Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Two. Chapter Thirty-Nine. Don’t Call Me, I’ll Call You

They had moved into the bedroom. After that, the shower, the living room, the kitchen, and then over to Peter's home as well. It was only then they slept, exhausted from their love making. Neither would call it that though. They fucked, and they fucked everywhere.

After their first night together they sat at the huge table and ate breakfast. Gwen celebrated as it was finally a meal with milk and fruit. Peter grumbled that granola and energy drinks were fine but Gwen shushed him.

"So, I've been thinking," Gwen was busily extruding and retracting the symbskin on her hands. "It won't be perfect but I should be able to get us a microscope to see what this stuff actually is."

Peter bit his lip and winced, "Won't a microscope powerful enough be expensive?" he asked, knowing the answer already. Peter had money left from the settlement, but he had also earmarked it. Spending any extra could interfere with his plans.

"Sure," Gwen flipped her phone over to him. He saw that the most expensive model was three thousand dollars. The model she had picked could be wired to a laptop for recording and had a ten thousand magnification. It was more than enough to see human cells or, hopefully, human cells.

"Pete. We have to know what these things are. We know they're affecting our moods, muscles and probably many other systems. We're both experienced heightened moods. Not just elevated sex drives. Higher aggression, lower inhibitions and who knows how else. I mean if I cut myself right now I'll scab and heal in minutes. I want to know what it is," she looked at the table, holding her empty mug, "if it's dangerous."

And why it can talk to me, Gwen added to herself, or if I'm having a psychotic break.

Peter sighed, "I know, I know, I just, I don't want to find out we've got super cancer or something."

Gwen laughed. "Super cancer? what the hell?"

Peter stuck his tongue out at her, "you know when I got my powers, it was a thought," he shrugged.

"Super cancer? oh my god, Pete, you're such a dork," she shook with laughter, "leave the biology to me, okay? We don't have super cancer, I promise."

He mumbled, "super cancer could be real," to himself as he moved their cups to a basin for washing later.

The large dining table had become the go-to area for eating meals. Peter had set up one of the kitchen counters to act as a buffer between it and the sitting area.

It now had a sink, but no water, and a row of outlets, but no power. It was a work in progress. Now that MJ and Gwen had moved in fully he would start on it again.

Unwrapping a toaster pastry, Gwen stared at Peter. "Don't call me Gwenom, I don't like it," she said. The toaster party was unfrosted, which she really didn't like but it was all they had for now.

Even though they had stopped for snacks, and a few times not even stopped, Gwen was hungry again. As she ate the pastry she wondered if it was the weird slime causing it.

sugar sugar, yum yum, the voice sang in her thoughts,

Gwen turned her head, at least someone likes them.

She vaguely remembered a voice yesterday as well, as she ‘subdued’ Peter. Was it able to talk to her in its sing-song childish voice?

"Uh, I kinda got a hint yesterday when you, you know, tried to rip my head off and eat it."

Gwen smirked. She remembered the rage. The primal need to eat and feast on him. It was only subdued by the more passionate lust for him.

"But uh, what do we call you then? Gwenom doesn't work anyway. Not unless you want people to know it's you under there." Peter laid into a granola bar, it had raisins and Gwen turned her nose up at it when offered. She had taken his last unfrosted blueberry pastry but he would forgive her, at least for now.

Gwen leaned back as nothing sprung to mind. "How did you choose a name for your alter ego?" She stared at the empty wrapper, wishing there was more, but they had eaten all the snacks,

If you make me fat, I'll kill you, she whispered to the creature inside her. She had probably eaten at least two days worth of food in one night.

While he crunched on his bar Pete suddenly sat bolt upright, "wait, I got it."

He shuffled around till he pulled an old mp3 player out of his bag. He flicked through its menus until he found the right song, and offered her an earbud.

Your mouth, so hot

Your web, I'm caught

Your skin, so wet

Black lace, on sweat

I hear you calling and it's needles and pins (and pins)

I wanna hurt you just to hear you screaming my name

Don't want to touch you but you're under my skin (deep in)

I wanna kiss you but your lips are venomous poison

You're poison, running through my veins

You're poison

I don't want to break these chains


Gwen raised an eyebrow, Pulling the device over so she could see who was singing. "Alice Cooper huh? Trying to tell me something, Pete?" She held his wrist, feeling his pulse slowly speed up as he panicked a little bit.

Yes yes, we like we like, Gwen heard in her head.


Yes yes, us us, eat more sugar, yummy yummy, then more Pete, do the wooshy woosh and the wibble wibble. We like them. do them more.

No Poison, I need to rest.

Hmph, Poison huffed, boring!

She was sore and every orgasm was stronger than the last. If she hadn’t passed out, they would probably still be screwing in Peter's shower.

"Uh, you know, it’s a classic and uh, a good song and yeah. After you kinda tried to eat me and well, then you actually did eat me mph-" Gwen sealed his lips with a kiss.

"Slow down Petey pie, I'm just teasing you. I like it. Venom and Poison, the deadly duo. But um, what about yesterday? I don't think neither of us planned to go that far.''

Peter slumped in his usual defeatist way, his mind spinning as he felt he was about to get dumped again.

"Hey, Hey," Gwen came over and sat on his lap, "don't pull that face." She lay her head on his shoulder, "I wanted it, remember, I beat you and got my prize, so no moping or no repeat." Pulling his head between her hands, "I love you, Peter Parker. I wanted you and I wouldn't have had my first with anyone other than you and frankly, we were amazing. I rocked your world."

Peter leaned his forehead against hers. He knew the accident had amplified his emotions. It was likely that in transferring a part of himself to her, her feelings were probably amplified too. Hearing her words, and feeling her sincerity Peter knew she wasn't lying to him.

