Souls In Teyvat

The Radiant Knight and the Snow Mountain

"Hmmm" Kenshin nodded satisfied, looking at the sky while sitting on a bench in the main plaza. "Now we have Mondstadt's idol to help us, we only need one thing".

"What is it?" asked Lumine, wondering about the Ditzy Succubus they left on the ground. Was that really okay?

"Wine" replied Kenshin. "Obviously".

"What's the deal with people in Mondstadt and wine?" asked Lumine with a tired expression.

"They don't want to realize their own stupidity, so they need to blur their consciousness using alcohol" explained Kenshin. "Now, we are going to throw a bit of wine from the air and make everyone tipsy. When they come looking for more, we will tell them the problem is solved. Wait a minute, do we even need Miss Sister at this point?"

"YOU!!!" they heard an enraged voice approaching them. "VENGEANCE WILL BE MINE!"

"I fucked up" sighed Kenshin. "As Guizhong said, I jinxed it years ago".

"Uhmm, Kenshin, is this okay?" asked Lumine looking at the enraged Eula approaching while taking out her greatsword.

"Eula Lawerence!!" Kenshin shouted, attracting attention from the people around, and making Eula narrow her eyes. She had already experienced Kenshin's fuckery in her flesh, so she didn't trust anything that came from his mouth. "Me good, me duel!!".

"What's wrong with you Lothario?" asked Paimon with a worried gaze. "Have you inhaled some smoke while brewing that wine?".

Lumine facepalmed, again. How could she make Paimon understand that no smoke was produced while brewing wine?

The people around flocked to the source of the commotion, but seeing Eula their faces turned into one of disgust.

Eula saw this and Kenshin sensed how hurt she was, but her face remained stoic.

"Even after all these years....." Kenshin shook his head. He remembered telling Eula a possible path she could take to 'clean' the name of the Lawrence family, and Jean usually talked about how worried she was for Eula, who took dangerous missions to Dragonspine to help the people in Mondstadt, hoping to make them realize that not all Lawrences were a stinking pile of shit. 

And looking at the disdain he could see in the souls of these people, their anger only intensified. Years ago they weren't that angry because Eula was just a child, but now that she was an adult, and a Knight no less, they felt she could take it.

Because, why not?

So he had been preparing something special to help her, Jean was worried about her and even he wanted to help the lonely Knight.

Eula heard him and recoiled in shock. She considered meeting Kenshin the start of her path to redeem her family's name, the guy who told her how she would give her all. She was a very big fan of 'The Radiant Knight', and knowing that Kenshin wrote it made her realize that they were in different worlds.

Kenshin was the Shogun of Inazuma, a very successful writer, and was 'married' to the Acting Grand Master, while she was the repudiated woman whom everyone spat on with disgust.

But seeing that he remembered what should have been an annoying encounter for him 6 years ago, she couldn't help but feel that someone had been aware of her path and struggles.

"You know, forget it" Kenshin saw how affected Eula was, and realized this was not the moment for a duel. "Everyone!!. I have great news!".

People looked sceptically at Kenshin, considering him just another weirdo, but he produced the Honorary Knight of Favonius Medal, which became famous after the establishment of the JRK.

"Hey, isn't that....."

"Yes, he probably is...."


"It's the Princess!!"

Lumine and Paimon looked wryly at Kenshin, who was nodding excitedly.

"You, the girl with the best ass I've ever seen" Kenshin pointed to the shocked Eula, who wore a scandalized face. "Come here".

The trembling Eula, thinking that Kenshin was going to mock her, approached seeing no other choice.

If she wanted to have revenge, she would need to wait for the crowd to disperse or the Lawrence's.....well, everything, would disappear today. 

Sometimes she wondered who was more popular, Kenshin or Barbatos.

"People of Mondstadt" Kenshin stood up on a bench and shouted. "I have a new volume of 'The Radiant Knight'".

"Where the hell did that come from!" complained Paimoon stomping the ground. "Weren't you going to speak about the Storm-"

Lumine finally surpassed the world law that prevented her from stopping Paimon from fucking up every single situation.

"There are priorities to things" replied a disdainful Kenshin, who started taking a lot of copies out from his Plane. He had a portable bag at all times. The famous Bag of Holding.

People quickly crushed everyone they could in their race to get the books that were making Mondstadt famous all over the world. But they were from Mondstadt, they would be fine, they only needed a bit of wine.

Because wine is the solution to all problems in life. 

Except alcoholism.

"We" Kenshin put his arm over the stunned Eula's shoulder. "Will be signing them in a week, when you have read them".

The crowd stopped at that.

"Why would we want her sign?" asked a child with a curious expression, making Eula grimace at the naturality with which the boy asked that.

"She is the coprotagonist of course" Kenshin replied with a big smile. Sensing Eula's surprise, he gave her a book.

"'The Radiant Knight and the Smiling Snow'" Eula read the title and didn't know what to feel. She didn't receive any presents except for Amber's, as the people despised her and her family considered her a failure. And what she received now was something very big, as a fan of the series, there were not many things in this world more special than appearing in them.

"Now, move" Kenshin added with a smile looking at Eula. "Your ass too big for me to not look at it".

Eula took an instinctive step back trying to cover her butt with her 2 hands even if was just impossible, and Jean arrived just in time.

"Kenshin, what are you doing now? People are talking about a new book" Jean said with a scowl, but seeing that the plaza was packed, she understood that this was Kenshin's way of making everyone pay attention.

"Look, is the Radiant Knight!!" a kid said, and Jean blushed. Even after years, she still wasn't used to being pointed at like this.

