Special effects review of the contrast knight, Dawn Gochard!

Chapter 129

Create the world

“Is this Odin really the God of Creation?”

“How come you are so weak? ?”

Long Wo’s forehead was covered with cold sweat.

I was completely played around by the King Snake, right? ?

“They are simply not on the same level, right?”

“It was a bloodbath!!”

Zhantu’s eyes were full of doubt.

Is this guy really the master of the mirror world??

He doesn’t have the fighting power he should have??

“yes…All the equipment was destroyed!!”

“And he has so many things on him? ?”

“Is it okay to lose two in a row? ?”

Huan De was stunned!!

“You say…Could he just be here to deliver something? ?”

After all, how could there be such a nice guy??

This is too counterintuitive, isn’t it??

“No…It seems to be the case.”

Even Yi Hai was stunned.

Is this the gift package?

“Hey? Senior Haidong has taken action!”

Looking at this thief senior who roams around in various worlds,

Long Ye couldn’t help but shake his head. He is indeed a guy who can’t help but reach out when he sees a good thing.

Is he not afraid of being beaten to death?

So many people died in front of him just now, and now he dares to reach out!!

“I guess it’s going to be another endless battle, right? ?”

Oz World

“Hey? ? Is the battle over? ?”

Hino Eiji looked at the two people who suddenly stopped fighting, and his eyes became extremely shocked.

When did the king snake change its temper? ?

But then the knight who appeared in the picture made his pupils dilate to the extreme!!

“This is…Goodwill? ?”

Eiji was stunned!

All this actually involved goodwill? ?

“Wow…Is it a world of kindness?”

“Sure enough, this mysterious knight is finally going to reveal the tip of the iceberg.”

Anku was stunned, but soon looked at the picture with surprise.

The information from Shanyi was too little.

He also wanted to find out how this mysterious and powerful knight came from.

“call…I really didn’t expect this.”

“530 is actually about the existence of goodwill”

“That’s fine.”

“After all, he was the guy who could beat up Ark.”

“I’m curious too….”

Eiji nodded.

Although he was surprised, it seemed good.

“But…Why did Haidong want to get Odin’s cassette?”


“Don’t you think,”

“Did he think the King Snake would win from the beginning? ?”

Izumi Hina bowed her head, as if she had sensed some conspiracy.


The somewhat slow Eiji also reacted, saying that this seems to be the case!!

“What is he for?…”

The scene below stunned him completely!

There was actually a fantasy book floating on the screen!

“Hey?? That is…”

“Isn’t it something from Touma’s world? ?”

Although he didn’t understand what it was for a moment, the inexplicably familiar feeling made Eiji suddenly think of the fantasy driving book used by Touma and the others!!

Saber World

“That is!!”

“Natural disasters…”

Fei Daolian was stunned.

This guy was actually resurrected? ?

The guy who asked her to taste the red ginger before leaving was actually resurrected by some force using the power from the phoenix!!


The resurrection of a friend should have been a blessing.

But these guys clearly used the natural disaster as a puppet and chose to resurrect him!!

Fei Daolian was somewhat happy, but he felt more angry!!

He stared at the picture with a complicated look on his face.

“Hey?? Things from our world”

“How could they go to other worlds? ?”

The wise man was really dumbfounded!!

This made him realize that the world in this light curtain seemed very complicated!!

Or, at least they could wander around other knight worlds at will!!

“It’s all about kindness…”

“What is going on?…”

“To make them willing to borrow the power of so many knights…”

The scene officially started playing.

A knight in black and purple was chasing Shuma Yagi, and on a bench not far away, a bystander was sitting and eating red ginger instant noodles.

Everyone looked closely, and this guy, isn’t he Fei Dao Lian? ?

But that purple guy, is it clearly Kamen Rider Metsu? ?

Everyone was stunned? ?

Is this a wrong channel? ?

Moreover, this guy Metsu should be dead!!

Why did he suddenly appear again!!

Metsu looked at Fei Dao Lian and said,”Something strange has happened in the world…”

“The guys who were supposed to be extinct have reappeared!!”

“Not only these,”

“Good intentions predict that you will also be threatened!!”

“Kindness through learning,”

“To destroy all evil”

“I want to merge the world of knights into one”

“It is an extraordinary existence.”

Looking at the inexplicable Fei Dao Lian,

Mie just left with”You will understand one day” and left.

The scene changed, and the natural disaster that had just been resurrected also appeared in a laboratory!!

Consortium X

“Goodwill is coming.”

“If you don’t stop him,”

“Humanity is about to perish!!”

The leader is telling the current situation!!

“To stop him…”

“He should be an outsider.”

The man in the white coat said this again.

As they talked,

Tianzai finally woke up!!

“We will be resurrected from destruction,”

“But that guy actually showed good intentions…”

The man in the white coat said this, but the leader smiled.

“no problem,”

“Goodwill is near birth,”

Some people will be restless.

“Huh? ? Is it something that happened in Touma’s world? ?”

Looking at Ren slurping instant noodles,

Tomo Shinnosuke rubbed his brows.

Shanyi is becoming more and more mysterious!!

