Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc One. Chapter Twenty-One. It’s The Thought That Counts

Peter's mood wasn’t great as he walked through the school gates. He saw Flash and his cronies point and laugh, but that wasn’t it.

He knew he’d been followed as Venom. Not just Black Cat but Spider-Man was skulking around the warehouse. If more than just pictures appeared he knew he needed to do something about it.

Spider-Man was easy enough. He was a supposed good guy and he figured just asking him to leave him alone would be good enough. Stay away from Sunset Park, and maybe see if they could come to an agreement.

He could patrol during the week and Peter could get his schoolwork done. Venom could patrol the weekends, giving whoever Spider-Man was some time off.

Black Cat was an issue though. She had attacked him, thinking he was connected to Peter. Which he was, so that made it even more confusing. Peter shook his head. Having a secret identity was difficult sometimes, but she mentioned Marko. Was that one of the muggers he had taken out? Was she after revenge? Or was it because of Aleksei?

Gwen told him outright that Aleksei was a front for a chop shop, but Peter didn't work on things like that. He didn't even offer to crack phones or do anything illegal. He fixed stuff, made sure it was clean and Aleksei sold it on. He maybe had to ask Matt if that was a crime though. He had watched enough TV to know handling stolen goods knowingly was a crime but cleaning them?

He waved at Gwen who was standing next to a scowling Felicia. She looked tired and grumpy. Her normally grumpy face was even grumpier.

“So uh hey Gwen.” he said smiling and taking her hand, “and hey Felicia. You okay?”

She groaned at him and as she lifted her bag from her locker he noticed she winced, favouring her right side.

“Judo practice rough?”

Felicia frowned at him, and moved her arm closer to her side, “gymnastic accident,” was all she said.

“So. Spoke to my dad, and uh. He raised an interesting point, Pete.” Gwen said, with a small grin.

Peter saw it and froze. Oh crap, what did I forget?

“Hey Pete, “ Felicia interrupted, “wanna go to prom with me?”

Gwen turned and batted her on the arm, making her wince more, but she turned and pointed a finger at Peter.

“Don’t you dare answer that.”

Oh crap, I forgot. He inwardly cursed, and now Felicia had made it worse. She knew he didn’t like to upset people. So if he said no and asked Gwen she would be mad, and Gwen would be mad he forgot and he’d asked her second.

“Felicia. I would love to go to prom with you, but I promised Gwen another date,” he said diplomatically.

Felicia laughed, “yeah, just kidding Pete. It’s not like you could take us both.”

Gwen paused for a moment, turned to Felicia and raised an eyebrow before turning back. “We will discuss that later. And yes Pete. I would love to go to prom with you.”

Peter looked down, “Sorry Gwen. I kinda figured that with everything it was a given, as we’re you know dating.”

Gwen pulled his hand into hers and hugged him, “yeah me too. I um, didn’t tell Felicia though.”

Felicia rolled her eyes, “it’s not like I wanted to go anyway.” and she turned and walked away.

“Still on for the weekend?” she asked and Peter nodded, “good, cause I kinda need to go find out what’s up her butt.” she gave him a small peck on the cheek, “See you in English at third period?” She waved as they separated and she chased after Felicia.

“Hey” Gwen shouted as Felecia walked away, “Oh come on,” Gwen said as she huffed after her. Felicia was fit and could really move if she wanted to and Gwen was a science geek who liked snacks and TV.

She almost had to start running when she grabbed Felicia's hands, “I said hey.”

Felicia stopped and pulled her folders up to her chest, “I heard, but I don’t want to talk.”

Gwen shrugged, “fine, don’t then. Listen. Pete and I have been dating for a little over two weeks. I didn’t say as you know.” She waved a hand around.

“Yeah,” Felicia said noncommittally. She already knew Flash was nearby and very interested in what was being said,

“I can still go to prom with you if you like?” Gwen asked, trying to get her to smile.

“And watch you two drool over each other, yeah, no thanks. I’ll pass.”

Gwen stood straight and was inches away from Felicia, “stop being stupid. If you want to go with us, then we can go as a threesome. No stupid dates, no drooling and no playing favourites. You are my best friend, and so is Pete.”

Felicia was trying her hardest to control her breathing. Gwen was close, close enough that she could just. No.

She took a step back, “no. It won't work, and he’s your boyfriend, you have to play favourites,” and once more she stormed off

Gwen groaned, Even if Felicia did storm away it was pointless. They had Chemistry together this morning and sat next to each other.

Gwen found Felicia sitting at their usual table, “running away won’t solve anything. You know we have Chemistry together.”

Felicia slid her folders open, and grabbed the books inside, she looked sadly at Gwen,

Yeah, we do.

Flash had overheard their little chat,

So Gwen's dating Puker, what a fucking waste, he thought to himself.

He pulled out his phone and headed into the boy's bathrooms, “Hey, get the fuck out.” he yelled and the stalls opened and the occupants, seeing who it was, hurriedly left.

He flicked through his contacts and hit “Dad.” It dialled the number, and after a few rings, it connected.

“Yeah, Dad, It’s me. We’ve got an intern, Gwen Stacy. Could you move her to my department.” he paused, “yeah she is. And her dad’s the chief of police,” he paused again, “Science I think, but does it matter?” there was another pause as his father spoke and Flash laughed, “thanks, dad.”