"The Stormterror is gone!!" shouted Kenshin expecting cheers, but he got none. "Have your brains finally turned to wine or what?".

People were looking at Kenshin and Jean, almost as if they were expecting something to happen.

Kenshin, being the smart man he was, realized what people wanted.

He picked Jean in a princess carry and kissed her in front of the whole Mondstadt, making all her blood rush to her face.


He looked triumphantly at the crowd, only to see them frowning.

But as the smart man he was, he knew what people wanted.

He put the embarrassed lady on his arms on the floor and jumped into her arms.

"Ooohhhhhhhh!!" NOW the crowd was cheering.

Kenshin was the Princess after all.


Eula left as soon as she could. She wanted to read the book a character inspired by her appeared.

She arrived at her house, and quickly got into the bed, the always formal and elegant Knight nowhere to be seen, only an excited young adult.

The book narrated how the Radiant Knight arrived at a town, but just before entering, she heard laughter.


The Radiant Knight looked around, but no one was to be seen.


And yet, the laughter didn't stop.

"Who is there?" the Radiant Knight asked, looking around. She didn't feel any ill intentions, and it was just a laugh.

"Here here, hahahaha" 

A voice came in front of the Radiant Knight, so she looked with curiosity at the place the laughter came from.

It was a huge pile of snow as tall as her, with 2 eyes made of hail that were twitching with the laughter.

"Hello, little Knight. Hahahaha".

"Hello. Can you tell me why are you laughing?" the Radiant Knight asked after a polite bow.

"Because I'm having fun, ahahahaha" the mountain replied, and snow started appearing around the Radiant Knight.

"All by yourself?" asked an intrigued Knight. "Aren't you lonely?"

"I think people will come soon. Hahahaha" the mountain laughed, and more snow started appearing.

"Who will come, the people in the town don't seem to be coming out" commented the Radiant Knight, looking at the door of the village.

"I am a bit lonely, but don't worry, they will come when they realize how much fun I'm having. Hahahahaha" and more snow appeared.

"Why don't I wait with you for a while?" asked the Radiant Knight with a smile, sitting next to the huge mountain. "Then you can tell me about what life here is like".

"Really?!. Hahahaha" the Snow Mountain seemed excited about that and kept laughing. And no more snow appeared.

"Yes" the Radiant Knight nodded. Why did the snow stop appearing? "I was told people here are having trouble when they try to farm".

"Oohhh" the Snow Mountain sadly said, and snow appeared. "Am I causing trouble?".

"Why would you think so?" inquired the Radiant Knight looking up at the Snow Mountain.

"Because I can't stop producing snow. It's all I know how to do" murmured the sad Snow Mountain. "Hahahahaha" and more snow appeared.

"Hmmmm" the Radiant Knight hummed. "What do you do here?".

"Wait. Hahahahaha" the Snow Mountain resumed its laugh. "For my friends to arrive" and snow appeared.

"Where are your friends?" asked the Radiant Knight.

"In the town. Hahahahaha" the Snow Mountain replied, making more snow appear.

"Do you want to have friends?" asked a curious Knight.

"Of course!!" the Snow Mountain replied excitedly, and no snow appeared. "I protect them from the wind in autumn, I give them water in spring, I make give them a fresh breeze in summer. I love them a lot!" and the snow didn't appear.

"What about winter?" asked the Radiant Knight.

"Well, there is nothing I can do in winter" sadly said the Snow Mountain, making snow appear.

"But you help them during the rest of the year" the Radiant Knight pointed out.

"Yes, but maybe they don't know it's my doing. Hahahahaha" the Snow Mountain said, making more snow appear. "They are used to getting water in spring, a cool breeze in summer, and they don't feel the wind in autumn. Maybe they don't know I'm the one doing it. Hahahaha".

"And how do you feel when you help them?" asked the Radiant Knight.

"It hurts giving them my snow in spring. I suffocate in summer. I feel pain when the wind hits my back and blows away the snow. And I feel sad in winter when I can't help them. Hahahahaha" replied the Snow Mountain, making more snow appear.

"Oh" the Radiant Knight sadly said. "Then why are you laughing if you are suffering?".

"Because that way, they will come to be happy with me. If I'm sad and give up, they won't come here. Hahahahaha" the Snow Mountain replied, making more snow appear.

"Even if you are in pain?".


"Even if you are lonely?"


"Even if you are sad?"


"Even if this snow is your tears?".


The Radiant Knight looked sadly at the Snow Mountain who wanted to make friends, but the one the people thought wanted to hurt them with the snow.

"I will make them come here" said the Radiant Knight with a determined expression.


Now, dear Knight, what will happen? 

Will the Snow Mountain finally be able to make friends, after suffering for a long time to help the people?

Will the villagers understand that the mountain only wants to be friends with them?

Will they finally be able to understand each other and move together?

The Radiant Knight will make the reunion possible, it's your turn to make the Snow Mountain able to explain what she wants.


Eula closed the book with tears streaming down her face, not wanting to read the ending.

Wasn't she the one suffering in battle and dedicating her life to protecting the citizens?

Wasn't her sacrifice being disregarded by the winter from 500 years ago?

Didn't the people ignore her desperate plea for help, thinking that she only sought to harm them?

Wasn't she the one who kept trying again and again, hoping that someday the people from Mondstadt would accept her?

All Eula Lawrence could do was hug the book closely to her chest, and bitterly cry.

But it would be fine, she thought.

She will make the Snow Mountain have friends for the first time.

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