Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Eighteen. Chapter Five Hundred Twenty. Meeting Of Minds

The Sorcerer Supreme was having a bad day.

First. She had looked at the future and seen what Kaecilius was planning.

She had tried to impart that death was part of the natural order, that nothing lived forever. He hadn't listened and was planning on causing so much destruction. It would work itself out, but she knew that her time was coming to an end.

Which was why this was a headache she did not need. None of the futures she could see involved him. He was invisible to the powers of the Time Stone and that did not bode well. Wong had just called to let her know that a traveller from another dimension had been deposited here. It would have been a simple task, to simply erase him, but it turned out he had been here for almost a hundred years. Whatever damage his presence could have done, had already been done.

Peter was pleasant enough. He was polite and respectful of her and Wong. Something she did not expect. In fact, as they spoke, she found herself actually liking the young man.

“So, you’re telling me that Stephen Strange is the Sorcerer Supreme in your dimension, and I am a master of evil?” Wong asked as the trio sat drinking coffee together.

“Yeah, see, we have this guy, called Doctor Doom, and he used the Reality Stone to make himself a god, well, he tried to, but...”

She rubbed her forehead as Peter explained. 

And I thought Kaecilius was going to be a problem.

In this reality, the Stones were separated through space and time. She knew they would be united eventually, but not until long after her death. It might have been selfish of her, but it was a small relief she would not have to deal with them.

“So. The Mandarin? I don’t know,” Wong said with a frown, “That's kinda racist.”

Peter shrugged, “I didn’t name you. I guess someone chose the Wong name.”

Wong laughed and then his face fell dead serious, “I haven't heard that one before,” he deadpanned.

Peter did at least have the decency to look embarrassed. If anyone other than her had seen it looked real, but for her, it was just another mask. Fake platitudes to get what he wanted.

“While this is all very pleasant, what exactly do you want from us?” she asked, setting down her teacup. He of course had asked for coffee. Typical American

“Right. Do you have anything to send me home? I know Wanda and Gwen can create sling ring portals, but they only move through normal space. I was kinda hoping the Sorcerer Supreme might have something,” Peter asked hopefully. “Or at least put in a good word and get me the Space Stone. I mean," He motioned at the necklace, "I know you have the Time Stone. Stephen held it, and kept the Reality Stone safe.”

The Sorcerer Supreme waved a hand and a yellow runic circle expanded. Peter raised an eyebrow as it slid over his body, circling and sending out runes of its own.

"I do, but using it is dangerous." The Sorcerer Supreme set her cup down. "It would endanger the whole universe if I used it, and I am hesitant to. You are not unstable, nor are you a threat. You cannot go home, Peter. I am sorry but in this instance, I am going to refuse your request."

Peter slumped, closed his eyes, and then sat up straight. "Thank you for your time, the coffee, and the disappointment. Yeah, I get it. Great power blah blah. I can see myself out."

Neither Wong nor the Sorcerer Supreme said anything as Peter left. It wasn't until Wong closed the door he turned and gave the Sorcerer Supreme a disappointing look. "He could have been useful, and that spell is not that dangerous."

"He is an anomaly. He will cause problems that we cannot foresee," she replied.

"Ah yes, I forgot. Unless you know everything, you cannot accept it. So tell me oh great master, what are we having for lunch?"

Natasha Romanov found him in a bar, drinking coffee of all things. He was wearing workman's clothes and had on a bright yellow high-visibility jacket.

"Hey not-my Nat. So, what does Fury want?" He asked as she tried to slowly approach him.

"It's Romanov if you know me, and we need you to come with us."

Peter could smell the fear coming off her, and the fact that she had several guns. Most of the bar patrons had them. The Shield standard issue.

"And if I say no?" Peter took a sip of the awful coffee. He had a small laugh at Emma spoiling his simple taste with her high-class snobbery.

"This goes from being a request to an order. We have you at the scene of several robberies, and blood samples all matching the kid in Brooklyn. So, unless a nine-year-old suddenly aged, started wearing a red suit, and went on a crime spree, you need to come in."

Peter set down his cup, "First, I don't bleed. I think maybe Hulk could do it, but Iron Man in this universe isn't capable. Those Shield standards are based on nine mills, so don't even bother. And if you have heavier, you risk a lot of casualties." Peter held up a hand, and let a symbskin glove cover it. "But to prove a point."

He held up his other hand and stabbed into it. As he held his hand over the counter a drop of blood landed and he blew on it. The dust vanished into the other debris littering the bartop.

"Blood's not mine. I wasn't alone when I came through."

He heard the gun safety click off. "I still need you to come with me."

"Well, as I was dumped in this world with no cash and no ID I had to get a crappy low-paid job. As it's my lunch break and the only reason I'm here is your security is so bad I needed a laugh.” Peter stood, "Why don't you make me."

Fourteen agents pulled their guns on him, including Natasha.

