Sleep is for the Weak

Chapter 43: A Day of Classes

“It happened again, didn’t it?” Nico said as he went to check on Scarlet after her first morning class, Blacksmithing.

Scarlet could only nod her head in embarrassment, a blush on her face as they could hear the teacher shouting from within the door to the forge, which Scarlet had locked behind her with magic in order to get away from the man, some of the other students also voicing their complaints about being locked in.

“What did you do this time?” Nico asked with a sigh.

“...I made a spoon.” Scarlet mumbled.

“...A normal spoon?” Nico asked. Scarlet shook her head. “...An enchanted spoon?” Again, she shook her head. “By the gods Bran, you didn’t make a magic spoon, did you?” The girl nodded weakly as the older boy facepalmed. “Honestly, what were you expecting to happen?”

Nico felt sorry for the teacher, finding out on the first day of class that one of his students had something like [Magic Equipment Crafting]. Even if she had never touched a forge before, Scarlet had read books about it, and her other skills allowed her to create something absurd on her first attempt.

“I wasn’t expecting him to look at it.” Scarlet said weakly as she walked away from the forge quickly. “I only made it a Tier 1, so it didn’t have a strong magical signature that could have gathered attention, and it looked like a misshapen spoon. But then at the end of class, he asked everyone to bring forward what they were working on and it didn’t stand up to scrutiny.”

The fact that the spoon was made of an experimental mithril alloy, which had a structure that Scarlet had believed would make the folding process easier while making her Magic Items, didn’t help matters. Now the Blacksmithing instructor was rebid about finding out Scarlet’s secrets.

“You really need to realize that the things you make stand out.” Nico said.

“I know that. I’m not lacking in self-awareness, you know?” Scarlet replied. “I just can’t afford to slow down in order to avoid suspicion. The fastest way to level up my [Blacksmithing] is to take advantage of my [Magic Equipment Crafting] skill. Once I get it up, I can make mithril armor that will help out tons in the deeper levels of the Labyrinth.”

They had spent four days wondering about the Labyrinth, gathering materials and making plans before Friday came and they needed to take their elective classes. But during that time they came up with a rather interesting plan of actions.

A forward base.

They were going to dig out a base around level 15 to act as a forward base, so that they could rest and store extra supplies there, so that they wouldn’t need to spend the 3 hours a day getting down there from the surface, or have to camp in the open.

The digging of the hole had been easier than expected, as Chad had a Steel Clawed Echidna for a Bond, and had Bond Skills which could rapidly dig through even the Labyrinth’s hard walls.

That skill alone made him a huge asset to their team, and more than made up for his… average stats and skills.

Scarlet had also turned the Ocean’s Heart they had found into a barrier stone, which would both camouflage and shield them from anyone outside of it. The nugget was no bigger than her thumb, but that priceless stone was well worth the time they put into grabbing it.

Normally, such a valuable find would have been forked over to the Kingdom, with them receiving a sizable finder’s fee, but with Isaka being a Prince, it was just one short call to his mother to straighten that out.

They had plans to gather all the things they would need to make a permanent home down in the Labyrinth, and would soon be hitting Class level 100, and changing to a Tier 5 Class.

After that, it was more than time to delve deeper.

Scarlet couldn’t hesitate in creating the best equipment possible for the switch, and learning how to make maps of the area was also an absolute must. She didn’t have time to waste because she wanted to go unnoticed.

Still, the reaction from her new Blacksmithing instructor was a little… disheartening, as well as being inconvenient. She was pretty convinced that all of her classes would be pretty much the same.

“Don’t let it get you down. Here.” Nico said, holding out a bag he had brought with him, one containing a large supply of fresh baked cookies, full of sugary goodness. “Thought you could use a pick-me-up after class.”

“Thank you.” Scarlet said gratefully, taking the cookies and starting to eat it.

While she had plenty of food in her bag, most of it was military ration-like food. And while that was fine as an energy source, freshly baked cookies were much better for the soul.

“Everyone is grateful for how hard you work.” Nico said with a smile as he watched the girl rapidly eat the cookies. “I know things haven’t been easy, but try to stick with it. And if you need a hand or for someone to run interference for you, just give us a call. Me and the boys will handle it.”

“Thanks, but you don’t have to worry about me for this next one. I have a plan.” Scarlet said, brimming with excitement now that she had some sugar in her.

“...That’s sort of what I am afraid of.” Nico chuckled weakly. “Just remember not to make too much of a scene. You are supposed to be pretending to be a guy, remember.”

“...I’ll try to keep that in mind.” Scarlet mumbled.

That was going to be a struggle. 

After all, her next class was Monster Taming.

“These creatures you see before you are not your pets! They are monsters, no different than any other you have encountered!” The instructor shouted as he walked back and forth between the dozen students who had signed up for the class and a group of massive cages containing the baby Timber Wolves.

Not that Scarlet heard a word he said.

She was too busy trying to keep in the girly squeal as she saw the adorable creatures.

Each of the baby wolves was the size and shape of a full grown corgi, only with massively oversized paws and tiny little horns jutting up out of their skulls. Their coats were a light, creamy brown with soft speckles and a thick white belly.

