StarChaser: Another (18+)

Autumhollow Chronicles – Interlude 2.1 – Ram Ranch!

Story so far:
The bandits known as the Guileheads coalesce in the town of Irons, a town that had been completely taken over by the brigands for quite some time now. Ingrid and her team rescue and then gather the prisoners, Tixi Mice, and livestock into a protected area in order for Ingrid to authorize a nerve gas attack on the town as retaliation for the brutal mauling and mutilation of an innocent traveler.

Returning to the town hours later, Ingrid and her team see evidence of a higher power involved and the consequences of her actions.

Fenrir Guild, New Gorpisal, the next morning:

“Twenty bodies…” Guildmaster Tibbles sighed as Ingrid delivered her report.

“Yes, I brought them to the Church of Saint Ygris for a proper funeral.” Ingrid said, her eyes a bit hollow.

“You haven’t even slept yet.” Millarna said. “That’s quite unbecoming of a leader.”

“I’ve killed innocents, and feel bad about it.” Ingrid mumbled.

“You are quite an empathic war-beast, I’ll give you that.” Tibbles said. “This bores me unless you have anything of actual interest to say.”

Ingrid nodded glumly. “There’s also the matter of the Guileheads receiving funding from someone with considerable influence and the hiding of our involvement.”

The giant sapient cat now smiled. “There we go. A reasonable motive to waste my time for an audience. What does the report say, Millarna?”

“According to this written report by Philia, the poison’s effectiveness should be gone by about a week, so we can’t go having people sniff around until then. In the meantime we can examine the goods that the Whales had taken from Irons and see if we can get them identified.”

“It’s only reasonable to turn some of them in. Greed gripped us.. I mean me.” Ingrid mumbled.

Tibbles waved a paw dismissively. “Your delivery of these incriminating letters isn’t a waste of time or lives either, you did good.” Tibbles yawned.

Ingrid nodded again.

“I do have another request Guildmaster…”



“Philia? Next time this idiot invites another ranked guildsman out of guilt, hit her with a sword or something.” Tibbles scoffed as he and Millarna entered Autumnhollow.

“Of course.” Philia said, looking up from her work table as she was in the middle of enchanting the SCAR-H Rifles for two mice.

“Or shoot her with those things. Eyes forward, Millarna, those do not concern us.” Tibbles said as he made his stately way towards the Arcane Pasture.

“This is the place where we’re planning to build a town sir.” Ingrid said. “With this we have our own means of producing food and supplies should we find ourselves far from civilization.”

“Hiring mercenaries is out of the question, simply bringing guildsmen to babysit a couple of villagers isn’t exactly interesting to them either. What you need is a Lyvian. Have her guard your home with her life. Not someone who’s sold themselves into debt, those can be bought off pretty easily…”

“...and the most dishonest.” Millarna screwed up her face. “I can name a few Lyvians who put themselves for sale just for a few nights of gambling, quite a few are our own guildsmen.”

“No, some war captive too far from home.” Tibbles said. “They’re too expensive to send back, and along the way they’ll just get preyed on. Let her stay here as her new home to protect.”

“Her?” Ingrid raised an eyebrow.

“Guildmaster’s partial to the amazons of the North.” Millarna said “they’re fanatics of the War God Kull and believe the only absolution for defeat is either death or servitude. Many sell themselves to arenas or as assistants among adventurers to sharpen their skills.”

“I don’t know…” Ingrid replied. “The chances of a fight breaking out in Autumnhollow should be low, a follower of Kull would be bored here.”

Tibbles jerked his head in the direction of Sammy, Kinu, and Kvaris training. “Kull’s true adherents seek perfection in combat, not the perfect fight to end their lives with.”

“I’ll have a look, thanks guildmaster.” Ingrid said.

“I commend you taking action on the Guileheads.” Tibbles told her. “Take action Ingrid, and never look back except to remind yourself who’s behind you. You saved those lives Ingrid. Kirtus, Sephie, Farlan, and the others. Now go… I’ll watch over your village, my stupid little recruit.” With that, Tibbles lay down on the stone floor to nap, completely ignoring the noise of the town being built on the Arcane Pasture.

