions, with Sueika in the center, feeling her skin burn with the sacred and miraculous energy that is truly irritating for a demon.


Growling irritably, Sueika laughed. - “Stupid bitch! Do you think this rubbish will be of any help?!” - Shouting with disdain, her eyes fell on Anna, while Houston took advantage of his lack of attention to attack with her sacred hammer.


An explosion of sacred energy reverberated on Sueika's face, but she quickly carried out an area attack with her tail, sliding it powerfully and pushing the three male paladins away, except for Anna, who, with a fist covered in sacred energy, punched Sueika's chest.

Sueika didn't dodge, smiling as her body burned and grabbed Anna's wrist, stopping her from stepping back.

You’re her friend.” -Sueika said, smiling, and Anna turned pale but soon roared, using everything she had to free herself, and Sueika fiercely attacked towards her chest.

[Attack Test]

D20+15-3 = 29!

Anna's eyes widened as Sueika's claws pierced her armor and flesh with ease. She growled, her beautiful face twisting, and Sueika smiled as her tail waved vigorously, resisting the attacks of the three paladins who came to her aid.

It was foolish to attack me.” - Sueika said, smiling, and electricity appeared. - “Let’s see how you react to this.” - She continued and started attacking Anna.

Anna tried to resist, punching and trying to break his arm, but her face was so hard, just as the strength was leaving her.

"He arrives!" - Skarla returned, fiercely bumping into Sueika, who, looking at Anna, smiled hideously before turning abruptly and attacking with her claws.

[Attack Test]

D20+15-3 = 32!!!

Skarla didn't have time to react; she only thought about saving Anna and didn't expect it to be a trap.

Ferociously, she retreated, her body disappearing with the help of [Blink], but the attack still hit her face, blood splashing. Sueika smiled, extending her tongue, but Skarla didn't run away.

[Attack Test]

D20+18 = 38!!!


Sueika's eyes widened as a fist that was heavier than anything she had ever felt slammed into the back of her head, cracking her skull and causing her senses to leave her body before catapulting her.

Skarla at the same time manifested a blade with her aura, and she took the opportunity to cut off Sueika's arm from Anna's chest without pulling Anna or causing any more damage.

As soon as she saw Sueika leave her field of vision, she gave in. Skarla held her, now with a bloody face and blinded in her right eye.

Anna spat out blood, and Skarla touched her chest, treating her quickly. - “Congratulations; those huge boobs saved your life.” - Said Skarla while pushing her towards Houston.

Thank you for your support. Now get out, because things are about to get serious!” -Skarla said without looking back, and Sueika, with her head blown off, was laughing as she regenerated, with particles of demonic energy flooding the environment.

I think I’m going to need this!” - Said Skarla, taking Anna's shield and moving forward.


PART 3 – Final Round!


SKARLA! SKARLA! SKARLA! YOU ARE WONDERFUL! PERFECT! I WANT YOU MORE AND MORE! BECOME MY DAUGHTER!!!” - Sueika roared shrilly as her body twitched; she made strange sounds amidst her mad laughter.

NOT EVEN IF YOU PAID ME!” - Skarla roared, her instincts warning her against it, but she didn't care, using everything at her disposal and throwing a powerful punch against Sueika.

[Attack Test]

D20+18 = 30!


Sueika was still smiling in delight, her arms stretching, trying to hug Skarla, who couldn't resist and just stuck a shield between them, slamming it against Sueika's chest.

Sueika growled with the sacred power, but then her instincts warned her of something dangerous; it came from the shield; she had to escape; she decided not to experience whatever it was.

But Skarla did something unexpected, grabbing one of her horns and fiercely advancing on her face, kissing her.

Sueika was shocked by this; she didn't expect initiative from Skarla, but laughing internally at the smart move, Sueika stuck her long tongue down Skarla's throat, but she bit down fiercely, holding her even tighter while electricity crackled.