“Right now, they are small and weak level 1s. Their teeth are not a threat to any of you. But as they grow in level, they will get stronger and smarter, and they will be able to rip your arm off.” The instructor said stopping in front of one of the cages, looking down at the pup inside of it. The puppy started to growl at him. “Spirited, isn’t it? Well. It will be your job to break that spirit.”

Scarlet gasped in horror as the man reached down and with a black baton, sent an electric pulse into the tiny monster, getting a scream of pain from it.

“The lesson of fear and respect will be your means of controlling these monsters. No matter how strong a monster becomes, once it has submitted to you, that weakness will last for a lifet…” The man stopped and a shiver went up his spine. He looked towards his students, his body instinctively going into a fight or flight mode as a presence had hit him.

But just as quickly as the presence had come, it had vanished. Leaving the teacher started into a group of very confused students who were wondering why the man had suddenly stopped speaking, and why he was shaking.

...Scarlet had been unable to control herself.

The man’s words had reminded her of her mother. Of the learned helplessness that had crippled her and which still clung to the woman years after Jonathan was dead and gone. The thought of it filled her with such uncontrollable hatred.

Not to mention the guy just electrocuted a puppy.

She’d used her [Evocation Magic] to generate an aura of fear. A specter of death that could be felt by any who the mana touched, and sent it flying at him.

Despite being a decently high level and with a Tier 4 Class, the man was rendered a shaking mess after the unexpected attack on his spirit.

[Evocation Magic] of level 121 wasn’t something to be scoffed at. And while using it to try to imitate [Telepathy] Scarlet found that it could be used to transmit emotions, if not thoughts. This was her first time using such an attack on a person. 

Bastard deserved it.

[General Skill: Dominating Aura has reached level 1 | Rewards: +2 Mana, +1 Intelligence, +4 Wisdom, +2 Deception, +1 Magic]

Once the instructor regained his wits, they were all assigned to one of the large cages and told to wait as he would unlock them one by one and give instructions to the student on how to handle their beast.

But well… Scarlet wasn’t one for waiting.

The enchanted lock on the gate was nothing special, and Scarlet faked a key using [Transmutation Magic] and had it open in a matter of seconds, entering into the large, prison cell-like pen.

The Timber Wolf pup was huddled in a corner and growled as Scarlet came in, but she didn’t mind. She just started up her master plan.

Using her [Evocation Magic] again, she changed her magical signature to be like that of the Timber Wolf’s, and generated a comforting aura to pass on to the pup.

It’s growling stopped, to be replaced by confusion as it sniffed the air, trying to figure Scarlet out, only to smell the pine tree oil that Scarlet had rubbed into her clothes. The scent of the forest and the aura of a stronger, more mature wolf started to calm the baby down, the same way that Maria’s scent always had for Scarlet, hitting something ingrained into the pup's biology that would quiet the fearful heart.

“That’s right. I’m not going to hurt you.” Scarlet said softly, as she came into the pen and sat down a short distance away from the puppy, reaching into her pouch and bringing out a leather bag of warm milk. “You want some?”

She held it in a way so that the little wolf could just get a few licks of the tip of the leaking bag, and when he started to bite on it, hungrily drinking, she slowly drew the bag back towards her, the wolf following after it, until it was sitting in her lap.

The milk had been saturated with Scarlet’s mana, changed by [Evocation Magic] to be as alike the pup’s as possible to help him digest it. Drinking it would definitely help him grow strong, and imprint Scarlet’s mana onto his Magic Stone.

“That wasn’t so hard.” Scarlet said happily, as she stroked the baby boy’s neck while feeding him like a baby. She had used [Magic Appraisal] to check the wolf pup’s gender, so she knew he was a boy. “He’s so cute.” She said cheerfully.

(I suppose he is.) Branwen said, feeling the slightest bit jealous.

“Come on. Don’t be like that. Say, do you want to name your little brother?” Scarlet asked.

(Little brother?) Branwen said, her feather’s perking up.

“Of course. He’s going to be part of our family after all.” Scarlet replied. 

(A little brother? Hm… Would calling him Nisien be alright?) Branwen asked.

“Nisien? That was the name of one of Branwen’s half-brother’s in the ‘Mabinogi of Branwen’, right? I think it is a perfect name.” Scarlet said as she held the little guy close. “From now on, you are Nisien.”

Nisien finished the bag of milk quickly and let out a yawn that sounded more like a cat’s meow than something from a dog, his eyes fluttering as he relaxed in Scarlet’s lap.

Scarlet couldn’t help but to giggle, reaching down and messaging on of the puppy’s big goofy paws.

But the moment was ruined.

“Wh… What do you think you are doing!?!” The instructor shouted, causing Nisien to flinch at the sound, his happy place shattered as he retreated from Scarlet’s lap. “How did you get in here!? Did you not hear me when I said…”

Scarlet hit him with yet another [Dominating Aura], this time going all out so that the color drained from the man’s face. Hundreds of units of aggressive mana pressing down on him.

