Spider-Man. House Of Venom (First Draft)

Finale. Rise Of The Betrayer. Part One

There was no time for grief. Loki made her plan and began to act.

“Guard, bring a survival suit, and a small craft for transport. I must survey the grounds of Asgard. I feel something is wrong”

She didn't have to lie, it was just in her nature. Veranke had tolerated her little tricks, but they were both as bad as each other. Their bedroom antics would make anyone blush and they shifted not just gender but species as well, taking each other in a flurry of unbidden decadence. 

They would play hide and seek, and more often than not Loki found herself being impaled upon a stranger, only for it to be Vernake, teasing her once more. But Loki gave as good as she got, and several inhuman species tested Verankes patience as she screamed and ran from her. It never went too far though and both were well, aware of the limits. 

The sudden memory, of laughter and love, stabbed Loki in the heart, and as the guard field from the throne room, she almost broke down. 

No, she thought, I will not let this overcome me, I will get her back.

The craft was small, a skimmer, with simple steering, and no weapons and the environmental suit was a harness, covering the body with an energy field, supplying oxygen and was capable of lasting for days. Loki was no fool, as much as she aked like one, and the skimmer also contained several days worths of water and food. It was no easy matter scouring an alien world, and she knew that any disaster could befall her, and prevent her from returning home.

As the guard saluted, Freya stood and opened a portal, and as the air from Asgard was sucked through she quickly flew through it.

The world was dark, with a blue giant sun burning in the sky casting an eerie glow over everything, huge metal skyscrapers lined the sky, clear as crystal, and Loki could see the galaxy above her, It was a cold and desolate world, and she felt no signs of life around her.

Tapping into the Power stone, she felt for anything nearby. The stone was just raw power, but once contained, it could also act as a magnet, pointing towards anything with even the tiniest hint of energy. The core. She could feel the energy of the planet situated at the core, and as she began her journey to find her way down, she knew she would need more supplies.

Using the Space Stone would have been easier, but she could just as easily open a portal to a vat of acid or lava, and with no guide, all she could do was open and move within her eye line.

Whatever planet this was, in Loki's opinion, was a shit pile. It was covered in scorch marks from energy weapons, Huge holes were blown in buildings, and left to burn out. Everywhere there were signs of war and death. Her first encounter with an inhabitant was an arm, burned and blackened at the end, and whoever it belonged to was nowhere to be found. Tapping the stone, there were no power sources of any kind here, only the core registered, and searching soon enough she found her way down.

She found her, it, whatever it was, suspended in a beam of pure energy, as lights, small purple and orange balls floated around her./ They would zip in and out of the creature and then fly off once more.

It was humanoid, a strange mix of robotic and organic, and as Loki reached out a hand to touch it, she felt a familiar presence. A symbiote.

It coiled itself around the creature's arm, and tendrils snaked out to slap at Loki, Puck instantly covered her and the pair hissed at each other.

We are Loki of Asgard, and we shall not be stopped by a creature such as yourself.

As Reboot struck out, a portal opened and the tendril was sucked through, allowing Puck to grab onto it. Loki pulled and screeching the younger symbiote came away, revealing the robot underneath. Loki had no idea what the creature was, but she recognised the range stone underneath. Smiling, Puck growled and hundreds of tiny maws stuck out, devouring the helpless Symbiote before Loki reached for and took the Soul Stone,

So, Peter Parker has the Mind Stone, and Stephen Strange has the others. A fine haul indeed.

As she held up the Soul Stone, it was sucked into the necklace, and Loki screamed as orange lines crisscrossed her body. She felt it burn deep within her and she stretched out a hand, conjuring mystical energies and tapping into the Power Stone. Energy flew from the robot creature and as Loki panted and drained all life from the planet she felt another of her fingers wither and flake into nothing.

The pink and grey robot female shuddered and turned an ashen grey colour, hanging like a statue, the balls surrounding her fading and flickering before winking out.

Loki stood and watched, uncaring of the scene. She knew she would need the power to reverse time, she knew that one race to save her love was nothing.

As the final spark faded in Arcee’s chest, a portal behind Loki opened to a familiar street, and spying the diner where she and thor had landed, Loki sped through, and into the streets of New York.

The Sanctum on Earth was warded, and as Loki stood outside she cursed both Peter and whoever designed the wards. She had no way to bypass them unless she used the Stone, advertising to anyone she had it.

“I am well aware you are there Loki, a sorceress of your power cannot visit earth without setting off a few mystical alarms,” Steven said as he stood in the sanctum doorway, sipping a coffee.