Not caring, Sueika herself bit her tongue, letting it slide into Skarla's stomach as she laughed. - “SKARLA! YOU ARE WONDERFUL!!!"

AND YOU ARE DISGUSTING!!!” - Skarla roared, feeling the urge to vomit but having to focus on something else, ignoring Sueika's claws piercing her chest and shoulder.


[Attack Test(Advantage)]

D20+18 = 20 & 38!!!

FUCK!!!” - Sueika roared as she found herself unable to escape Skarla's grip, laughing and preparing for the impact.


An explosion resounded, with Skarla and Sueika being propelled in different directions. The sacred shield shattering, covering Sueika with a combination of sacred and electrical energy, being enveloped by it, and being burned alive!


An even more intense explosion resounded as she crashed into the mountain, sinking into it, and holy energy permeated the surroundings. Her body twitching painfully, she roared shrilly amidst mad laughter.

Skarla, who was propelled in the opposite direction, used her strength to stop in mid-air, just as she felt something in her abdomen, where her Dantian should be. She didn't hesitate to release her.

It is sacred energy that she personally suppressed while healing, absorbing as much as possible to use in a time of emergency.

Furthermore, she hit several pressure points; the urge to vomit came, and using her internal energy, she wrapped Sueika's tongue in her stomach, which was secreting strange things and moving like a parasite.

Soon it came up, she grabbed it and pulled, coughing and using the sacred energy to both heal herself and wrap around her stomach area, and all the way her tongue went, fearing that something was left behind.

She felt conflicting energies in her body; it made her growl as she fiercely circulated her energy and charged forward, not having time.

Electricity crackled around her body, her speed boosting as Skarla gathered all her energy, with Sueika in the crater slowly finding a way out, her body melting and greatly weakened due to the environment and the high consumption of her daughter's life force.

Her regenerating eyes lifted to watch Skarla coming towards her. She smiled. - “You are truly magnificent.” - Sueika said, smiling and closing her eyes.

Skarla arrived, thrusting her two legs against Sueika's chest and neck, an intense flash appearing and covering the entire environment, a quantity of chaotic energy even more intense than the previous one, the entire mountain shaking intensely and extending for hundreds of meters, powerful winds swirling while Sueika being torn apart smiled, wanting to say something but no one would hear.


PART 4 – Temporary Finish!


Letiphia looked shocked at the damage—the imposing mountain falling—but she had no time to admire it, as everything was falling and everyone was desperately trying to escape.

Those who were used as sacrifices to prevent the demons from escaping knew that they had no way to escape and could only accept their fate while the demons panicked.

The remaining succubi and slaves were crying at the death of their leader, not even caring about the huge rocks that fell and ended their lives.

Time passed and Skarla was buried, with her eyes closed, being protected by a protective layer of energy from the metal element, which hardened the environment, temporarily serving as glue and support, greatly reducing the cost of creating such protection.

Of course, the energy consumption is high, but she can handle it now that the combat is over.

Hahahaha~” - A cheerful laugh came from her ear, and she calmly watched something crawling towards her.

"Are you still alive?" - Skarla snorted, but knew that this did not pose any danger to her.

My daughter is already going to die; don’t worry.” - Sueika laughed as she climbed up her chest like a worm, licking the blood, but Skarla grabbed her and took her off her chest.

Since you didn’t kill me, does that mean you either want to talk, or don’t have the strength to fight back?” - Sueika smiled hideously.

I have more important things to do.” - Skarla said with disdain, doing several things at the same time.

Surviving this is going to be difficult in its current state. What do you think we make a contract?” - Sueika smiled and licked her lips.

I doubt any offer you have will be attractive enough.” - Skarla said, snorting.

Sueika smiled and said. - “What do you think about becoming my daughter? I gave you a lot of power, more than you can imagine.”

"Power? Haha! Hey bitch, I'm only 20 years old, and I'm Level 11. Do you think I need this trash?” - Skarla laughed disdainfully, and Sueika just smiled.

