Sorcery Monarch

Chapter 91: Troll Reinforcements

Chapter 91: Troll Reinforcements


The advancing adventurers witnessed the scene before them, shocked by the lord's destructive power, and immediately lunged toward the isolated trolls.


Cunning as they were, the adventurers had no intention of engaging the trolls head-on.


They started with a barrage of ranged attacks.


Once the trolls had bled enough and were weakened,


They swarmed from the sides.


Chains were thrown, spears readied, and ropes with hooks tossed in unison. Even the most formidable trolls couldn’t hold out forever and were forcibly dragged away.


The first time worked so well, it was quickly followed by a second.


After successfully capturing a few trolls, the adventurers grew bolder.


They circled around to the rear of the troll formation, targeting the isolated ranged trolls.


Although the trolls fought back fiercely, there was no way one troll could hold off dozens of adventurers. Within seconds, they were bound and restrained.


The trolls struggling in the water saw this enraging scene and roared furiously.


What normally took only a few breaths to cross the river now seemed impossibly vast and unreachable.


The adventurers, as expected, ignored the trolls with plenty of energy left in the water and focused on the ones engaged with the soldiers.


Flanking and overwhelming their enemies from the sides was far more satisfying than a direct confrontation.


Matthew, who had been actively casting spells, couldn’t help but smile at the adventurers' keen tactics.


In just a few moments, another four or five trolls had been captured by the adventurers working together.


Peeking out from under Matthew’s arm, Yaya glanced at the trolls being surrounded. Her bright eyes curved into crescent moons as she puzzled over the sight:


"Papa? I sense more trolls are coming from afar."


"Should I fly over and check? I promise I’ll be very careful!"


Matthew’s pupils contracted slightly. Shaking his head, he spoke in a low voice to Angela beside him:


"Pull back from the battlefield and reform the ranks."


Looking at the remaining 40 or so trolls, Angela knew that with three or four more minutes, they could kill or capture them all.


But if they retreated now, the adventurers would claim all the credit.


However, being smart, Angela quickly understood and decisively followed the lord’s orders, shouting loudly:


"All soldiers, fall back ten steps! Pull back from the battlefield and reform the ranks!"


Though some soldiers didn’t understand the reason,


Their daily training in obedience had ingrained in them the habit of following orders without question.


Without hesitation, they retreated from the battlefield, leaving the stubborn trolls to the eager adventurers swarming in.


As the soldiers reformed their ranks, under Angela's command, they charged at the trolls who had just emerged from the river.


This time, Matthew dispatched a squad of 20 armored barbarian soldiers to assist them.


These heavily armored barbarian soldiers had been itching for a fight.


Upon hearing Angela’s order to advance, they took the lead, marching in step toward the approaching group of more than 50 trolls.


The frustrated trolls, seeing their comrades’ grim fate, roared in anger and charged at the advancing soldiers with fury.


Clearly, these trolls still had great confidence in their strength and combat abilities.


Had they seen their struggling comrades fail to break through the soldiers’ lines, they might not have been so reckless.


But Matthew understood the source of their confidence.


From the mist-covered valley in the distance, more trolls were emerging.


Matthew glanced at them briefly, and his data display quickly tallied the numbers—325 trolls!


An astonishing number!


However, Matthew could tell that these new trolls were much weaker than the ones they were currently facing. Their average challenge rating barely reached 5+.


Though a difference of just one level, it marked the gap between low-tier and mid-tier strength.


Against these lesser trolls, Matthew believed his soldiers could hold their ground.


Even though they had shields and were in a defensive stance, bolstered by auras and magical buffs, they could only barely withstand the stronger trolls.


In fact, their defenses would likely be breached by sheer force!


This was a significant difference in raw power!


Against the weaker trolls, Matthew trusted that his soldiers could stand firm.


So, Matthew once again raised his staff, holding a spell scroll in his other hand.


"Melf’s Acid Arrow!"


A streak of dark green magic shot out like lightning, striking an oncoming troll directly, leaving a gaping, acid-eaten hole in its chest.


The troll collapsed instantly from the searing pain, staring in horror at the sight of its exposed internal organs.


A swift arrow whizzed by, piercing the troll’s chest and tearing through its heart with deadly precision.


Blood gushed out as the troll's vision went dark, its pupils dilating endlessly.


The troll’s solid chest armor proved completely ineffective.


Although Matthew had used 50% more mana for that spell, he continued to unleash Melf’s Acid Arrows without stopping.


Troll after troll screamed as they fell, and the soldiers, emboldened, held their ground against the onslaught.


Angela remained calm and composed, issuing clear and steady commands:


"Spearmen, advance! Push forward!"


"Archers, concentrate your fire!"


"Shieldbearers, hold the line!"


"Injured soldiers, fall back! Reinforcements, step in!"


The entire battlefield moved in harmony under Angela’s leadership. Every soldier followed her orders without hesitation, like perfectly meshed gears forming a powerful killing machine.


This time, the trolls didn’t manage to break through the soldiers' defenses as they had before.


The barbarian soldiers at the front demonstrated strength equal to that of the trolls.


With their heavy armor and the enhancement from spells and auras, the barbarian soldiers fought the trolls to a standstill.


Most of the barbarian soldiers were individually quite strong.


Their naturally powerful physiques allowed most barbarian soldiers to boast strength above 14 points by adulthood.


After specialized training and professional enhancement, some talented mid-tier barbarian soldiers could achieve extraordinary strength exceeding 20 points.


Take Beelzebub, for example!


With a mighty shove, Beelzebub sent a troll crashing to the ground and raised his massive double-headed axe.




The troll’s spiked club was split with a deep gouge, sparks flying as its bent arm dropped to its side.


Beelzebub’s thick neck bulged with veins as he lifted his axe high and brought it crashing down again.




The poor-quality spiked club shattered, and as the troll stared in disbelief, the axe’s sharp, gleaming blade sliced deeply into its chest.


With a sharp upward flick of the axe, Beelzebub disemboweled the troll. With a twist of the handle, he deftly severed the troll's head.


Though the axe weighed fifty or sixty pounds, in Beelzebub’s hands, it was as light as a feather.


No matter how powerful the troll’s regeneration was, it couldn't recover from such grievous wounds!


The rest of the soldiers, cooperating with the barbarian warriors, continued to press forward.


One by one, the isolated trolls found themselves surrounded, forced to retreat under the relentless pressure from the soldiers.


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