“I have business Sorcerer, may I enter so we may discuss it further?” she asked

“Of course. I already know Queen Freya is here, she’s been using magic all over New York, and while I would have preferred to speak to her, I assume you can negotiate on her behalf?” 

Loki nodded and Stephen stepped to one side to allow her to pass, noting the increase in power of the wards as she stepped into the dark entrance.

“May I ask you to relinquish any weapons you may have. This is a peaceful place, and I would hate to have it damaged.”

Loki nodded, and lifted two daggers from her side, “You may use any spells you feel are necessary to ensure your safety, Sorcerer. I am not here with malicious intentions.”

Stephen nodded, and a bright yellow circle flashed over his hand, “You have three stones?” 

In a flash, Loki summoned more daggers and attacked.

As Stephen conjured shield after shield, Loki’s enchanted daggers slashed through them, He retaliated with whips of yellow energy, slicing through the woman, but her illusions shimmered and vanished,

“I assume you are here for the others. I cannot allow you to,” but he was interrupted as Loki placed a hand on his back, pushing his astral form out into the stairway.

“And I dont have time for this,” Loki said, and her own astral form shimmered and entered his body,

“Well, this is Strange isn't it,” she said and grasping the necklace at her neck, opened the eye and pulled the green crystal from within. “Now, where is the other one?”

Stephen laughed, “As if I would answer. You may have the eye, but the Reality Stone will never be yours.”

Loli growled, “I dont have time for this.” as she stretched out a hand, summoning a dagger, and as it flew through the air, she plunged it into Stephen's chest, her astral form flying back to her own body and pulling Stephen’s soul back into his,

“Tell me and I’ll save you” Loki whispered as Stephen gasped for air, holding the dagger stuck into his heart. “Tell me!” she yelled.

As he coughed and a thin line of blood bubbled from his lips he wheezed “never,” and with one last push, a circle of yellow turned before flashing and the sanctum began to shift and change.

Loki screamed at him, and as she grabbed the Time Stone and held it to the necklace, as it took its palace, Loki once more screamed as she was ravaged by its power. Holing a hand, she pulled the remaining life from Stephen's soul, adding it to her own, and he slumped back, pale and grey.

The third stone sat on the right, next to the Space Stone, and while Loki knew she could rewind time once more, it would be pointless. Stephen would never tell her where the stones were, and all she could do was navigate the sanctum, searching. She snorted, “I dont need to.” and 

As she sat and closed her eyes the Space, Time and Power stones all began to glow. Loki gritted her teeth, feeling the third stone’s pull on her, and the burning pain that followed, as she flickered and shifted a hole all appeared next to her and laughing she stuck a hand through, burning away the wards that surround it and grabbed the fourth stone.

It shuddered and flew into the necklace, as the pain followed through her she cried out, and heaving with painful breaths she screamed at the body of Stephen, venting her pain and anger on it.

“One more, just one more and it's worth it,” she whispered as she fell backwards, lying panting on the ground.

With one final trip to the warehouse, soon she would have all six, and she would be reunited with Veranke.


Peter was lying in his bed, staring at the ceiling. It had been a devastating few months, but now the Sentinel threat was over, the Cybertronians were safe aboard their Ark and were headed home, and the Xandarian/Skrull invasion was dealt with, he could finally relax. 

There was a quiet knock at his door, and he smiled as opening it he saw Ororo standing, holding a bottle of wine, and two glasses.

She smiled as he welcomed her in, and as she set the bottle down she sat, “You need to relax Peter, and I hear we owe you a debt of gratitude.” Peter shrugged, there was a lot of that going around, Tony had been at endless parties with a now very noticeably pregnant Maya in tow. Pepper had flashed an angry look but as she had Matt now, she seemed to take it in her stride.

“Yeah, surprised you’re here though. Not helping the survivors?”

Ororo shrugged, “I can only do so much, and with the rebuilding, I was getting in the way. I was however more interested in something you could do for me.” and Peter raised an eyebrow.

Ororo lifted the bottle, popped its cork and poured out two glasses, “I am at a loose end. I need to do something, and I thought of this. Everyone is so busy with the clean up that you are the only one with any free time.”

While it wasn’t entirely true, Peter was in trouble for refusing to hand over the three cruisers and for effectively freeing the Skrulls to help rebuilt Wakanda. It was another Senatorial hearing, but this time Carol had taken the lead and would speak on his behalf. It was no secret she had access to the Skrull battleships systems, and it was no secret to Peter at least, she intended on using it to get everyone a free pass.

As Peter lifted his glass, he took a sip of the strangely strong liquid, and turning the bottle around he noticed it was actually Asgardian wine. Ororo laughed, “I have a few friends at the Embassy, they got me a bottle.”