Millarna sternly nodded to Ingrid, telling her not to waste this opportunity.



“Not so fast.” Philia said after Ingrid told her her next course of action. “Lyvians are my domain.” She got up from her table and started stretching. “You even know what those are?”

“Sounds like mercenaries but reliable?”

Viel and Siria, who were helping Philia enchant some rifles for the mice, looked up at Ingrid.

“Those are combat-capable slaves, Ingrid.” Viel explained. “Warriors who put themselves up for sale to answer for debts, crimes, or being on the losing side of a war.”

“Or just those who get shit-faced on Vegas and find themselves one too many zeroes in the negative.” Philia added.

Siria, who had just finished applying a spell onto a magazine, sighed in satisfaction at her handwork before looking back at Ingrid. “What guildmaster Tibbles-”

Ingrid let out a snort but composed herself. Philia smiled, at least Ingrid could still laugh.

“What Guildmaster Tibbles is telling you is to look for someone with combat experience and a sense of loyalty.”

“That’s pretty oxymoronic if they’re only slaves over a weekend in Vegas and a bad check.” Ingrid remarked, yawning. “They’re still liable to stab Zefir in the back.”

“Which is why I’ll do it.” Philia told her. “First off I’m well rested, second I’ve lived here long enough to know how people work. There’s those who gank the system just so they can fill their quota of punching faces or, what I’m thinking of, those who take up a Lyvian status just so they can keep honing their skills as a warrior.”

Ingrid thought for a bit.

“What, you mean those who go ‘The Fight is All?’ kind of thing? People seeking the next worthy challenger?” Ingrid said with an amused tone.

“There’s Wolias,rabbit-folk. People here call them the barbarians of the frozen north. Some of them are adherents of Kull the War God.”

“Sounds like no ordinary rabbit.” Ingrid chuckled. Philia did the same.

“Some of these killer bunnies are fanatics, Ingrid. They lose one too many fights they travel south here as part of their penitence world tour.“

“Some of these fanatics believe that their defeats were the result of lacking enough virtue and thus were denied victory by Kull.” Siria told her. “After all, they fight with all their heart yet they were defeated and spared their lives, to them it’s a sign.”

Ingrid scratched her head.

“That still doesn’t convince me why they’d make a good security guard, Siria. If a Wolian fanatic desires to be a better fighter, her place is in the ring, not here in a quiet teleporting town.”

Viel held up a finger. “A couple of things to consider… First, we tell her our current circumstances right now. Our tumble with the Guilleheads has probably attracted some very unpleasant attention. Our Wolia will only be too thrilled to accompany Gwen to the market here or in Teth-Odin even if a fight never breaks out. Second, our warriors Sammy, Kinu, Kvaris and Iohann to an extent, and don’t forget yourself. You girls train and spar already. Let her in your exercises, she’ll love it. Knowing she’s crossing swords with people who actually fight monsters is going to be a fun exercise for her.”

Ingrid nodded her head, it seemed like a reasonable idea.

“She might start wanting to go to the dungeon herself.”

Siria shrugged. “We can do that too. There will be situations where the party may enter the dungeon at half-strength while the rest are here in Autumnhollow or at town dealing with other business. That would be the perfect opportunity to take our Wolia to the dungeon and let herself fight unfettered.”

“When she sees how successfully our party turns in riches from the dungeons, that in her eyes puts us at even greater risk of treachery or outright assault from whomever was supporting the Guileheads with their money and influence. Honing for such an eventuality will only motivate her.” Viel said.

“The best part is that they’re not looking to be ‘free’” Philia added. “They’re looking to be better. To them, freedom is being a great warrior. Freedom from fear, freedom from defeat. Their antithesis to Kull is the God of Conquest. To be defeated and let live are heavy chains to them.”

