space fisherman

Chapter 30 Gloomy Wood

Chapter 30 Gloomy Wood

The sun is rising, the sky is cloudless, and it is the beginning of another day.

Ye Yuan's fishing boat was sailing on the sea, and with the sound of waves beating against the fishing boat, the "Water Control" was already sailing in the high seas that Ye Yuan had always missed.

Last time, it was only a few hours away from here, and I didn't come here for some reason.

In international law, the high seas refer to the parts of the oceans outside the domestic waters, territorial seas, archipelagic waters and exclusive economic zones that are not subject to the sovereignty and domination of any country.

According to the 1958 Convention on the High Seas, the high seas are all sea areas excluding national territorial seas or internal waters.With the advancement of marine technology and the progress of human development of marine resources, the jurisdiction of coastal states has expanded, new concepts and systems such as exclusive economic zones and archipelagic waters have emerged, and the area of ​​the high seas has shrunk.

The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea stipulates that the high seas are all sea areas not included in the exclusive economic zone, territorial sea or internal waters of a country or the archipelagic waters of an archipelagic state.

The high seas are for the common and equal use of all nations.It is not an integral part of the territory of any country, so it is not under the sovereignty of any country. No country may appropriate any part of the high seas for itself, and may not exercise jurisdiction over the high seas themselves.

The high seas is a sea area shared by all countries, and it is also the place where fishing boats have the most disputes with each other. After all, there are coast guards to manage the waters of the country, and there are not so many restrictions on the high seas.

The fishing boat was sailing steadily on the high seas, Ye Yuan let go of his senses, and there were obviously more fish schools in the sea than in the domestic waters.

The fishing boat has been driving for a while, and this place is already close to the sea area of ​​country R. During this period, Ye Yuan also saw several fishing boats of country R, ​​carrying out salvage operations.

At this moment, the second child stretched his waist and yawned and walked out of the cabin. Yesterday, he was really tired for this buddy, and he slept until almost noon.

"I said fourth, don't do that next time, my body really can't stand it, and my whole body still hurts when I wake up." While yawning, he looked at Dahai and Ye Yuan as he said.

"Your body is far worse than when you were in school. At that time, you didn't feel tired after two consecutive basketball games. You have only graduated for more than a year. How come you are like this? Remember an old saying, wine is the poison of the intestines. The color is a bone-scraping steel knife, you take all of it, right?"

Ye Yuan didn't mean to let the second child go, and directly said the "most behaviors" of the second child this year.

The second child just rolled his eyes and didn't continue the topic.

Ye Yuan didn't bother to take care of this guy, let him move freely on the boat, and finally came to the high seas once, so he had to go to the sea to have a look.

The second child directly lay on the rocking chair, closed his eyes and basked in the sun, which meant: "What do you like to do, anyway, I am resting today."

When he came to the sea, Ye Yuan went straight downstream. The seabed here is a large coral colony. The fish in the coral colony are very diverse. Some small fish were chased and got into some reef holes.

When I came to the bottom, the light here was already very weak, and I swam out in one direction along the coral group on the bottom of the sea.

I don't know how far I swam, and suddenly I saw a log with a diameter of 1 meter buried under the sea sand, and a small section was slightly exposed. If it wasn't because Ye Yuan was advancing along the bottom of the sea at a very low position, it would not be easy to be found .

Ye Yuan simply peeled away the sea sand, and found that there was still a deep part inside, there was no way to get it out.

After observing it carefully for a while, because of the light, I couldn't see it very clearly. The whole body of the wood was dark, and when I pinched it hard, it was very hard. It felt like I had pinched a stone. treasured objects, gloomy wood.

The gloomy wood was mostly formed between 2800 and 8000 years ago, which is not enough to become a plant fossil. Similarly, it does not belong to minerals.

Gloomy wood is just a general term. It is formed by the carbonization process of nanmu, red toon, hemp willow, iron wood and other trees buried in mud due to natural disasters, under the condition of hypoxia and high pressure, which lasted thousands of years.

Due to different tree species, the market value is different, and the golden nanmu of the genus Phoebe is the most expensive.The longer the age, the better the preservation and the higher the price.

If this is gloomy wood, then I am really lucky. This thing is not measured by rarity. Many precious gloomy woods need tens of thousands of years of history to form.

Because the gloomy wood is too big, I can't get him out at all, so I can only go up and use the fishing boat to help.

Back on the boat, Ye Yuan first let the fishing boat drive to the designated coordinates, then took a shovel and a very long rope, and led two crew members into the water, one end of the rope had already been fixed on the crane.

Several people came to the place where the gloomy wood was just discovered, first used a shovel to remove a large amount of sea sand around it, and then fixed the rope to one end of the gloomy wood.

A crew member surfaced and went to tell the ship to start the crane.

As the crane started, the gloomy wood was pulled up little by little, and Ye Yuan and the others continued to remove the surrounding sea sand to reduce resistance.

After three or ten minutes of busy work, a 10-meter-long gloomy log was lifted onto the fishing boat by a crane.

Ye Yuan asked Ding Er to make a video of the whole process, if someone really found out in the future, he could explain that this thing was salvaged in the high seas, so as to avoid many unnecessary things.

"I'm talking about fourth, you're ready to make a big move and get a piece of wood up from the bottom of the sea? Is it necessary?" Then he walked over and kicked the "wood"

"Oh~! Is this a stone? Why is it so hard?" The second child rubbed his numb feet with one hand.

"Mu? I mean second child, you can be considered a rich man, don't you even know the gloomy wood?" Ye Yuan glanced over there angrily, sitting on the deck, still rubbing his feet
Second child.

"You said this thing is gloomy wood? What kind of tree?" The second child ignored Ye Yuan's ridicule, but cared about the species.

"I don't know. It's too dark to see clearly below. Don't you plan to take a look after getting it up? I'm not familiar with things like trees. I need to check the information."

Ye Yuan really doesn't know what kind of wood this is from gloomy wood.

When the second child heard about it, he immediately took out his mobile phone and prepared to take pictures.Ye Yuan quickly stopped him.

"No, this thing is very sensitive, I don't intend to sell it, and I don't intend to let people know."

"What are you afraid of? This was brought up on the high seas, and it's not in our country. Isn't it whoever discovers the things on the high seas?"

The second child looked at Ye Yuan very puzzled.

"Trouble, I don't intend to sell it. Is it good to keep such a good thing for yourself?"

Ye Yuan rolled his second look angrily.

He directly ordered Ding Yi and the others to sail the boat, and pulled Ding Er directly to his cabin.

"You start learning carving now, how long will it take to reach the level of a master?"

Ding Er thought about it, it will take about a week, and it is best to have materials for practice.

"No problem, you can study now. The materials will be discussed after landing."

After Ding Er went out, Ye Yuan began to look through the information to check which tree species this gloomy tree belonged to.

After reading a lot of information and comparing with this gloomy wood, it was finally determined that this gloomy wood turned out to be the most precious golden nanmu.

Not to mention gloomy wood, even such a big golden nanmu is worth a lot.

This kind of accident made Ye Yuan feel that he was lucky. If the system didn't have luck, he would have thought that his luck was really high.

(End of this chapter)

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