Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc One. Chapter Five. School Daze

It had been a great week as far as Peter was concerned. He had done nothing but test the limits of his new powers, and found not only was he strong but tough as well.

He had slipped and fallen from one of the walkways and was surprised to find himself unhurt.

Taking a risk he then jumped and hit the concrete floor of the warehouse. Starting by using a web rope to gain height until he threw himself off the walkways.

Sure it hurt but no more than a bruise formed and it was gone the next day. He also made another discovery. Unless he purposefully did a swan dive, even with his eyes closed, he always landed on his feet.

With practice, his agility would become higher. So for a few days, he did nothing but parkour around the walkways and struts of the roof. Sending out lines and leaping from beam to beam.

It was starting to become harder to stay quiet. And on more than one occasion the security guard stayed for more than a quick inspection.

Peter checked the listings online and decided to buy the warehouse. It was within his budget, and with the condition it was in, he figured getting a discount should be easy.

But, the steely-eyed realtor looked at him like he was joking.

It took a call to his bank. A call from his phone. Then from her phone, and finally from her office phone for her to believe that he was actually being serious.

His age and the amount of money he was willing to spend had sent alarm bells ringing that this was a prank or a scam.

Peter was then forced to listen to the legal explanations. About all the various insurance he would need. Forms he would need, and all the associated costs.

It was a long and boring afternoon, and he wondered how she thought anyone would endure this just to prank her.

They haggled on the price, the original asking was all the money Peter had, including any taxes he would pay.

Peter argued about the mess the warehouse was in and its history. With its current condition, he got the price lowered by seventy-five thousand dollars.

The paperwork would take two weeks to go through and he could collect the keys once it had.

The whole inside mess would be his responsibility. Once the sale was finalised any problems had nothing to do with the realtor. He signed away most of his rights to complain by getting the price lowered.

After he had left, the realtor secretly sipped a flask. She had not expected a murder crack den to be anything other than an eyesore on her books.

It was in a prime location but was riddled with problems from faulty wiring to dodgy plumbing. Once they had started to survey the property, it was clear that it was almost unsellable.

Peter hadn't cared though. He had plans, and they were starting to come together.

The only thing spoiling his good mood was a return to school. It was his final year and a big one too, graduating top of his classes in everything but sports was a given.

Even Gwen grudgingly admitted that she'd lost out on his smarts and hard work. But even after all that, he still had one problem. And he caught a whiff of his overpowering cologne before he came into view.

Peter was at his locker, grabbing books to take home for study when he felt someone come up behind him.

"Hey Puker," Flash yelled, his lack of wit coming across even more with his naming sense.

"Oh, hey Flush," Peter said loud enough for him to hear, but not loud enough that it was clear.

Flash scowled, "what you call me?" he growled at Parker.

"Flash. You know, what everyone's called you since year one," Peter replied innocently.

Peter tried not to gag as Flash's expensive cologne hid a strange chemical smell. Flash might have laughed off using steroids, but he was using something. Peter could smell it.

"Yeah, you'd better remember that," Flash said as he put a hand on Peter's shoulder.

Flash had already made sure none of the teachers was around before he strode towards Peter. Ready to body-check him into a locker he was surprised when Parker moved suddenly.

Flash felt his footing go and he rammed headfirst into the painted steel of the locker door. He was sure Parker hadn't done anything but it felt like someone tripped him. As Parker was the only one around it didn't matter if he had or not, He would pay either way.

He growled again and reached for Parker, only to find his wrist gripped in what felt like a vice.

Parker pulled him close suddenly. For a moment, Flash thought he had been slammed into the locker again as Parker body-checked him.

Falling backwards Peter went skidding across the floor. As everyone turned to see what happened, it looked like Flash hit Peter hard enough to send him flying.

"That's enough Mr Thompson." A voice called out. Miss Munroe, one of the temp guidance teachers, had seen the altercation. While she was well aware of their history she couldn’t interfere even though she wanted to.

She was on loan from another school, on a trial basis. There was a special institute in New York. Xavier's School For The Gifted, and several students were at MidTown High on placement. It was her job to make sure they were coping and to deal with any problems that arose.

As such, she had no real authority. Only the two girls, Jean and Kitty, and the two boys, Scott and Bobby were under her care.

On her first day, the vice-principal had taken her to one side. Explained who Flash's father was. And then explained that Flash was to be treated differently than the other students.

Flash's father made several large donations each year to the school and the football team. She knew would be out the door if she gave Flash any trouble.

Strangely enough, Flash looked confused at what transpired. He had hit Peter so why did he look like the injured party?

Even Miss Munroe raised an eyebrow at the pair. She had been witness to their altercations before and Peter always came out the loser. So what was different now?

As she cast an eye over him, he blushed at the attention.

She was a tall African woman with a hint of an accent. Her dark chocolate skin and long white hair were always perfectly wrapped in a business suit. She radiated authority. Even Flash knew not to argue too much with her, as if she was a force of nature rather than a simple guidance teacher. Peter had plucked up the courage to ask her advice a few times, and she was always a sympathetic ear.

Gwen appeared and helped Peter to his feet, "Geez Flash, give it a break yeah."

Gwen was one of the only people Flash knew not to mess with. Even if his dad was a board member of Oscorp. Even if they had more money than most of the school combined it didn't pay to get on the wrong side of the law. But still, his wrist was aching from where Parker had grabbed him and the body check left his chest hurting.

