Sorcerer… Cyborg???

Chapter 277: For Silane(2)

[Huh? Oh, okay. Yes, let's get started.] Kothar said, and he set the implant back down on the workbench.

Firstly, he set up a large bucket filled with the sanitizing fluid he had previously used on Eclat. After looking into the recipe, it wasn't too difficult to make with herbs and plants that he could easily forage from around Atla.

Then, the implant went into the slightly translucent, purplish liquid, along with the set of surgical tools that Kothar was going to use.

A while the implant and tools sat in the liquid, Kothar took a small razor that he had crafted from Titanite, after becoming sick of having to shave with the edge of his short blade or sword, he had crafted it during a break he took in between the intensive sessions of crafting that he had done for the implant.

"Schnick, schnick." The razor scraped easily over his scalp, cleanly cutting away the stubble that remained from when he had cut it for assembling the Steelwing Armor.

Then, after giving him a thorough wash, he was ready.

This time, Kothar had actually taken the time to set up, unlike many of his other self operated surgeries, this was not going to be done in a hurry, emergency or by cutting any corners.

Kothar sat down on the chair he had prepared, which had a series of mirrors attached above and around it, so he could see exactly what he was doing at all times.

Firstly, Kothar took a small tub of numbing ointment, which he liberally applied with a rag, taking care not to get any on his hands, otherwise he would be trying to conduct surgery on himself, already a difficult task, with numb fingers.

As Kothar felt the faint tingle across his scalp which was the numbing cream beginning to work its magic, he took a cloth doused in the sterilizing liquid, and gave his scalp a thorough wipe down.

After this, he carefully tied an absorbent piece of cloth all around his head, but focusing particularly over his eyes, he didn't want to have to deal with blood dripping down into his eyes while he conducted the surgery.

Once it had dried, Kothar looked carefully at his scalp from all angles, then asked, [Silane, can you please highlight the lines along which I'll cut.]

[Of course, I'll guide you all the way.] Silane answered, and immediately a 'T' shaped line appeared on Kothar's scalp.

Then, Kothar took up the scalpel, and lifted it up to his scalp, gently pressing down, applying just the slightest amount of pressure, and cutting a thin line which bisected his skull, running down the middle, beginning at his crown, and ending just before his forehead, easily following the line that Silane had projected over his vision.

Next, Kothar made another gentle cut, this line was perpendicular to the first, beginning from the center of the first cut, and running down toward his left ear, once again, following Silane's projected line.

That cut stopped far before his left ear, stopping short where his skull sloped down.

Now came the painful portion, where Kothar would use a thin dull blade like tool with a gently rounded end, to carefully lift up the skin, and while doing as little damage as possible, make room for the implant.

Kothar grit his teeth as he worked, while some of his other surgeries had been grueling, pulling his skin away from his own scalp was off putting in its own way, if it hadn't been for how much this would help Silane, he wouldn't have done this.

Putting all the possible benefits to himself aside, at the end of the day, this implant was for Silane.

There were soft tearing and ripping sounds as the connective tissue that held the skin down to the tough band of tissue that covered the scalp entirely, the aponeurosis which all the muscles of the scalp were attached to.

But soon enough, a wide enough area had been cleared, under which the implant could sit, it looked almost like an art piece, with multiple circular pieces, connected by thin bars that held them together, as well as the wires that ran in between and to the central disc.

[The guides, again, please.] Kothar said, this time sounding clearly slightly nervous.

A few dots of bright red light appeared on Kothar's skull, and first, Kothar cut tiny x shaped slits at them, and once he had done that, and exposed the bone in those portions, he picked up a tiny hand drill.

In these areas, Kothar drilled tiny holes into his skull, barely even a few millimeters deep.

Into these were inserted specially crafted housings, which would allow the implant to be attached completely securely to Kothar's skull, so much so that the bone would heal around it.

With the housings in the palace, Kothar picked up the implant, and with its screws already within the matching holes on the implant, carefully lined it up with the hotels they had drilled.

The next step, had Kothar's hand at an awkward angle, where he had to screw in each of different points that held the implant to his skull.

But once that was done, the implant was pretty much ready, all that remained was for Kothar to strict himself back up.

But he couldn't do that right away, no, before doping that, it was important to make sure that it was actually functioning, otherwise Kothar would be stuck with a non-functioning implant in his head, that he'd have to slice open, all over again.

Kothar wiped off the blood that was dripping down all around his head, the cloth he had tied had done its job in preventing blood falling into his eyes, but it was not completely soaked.

[Alright then Silane, go on, this is it, it's your chance to test the new implant.] Kothar said with a clear smile, even without hearing Silane speak, he could feel the clear excitement coming from her.

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