“I thought with the attack, the embassy was closed?” he asked as he sipped his wine,

“It is, but I got this ages ago. I was just waiting for the right moment to drink it, and this seemed perfect.” Ororo put down her glass, “but let's not beat around the bush Peter. I am also here for something else.” and as she slipped a hand down her front the buttons on the front of her dress split open.

“This won't end like last time” and Ororo laughed

“Last time was a different time. I want you Peter, and I am going to get what I want.”

Peter paused for a second before advancing on her, the others had been asked, and this time he was given permission. Shuri had been softening Ororo up for a while now, and while hesitant Peter guessed she must have finally changed her mind. She would make sure though. Shuri could be pushy when she wanted something,

As he pulled Ororo towards him and his lips found the nape of her neck, he gently kissed it, “Are you sure?” and she laughed and spun him around, pushed him down and lifted her dress, showing the lack of underwear,

“I came here to get one thing from you Peter, and I do not see it anywhere.” As she looked down his pants split and his erection sprung free. Laughing Ororo knelt over him and slowly slid him inside of herself. As she moaned she took his hair, and pushed his face into her chest, letting him suck and flick at her nipples with his tongue. As she pistoned herself up and won she tightened around him as the first of her orgasms came and he released a flood into her.

“So soon?” and she looked up,

“Uh, they uh, like it when I do it at the same time, but I can go, a lot, yeah, as much as you want.” as she raised an eyebrow she realised that while she was now filled with cum, he wasn't softening inside her, in fact, he felt harder.

Ororo laughed, “then more.” and she slid him all the way into her and began to rock her hips back and forwards, pushing his face back into her chest. She didn’t contain her moans as his tongue and teeth found her nipples, she angled herself as his hands found her ass, and he squeezed and played his fingers up her spine, she came once again as he flicked his tongue over both her nipples at once, pushing them together and once more he realised when she did.

“Now, From behind, and hard, but do not put your fingers where they should not go, or I will get mad.” as she stalked over to the bed, Peter watched her wiggle her firm muscular ass at him, spreading her legs once more.

Walking over, he spanked her, and she giggled and leaned forwards, “I am not joking though, my ass is off-limits, no matter what you desire,” and he nodded and thrust into her slippery wet pussy. She gripped the bed sheets and pushed back against him, feeling him all inside her. He was magnificent, and if things were different she would have made him her king. But she was here for another reason, and she matched his ferocity and thrust back against him, “oh fuck me, cum again, fill me, fill me.” Peter obliged, letting his orgasm boil over and the cum spurt from him, filling her once more. As her legs twitched she pulled forwards and rolled over, watching the small amount of seed drip from the tip,

“I do not like to taste myself” and spying a box of tissues, she handed him one,” Peter shrugged and his symbskin rippled, reabsorbing all the fluid and depositing the rest in a neat ball for disposal.

“Very impressive, your creature?” Ororo asked, and Peter frowned,

“Uh not quite, so Shuri never said?” 

Ororo shuffled up the bed and shrugged, “she said it was not her place.”

“Then yeah. If this becomes a regular thing, then we’ll explain, and let you know the consequences of bonding” he shrugged, “in case you know.”

“It is fine Peter, but now, can we sleep?” 

Smiling Peter shook his head, “one side effect is almost limitless stamina, so, can you?” and while she did draw in a breath, she slowly nodded.

An hour later, covered in sweat and panting heavily Ororo lay on her back, the minor ache between her legs letting her know she had finally had enough. He had been right, and he was insatiable. Even as she panted and screamed his name he was as gentle or as forceful as she wanted and now he lay next to her, smiling and cleaning himself once more.

“Now, I am tired, can we take a break?” she asked as she grabbed the bedsheet and pulled it over her,

He nodded and lay next to her, enjoying the soothing rhythmic feeling of her hand brushing over his chest. Back and forth, almost hypnotically, and soon he fell asleep.

It's not here, and she silently swore to herself. Oh well, I need a new plan she thought and stood, stretching, at least the sex was good, and a small smirk crossed her face, yes it had been very good, and very convenient.

Grabbing her dress, Ororo slid it back on and smiled as she closed the door to Peter's home.

He had thoughts of handing the Stone to those robots, but she had searched the planet for any signs of another stone. If they were using the Soul Stone to rebuild, why not the Mind Stone as well. As she dressed she stared at the various homes surrounding her.  It had to still be on Earth, hidden by its own power.

She smiled as she walked down the steps leading to the door, now, if I was a little rock, where would I hide? But she froze as the door to the warehouse opened and in walked more of Peter's little group.

