Souls In Teyvat

Leaving Eternity behind

'My post-nut clarity is so strong I can feel the world rotating' was the first thing Kenshin thought when he woke up.

He saw Makoto sleeping by his side and felt content and satisfied.

He hugged her sleeping body, and Makoto hugged him back, maybe on instinct.

But Kenshin felt that he had won. His ability had proven once again to be too strong.

'I need to think of more wonderful uses my ability may have- he thought, but for now he was satisfied.

He stood there lying with Makoto in his arms while trying to think about more things he could do, and listening to Makoto's peaceful breathing.

It had been a shock to see the normally soft-spoken Makoto shout like that in pleasure, but it was a change he welcomed.

"hmm" Makoto slowly stirred up and opened her beautiful purple-pinkish eyes. "Hello" she said with a gentle smile.

"Hello, I am Kenshin, and we just fucked".

Makoto didn't reply and opted to hug him tightly.

"It was amazing" she sighed in contentment.

"I know" replied Kenshin. 'Both of you were' was left unsaid. There will be time for that. "What do you remember?"

"I felt an orgasm coming, and then everything went white" Makoto answered while snuggling up to him, her eyes closed. "How was it for you?".

"Great" replied honestly Kenshin.

They lay there for another half an hour, before Makoto regretfully stood up, Kenshin mimicking her.

"We need to have a shower" said Makoto with a grimace. She didn't mind the smell yesterday, but today was another thing.

"We can go together" proposed Kenshin, who didn't wait for her answer and picked her up in a bridal carry.

"I'm tired Kenshin" protested Makoto, but snuggled into his chest.

"Just a shower. You are a thirsty one" commented Kenshin.

"Well, it was great after all. Next time I will last longer" commented Makoto, not knowing that she could last until her body succumbed to pleasure, or up the instant Kenshin decided to use his ability.


"Well, looks like someone had a fun night" commented wryly Yae, looking at the radiant smile Makoto had.

"Of course" Makoto nodded energetically, not noticing the dry voice Yae spoke with. "You need to try".

"..." Yae could only wear a bitter look.

Kenshin pat her head and sat next to her.

"Yae, we have time, and we will go at our own pace" he said, using his arm to scout her closer.

"Looks like someone got a lot of confidence" remarked Yae with a raised eyebrow. She liked it a lot.

Kenshin was always trying to step very carefully so as to not make any mistakes, second-guessing everything and asking for everyone's opinion even about the smallest of matters.

So seeing Kenshin confidently hugging her in front of Makoto made her happy.

Even if things were going great between them, there was still a thing barrier she didn't know how to break. Maybe this confident Kenshin could breathe it.


Kenshin suddenly kissed her, introducing hid tongue in her mouth, leaving her perplexed.

After a few seconds and before Yae could react, Kenshin extracted his tongue from her mouth and looked at her in the eyes.

"Mine" he said and hugged Yae with his arm.

Yae couldn't believe what happened.

Just as she was thinking about breaking the 'barrier', Kenshin shattered in an instant.

And she could feel how serious he was about that 'mine', and that made her exultant.

"Hmmm" she nodded and hugged Kenshin back.

"Well, looks like someone is happy" said Makoto with a teasing smile, mimicking Yae's previous phrase.

"Of course" Yae replied with a smirk. "So, how was it?".

"Wonderful" replied Makoto with a soft smile. "It's almost like I can still feel him inside me".

"Yes, we took a shower" said Kenshin when he saw Yae's scrunched face.

They talked for a while, but thankfully for Kenshin, they left that topic aside. He was shameless, but it was only his second time after all. Maybe after a few more times he wouldn't be embarrassed.

"Oh, Ei has stopped meditating" said Makoto, sensing Ei's soul stir up.

"Yeah, meditating..." said Kenshin, looking away.

"Do you know something?" asked Yae with a curious smile. She didn't know how Makoto and Ei were doing this whole body-sharing, but she sensed an opportunity to tease her dear friend.

Suddenly, they saw a black space surrounding them and realized that Ei was 'inviting' them to the Plane of Euthymia.

Kenshin wasn't scared, he could adopt the 'armadillo' technique and protect himself from what he expected to be Ei's furious assault.

"Hello Ei!" Makoto greeted her younger sister with a radiant smile.

Ei only looked at her with a withering gaze, before directing the same look towards Kenshin.

"Ei, what happened?" Yae was only curious. Now she was smelling big trouble.

