
Chapter 17

I took a cup from the table in front of me. Right now, I am inside a small office that belongs to captain commander Yamamoto. It is small, lacking any furnishing other than a tea table and some basic things. The steaming aroma of a beverage emanating from it calmed my senses. I am glad that I took some time to make sure that the tea here is good for my tastes. After taking a sip while appreciating the flavour, I looked at the captain commander sitting right in front of me, who, as if mimicking me, also drank from his cup.

"So, my lady. You wish to fight a mortal empire. Might I know the reason?"

The fact that he is not downright rejecting or even showing dissagrement is already good. To br fair it would be hard to read him since I am his ruler so won't say no. It would have been much easier if he were more blunt with me.

"They got too brazen. They are spreading the word to their believers that we are just a fairy tale and don't exist. Normally, I wouldn't care, but they started practising rituals that tainted souls. A little bit ago, they even tried to use divination on me to find my location along with some other information to curse me afterwards. Cursing me wouldn't work, to begin with, but spying is another matter."

He took another sip and, with narrowed eyes, said.

"We usually, as intended, don't meddle in mortal affairs, but if they start poking things on the other side, they no longer deserve it. If they do so, they are considered part of more advanced beings. Please don't forget that even if we were at war back there with mortals, we still didn't hold back."

What is he talking about? Is he mentioning the guild wars I had in the past? Maybe.

"So it won't cause much problem?"

The old man nodded his head while looking at me.

"Yes, I will bring it to the other captains. I think we should leave planning to Captain Aizen. He is the most capable when it comes to such matters. The issue is what we will be aiming for?"

I haven't really thought about it. The most reasonable would be getting rid of that stupid religion and, by extension, the government. On the other hand, such a thing would not really change much since there are numerous fanatics there, and it will only make someone else recreate it after that. Since it's hard to figure out, I will leave it to Aizen.

"We should destabilise and overthrow the government along with the racist religion while making sure no fanatic recreates it afterwards."

"Very well. I will notify the captains about the plans. Other than that, Captain Urahara wanted to speak with you, Your Majesty."

Uh. What could the crazy hat guy want? I hope he isn't gonna ask for guinea pigs.

"I see. Thank you then."

After saying that, I downed the rest of the tea in one gulp and went outside; I was able to hear him saying something like, 'You should take small doses to appreciate the taste, not drinking it all at once.' under his nose.

Anyway, went to the most obvious place where Urahara might be. His lab. It is near the barracks of his squad but has barren land around it. I figure that after a series of explosions, they did it to minimise the losses from that kind of occurring.

I unceremoniously went inside the building, knowing full well that he wouldn't even hear me knocking. Once inside, I searched for him further while making sure not to touch anything. No idea what this madman might keep here. I don't want to activate a nuclear bomb or something.

At some point i found some weird machinery or whatever that is with a person I was looking for under it fiddling with tools. I waited for a few minutes until he seemed to notice me and came from beneth it.

"Ah. The lady I was waiting for. Truly, your visage brightens the room."

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. Was he always like this?

"Captain commander said you wanted something."

He seemed to get an eureka moment.

"Yes. Please look at this."

He said pointing at a screen with cables attached to it nearby. There was diplayed some weird numbers and graphs on it which I have no idea about.

"What is it?"

He seemed almost excited to describe it.

"These are reports about the reading of occasional reformations of dimensional energies of soul society."

I sighed.

"Can you say simpler"

"It is how space acts in soul society and a buffer space around it."

I nodded at this. That is something I can grasp.

"And it started acting weirdly after we appeared here. Although soul society is fine, it is different for the space around the realm. It is constantly shifting, dispersing and reforming. The greatest reaction I get is during two scenarios. One is when a new soul appears here, and another is when someone goes through the senkaimon. Both of them are relevant to the spiritual energy of a being, so the stronger one is the greater the reaction."

I got what he meant, but it isn't normal. When you leave, you have to travel through that, so isn't it normal for it to get messed up a little bit?

"But isn't it..."

"normal? Technically, yes, but only if it gets affected in the specific spot. For example, when you leave through the senkaimon, it will affect space around it, but now everything is trembling."

Good to know.

"Then what does it mean for us?"

"At this moment at most you might want to open senkaimons in open areas sinece there could be problems with coordinates so you might appear inside a wall by mistake. Other than that, no idea. Maybe some time dilation? Need to check some more."

I thought he has somthing revolutionary. Well, he might have, but it's too early for any real discoveries. For now its just 'something is happening'.

Let's ask about something I have been thinking about for a little bit.

"Urahara, do you still have that?"

He visibly flinched at it and sweatdropped.

"Me? No, I gave it away to Onmitsukidō."

Yeah sure. Even if I wasn't the one who made you along with that I would have never believed you.

After seeming to glare at him for some time, he relented.

"Ah. Yes, I do have a few."

"Can you give me one?"

He nodded and led me further into the lab. Navigating through a lot of weird devices, cables, dirt and other shit, we arrived before a warehouse or some storage room, I think. He opened the door, and the instant it happened, a lot of rubbles or whatever things just flew out of it. It seems he has it filled fully with his materials.

After rummaging through it for some time, he presented me with the thing I asked for.

A Tenshintai. A wooden doll the size of a real man, primarly used as a dangerous shortcut to bankai with a limit of usage around 3 days stright. It is used by piercing it with a zanpakuto which makes its spirit materialise in reality.

Once he presented it for me I didn't even wait and pierced it with my zanpakuto without waiting. Do I want to do bankai with it? No. I just want the guy to be able to help out some more and as for the limit? The wole dool is not destroyed after it's use so I can just take it in my inventory and use from time to time.

I could see the shock and some fear in Urahara's expression. He also send a butterfly to let others know what is up... I messed up, got too confident and excited. While I know that the guy is chill, they don't.

Hopefully, it will be fine.

Meanwhile the spiritual energy stopped being accumulated into a doll and it got covered with smoke while the sword just flown back to me. I think it was supposed to stay in the doll right? Weird. Anyway I took the sword and sheathed it while watching the smoke slowly disperse.

"I wasn't expecting it to happen this way, but not gonna complain."

Eh. He looks different.

He now has a normal face and looks like an elf rather than a weird monster with many eyes. Although his hands are still only bones. Well he looks better... and actually handsome.

He is tall, I think even taller than me. His sking is pale, has long straight silver hair that turns into glowing blue near the tips. And all of thet combined make me feel that it is actually good that he is technically my husband. Wait, bad Atsune! No horny!

He looked around, noticed the crazy scientist who looked like he is about to faint, stretches his arm towards him which only makes it worse. Urahara got readty to run. Yes not fight, but run. Only then he realised that death itself just wanted a handshake.

I am trying so hard not to laugh at the captain's over-the-top reaction.

"Why so tense? Have you seen a ghost or something?"

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