It had grown once more, and as Ororo adjusted the straps to her dress the blonde one, Glyn or whatever it was, stared at her and grinned,

“Did you have fun?”

Ororo nodded, “he is very proficient, and not at all lacking.” 

The woman nodded “and if you want more, you can call.” she took out a card, and as Ororo touched it, there was a spark between the pair, and her glamour failed,

Gwen stared as Ororo shimmered and the raven-haired Loki stood, She smiled, and shrugged,

“Now Now, let’s be quiet shall we,“ Loki said with a smile, and vanished.

Loki summoned a dagger, and reappeared behind Gwen, holding its edge centimetres away from Gwen's throat. “I have a request, and I will allow you to live if you grant it.” Gwen had hold of Loki’s wrist but would be unable to stop the stronger woman from slitting her throat if she so wished.

The green from the Time Stone flashed, Loki was now several months fatter than before, “Peter does so love to finish inside, and so unencumbered by protection. So, you will turn around, and say nothing, I was not here, we did not see each other,” and as Loki took her hand back she shimmered once more and the bump and her pale skin were both gone

Ororo leaned forwards, “and if you value the babe, you will bring me the mind stone. I am sure Peter would willing give it up for his child.”

Ororo pushed past Gwen, and once she was out into the street and past the wards she summoned a portal and returned to Asgard.

Gwen stood in shock in the doorway. Taking several breaths she saw Peter standing on his balcony, and as he waved, she waved abc. He must have missed the show.

Gwen was torn, if she told Peter, he would happily give the stone up, and with it grant Lokis wish, but if she didn't tell him, she could lose his trust and his love.

This wasn't something she could deal with on her own, and as she grabbed her phone, and deal with everyone, she called a meeting, away from Peter, and away from anyone who could read her mind without permission.

This was not the first attempt to get the Mind Stone, and Loki was becoming impatient. Each time she had failed, each time Peter or one of his stupid women interfered.

She had tried to rip a portal directly into the Warehouse, but found there were now runic inscriptions surrounding the building, interfering with her spacial tear, as she tried to close it, it destabilised and the explosion threw her across the throne room.

Green flashed and time rewound

She approached from the other side of the building and found a locked door. Tutting as she simply pushed a screeching alarm sounded and an armoured Peter swung down from his home, ready to do battle

Green flashed and time rewound

She managed to find a spare key. It amused her that a universal truth was a spare key was always hidden nearby, even on Earth, or Thor was just an idiot who picked up bad habits. Either way, she was inside.

Peter had opened his door to see who had come home, and as Loki cast a glamour on herself, he frowned and his armoured helmet slid over him. Lifting an arm, she wondered what he was doing and felt the impact as a sticky ball of webbing impacted against her. He could see her! The bastard was either immune to her glamour or had some kind of super-sensitive perception.

Green flashed and time rewound

Knowing he had no reason to mistrust her, she transformed into a more Earthen style and simply buzzed the door, as it opened, she felt the cold blade penetrate her back, “You should not have come here Loki,” The blonde-haired woman said as Loki felt the strength drain from her, she had no idea who the woman was, or how she had crept up on her so easily.

Green flashed and time rewound

She needed the form of someone trusting but distant, and she remembered the disgusting flirting going on with that tall white-haired Amazon. Mimicking her form Loki simply buzzed, invited herself in and seduced him. It wasn't too difficult to get him into bed, as his brain seemed firmly rooted in his groin. It was after that proved difficult.

He had pounded her mercilessly, much harder than she had expected, and with a surprise of sliding into her sensitive rear, her glamour had abruptly ended. Once the shock had worn off that damn armour sprang out and she had no choice.

Green flashed and time rewound

Loki felt him cum inside her and as his eyes closed and he raised his hips she flashed the blade across his throat, “tell me where the Mind Stone is and I’ll save you.” she whispered but rather than a choking bloody mess, two symbskin tendrils darted out and pierced her side,

Green flashed and time rewound

Loki felt him cum inside her, and as he raised his hips, she stabbed down with a dagger, piercing him through the heart, rather than a bloody corpse two symbskin tendrils

Green flashed and time rewound

As he was about to cum, Loki transformed back to her true form, “I,” but two symbskin tendrils,

Green flashed and time rewound

Damn him. Was she not good enough that she needed to resort to this level of trickery? As she stood in the throne room she dusted off a bottle from her father's collection. It was over a thousand years old and was rumoured to have mystical properties. Supposedly any mortal drinking it would fall into a deep slumber. It wasn't a myth though, the Asgardian herbs used to brew it had properties to allow Odin to reach deep Odinsleep and recover quickly if an emergency arose.

Green flashed and time rewound

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