Spider-Man. The House Of Venom

Arc Two. Chapter Thirty-Two. Somewhere To Call Home

When the movers came, Gwen was outside arguing with her father. They had moved into the parking lot, but even from the main door, Peter could make out what it was about. Him.

He was learning to tune out voices and noises by listening to his heartbeat. So far it was good enough to stop louder noises from deafening or hurting his ears. It didn't matter though. They were loud enough that even the movers looked embarrassed.

He waved and undid the huge bolt holding the double half-bay doors closed. He'd made the decision to weld the top half closed but kept the bottom free. Exactly for a situation like this.

One of the movers whistled in awe, "nice place."

Then they started to bring in what seemed to Peter to be a never-ending stream of not just boxes but furniture. Peter pointed to the first home and like ants, they began to work.

Of course, George glared at him while they did. Gwen batted him on the arm and he had to walk away as they got into a heated argument.

He knew George didn't like him. Flash had spoiled that relationship as well. Even with exonerating evidence, George still felt Peter wasn't good enough for Gwen. Even though he was giving Peter side glances, he was supportive. He knew how hard it was to leave home and Gwen did too.

Couch, bed, large, and small household appliances were walked through the double doors. Peter was amazed. Gwen, no, George must have spent several thousand dollars. His stupor only being broken by an engineer wanting to know where the washer hook-up was.

Going into the box home, Peter showed them the pipes and the cut-offs and let them get to work. He moved out of the way and watched in amazement as a ballet of house movers danced and brought box after box inside.

It seemed that maybe Gwen had gone overboard. It was a student home after all but so far, everything was fitted in neatly and nothing felt cramped.

Gwen seemed unfazed as she directed them. Once she made sure every box was in its proper place she shooed them away.

She caught Peter, open-mouthed and shrugged "I, I had a bit saved is all, plus, Mr ‘I live like a hobo’, do you have a washing machine?" she accused him.

Of course, he didn't. He thought about it but it got added to the list of ever-growing things to get. Slowly whittled down by price and ever-decreasing funds.

While Peter stayed out of the way. George Stacey watched silently. His pride and joy, and now pain in the ass next to Peter, had emptied his wallet and house of anything not nailed down.

He had argued she was too young. That argument didn't work as Parker was a few months younger, had been working and owned the building.

He argued that living together with a boy was unseemly. She pointed out that he had his own place, hers had a lock, and with MJ moving in too she wasn't living alone with Peter.

In the end, he gave up and begrudgingly gave his blessing to Gwen but was still giving Peter the stink eye.

He had to admit though that finding out the warehouse belonged to Peter was a shock.

maybe the kid did have some potential after all. He shook his head, still not good enough for my Gwennie.

As they were both moving on the same day, Peter left to go to his own apartment. He wasn't taking much and returned by taxi carrying armfuls of black bags and a few small items.

Most of his stuff had been moved already and even as he surveyed the empty room he felt a little twinge of sadness. This place had been his shelter for the years after he lost his uncle. The shell he built to console himself and now, was he ready to break out of it?

Once he had deposited his own meagre belongings he noticed the time. Doing a quick circuit of the building, he let Gwen know he was leaving to get lunch for everyone.

Making his way to one of the nicer trucks he bumped into a familiar figure. Felicia.

He waved to her, and she looked apprehensively back at him as if she wasn't that pleased to see him there.

She was standing on a street corner. Which Peter knew was a usual hangout spot of pimps and prostitutes. Her figure her stand out but was also incredibly conspicuous

"Uh, Felicia, that's, that's not such a great place to hang out, you know," he called over to her,

Nah, she wasn't working there was she?

He knew her dad had been gone for a while. There was a rumour circulating that he'd run off but even she didn't need to hook to get by did she?

not that she couldn't, Peter caught himself thinking. But it was her life and her body. She could do what she wanted.

She seemed to freeze as she spotted him "Parker?" she called out and "uh, Nah, just waiting for someone, but yeah, it's weird, to uh see you here?"

Peter saw she was nervous for some reason. Had he actually caught her doing something she shouldn't be?

Peter nodded at the food trucks, "Gwen and MJ are moving today. I'm just out for food. You should come round and say hi."

"Today? you're all moving in today?" Felicia asked, surprised.

She knew Gwen had offered to share a place with her and MJ. She had neglected to mention Peter owned it and was living there too.

She guessed it was the same warehouse that she had fought on top of. What surprised her more was that he was still willing to let people move in when it was so dangerous. 

She would have to phone Gwen later and find out.

It proved Venom's words though, Peter was staying there, and now she could try and get his help, but not today.

"Uh, yeah. They don't have exams. So, we're heading out tonight to celebrate, You should come."

Damn, she thought to herself. I want to go,

But she had followed one of the fearsome four back to their hideout. After bugging it she knew they were planning something and was keeping tabs on them. If her intel was right, then tonight they were making a move and she would get access to their files. If she spent it with them she would lose her chance.

"Sorry, I can't. My dad is calling and I need to be in."

