Spatial Farm Life: Raising My Kid, Abusing Scum, and Keeping Busy With Life

Chapter 87 - 87: Ignorant Fools

Chapter 87: Ignorant Fools

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The people finally left, and Qiao Mai heaved a sigh of relief. She closed the courtyard gate and returned inside, embracing Ling’er and falling asleep.

Although they had only returned for three days, it had worn her out.

The Yuan family had already split their household. The four brothers bought land in the village and started building houses.

Each family cooked their own meals. Starting from the eldest, every meal was prepared, and the children would bring a portion to the old couple.

They did not care if the old couple ate it. They didn’t mistreat the elderly, providing them with the same meal they ate.

At first, the old couple cursed and scolded, but when the children didn’t pay attention and simply left, it escalated to physical confrontation. The four brothers decided that the children shouldn’t even deliver meals anymore.

If they had the strength to beat the children, they’d be better off hungry.

Seeing their sons treating them like this, the old couple thought of making a fuss, but they didn’t expect the four families to join forces.

In the pushing and shoving, the old couple was slapped and pinched by their daughters-in-law. They suffered quite a bit. After that, they didn’t dare to cause trouble anymore.

With things quieting down, they had time to hear news about their fifth son.

When they heard that their youngest son had gone to the Capital to study, they immediately panicked.

They were not afraid he would become an official but that they wouldn’t be able to gain recognition in the future. So, not caring about anything else, they went to the Qiao family on the second day after the Yuan family left.

It was still early in the morning when the sky was brightening. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

The two dogs heard the noise and kept barking. Qiao Mai, sleeping soundly in her space, sensed something unusual.

When she emerged from her space, she heard the courtyard gate rudely pounded from outside.

Qiao Mai quietly approached the door, rolled her eyes at the cursing outside, and went to the kitchen. She fetched a basin of water from the barrel, grabbed some ashes from the stove, mixed them, and threw it over the gate.

Early March days were quite cold, especially in the early morning chill.

The two old folks who got splashed with water screamed, wiping the water off their heads with their hands. They cursed even more fiercely while holding their waists.

Qiao Mai picked up a stick and opened the door, hitting their legs and buttocks.

After the first blow landed, they felt the pain. Qiao Mai didn’t give them a chance to curse; she followed up immediately with a second blow. The strikes were fast, and Madam Yuan Xu was hit first, followed by Old Yuan.

They didn’t care to curse back. They got up and rushed towards the entrance of the alley.

Qiao Mai didn’t chase after them. She turned around, reinserted the courtyard gate, and returned to the kitchen.

The Dair of old troublemakers at the alley’s entrance sat down and started patting their thighs, crying loudly.

Some people recognized them and knew that if they weren’t reported to the authorities today, this pair wouldn’t leave. They might even cause more trouble. It was annoying to look at them, let alone listen to them. There was an impulse to go up and give them a beating.

Thus, early in the morning, they sent someone to request the presence of Mayor Qian.

Mayor Qian arrived with a few guards. The troublemakers quieted down immediately in his presence and began clamoring about being injured. “Mayor, we were injured by Madam Qiao. We implore you to mediate for us.”

Grinding his teeth, Mayor Qian asked, “Why aren’t you at home early in the morning? Why did you come here?”

“We’re looking for our son!”

“You people can’t remember a beating. Looking for your son? Who’s your son?”

“Yuan Jiaqi! ”

“If I recall correctly, you have long severed your ties under my witness.”

“But he’s still our son.”

Mayor Qian’s expression fell. “If you don’t want to be taken to the court, I’ll count to five. Don’t blame me for being impolite if you don’t leave.”

“Mayor, you can’t do this.”

“You’re a bunch of ignorant fools. You severed your ties, and yet you still want to cling to a connection? Were your heads kicked by a donkey? Or was your brain blown away by the wind? The law states that once you’ve signed a document to sever ties, you’re as good as strangers. You’ve lost that relationship. Yet, shamelessly, you still dare to come here?”

“No matter what the law states, our blood relationship with him still exists.”

Knowing that reasoning with these people was futile, Mayor Qian waved to his guards.

