Sophia Demiurge

Chapter 23: Scolding

The world became dark as that place, but now I am more sorrowful than before, after all, when I first died, I don't have anyone to worry about, besides being a glitch in the matrix on earth, competing in Japan and then going back to the Philippines for breakfast and then going to Los Angeles for another competition, I don't have much social life.

But still... I'm dead already?... Like, once again?

"No, you are not, yet that is."

Oh, I see that's a relief- Huh?

Then why am I seeing nothing but darkness?

"Your eyes are closed.

I immediately made an "Oh!" sound and opened my eyes as I saw a mountain made of skeletons of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of bones of humans and beasts that I don't recognize, on top of that "bone mountain", I saw a man with a lot of Batik Tattoo on his whole body, looking at me with both the indifference of a god and the tough love of a father.

"Welcome to my Domain, Brilliant yet Foolish Daughter of Mine."

I stared at the man in front of me, I can't see his face it is covered with some kind of mist that does not allow anyone to see his mighty visage. Damn, it's not even a hundred chapters and I get to see a god already.

"Hello there pops, can you tell me what's happening?"

Pops looked at me, not saying anything for a while, and finally spoke.

"Say... Why are you so attached to a moving corpse."

All of my facial expressions portraying my respect towards a being higher than me, disappeared and immediately answered.


"I sai-"

He was about to repeat what he said but I cut him off and shouted.


I stood up from where I am kneeling and started to get near to the pile of bones in which the throne of this bastard excuse of a god is located and continued shouting, overbearing pressure came crashing into my back but I endured, not once looking down as I walk and continue to hurl my anger.


I crushed a skull with my little feet, maybe because of the pressure, but I am sure I can't do that with my nimble sole as I continued to walk through the invisible burden as the god replied with an indifferent tone.

"But still, you resurrected them, and in the system, and common sense or in sanity basis, you should treat them as subordinates, and never let your family complex hinder your judgment."

I did not listen to what he is saying as I started to kneel, I noticed that the pressure is becoming harder and harder to resist the closer I get to the bony mountain, my knees were put into the ground but I defied any kind of pressure I am feeling and shouted and continued.


I grasped a bone and then started to crawl up into the mountain to give that person on top of it a good punch, I know it's impossible, but I want to do it.


I crawled and crawled glaring with my eyes that now started to moisten, grabbing all the bone to help me clobber my adoptive father in the face.


My whole body started to weaken as I used my two arms to brace myself and make my face not slam to the ground.

"How... How difficult it is to not have... even a single person say, I love you, my son? To only hear my name every time the person whom I recognize as a father figure because he can't show bias towards me!? CAN YO-"

As I was about to shout once again, a more, way, way loud shout that shook the entire domain of the god of the undead as the deity at the top of the mountain of bones stood out, nerves popped out like overinflated tire.


He heaved a very long sigh to calm down his anger as the shocked me just knelt, not knowing that I was pushed back into my original position, making me realize the futility of my earlier thoughts.

"Now, listen, I am just saying that it is not wrong to take care of your subordinates, that's your job."

The god of the undead, as if his outburst did not happen, breath out another sigh and slumped himself into his death-themed throne.

"What I am saying is that there is a fine boundary between companionship and subordination. They may be accompanying you on your journey but that does not change the fact that they have a lower status than you."

"That's what you should think, and wait, there's more, say if you are the subordinate and your master told you to get out of the battle before it even started, what would you feel?"

"But... I don't want to make them feel bad... I just want to protect them, they are not that strong after all."

"Yes, that's the point, you don't trust them enough. Subordinates are people whom you make to do your bidding, not someone you have to protect, they are not your child, they are your servants."

"But... What if they..."

"What if they died? Well, I will tell you a secret... Any undead you have raised yourself will not die, even when faced with that gay hero Urduja, as long as you are alive, so putting yourself in that situation when you almost became dinner for that dog is putting them in danger."

"(Don't say that to a hero... I'm gay too you know...) Really...? That's how it is huh..."

The god of the undead suddenly looked to his right and frowned.

"Oh, yeah, I have something else to do bye!"

My eyes went wide as I stared at the god that looked like he realized something and immediately snapped his finger as I started to disappear out of his sight.


"What wait? You still fight to win!"

I shouted but I once again got pierced by overbearing pain and another scene of gigantic fangs, but now with tongue, gums, and all parts of the mouth in front of me, I do not have time to think back about that argument with my cosmic dad as I saw the giant dog, going for the meal... I mean kill.

In a single brief moment, my mind finally started to work like usual, I put on the soil, not sand into my wounds and let plants as big as possible so that I don't stagger when I walk to support my mangled body, but the notification that first aid is successfully applied did not come, I ignored that for I know for a fact that this grave wounds cannot be healed by dirt, thus I just made space under the ground I am in, and doing a middle finger in the corner of the eyes of the Wolf King, I shrunk on it and immediately closed the hole.