He couldn't wait to see the look on Parker's face when he found out he’d be seeing his girlfriend every day.

Maybe now he was graduating and moving to University he should end things with MJ. She was kinda strange, and even after all this time it felt like she wasn’t even there. He snorted, not that he cared, she was hot and that was all that mattered.

He was using the urinal when the door opened.

“Hey I thought I told you all to fuck off,” he shouted as he shook himself dry and tucked himself back into his pants. “Didn't you hear” but he stopped,

“Hey, Eugene,” Harry said, standing at the sink, washing his hands. “Now ssh, and don’t tell anyone I'm here, but it's maybe time you got things settled with Peter dont you think?”

Flash nodded, “maybe it's time I finally settled things with Peter.”

Harry smiled and patted him on the shoulder, “and make sure they are settled. I don’t really like loose ends.” As he looked around he tutted, “well, it was fun, and you were all amusing, but I really don’t like the stink of failure here.” He leaned closer “remember, Finish things with Peter.”

Flash nodded, “Finish things with Peter.”

Flash blinked as the bathroom door closed, He stood at the sink, and looked at himself in the mirror. He was attractive, why wouldn't someone like Gwen want him? He was certainly richer than that loser, so yeah. He would get Peter out of the way and show Gwen what a real man was like.

He smirked as he dried his hands, knowing Peter should be at his locker right about now.

Jean shivered as she felt it move through the school. The feeling of dread and fear.

She dived into the girl's bathroom to hide from it. She knew that if it was her she could infect those around her. She needed a safe place if she had an accident and the toilets were the best she could do. She grabbed her phone from her pocket and kept the mansion ready to call. If it got bad, she would need the professor's help.

The professor had told her it was simply a manifestation of her powers. A magnification of a hormone rush. That unexplained feelings of love, anger, and dread were natural.

He then went on to explain puberty and that it would be worse that time. She would learn to control them, and her powers as well.

She had hated that conversation and had wanted to die from embarrassment. He could have at least asked Miss Munroe to give her that talk.

This was different though, She was happy, Scott had asked her to prom and she had said yes. Both were granted permission from the professor to attend a normal high school dance. She had even asked Kitty to help her pick out a dress.

She waited until the feeling had passed and splashed some cold water on her face,

Get a grip, Grey, she mentally reassured herself. As she cleaned off the water and grabbed her bag, she bumped into Flash as she left the toilet,

“Watch it Red,” he snarled at her, but it was what he was thinking that worried her more,

Of seeing Peter, lying beaten, while Flash kicked him over and over. Gwen stood by his side laughing as she called him a loser,

Her head spun, I have to find Gwen, she thought.

She kept away from them normally. Peter made her powers go out of control for some reason, but this was an emergency.

She looked around, where are you? But she couldn't find him with her powers,

She bit her lip, No, I can do this. I have to save him.

And she ran after Flash.

Gwen was getting annoyed with how Felicia was behaving. She wanted to spend her lunch break with Peter and not behind the bike racks with Felicia. Especially as the guys smoking were giving them weird looks.

“Fel. I don’t have time for this. Pete will be waiting,” she complained. “Fine,” Gwen sighed, “what is it?”

“Do you have to go to prom with Pete?” Felicia asked, rubbing the top of one arm with her hand.

“That again? Look, Pete asked me and you asked him, so Felicia, want to go to prom with me?” Gwen asked as she shook her head.

“Gwen.” Felicia was about to answer but she shook her head and sighed. “Never mind. It doesn't matter,” she added in a sad voice.

“Oh for fuck sake Fel. What?” Gwen grabbed her arm and pulled her as far away from everyone as possible, “what? Are you gay, is this a confession? Just tell me.” but Felicia scowled at her. “Fine, you know what. I crushed on Pete since we met. He’s stupid and dorky but funny and really kind, but I also crushed on MJ, she’s pretty and has a nice laugh. Until she started dating that ass.”

Felicia stared at her,

“What want more? Fine. You’re cute but a pain in my ass. I like the way you stand up for Pete when he’s not around but goddam you’re such a downer sometimes.” Gwen said throwing her hands up in the air. “If you want to go to prom. You, me and Pete as long as you don’t fucking bitch about me kissing him first, then we can go together. I’ll even give you the last dance.”

Felica just looked at her feet, unsure of what to say.

“Give me a break Fel. You know what. I’m going to find Pete. I’m going to tell him why you’re being weird around him, and then I’m going to crack your skulls together. Is this why you aren't renting from him? ‘Cause you think we’ll ignore you. Fel, it's been three dates. He hasn't even gotten to second base yet. “

Felicia huffed, “sorry.” 

Gwen rubbed her forehead, “He’s got enough on his plate Fel, don’t make it crappier for him, please.” Gwen stepped forwards, “look if it’s okay, why don’t I ask if he minds? He won't say no, and you know, he might think it's hot.”

Felica tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, “fine, sorry. I’ll.” She huffed, “I’ll apologise, but I really can’t rent. My dad.” She looked away sadly, “but, I want to. It’s crappy being on your own.”

Gwen slung an arm over her shoulder hugging Felica close, “you aren’t alone Fel. it's not perfect but you have me and Pete.”

Felicia pulled Gwen in closer, “I know,” but she wanted to say so much more.

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