“In some sects an obligation from Kull himself,” Siria quipped “That your life was spared by one who had no business doing so was Kull’s way of saying your faith was being questioned.”

“Alright then, I’ll leave it to Philia and Gwen to find our Wolia, also thanks guys.”

With that, Ingrid turned and hobbled off to the house.

“Ingrid.” Siria called out “We’re here talking because of you. Don’t forget that.”

Ingrid nodded.



Dain’s Emporium:

"Back already, aye? Got yerself some new mice, eh? Fifteen o' the wee buggers, is it? Well, I'm surprised, I am. First ye had yer Nemmy, noo it’s gold mice. Next time ye swing by, there better be a wild princess frae the frozen wilds, ken?" The dwarf said, patting the new mice who squeaked excitedly.

“Y-yeah, life’s full of surprises. I need more brooches for our new mice, Dain.” Zefir said “And matching armor to go with the others. Also a little buckler for just one, we found a pavise charm so it can be just a small shield.”

"Ach, a Pavise Charm, eh? Nice wee charms they are. Alright, nae prollem." Dain answered.

As he got to work measuring out the mice he glanced at Zefir briefly “Looks like ye witnessed somethin' awfy, laddie. Aye, it's no my business tae gaun pokin' intae ither fokk's affairs. Seems like ye were watchin yer mates makin some tough choices ower there… Yer only answer is tae try harder next time. Mistakes are fur learnin' frae, no a muck hole tae get bogged doon in.”

“Yeah… you’re right Dain. Half of me wishes I get the chance soon, but the other half says I don’t want to come across it ever again.”

"It’s no' fate or chance that brings ye back tae the same sitch, it’s aw aboot hoo ye carry yersel', lad." Dain said he continued measuring the mice. Looking up at him he waved him off "Noo gie yersel a wee break an bugger off! come back in a couple o’ hours, an quit dwellin' on yer wrongs."

“Thanks Dain.” and with that Zefir left the shop.



Church of Saint Ygris:

“My child, do you read scripture to feel good about yourself, or do you live scripture to better those around you?” The voice spoke from the other side of the confession booth.

“Father, had I..” Iohann began but a deep sigh rumbled from the other side of the booth.

“And who is to say the Saint herself brought you to deliver them to the Golden Abode through your actions? Do you have the means to make amends for the terrible lives they have lived before you came to them? My child, if you dwell on your past sins, you dwell in sin”

“Maybe I should have been more adherent to scripture, father.” Iohan said softly, the voice on the other hend let out a deep rumble of amusement.

“Why did you join The Whales, child?” The voice asked.

“Because I saw them righteous, because they vowed to end the scourge of Fairhaven, because they…”

“You seem to be more worldly than your fellow adventurers seeking wealth and glory.” rumbled the deep voice. His tone wasn’t judgemental, only mildly amused.

“The truth of Saint Ygris is universal my child.” he said understandingly “As you have related, they acted in righteous anger and brought sacred vengeance on those who did not respect the sanctity of life. But they did not act righteously, and their hearts suffer right now for their indiscretion. There is nothing more that needs to be done.”

He paused, breathing deeply.

“You’re suffering my child. You live yet you feel like you’re mired already in damnation. That cannot do. Until the day comes you stand in the judgment of Saint Ygris, stand and walk the path of Sainthood as well do.”

“Yes father…”

“I absolve you in the mercy of Saint Ygris, go in righteousness.”


Iohann finished her prayer and stepped out of the confession booth. Near the booth was a framed painting of one of the holy men of her faith, below it were roles of votive candles lit by the faithful. Iohann lit a few of them and laid them out in offering of the innocent lives taken.

She stood there for a few moments, until she heard Father Soldain.

“Good morning sister, good to see you back so soon.”

“Good morning father.” Iohann greeted back. She was about to ask him something he yawned and said “Well, time to hear the indiscretions of the faithful. Iohann, if ever you feel the need to confess, I’m sure Saint Ygris will absolve you.”