Peter saw she looked disappointed but then smiled, obviously resigning herself. "Uh, guess my friend isn't coming. Tell Gwen I said hi, okay?" and she pulled her coat closed and sticking her hands in her pockets, walked away.

That was weird he thought to himself, before shrugging. 

At the food trucks, he placed orders for burgers and condiments. Got enough for the dozen guys moving plus him and Gwen. Grudgingly he bought lunch for George, even though he felt it was a waste. Peter figured he'd make some snide comment and then leave before eating.

He returned to a swarm of movers in the warehouse, coming and going from Gwen's new home. Setting out the burgers and sodas on the table. He grabbed one and a burger and sat on the couch to eat.

Gwen grabbed her own and nudged up to him as he sat eating.

"So uh, Dad's going to stick around after the guys leave. But yay us, we've got a washer-drier installed and my kitchen has a fridge-freezer. We can have some proper food for once." Gwen had snuggled up to Peter, letting their sides touch. She ignored her dad's glare. He was too busy directing movers to come over and she enjoyed the contact.

"We have food," Peter said defensively. Gwen raised an eyebrow at him

"Real food Pete, not out a can or from a food truck, re-al fooood!" She spelt it out and then grinned and snorted at her joke. Movers took breaks and emptied the table of food. Once she had eaten, Gwen shifted into emptying boxes. Leaving her father to glare at Peter while he ate.

"I'm not happy son," he said as Peter grabbed another burger. The movers were all but done, leaving several cans and empty cartons on the table. "I'm not happy my daughter is moving in with," he breathed out through his nose, "a delinquent. Harrison Thompson reported someone vandalised his car. You wouldn't know anything about that would you?"

Peter shrugged. "If I did I don't have to say anything do I?" Peter took a huge bite out of the cheeseburger. He loved the ones from a food truck just outside the Seven-Eleven as they used actual cheese. "Plus, he's a giant douchebag, so good for whoever did that," he said chewing the burger while he spoke,

George felt his blood pressure rise. "Look, son. We both know this tough guy bit is an act. We both know that you are just as much to blame for this mess as Eugene is. Let me tell you," he said as he waved a burger at Peter,

"No, George. let me tell you. You're a piece of work. Gwen lives here, not you, and as for me, you know nothing about me. This warehouse is mine, not leased, not rented, mine, I own it. Gwen pays me to live here, and Harrison Thomson? oh boo, fucking hoo. A rich asshole gets what coming to him after his son gets me suspended and now you. You come here, siking the cops on me, trying to make me feel like I'm not good enough? At least I don't harass teenage boys while the city gets overrun by crooks and murders. At least I don't spend my Sunday feeling the balls of some senator so I can get a new tank for my department. So George, unless Gwen asks you to stay unless Gwen invites you over, how about you get the fuck off my property."

Peter took a breath after finishing his rant. It had been bottled up inside for a while now and had just spewed forth in a tirade of anger and frustration.

He huffed and waved the half-eaten burger towards the door. His gesture was obvious, before stuffing it fully into his mouth.

George Stacy was not a man used to being talked to like that. He demanded respect and he damn well got it, "listen, you little shit-" Peter stuck his hand up in front of his face.

"uh, officer. I believe I asked you to remove yourself from my property. As a law enforcement official, you should know that trespassing is a felony. I've asked once," Peter stood right in his face, his eyes staring straight into Georges, "Don't. Make. Me. Ask. Again."

George could see the resolve in Peter's eyes. He wasn't bluffing and while he'd be invited over so it wasn't trespassing he wasn't going to push the issue. Peter wasn't the same boy he'd met before, wasn't the same as he'd heard Gwen talk about on the phone with her friends. No, this boy was different, mature, and confident. Dangerous

Snorting George stepped back, "Gwen honey, It’s been made clear I'm not wanted here. Come home when you want, and if you need anything, just call."

He grabbed his jacket from one of the folding chairs and made his way out of the building. He paused as he heard the heavy clang as Peter slammed and then bolted the double half doors closed.

George shook his head. Intimidation wouldn't work, using the department would get him fired. He just needed an angle to prove to his daughter how much of a scumbag Peter was. The evidence was all there, he just needed one push and she would see things his way again. Just to keep her safe from people like Peter.

Peter sighed. He hadn't wanted to start anything with George. He was Gwen's dad after all and if things were going to progress with Gwen, they needed to get along at least. He didn't want to be the source of conflict between her and her dad,

"Uh, Gwen?" She hadn't come out of the home after he yelled at her dad. Rapping on the door frame he saw that there were half-open boxes on the living room coffee table. "Gwen?" he repeated, hoping she wasn't mad at him.

Gwen came out of her bedroom, wearing nothing but a t-shirt and as she grinned at him, she handed him a small box.

It was a dozen feather-touch, ultra-thin condoms.

The door buzzer went, and Peter's phone buzzed.

"It's MJ."


He was too busy directing moves to come over and she enjoyed the contact.

'moves' should be "movers".


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