"I am in a really bad mood, Widow. I barely make rent, I have to eat the worst kind of food as it's all I can afford. I asked Shield, hell I even asked Stark. I asked everyone I knew and I got blown off by every single one of them. Stark looked pained as he said no, so I guess Fury pulled some crap and got me blackballed. So go ahead. Pull the trigger on those, do it, and find out exactly what my code name is."

Black Widow stood her ground, with the pistol still aimed at Peter Parker. "I have a mission, and I don't fail."

"Natasha devolves into Russian when she cums, do you?"

Black Widow froze and lifted the pistol slightly in surprise. It was enough and in a flash the man was gone and the nightmare replaced him. He was eight feet tall, thick with bulging muscles and a hideous maw filled with razor teeth. She fired but he had wrapped a hand around the barrel of her gun and ripped it from her hand.

Each agent fired but black tendrils shot from his back, striking each one and they fell.

A thick hand wrapped around her neck and he lifted her from the floor. "We...you know I never got why I said that. I...am...Venom." He dragged her towards him and the huge slimy tongue licked over his lips, "And you owe me dinner." The monster shrunk back down as Natasha was gently lowered back down. "I mean, if I've got to lose my job over this stupid crap, you can at least buy me a meal." He looked at his hand, "Oh, and uh, sorry about the gun. I know it wasn't your favourite, you keep that in the thigh holster. But my Nat always hated it when some asshole scuffed her gun." He handed over Natasha's pistol and the end was warped and deformed with three rounds stuck in the barrel. He saw the small smirk on her lips before it went back into her mask of disinterest. "And yes, she calls me an asshole all the time."

He followed her outside and laughed, "Nat has the exact same bike," but as she slid into the seat he went quiet. He climbed on behind her, hoping that it was also reinforced as he was a lot heavier than he looked. His hands slid around her waist and he felt her stiffen.

Look, I'm telepathic and yes I do need to touch you. Drive while I talk, nobody hears this but you and only because you are so much like her it hurts.

Natasha almost crashed twice as she listened to Peter. He started with her mother and father, then moved on to where the Red Room was hidden.

The second crash came with his huge bombshell.

Sitwell, Rumlow, and Alexander Pierce in my universe are Hydra. I have a list of agents you can investigate because really, screw those guys.

"I know where Fury's office is, go get something to eat," Peter said to her, and she raised an unamused eyebrow at him. He shrugged, "What? Nat stress eats or stress punches, and I need to talk to Nick."

She snorted at him, "I do not stress eat. I just punch Clint until he cries."

It was Peter's turn to shrug, "Clint retired in my world. Bad guy took his hand."

"He still have the, uh, you know."

Peter nodded and held out his hand. Natasha rolled her eyes but took it.

Yeah, not going to reveal Clint has a wife and kids. Plus, now you get to have fun explaining why you're holding hands with the latest hottie.

Hottie? You wish. Nobody messes with me. Your Nat must be soft.

Oh, she is, in all the best places. Do you have a mole at the top of your

Natasha snatched her hand away. "We do not mention that. We do not talk about that. Or I will raid the Shield armoury until I find something that you are not immune to."

Peter laughed, "I'm not immune to lots of things, but redheads are my real weakness."

Natasha sighed and rolled her eyes, "I've got another assignment, dinner will have to wait until I'm back. Fury is expecting you."

As she walked away, Peter felt a pain in his heart. Natasha had several walks. From 'I need to hurt someone' all the way to 'Yes I know you're watching my ass, what are you going to do about it'.

The strut she had was 'I'm a badass but I really hope this doesn't go sideways'. It was her walk when she was trying to hide she was nervous about her mission. Peter ignored the homesickness he was feeling and made his way to the top of Shield Tower.

For the first time, Nick's secretary just buzzed him in, and in a much more lavish office, Fury was waiting for him. Peter remembered that in his world, that office had been trashed.

"So, coffee?" Nic asked but Peter shook his head, "Yeah, I don't blame you. So, robberies, and another version of you."

"You don't think it was me?"

"I have footage of you working construction while a robbery was taking place. This is just the cover for getting you in here." Fury slid a folder over, "What do you know about him."

Inside was a picture taken from a secret base. Peter shook his head and scowled as he saw the picture, "Loki. Asgardian God of Mischief, and a giant pain in the ass. Is a she in my universe, but it was a spell. Why, what did he do."

"Stole the Tesseract after my scientist blew a hole in the universe." Peter shrugged and slid the folder back. "So, carrot time. Help us get it back, work with my guys and you can use it. I'll even let you borrow the guys working on it to make sure you get where you're going."

"A job?" Peter asked and Fury nodded, "Great, As long as it's paid, I don't care, when do I start."

"Give me your badge." Peter reluctantly handed it back over. Fury ran it over a scanner and the 'VOID' vanished. "Right now. Agent Parker."

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