Iohann bowed. “I already have, father.”

The old priest chuckled “You have? Well, then my little saintess, go in righteousness..”

The jolly old priest walked into the confessional booth and opened up his side of the door. Finding it empty he made a cheeky wink at Iohann and wagged his finger at her.

“Indiscretions in moderation sister.” he said with an amused voice, his voice nearly break into laughter.

Iohann’s eyes however were wide with shock. She turned around at the altar, realizing what must have happened.

The cleric threw herself to the floor and prayed in thanks.



Bhala’s Lyvian House:


“Gwen sit down, you’re no Lyvian.” Philia said as she lounged on the seat.

“I’m your Lady’s Maid.” Gwen said meekly but her tone suggested a firm refusal, she was going to let herself get shown up by another servant.

Baseplate to Team, just checking on everyone.” Zefir said.

“Getting a Lyvian for Autumnhollow.” Philia said.

“A what?” Zefir asked.

“You’ve been here longer than I have and you don’t know what a Lyvian is?” Philia asked incredulously.

No, I don’t and in the span of a year I don’t stay here that long, I mean, I’ve never 100% my own high school!” Zefir replied.

“We’re getting a killer bunny slave who can fight so she can be your bodyguard and Gwen’s” Philia said. “And I asked the proprietor to get me a real religious nut of an amazon from the frozen wastes.”

“Huh…” Zefir said “funny because Dain told me to come back next time with some wild princess of the frozen wastes.”

“We’re not getting a princess Zefir, we’re getting those who put themselves in service in hopes of getting into a big fight one day, that’s their schtick, brings them closer to the War God Kull. And in case you’re wondering how we’re getting that to work, we got like four warriors that can keep her happy if they spar with her. That shouldn’t be too hard.”

No it won’t. Also…I… never mind. I gotta take these mice to the market to get their scarves.” Zefir said “Thanks King Fish, I’ll check on the others then. Over.


The door opened and the bear-folk proprietor Bhala introduced Amalla and Kaolla of the Frost-Borne. Despite their exotic origins they dressed like everyone else, without any hint of their tribal flair of beads or warrior accessories. But then again, that was the whole point of seeking penance as warriors, to abandon their vanquished selves and start as nothing.

Amalla and Kaolla were Wolia or Ice-Rabbit folk. Compared to Catalines’ droopy ears these girls’ ears stood tall. Their normally white or very light blue hair and fur were permanently dyed/tattooed with bold markings which reminded Philia of a zebra.

A zebra-rabbit-folk Philia thought with amusement but kept her poker face. These were the only hints of their faraway land. The two nodded curtly in greeting. It was custom for Wolian warriors to not speak unless spoken to…most of the time.

“Very well, let’s hear your purpose of having these two.” Bhala said, leaning back on the door frame.

“Of course.” Philia replied, leaning back and regarding the two girls. Their crimson eyes were watchful like soldiers, alert but not paranoid nor dull and shuttered like one who had seen too much bloodshed. Their poses were relaxed, civil, not tensed or ready to spring. These girls knew what they were here for and probably had little to no expectation of how good or bad on what was going to be asked of them.

“Our party, the Whales, has an unusual way of operating you see…” Philia began. “Most of our party will be going down in the dungeons to deal with the monster population, while some will stay behind and provide assistance through arcane means.”


Philia paused, gauging their reaction. Mission control wasn’t a thing after all, nor was there any magic that was in widespread use like that. They looked back at her curiously, their ears twitched a bit, as if gesturing for her to tell them more.

“Our recent activity has possibly put our team in…let’s say unwanted attention from unscrupulous people. It’s not a matter of If, but a matter of When.” Philia continued. “Treachery is coming. If not, it would probably be an outright assault on our teammates away from the exploring party. If not to kill them it will be to imprison and exploit them for their own gain. That’s why we’re looking for two Wolias specifically to be their guardians. We have four warriors in our party, tasked with protecting the front and rear of the expeditionary group should fighting break out. They will agree to spar with you, they do regularly everyday to hone themselves. I thought you two could do with some sharpening besides each other.”


