
Chapter 19

I coughed in order to gain attention and divert them from the spectacle that the spirit is causing.

"We came here to ask if Albedo could help us by teaching us how to use a polearm."

This, thankfully, got their attention. Even my zanpakuto seemed surprised for a moment before his eyes shined with recognition. I want Albedo to train us because she uses a sort of weapon that is even barely similar. It's not a perfect solution because she is not an expert, but there is no better option. The only one somewhere near is Cocytus, that weird insect warrior with many arms. I don't consider him a viable option since he is accustomed to having too many limbs, which would make his teachings not fit our stature and bodybuild.

"Sure, why not."

Getting approval made the succubus start trembling in place, barely able to stop herself from screaming. This woman has serious issues.

"If you want to start right away, you can take her to the amphitheatre and train there."

We did exactly that. Albedo was turbo-excited but was doing her best to not overreact. She kept looking at Yasuragi the whole time we were travelling towards the amphitheatre. I know that she is a total fangirl, and I can understand, but even if our relationship is weird... hands off my 'husband', woman!

Once we got into the arena, Albedo decided that she wil fight us one on one with only our weapons to test if we can do something with them. That decision also made me realise a problem. My zanpakuto is harming the soul directly and would be hart to heal from. I don't want to really hurt her and it would be dangerous.

"Hey, can the passive be turned off?"

I asked my smug elf wannabe that is standing nearby. He just lifted his hand a little bit and snapped his fingers. After doing that I noticed the mist emanating from the sword disperse and stopped getting emanated from the blade. I think it means that it was turned off.

Then, my opponent made her armour and weapon appear. She wears a black armor that was designed to fit her body perfectly and a big weapon that is something between a glaive and an axe.

I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of my naginata settle in my hands. The weapon felt more tangible, almost grounded, without the ominous energy that usually surrounded it. Albedo stood across the amphitheatre, her towering figure radiating a sense of anticipation.

I glanced over at Yasuragi. He offered a small nod of encouragement, his eyes reflecting a mixture of curiosity and caution.


Asked the succubus, who seemed to be very excited and willing to fight. Is that because she can show off her master or something?

The worst part is that I am also feeling very pumped up.

I replied by adjusting my grip on my weapon. The weight of the weapon, though spectral in nature, felt reassuring as if it was urging me to focus.

Without much warning, Albedo surged forward, her glaive-axe hybrid sweeping towards me. I barely had time to react, lifting my naginata to deflect the blow. The impact reverberated through my arms, and I gritted my teeth as I pushed back against her strength. She is very strong. I think only the old man and maybe the first Kenpachi could fight her.

'Deflect to the side and counter.'

I twisted the naginata, using the momentum to guide her weapon past me, and then struck out with the blade end, aiming for her midsection. Albedo, however, was quick to recover. She spun on her heel, her weapon arcing up to meet mine in a clash of steel that sent sparks flying. The force of her counterattack nearly knocked the naginata from my grip, but I held firm, sliding back a few feet to regain my balance.

'You gave me pointers now? Didn't you say that you have no idea how to wield it?'

I relied while preparing for her next move. I could feel my muscles tensing, adrenaline coursing through my veins as I anticipated her next strike. Albedo launched herself into a series of swift, sweeping attacks, each one forcing me to either block or dodge. Her movements were fluid, almost graceful, despite the sheer power behind each swing.

'You could say that I have a talent for it.'

I started to find openings in her attacks, small gaps in her stance where I could strike. I lunged forward, feinting to the left before pivoting and slashing at her right side. Albedo reacted quickly, but not quickly enough. My naginata grazed her armour, leaving a faint scratch along its polished surface.

Her eyes widened slightly in surprise, and then she smiled.

She came at me once more, and her strikes were more aggressive than before. I met her with my own strikes, feeling the weight of each slash. The amphitheatre echoed with the sounds of our battle.

Sometime later, we stopped, and Albedo complained.

"Amazing! As expected! You just need to get experience with it more and get used to it's length."

What is she shouting for?

"I would never believe it was your first time using this kind of weapon. I am barely better at this. You will defeat me in technique in no time."

She suddenly got very casual with me. I wonder why.

"Now, my turn."

My zanpakuto said before jumping in front of me na summoning his own polearm. I just sighed and went away to sit down a little bit from there.

Without much talk, they started fighting, and I noticed a few things. First and foremost, while Albedo's and my styles seem to be the ones for efficient fighting and spars, his is not. His style is all about killing the opponent in the fastest and most efficient way while completely not caring about his own defence. Albedo was landing hits on him and cutting his body while cringing with expression as if committing the greatest atrocity possible.

It wasn't without a merit. His attacks were so strong that Albedo when blocking them got send a few meters sliding on the ground. That made her quickly realise that she needs to dodge instead, which is easier said than done.

The greatest thing actually was the speed at which he learned. Seriously, he was getting better and better with every minute of a fight. What kind of bullshit is this?

On the other hand, it might be a good thing since he will be able to teach me instead. It will be easier than having to come here to meet with Albedo every time.

In the end, he actually defeated her.

"I give up! Master is way too good!"

I feel like she worded it like that on purpose.

Just a few seconds later, I was proven right when she jumped on him and wanted to hug him. Leave him, you hussy!

I was ready for that and jumped in between them to hold her away.

"What are you doing?!"

She started struggling a little bit to get away, but I can feel from her strength that she doesn't really mean it.

"No! I want to hug master! And kiss! And more! Not fair! I want to marry master, too!"

I got completely shocked that not only she knows, but also that she told it out loud. Not knowing what to do I let her go, an opportunity that she gladly took to retry her previous intention.

"I am not complaining about a sexy succubus hugging me, but what is going on?"

Turbo embarassed I looked at Yasuragi who has a raised eyebrow waiting for explanation. What do I do now?! I have to tell him about that.

"S-So. During the game, Tabula and I were always writing lore and stuff. When the world changed, it became real..."

He didn't say anything and instead just looked at me curiously.

"... and in one of those, he wrote that we are married."

At that, I was met with silence for a few seconds before he covered his face and started manically laughing.


While he was having fun I took away Albedo who was nuzzling to his chest. This woman! Read a mood!

"haha. Ok. That's funny. But I gotta ask. So what?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"So what? Does it control my mind and my emotions? Does it force us to be together? No. Then why should it matter?"


I am a retard, aren't I? It was that simple. Surely the greatest wisdom of all times. If a problem doesn't affect you, then why should you care about it? I am not an ideologist or whatever. People who say otherwise seem to not understand how life and the world work. They might seem nice from time to time, but in most cases, it's everyone for themselves.

Now that I think about it, us being married might not be so bad.

But I will not let that little succubus get close to him!


Pool results:

Wifus: only one

Gaining skills from system: YES

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