I knew that wouldn’t appeal to you. So what do you think about eternal life?”

I don’t need to; I’m capable of living for a few centuries as I am, but in 100 years, I should have more than enough strength to put a collar on you.” - Skarla snorted.

I would like to see that; I love jokes. But I think my time is up; it's really a shame. I want you so much, and I can offer you so many pleasures.”

I have 5 beautiful women that I need to empty my balls this month, so what do you think about going back to hell and masturbating, bitch?” - Skarla spat at Sueika who laughed and licked her saliva.

I will watch you Skarla. I don't care what damage you've done to me, Melitah is just one of my many daughters, I have even more powerful armies. In fact, I see it as a great fortune, as we have discovered you!”

Before you go, tell me what you were planning? I doubt you didn’t plan some twisted shit after your daughter opened her mouth.” - Said Skarla while looking at her surroundings.

Nothing much, just that Envy was being invoked, but you ended up destroying everything, there’s not much to say.” - Sueika laughed and rolled her eyes.

I see, so that thing was summoned too, another headache to deal with.” - Skarla rolled her eyes.

Didn’t you hear that you destroyed everything?” - Sueika laughed.

You didn’t say I didn’t get in the way, it means you were successful, and now I have to get out of here.” - Skarla said and bumped Sueika's head against the wall, ending this conversation.

After this, Skarla received notifications, and looking at it, she has over 44,000 EXP stored, which was one of her many ways to strengthen herself against Sueika if necessary, but in the end, she had some sacrificial paladins.

With her energy being reduced, Skarla did not hesitate to confirm, and as she cannot just go up 1 level and leave the rest saved for the future, she automatically went up to Level 13, acquiring:


HP: 2D12+4+4+11+11 = +37!

EP: 2D12+4+4+13+13 = +38!

Skarla felt changes; her energies were recovering; she could now breathe a little better, and so she began to heal her body, reducing the damage as she slowly found the weakest and easiest places for her to crawl out.


Letiphia was flying through the skies, searching for Skarla, using magic to try to detect her, but Viper was several steps ahead, running without hesitation to a specific location and sensing.

Your training is extremely helpful. - "HERE! SHE IS HERE!" - Viper roared at Letiphia, who went down without hesitation.

She taught me how to detect energy, I can feel her energy from here, but it’s far below.” - Viper said this as soon as Letiphia arrived.

Understood, I’ll fix it.” - Said Letiphia.

[“If you want to kill me, go ahead.”]

The two were surprised. - [“Viper, I will send traces of my energy, creating a path, and guide Letiphia to use the tentacles to move the specific stones.”]

The two looked at each other, nodded, and the work began.

Half an hour later, Letiphia and Viper got out of the way.


Rocks were flying, and next to them was a body, a young and muscular beauty, covered in scars all over her naked body, which landed lightly in front of the two.

I see I’m not the only one in a bad state.” - Skarla said, smiling and already receiving Viper in her arms. While Letiphia was just observing, she received a passionate kiss, but Skarla soon pulled her away and stole her kiss as well. - “Stop being shy in front of me.” - She smiled, and Letiphia rolled her eyes.

Minutes later, they went to where everyone was, who were looking intently at Skarla, a being of legendary power. This whole time, she was by their side, and they didn't know.

Skarla didn't say anything; she didn't even try to explain; she just felt her surroundings, smiling as she felt that something in her body was slowly changing.

I wanted to say it’s over, but unfortunately, it looks like more problems will arise from now on.” - Skarla said, sighing and looking towards the mountain and the huge crack that emerged from her attacks. - “It looks like a new fortress will need to be built.”

Let me take care of this problem.” - Said Letiphia.

Then take care quickly, because whatever they have planned is coming from the mountains. I don’t even want to imagine what the interior of the mountains is like.” - Skarla said seriously, feeling something heavy in the air.

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