Philia paused again, letting the offer sink in. The two remained quiet but their body language suggested they were definitely finding this good enough.

“Should the two of you have interest in dungeoneering we do find it a possibility to take you there. We foresee occasions where some of the party will be either in our base of operations or around town doing business, during such occasions your charges will be protected by the others, and thus allowing you two to fight in the dungeons as you desire.”


The two looked at each other, communicating wordlessly. It seems a very reasonable offer. For a moment both Amalla and Kaolla thought they were going to be “walking shields”, as was the case when some aristocrat pretending to be an adventurer came over to a Lyvian House.

“One more thing. I know your ultimate goal is to sharpen yourselves. I’d like you two to know we have a warrior neither of you could ever beat.”

Amalla and Kaolla looked at her with interest.

“Who is this warrior?” Amalla asked. She lacked the accent of her homeland.

“She’s a human. A Nemesis-Stalker.”

Kaolla laughed.

“We’ve killed Nemesis-Stalkers before. Elion-Nosco has sent them against our war-band more than once.”

“Not this Nemesis-Stalker.” Philia smiled. “Not only is she really strong, but she also is very smart. As a matter of fact she is our team’s leader.”


The two girls laughed at the ludicrous remark. Philia laughed too and that got them really curious, even Bhala had to step in.

“Are you telling the truth?”

Wordlessly Gwen walked over to Bhala and handed him some documents. He flicked through them quickly and then handed it back, his face in deep thought.

“She’s smarter than your average Nemesis-Stalker our Ingrid is.” Philia said pleasantly. “She even stole my picanic basket.”

Amalla and Kaolla looked back at Bhala, his eyes wide with recognition.

“It’s her.” he told them “The human we saw during the Red Moon.”


A few minutes later, The two Wolias loaded their things into Philia’s wagon while Philia herself was signing up the contract.

“You’re armed.” Amalla observed dully. She didn’t know exactly what she armed with but the way she moved in her trained eyes told her she possessed some means of protecting herself.

“As miss Philia said, after yesterday’s events I need to be capable of defending myself.” Gwen said as she helped her bring in another bag full of her belongings.

“Can you tell us what’s going on?” Kaolla asked, catching the bag and laying it on the wagon’s floor.

“Yesterday we infiltrated a town and found it to be a whole den of bandits.” Gwen related. “It was full of high quality goods. Fine carpets, good cloth, excellent pottery and expensive spices. All in a little town too far from the big cities. The bandit’s weapons and armor were also good. Not fancy-looking like some knight’s would be but just as sturdy and sharp in performance.”

The two girls nodded in agreement.

“There’s some chief behind such good workmanship for such an out-of-the-way town.” Kaolla murmured. “Philia mentioned our two primary charges are you and a ciltran boy…”

“Yes.” Gwen replied “We do what is called Mission Control. We communicate and observe the team from afar with special constructs. Because of that we are able to coordinate our movements, that’s how we infiltrated a town with over a hundred bandits without losing any or our own.”

“Impressive.” Amalla said excitedly. “I can see why you need our blades.”

Gwen sighed.

“We’re not perfect, Amalla. Yesterday, innocent lives were lost on our watch. I should-” Amalla put a hand on her shoulder.

“Kull protects and ushers the unjustly slain to the Lands Above.” she said firmly. “Sharpen yourself.”

Gwen nodded.


Back inside the Lyvian House, Philia quickly stamped and signed the pages of the contract.

“You’re not going to read it?” Bhala said quizzically.

“I’ve kept slaves before.” Philia said “You will hear from us regularly.”

As Bhala took the signed pages, Philia put a hand on his.

“Also… this is a confidential deal. Bhala.” Philia said coldly. “Unless the guild asks, there was no such thing any Amalla and Kaolla here. There was no Philia involved, the only one who came here today at this hour was just some curious aristocrat’s daughter thinking she could buy a scullery maid and you shooed her off.” her tone was so cold it felt like he was looking at an Ice Fiend.