“Bind them, take them to the court, explain the situation, and let them spend a few days in prison.”

“Yes, Sir!”

Saying this, a guard took out a rope from his waist and was about to approach the troublemakers. But as soon as the old couple saw it, they quickly got up from the ground and ran away like a streak of lightning.

Claiming to be injured? It was all a scheme to extort money. They ran faster than rabbits. How could they look like injured people?

Mayor Qian spat at their retreating figures on the ground.

“Damn it, all kinds of trash are showing up. Even Madam Qiao has the misfortune of encountering these scum.”

One of the guards chuckled. “It’s fortunate that Madam Qiao has a good official like you to handle this. Otherwise, she’d be in for a hard time.”

“Yeah, if not for you, Sir, I’d have had a tough time.”

With a swish, the courtyard gate opened. Qiao Mai walked out with a smile on her face.

“How about I invite you to have breakfast at my place?”

Mayor Qian rolled his eyes, shaking his head, “I wouldn’t dare enter your house. If your husband is at home, I might consider it.”

“Then, how about waiting here for a while? I’ll prepare something. You can eat at the entrance.”

“No need. Maybe next time. When your husband is back, invite me to your house.”

“That’s fine too. Then, I won’t see you off.”

“Hmph, always sweet-talking.”

As Mayor Qian was about to leave, Shopkeeper Lu arrived. Seeing him, she twisted her lips in distaste.

“Oh, Mayor Qian, you’re working hard. You’re already out here upholding justice early in the morning?”

“Hmph, you sisters are both up to no good.”

After saying that, he glared at Shopkeeper Lu and left with the guards. Shopkeeper Lu looked at his retreating figure and childishly made a face.

“Sister Lu, why are you here?”

“I was free, so I came over.’

“Coincidentally, I just finished two embroidery pieces. Take them and sell them.”

“Oh, that’s great. People have been asking about them recently.”

Qiao Mai held her hand and entered the courtyard, closing the gate behind her.

Before entering the room, there was a small table set up in the courtyard. Shopkeeper Lu sat on a stool by the table.

“Where’s Ling’er?”

“She’s still asleep inside. Did you have breakfast?”

“Wait a moment. I’ll make something delicious for you.”

Shopkeeper Lu’s mouth watered as she waited. When she saw two bowls of snail noodles, her face turned dark. She held her nose and pointed at the noodles.

“Does something so stinky taste good?”

“If I tell you to eat, then eat. It’s delicious.”

Qiao Mai ignored her and started eating, feeling hungry herself.

Seeing how deliciously she was eating, Lu Sanniang also started eating. After taking a bite, she realized how tasty it was.


After finishing a large bowl each, they wiped their mouths.

Qiao Mai went back inside to get two smaller pieces of embroidery and one larger piece for her.

“I won’t have more embroidery pieces until May or June.” “Hehe, that’s fine, as long as you don’t stop embroidering.”

“You’re not just here for embroidery, right?”

“Let me tell you…”

Shopkeeper Lu leaned closer and whispered in her ear, “Ruxin’s marriage has been arranged.”

“Oh? Who did she get engaged to?” Qiao Mai was happy for her apprentice. “To a family in the county town, the second son of the Feng family.”

“Have you checked their background?”

“Yes, that family is like ours, a merchant family. Not too big, not too small. It’s a good match.”

“You said the second son. Does that family have concubines?”

Talking about this, Lu Sanniang seemed a bit embarrassed, “Yes, they do. Other than this, I’m quite satisfied with everything else.”

“Families with concubines usually have a murky environment.”

“I know, but that child is really good. He’s been well-educated by the Feng family. It’s a pity to miss out.” “Has Xin’er met him?”

“Yes, and she’s willing.”

“That’s good as long as she’s willing. Everything else isn’t that important.”

“That’s what I thought. Besides, that child vowed from a young age that he wouldn’t take concubines.”

“I hope his vow holds true.”

“Whatever the case, he’s good for now.”

“Is it confirmed?”

“On March 6th, they’ll visit to propose formally.. Why don’t you come over then?”

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