"I love you too Gwen."

"See, that was easy. No mopey Pete and one happy Gwen. No fighting, only kisses and cooties," Gwen made kisses noises at him and they both laughed. "But okay, so what's up with the weird skin thing and the web spray and since when are you fucking Venom? My dad's been going nuts over him, Pete. You almost killed someone, and then, oh god Pete, that was you, you were fighting and," Gwen paused. "You were fighting those men Pete, you got hurt, you, you almost killed us all, you asshole!" Gwen batted him on the shoulder and was yelling now.

Peter just let her vent, there was no stopping her once she got going.

"And uh uh, Flash, no fuck Flash, you, you're Venom and I'm uh, shit, I'm an alien thing," she continued, barely pausing for breath.

"So what next, I got powers, I'm going to start beating people up?" Gwen got up and slumped back into her chair and Peter followed her and started rubbing her shoulders.

"No, you don't have to do anything, Gwen. Your powers are a part of you now, even if you don’t use them. And uh, yeah, sorry about the table," Gwen rubbed her cheek on Peters's hand.

"I forgive you. But, I kinda like them you know. I feel strong, and," Gwen blushed, "super sexy. Like last night, all I wanted was some Pete meat and oh god, we had sex, I'm not on the pill. What the fuck Pete?" She laughed.

Peter was amazed. She had gone from angry, to sad, to mad, to horny, to excited, and back to laughing in the space of a minute. He imagined his own emotional rollercoaster was the same. At least she hadn't driven a stop sign through someone's car.

"You um, wouldn't let go, I really couldn't help it," Peter blushed. "it was too good, you know,” he said. It was embarrassing to talk about, even now.

“Uh-huh,” and Gwen came over and sat on his lap, “and how about we find out if it's still good?”

Peter slid his hands around her waist and kissed her as she leaned forwards. As his lips touched hers, she heard the voice again

More more, Petie Petes, yummy yummy, and she felt herself getting wet at his touch. On that, they could both agree.

This time though she felt the sting of pain from their lovemaking and she leant back, shaking her head. “Sorry Pete, seems like I need a bit to recover.” 

He nodded and she slid off him. Her regeneration must not be as good as his. He was tender but it was already fading and he was sure he could go for another few hours.

Gwen huffed in frustration and grabbed her phone.

What the hell? I mean, you can heal wounds, and a brain injury but not my aching cooch? But there was no reply.

Gwen huffed and idly flicked her phone screen switching it back on.  Immediately it began to vibrate and the tings of each message received soon ran into each other. Gwen hoped her dad wasn't too mad, or that at least he hadn't called out a few of his cop buddies to find her.

"Sorry Pete, I, I gotta go. Dad's filled my inbox with voicemails and too many messages to count." She reached over and kissed him on the cheek, "talk to you later okay?" before grabbing her bag and running to the main warehouse door. "oh shit, I live here now," she ran back, grabbed her new keys and blew Peter a kiss. "Be back later, oh I'll order the microscope, pick it up and meet you back here."

Peter grinned and shook his head as the door swung shut. With Gwen away, and MJ still at the hospital, he flicked on his own phone,

Sorry, can't work today. I was in an accident.

He couldn't really afford the day off but he couldn't go in either, not if he needed to restrain Gwen.

It's fine kid, we had a few people at that bar, so yeah. place is closed. come in tomorrow though.

At least Aleksei was understanding about it.

That was one thing dealt with. He hoped MJ was okay, and as his hand lifted to his cheek he could still feel the warmth of her kiss on it. Sitting in the warmth of his feelings for her he suddenly sat up, she'd ditched him to clean up the warehouse.

While breakfast was just wrappers, Gwen's web fluid was everywhere. Her lack of control over it meant it would stay, unlike his own that dissolved after a while.

Sighing and slumping his shoulders he sent a text to Aunt May.

'Sorry I didn't text. Gwen is okay, been stuck with clean-up, be there in a few hours. Love Peter.'

Now that Gwen had gone Peter sat back in his chair, his coffee bitter in his mouth.

He knew that Venom was a burden as well as a blessing. He was used to the emotional rollercoaster he rode each day. Trying his hardest not to punch anyone pissing him off or crying if something made him think of Uncle Ben.

He could cope, he was learning to funnel that emotion into his work and his routine. He needed to keep an eye on Gwen. If she was even half as bad, it would mean trouble.

He did feel better though. Now they had moved and school was over he felt a lightness since the diner. It was as if the constant buzzing annoyance of life had been lifted and he could think clearly again.

Taking the last drink of his coffee he thought back to her words. Venom and Poison, the deadly duo and he nodded to himself. He should take her hunting too, and let her vent on the scumbags that dared to commit crimes in his city. She would need a better grip on her powers and emotions though.

First, though, as he looked around the warehouse, he went into his home and grabbed a mop and bucket. The few snack packets were easy enough to throw in the trash. It was Gwen's webbing that was dried hard to the floor that was the issue.

At least the smell of bleach would cover the fact they had sex everywhere. Other than MJ's home, nowhere, even the rafters, had been off-limits.

They would have to put a stop to that as well. When MJ got back from the hospital, he was sure she wouldn't appreciate the warehouse smelling of sex.

He just hoped they could learn to be quiet. MJ was his friend, and he didn’t want any issues arising from their relationship. Especially knowing what he did.

He also needed to check on Aunt May, he had a few small things he wanted so he could do both at the same time.

The song is "Poison" by Alice Cooper.

Written by Alice Cooper, producer Desmond Child and guitarist John McCurry. The song was released as a single in July 1989.


bleach would cover the fast they had s*x everywhere

'fast' should be "fact"

Once MJ and Gwen had moved in fully he would start on it again.

Changed to "Now that MJ and Gwen...."


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