Ei was seething, but she decided to start by the beginning.

"Makoto, you told me that you were going to kiss him" she said with a frigid voice.

"Well....things escalated a bit" Makoto wryly said while approaching Kenshin. She knew Kenshin was her only defence.

"That's a lie" of course, Kenshin didn't protect her. "You were quite intent on doing it from the start. 'Move forward and all that'".

"Ahahahaha" Yae was crying with laughter, she could only guess how much trouble Makoto was in now. She had fooled the original owner of the body into having sex behind her back, and now Ei knew about it.

"You abandoned your l-lover?" Makoto blushed a bit saying the last word, but sensing lightning start appearing all over the Plane, she got scared.

Kenshin didn't answer. He felt some tenderness at realizing that he and Makoto were now lovers, but he felt conflicted. His 2 lovers were at odds with each other, who should he help?

Ei looked coldly at Makoto without saying anything, but then she looked at Kenshin. And her anger was increasing by the second.

"Ei, stop it" Makoto, unlike that asshole, tried to defend her lover. "It was a consensual thing we both wanted".

"Lucky for you" uttered Ei with her cold voice.

"What do you mean?" asked curiously Yae, realizing that there was something else.

But Ei didn't answer, she kept directing a fulminating gaze to the unafraid Kenshin.

"I will explain" Kenshin said before thunder silenced his words. A dome appeared around him, Yae and Makoto, and purple lightning was circling around it.

"You won't open that damn mouth" said Ei while clenching her teeth. She recognized this dome, it was the same one she had no way of breaking through. She didn't know how Kenshin made it, but what she knew was that now Kenshin was untouchable.

"When we were in the middle of the deed" Kenshin explained with a calm voice. "Makoto orgasmed so hard that her soul went back to her body".

Makoto blushed and hid her face with her hands.

"And Ei came out".

Makoto didn't hide her face with her hands anymore.

She looked at her sister, who had a dark face, and couldn't help it.

"Pfff" she couldn't hold back her laugh.

"Do you think it's funny?" Ei said with an icy voice to her sister, who finally was able to calm down.

"AHAHAHAHAHA!!" it was Yae now who didn't want to hold back.

"Miko..." Ei started with a warning tone. Yae was the only innocent here, but she was going to put her into the guilty basket soon if she didn't stop.

"Ahahaha" of course, Yae didn't stop.

Kenshin approached Yae, and muttered something into her ear, making her nod enthusiastically.

"And that wasn't all" continued Kenshin. "I think Makoto was about to orgasm right after, so the instant Ei arrived, well, you can guess it".

Ei's face turned red, momentarily forgetting all anger she may had. Just remembering that intense pleasure was making her body shiver.

"Look at your face" said an amused Yae, making Ei remember where she was. "Just admit it stubborn woman, even Sara was able to detect the sexual tension you had with Kenshin. We all know how you feel, except for you it seems like".

"I didn't have any of that" said Ei in a firm voice.

"Whatever, I will probably be able to convince a rock to grow legs earlier than you" said Yae, feeling fed up with Ei's stubbornness.

"Ei, calm down" interrupted Makoto with a stern face. "While the circumstances were somewhat peculiar, you need to think if you regret it or not. Think about what you feel for Kenshin, and come to a conclusion you can be satisfied with. Just for once, try to lower a bit that shell you have around you and listen to what your desires are telling you".

"...." Ei looked stumped, but out of habit, she nodded at her sister's words.

"What are we supposed to do anyway?" Makoto asked further, making Ei look at her. "You knew this, well at least I would do this with Kenshin, that was the purpose of dating, move forward so this was already expected. You agreed to this, even if I messed up in my hastiness and followed my impulse, what would we do? We are stuck in the same body as you already know."

"You don't need to fear about the Erosion anymore Ei" added Kenshin. "I will have a method to solve it soon enough, but even if you go mad, I can contain you. So stop being afraid of something that is not going to arrive".

After saying his piece, Kenshin forcibly opened the Plane of Euthymia and took Yae and Makoto out.

Ei stood alone in the Plane thinking about everything that happened, and what direction to move forward.

She had been awake a lot earlier, there was no way Makoto had recovered earlier than her.

She had seen how tenderly Kenshin had treated her sister and found herself wanting to receive the same gentle hugs, the same affectionate kisses, the same tender care.

She touched her belly absent-mindedly, and she didn't even realize it.

Maybe, like Makoto said, it was time for her to take a step forward.

Leaving Eternity behind.

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