It actually involves so many worlds!! (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“What is that??”

“Xiu Ma Ya Ji? ?”

“Destroy? ?”

Shidao Kiriko wiped his eyes, which made him see people from two worlds running together.

He couldn’t help but wonder if he was dazzled!!

“Forehead…Are they originally from the same world? ?”

Shidao Gang reacted quickly.

Seeing two rather incompatible guys appearing together, he was stunned for a moment before thinking of a reasonable explanation.

However, the following words made him feel that something was wrong? ?

“Huh? ? That guy is on the same side as Shanyi? ?”

“To merge all the knight worlds into one? ?”

The astonishing amount of information directly overwhelmed Shinnosuke!!

“This is…Are you going to do something big? ?”

But before he could react, the words from several people in the X laboratory of the consortium made his scalp tingle even more!!

“What does it mean when good intentions appear?”

“Will humans become extinct?”

“Are you kidding me?”

“You are saying,”

“Yak, right? ?”

Shinnosuke was stunned!

Are these guys crazy??

Why do they say that

Yak is the guardian of the world??

And, from what they said, the resurrection of so many dead knights seemed to be caused by them??


As a policeman, Shinnosuke was stunned by these guys!

He couldn’t analyze anything at all!!!

In the picture,

Fei Daolian was also entangled with the newly appeared Tianzai!!

However, watching their fight, everyone’s eyes became more and more weird!!

It seems that they just stopped at a certain point!!

After all, just when they could have killed Tianzai,

Fei Daolian actually chose to stop!!

Could it be that these two guys had an affair? ?

A line of subtitles appeared on the picture, letting everyone know about the past of the two!!

【He was tired of wandering around and being entangled by the natural disasters that were also wandering around.】

【But under the constant entanglement of natural disasters,】

【The two of them became both enemies and friends.】

【In the final battle between the two,】

【Lian used her true strength to defeat the natural disaster.】

【The natural disaster disappeared after recognizing Lian’s strength.】

【Before leaving, he also told Lian to try the red ginger. 】

Seeing this, the audience couldn’t help but shed tears.

It turned out that the scene at the beginning was the promise of the two!!

The scene then turned, as if recalling the past, the two were also sparring with each other.

Fei Daolian was helping the newly resurrected Tianzai to move his stiff body!!

Mie on the side seemed to be unable to watch it, and finally stopped the fight!!

He ran directly towards Tianzai, wanting to destroy this malicious birth.���Knight!!

But Mie didn’t expect that the two of them would directly choose to join forces and directly repel Mie!!

Just when everyone thought it was over,

Mie, who had just exploded, suddenly burst out with countless malice!!

He suddenly attacked, and a terrifying breath swept directly towards the two of them!!

And Lian also hurriedly helped Tianzai to resist this attack!!

At the same time, hatred, jealousy, destruction, all kinds of negative emotions overflowed from Mie’s body!!

That familiar feeling made everyone stagnate!!

That was…Yak!!

The scene changed,

Yak chased after Lian, even though Lian was seriously injured, but as long as he was with Tianzai,

Yak would not give up!!

“My life was created.”

“But the time I spent with him,”

“But it is true!!”

“So, I won’t give him to anyone!!”

“It is I who will defeat Lian!!”

Just as the two of them were in tune with each other, the book in Lian’s hand and the sword in Tianzai’s hand also resonated and became a dark book of bones!!

【The dark sword is drawn!!】

【Roar of the Corpse!!】

【The resounding sound of Ninja!!】

【A hundred demons parade in the night as the black haze rolls on!!】

【Skeleton Ninja Legend!! 】

The dark power spread out from it, making Tianzai’s whole body shrouded in the breath of darkness!!

At this moment, the knight Desast, who was inhabited by the power of the underworld and commanded the demons and monsters, was born!!

Yake was also shocked by this unexpected appearance, and he also hurriedly used the finishing move!!

As he pulled the bow with his hands, countless arrows with malicious intent shot out like a torrential rain!!

But Tianzai just slid and blocked all these attacks!!

He kicked Yake far back with a flying kick!!

Then, before Yake could react, he instantly accumulated power again!!

Yake also hurriedly controlled the malice all over his body to attack Tianzai!!

Looking at the scarlet light curtain, everyone was shocked!!

If this was wrapped up,

Tianzai should be completely dead, right? ?

But a purple and green whirlwind.

But he managed to cut through this endless malicious light curtain!!

【The dark sword is drawn!!】

【Skeleton Ninja Legend!!】

【The ultimate killing blow!!

With the high-speed rotation, he directly slashed at the still confused Yak!!

With this shocking blow, only the figure of Mie remained in the picture. At the end of the picture, Tianzai looked at Nicole who came and Mie who fell to the ground and did not kill him again. Instead, he looked at Lian who woke up beside him, and said that he would kill Shanyi. Then the light curtain slowly fell down!! Just when everyone was confused and thought that this was the end, the picture lit up again. This time it was

The Kamen Rider Goodwill , who was all white and wanted to destroy all evil!!

Everyone’s eyes suddenly shrank….Finally it’s time for the real master to show up!!!

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