Solo Leveling: I’m an Ice Elf with a Nano Machine!

Chapter 3

Ice started to spread outward from my feet as the entire area became coated with a layer of slippery ice. I’m going to fight creatures who were born and raised in this icy field. 

This made the two wolves inside the cave alert as I saw them move from a peripheral view provided by AI. 

‘Come out, wolfy.’ 

Their cold resistance is high, and the only way for me to kill them is through physical means. I can try using magic, but I doubt that’ll do much. 

The way I’ll use my magic is to make the terrain advantageous for me and me alone. 

By coating the ground with ice like those skating rinks, I can decrease the efficiency of their movement by letting them put more effort into clawing the ice so they won’t slip. 

As soon as the ice coating reached the entrance of the cave, the wolves finally came out. Their entrances look menacing, blood-red eyes glowing in the dark as they let out low growls. 

But I never felt the fear I experienced when facing that sleeping bear. Still, I didn’t let that get in my head. They might not inflict the same fear, but they’re still able to kill me if I’m not careful. 

Just as I was about to throw the kunai for distraction, a pop-up appeared. 

[Activate auto-pilot for tactical assistance?] 

I was half-surprised when I saw that. 

“Well, I guess... that is to be expected.” 

This guy is an AI, so of course the auto-pilot option exists. But do I want to use it? Of course, but not right now. It just takes away the beauty of me getting isekai-ed if I just let the AI do all the things. 

But that doesn’t mean I’d refuse any help offered by it. I muttered, “Do you have a more toned-down version of this auto-pilot thingy, AI?” 

— Yes, there is one. 

[Activating Killing Path Protocol. Engaging guidelines for lethal combat maneuvers. Confirm execution?] 

I don’t know what Killing Path is, but since the AI gave it to me by requesting a toned-down version of auto-pilot, it should be what I am looking for. I accepted. 

“Yeah, I guess?” 

[Killing Path activated: System now displaying optimal strategies for lethal combat. Follow the highlighted path for the most effective means of neutralizing the threat.] 

‘Oh my god.’ 

In an instant, my vision was filled with lines, all linked to one spot, to the wolves. Dozens of them. And on those lines were silhouettes of what seemed to be sets of actions I can do to kill those monsters in the most effective manner.

I’ll use autopilot only as a last resort, in case I've made a mistake and I'm on the brink of death. This is exactly what I’m looking for! Right now, I don’t really like having my body moving on its own. 

However, that doesn’t mean I'd refuse to get help, like following a set of moves to execute something with perfection.

Without further ado, I threw the kunai in their direction. As expected, it’s not that easy to hit them, but that’s not what I’m aiming to do anyway. 

Before it made contact, I clenched my fist, making the kunai explode into snow dust, covering their vision of me. 

Making use of that moment, I followed one of the paths as I dashed forward at an insane speed, also using the ice to slide myself.

I twirled the materializing ice rod in my hand, which then became a dagger as I made my way. Using the momentum I built up, I dealt multiple light lacerations on the first wolf. 

My strength is not that high, so this was the best I could do. Probably smelling the blood that just got spilled, the second wolf turned to my direction and lunged at me with its maw without hesitation.

There was no panic whatsoever, and I just followed the movement shown by the Path and sidestepped. That was enough to dodge the lunge. 

The wolf’s eyes looked at me, its pupils dilated. He knew what was to come. But that Path didn’t stop there. There were hand movements, and my eyes glowed from the reflection on the ice daggers. I executed them perfectly. 

The movements were precise and had no waste. My arm basically turned into a blur as I gave the wolf multiple lacerations mid-air. Blood sprayed and froze as soon as it made contact with my aura. 

The wolf landed and limped, the same for the other who finally managed to get a hold of himself after my surprise attack.

They’re still not dead since my lacerations, while many, were just shallow. But if I continue to follow the Path, they're as good as dead. 

“Come, don’t be shy.”

I looked at the two now-cautious, laceration-covered wolves and taunted them as I prepared myself for the second bout.


Crackle! The sound of flames and the sight of embers filled my senses. I sat inside the cave in front of a campfire. Although I didn’t need heat, I still made one to cook the wolves— now meat— I had killed earlier.

“How much longer until it’s cooked, AI?” 

— Estimated time: 32 minutes.

“That long? Man, I’m hungry…”

While waiting for the food to cook, I stared at the two pieces of blue crystal-like stones in my palm. I kept playing with them like marbles as I read the description that came from the original elf’s memories.

[Mana Core: Every magical beast has a mana core. It can be consumed to acquire the residual mana and a skill if there is one, either to yourself or to make it part of an equipment.]

“I’ll eat this? Can it even fit in my mouth?”

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