Before I went into the hole I hear a very big snapping sound of the two parts of the jaws of the wolf closing together by force in which I immediately heave a sigh of relief as I used [Breath Magic] to breathe inside the enclosed space I created through [Pebble Magic].

The area is small because, no matter how much I want to, there is just so much that a second-tier Earth Element Magic can get me into when making such complicated commands.

Well, good thing it even worked.

I calmed my nerve as such and looked at the description of the attackers from the second layer of the bestiary.

Blazing Wolf: Terrifying Fire Element-based wolves, with high speed, and great coordination led by their alpha, the fastest and strongest quadrupedal creature of the second layer.

_Fastest Huh..._ 

I thought and immediately came to a conclusion, he is the fastest so presumably, faster than me, he also has a good defense but not that good because his tooth got removed when a child punched it several times, mostly affirmative fire-based attack, its blazing wolf damn it, for god's sake if his attack is poison this story will get discontinued.

Going back, a bad attrition fighter and more like a one hit one kill opponent relying on dexterity, that being the case I immediately got someone in mind that can help in this fight. A smile appeared on my face.

A smile that should not be possible for a normal child to have, then again, I am not normal by any means necessary so I guess that's fine.

Anyway, with that smile, I imagined the whimpering and agonized face of that fucking dog as I drive him toward his inevitable demise.

[3rd Person POV]

Sophia is fantasizing about his revenge fights with the Alpha of the invading wolves, the Blazing Wolf King as the soldiers and fighters of the second layer put up a very good fight against the members of the pack.

The pack of the Blazing Wolf King is an enormous one roughly in the hundreds, of course, a normal wolf in Sophia's world cannot create a pack like that, but the King or Alpha of this Wolves is much more intelligent than the wolf of the earth, thus the evolved form of the Blazing Wolf called Blazing Wolf Beta led a unit of normal blazing wolf and attacked in an organized manner.

But of course, how can a bunch of unnamed quadrupedal creatures be a match for the goblins who are forced... Ahem trained to hunt every day every night, not to mention them being named by someone.

Every Mid-Goblins and a handful of High-Goblins put on a fight, three Mid-goblins will fight a single normal Blazing wolf and two High-Goblins will go toe to toe with a Beta wolf, the undeads, Bernardo, Philo, Lyra, and Kabuto soloed all of the excesses of the wolves.

They are particularly savaged today, Bernardo who is yet to take spearman-ship classes because of the sudden Hero Test whom Lyra planned to assign in the future to a different soldier type is bashing head after head of wolves, making a sound of cracking skulls, a muffled whimper and the swish of the wolf's body into the air, a wolf he will hit is dead with certainty

Lyra knocked two bows at the same time, getting the arrow storage in the resource point, specially made for her as ordered by her father, Bernardo as she used an arrow to inflict a curse and the other to inflict a headshot when a wolf is paralyzed or confused with her curses.

_Why are these curses random!?_ 

Meanwhile, Philo is having a merry time terrifying the dog as he let them mangle him until he became a broken rag doll with flesh just to go back immediately after, and that will be used, as the moment of horror to get his revenge by biting them until they bleed out. Such a berserker-type fighter is unprecedented by the wolves who just want to have a merry slaughter with their newly found freedom.

Kabuto is as usual, hiding in a dark part of the battlefield and killing anyone unfortunate enough to come close to him, these undeads are especially angry, not because of these wolves, but of themselves, they thought that they are not strong enough for their master not to trust them, that's why all of this frustration is being poured into the poor wolves.

Suddenly, as they are slaughtering their hearts out, a call from their master resounded all over their ears.

"Hello there, no time for greetings, Philo, I want you to come here, to our previous location as fast as possible, use your top speed and bite off the neck of the giant wolf you will see."

Sophia paused for a while.

"You three remaining, I want you to push back the wolves in that cave, kill anyone who will enter the perimeter of the cave, secure the whole cave afterward, and capture all the remaining wolves that are escaping."

"Yes, Master!"

All of the undeads were rejuvenated as they acted the order of their lady immediately, with a sigh of relief in their hearts.

_Good thing my Lady did not abandon us and still trusts us_  

That's what they are thinking of.

All of this is happening, whilst without them noticing a figure is sneaking inside their resource point.

"I... I wonder if that child will get angry... This is the base of her built community after all..."

The figure hesitated but pumped herself up once again.

"No... I have to do this... That person is my only chance..."

This word was spoken out, without anyone, even the quivering civilians or the also quivering guards inside the cave noticing.

Well, that at least is what the figure is thinking as the eyes of an enormous goat who have wolves pierced, dangling on its horns staring right at her.


Author's Other Work/s:

-Arachlys Arsenikos

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