“Piss off.” Scarlet said angrily, glaring daggers at the man, who retreated out of the cage as fast as he could, slamming the door behind him and locking it before running away.

[General Skill: Dominating Aura has reached level 2->9 | Rewards: +16 Mana, +8 Intelligence, +32 Wisdom, +16 Deception, +8 Magic]

Scarlet turned back to the baby wolf, a gentle smile on her face as her calming aura returned. “Don’t worry. I won’t let him touch you ever again.”

The baby wolf looked up at Scarlet with big eyes before bounding forward, back into her lap, yipping loudly in a fit of joy. So happy that this wolf person had driven the bad man away.

Scarlet had not won him over with fear. She had done it through hope.

[General Skill: Monster Taming has reached level 1->10 | Rewards: +30 Wisdom, +60 Charisma]

“...Do I even want to ask?” Nico said as he and Charles reached the dining hall to find Scarlet already there, the wolf puppy in her arms, as she fed it milk like a baby.

“I bought him, so he’s mine, and I can take him wherever I want.” Scarlet said stubbornly holding her baby.

“Technically speaking, he’s right. There are laws that say the transport of one’s own lawful property can’t be restricted. Anywhere that Bran can legally go, he is permitted to take the wolf.” Charles said as he started on his meal, not really bothered by Scarlet or her new pet. “It was one of the laws they covered today in our governing class. It’s a rather shady law if you ask me.”

“See, even the law is on my side.” Scarlet said, brimming with happiness.

“Bran, you can’t just carry a monster around school with you.” Nico said with a tired sigh.

“But Nico, just look at him. Isn’t he the cutest?” Scarlet whined, holding up the little guy for Nico’s inspection. The tiny monster’s lips pulled back to show his teeth as the baby wolf let out a low snarl.

“...Need I remind you that you are supposed to be trying to ‘blend in’. Acting like you are the thing’s mother and fawning over it is definitely not ‘blending in’.” Nico said, trying to get the girl to realize how much of a girl she was acting like as she fawned over her new puppy.

“Do you honestly think he’s going to change his mind?” Andy said, giving Nico a look, as Scarlet went back to hugging little Nisien.

“...No. But I feel like someone should try.” Nico replied weakly.

“Not that I wish to rain on your parade, but where are you planning on keeping him?” Andy asked the girl.

“I’ll be keeping him with me, of course.” Scarlet replied.

“...During all of your classes, and in the Labyrinth?” Andy asked incredulously. 

“Of course. The mana in the Labyrinth will help Nisien grow up big and strong.” Scarlet replied with a sharp nod. 

“Just make sure you clean up after any messes he makes.” Charles said.

“I’ve already planned on house training him.” Scarlet said, bouncing the happy baby wolf on her knee.

“I was talking about anything he might break or chew on. Dogs start chewing on everything when their permanent teeth grow in. It helps them deal with the pain.” Charles said.

“Noted.” Scarlet replied, not really caring much.

That kind of thing is what magic was for.

“...Do I even want to ask?” Isaka said as he approached the table and saw Scarlet with the baby wolf, and the conversation began again.

“...The fumes must be getting to me.” The potions instructor said, tiredly palming his eyes as he let Scarlet into the alchemy lab. The baby wolf is still in her arms. “Anyways. Feel free to do whatever. We’ve got the place to ourselves. Just make sure to keep tabs on whatever materials you use so I can get the school to restock if we run low.”

“Where is everyone else?” Scarlet asked as she looked about the massive lab. The pair of them were the only ones there. 

“There is no one else. You were the only one to sign up. I was actually surprised that you did. Though I guess girls always have some fantasy about love potions. By the way, those are temporary, and you will get into a lot of shit if you try it, so don’t.” The teacher said.

“...Ah…” Scarlet was a little taken aback by his casual declaration of her gender. “What makes you think I’m a…”

“A girl? I use a [Fume Analysis] skill in my potion making. The smell of a girl is different from that of a boy.” The man said with a shrug as he went to a large cauldron and took a sniff. “Needs more babato roots.” He reached into a pot and pulled out a few roots, grinding them up with nothing but the pressure between his fingers and tossing them into the pot. “Don’t particularly care why you are at the Academy, but this isn’t a first. Girl’s sneak in dressed as boy’s from time to time. There is a fourth-year who is taking hormone dampeners, trying to keep her breasts from becoming noticeable.”

“I see… Well, I’m not interested in making any kind of love potion.” Scarlet said awkwardly. 

“Well then, the books are on the shelves. Tell me if there is something you need.” The man said.

And just like that… he just cut her loose without any sort of instruction or safety training.

...What an irresponsible teacher.

Scarlet went to the shelf and grabbed a book on beginner potions, going to the glossary and searching for a potion of extreme nutrition, or something to treat starvation.

But as her eyes went down the list of potions, she came across one that made her stop. It was a potion that had never occurred to her. Something she had been hoping to find without even realizing it. Something that called out temptations to her and awakened a sense of tired longing that she had thought she had long gotten over.

Draught of Dreamless Sleep.


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