Peter smiled at Gwen. He could smell the sweet perfume coming from her. It was new and it sent small shivers down his spine.

Gwen was a little shorter than him. Liked to wear her hair loose and in a bob cut and as it flowed around her neck the deep blonde colour. That Peter thought looked like spun hay even under the crappy school lighting.

She preferred to dress smart casual. Today was a pleated shirt with a simple blue blouse and a white cardigan. He always thought she looked amazing, even if he would stutter and fumble telling her.

Peter had seen her in a summer dress and knew that while she was slender she ran and did ballet. She had toned legs and was small in the bust department, not that Peter was too obvious when he looked, but look he did.

It was as the trio stood in the school corridor he heard it

Leave Peter alone Flash, go to homeroom

Looking around, he saw the normal group of onlookers were there. Flash’s cronies, who were all on the same team as him, and the school’s golden couple. Scott and Jean, two of the outreach students.

Jean made to move forwards, but Scott grabbed her hand and she moved back, looking down and rubbing her arm.

She had been his friend as well. But a common theme among jock assholes like Flash and Scott was their girlfriends never got to talk to him. It was some stupid unwritten rule that he never understood.

Jean had been in science classes with Peter and Gwen, and the trio got on amazingly well. Then Scott appeared, and they drifted apart. The loss, as the same thing happened with MJ, still stung.

She was a cute but kinda dorky redhead. Whereas Scott was the typical buff football player with strange red-coloured glasses.

Catching Miss Munroe’s attention Jean shook her head almost imperceptibly. Miss Munroe just sighed.

“That is enough, the class bell will ring soon. You should all make your way there. Now!” she emphasised and the crowd dispersed.

"Phff, whatever, nice to hide behind a girl Puker," Flash had had enough and stormed off into the classroom.

"You, uh, don't mind I saved you huh?" Gwen asked Peter. It was a secret she liked him and wished they were dating but her presence shielded him from Flash.

"Why would it bother me that my friend is a badass?" At which Gwen grinned. "Come on, let's get to class before-" he started to say but the bell for the start of school rang.

"Oh, got your stuff." she said swinging her bag around, "Oscorp took the camera though, sorry." she pulled out his wallet and handed it to him. "You got home okay?"

Peter laughed, "yeah. I'll tell you about it in class."

It was another study class, and Gwen, Felicia, Harry and Peter were sharing a table.

MJ was with Flash, looking bored as he joked with his friends. Scott and Jean were in the corner with the other pair, whispering but looking over now and again.

"So Pete. Heard my dad was an asshole to you." Harry joked and Peter could only grimace and nod, "yeah it's fine. I know. Don't spend it all in one store through, huh," he said with a laugh.

Gwen gave him a look but he shook his head, "I can't talk about it." 

She frowned but shrugged.

"You got sick too?" Felicia asked and he nodded.

"Wait not just me?" he asked her.

Felicia pulled a face, "yeah but I didn't need to spend a week in bed like a little bitch." Which made Gwen snort and Harry laugh.

Felicia wasn't the most socially gracious person he knew. Her bluntness grated against his own over-politeness. As Felicia leaned over him he caught the same scent that Gwen had been wearing.

The slight sweetness of it tickled his nose and while he hadn't thought of Felicia that way before. As she stood, she leaned over him to whisper in his ear, he had trouble concentrating.

As she leaned over the table to lecture him he tried not to stare right down her top, as this close. He saw exactly what colour, and how well-fitting her bra was, even if she seemed unaware. 

Felicia had bloomed early and unlike a lot of the girls had a bountiful harvest. Her long hair, cascading down her back was tied up, and while blonde it was almost silver in colour. It was thankfully loose enough that it covered most of her front. Peter was still given a full view of her chest, including the dark protrusions barely hidden by her bra.

"Look, Pete. Whatever happened at Oscorp wasn't serious enough for you to screw up my future. If you're sick or climbing the walls or something, drop out of the club and we can get someone in who's more reliable."

Peter shook his head, "Felicia, I'm fine, so no wall climbing needed. Look just get off my case already, okay?" with more forcefulness than usual, Felicia leaned back surprised,

"No need to be a dick about it, Pete."

"I'm not. I just." and he ran a hand over his face. "sorry. It's been stressful."

Felicia tutted and stood, "Anyway, library time. Catch you later." She looked over and gave Gwen a small smile.

"Yeah, okay. uh, wait, what's the perfume you're wearing, 'cause uh, it's nice." Peter asked her.

Felicia shook her head, "Lame Pete, lame." 

As she left Peter could only watch as she walked away. "What did I say?" he mused to himself.

Even Gwen had leant back and crossed her arms, with a slightly cross look on her face.

Harry looked between the pair and laughed.

"Pete. We really need to talk about your timing." but that just confused Peter more.

Gwen Stacy

Emma Stone in The Amazing Spider-Man 1 and 2

Felicia Hardy

Felicity Jones in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 

(only credited as Felicia but it was marketed as Felicia Hardy)

Harry Osborn

James Franco in the Raimi Spider-Man movies

Dane DeHaan in the Webb Spider-Man movies

Auroro Munroe a.k.a Storm

Halle Berry in the original X-Men movie

Alexandra Shipp in the X-Men First Class movies

Jean Grey

Famke Janssen in the original X-Men movies

Sophie Turner in the X-Men First Class movies

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