Bhala gulped as he saw the signature and the matching seal.


Princess Philia Elion-Nosco



Zefir returned with the new mice outfitted in matching armor with the original Saber group as well the new brooches pinned to their matching red scarves. The Calico mice’s brooches stood for Charles, Aiden, Lester, Ian, Christ, and Oscar. While the gold mice’s brooches predictably enough read GOLD, standing for Gerald, Oliver, Lionell, and Darryl.

Ralph who was Cecil’s assigned marksman as well as having a permanent seat inside Cecil’s room bore a tiny buckler shield, one that didn’t hamper his operations of using a modified G3 sniper rifle. Like a charm, all of the mice were able to call forth a forcefield with the strength of a pavise.

Philia, working together with Siria and Viel ahd completed the guns for the four mice to be assigned “on foot” just like Arthur and Sully.

It had been decided that two of the Calicos; Charles and Oscar would remain on the ground and use SCAR-H rifles, with the same custom fittings featuring a secondary barrel for pellets that rode off the Companion Rogue’s Shillelagh charm, a pistol gripped shotgun under the barrel which also served as a stabilizing foregrip, and a side mounted flamethrower.

For the Gold Mice, they had preferred the M-14 battle rifle on semi auto fire, although it was capable of full auto. It had the same fittings as the SCARs, and also sported the same drum mag that carried 400 rounds and 6000 pellets. All these newly enchanted guns also had a permanent enhancement lens, giving it parity with the guns used in Cecil’s room.

There was however an additional ability exclusive to the Golden Mice. They had the ability to conjure a simulacrum of themselves. A magical adaptation in the wild for avoiding predators or incapacitating prey. While these simulacrums couldn’t be summoned with guns on hand, they still retained the mice’s abilities to summon the glaives and use the pavise charms from Ralph’s buckler.

This of course led Sammy to start teaching the mice how to use their glaives more effectively as well as using their telescoping batons to great effect. In turn, Gwen would take over and teach the mice more gun training.


Ingrid emerged from the house, now fully rested. She saw the mice practicing swinging their glaives, which was completely adorable all in itself. On the other side, Gwen was teaching Kinu, Kvaris, Sammy, Iohann, surprisingly enough, Viel on how to shoot a pistol, with Tibbles and Millarna excitedly looking on as Gwen explained how the gun worked and conduct oneself when carrying “a weapon that’s like a crossbow, all nocked and ready to loose a shot.”


That however was all an after thought as she saw Philia and Zefir talking to two…

“BUNNIES!” In a flash, Ingrid was excitedly cuddling the two Wolian warrior girls. The pair’s eyes were wide with disbelief in shock at how fast Ingrid had closed the distance, blubbering with joy as she cuddled the adorable pair.

“AAAAAGH!” Amalla screamed. Ingrid was suddenly on them, her arm wrapped around both.

“Miss Ph-Philia help!” Kaolla yelled, frozen in horror.

“See?” Philia sighed. “I told you she’s too fast!”

“Get her off of us please!” Amalla begged as Ingrid was talking too fast. She did NOT sound like a person and that was not comforting!

“She’s gonna bite! She’s gonna bite!” Kaolla was shivering as Ingrid nuzzled them affectionately, babbling incoherently as she was overcome with cuteness.

Zefir laughed, it was like the equivalent of someone with dog phobia pounced on and slobbered all over by a big, but friendly pitbull.

“Relax, she’s friendly.” Zefir wheezed, but the two girls were frozen in fear at the Nemesis-Stalker eagerly squealing and jumping with joy before they could even react.

“CuddlycuddlycuddlybunnyYIIIISthankyouPhiliaforthecuddlybunnies!” Ingrid said wriggling with joy, lifting them up and skipping around in circles with her strength.

“W-we’re gonna die here Amalla!” Kaolla yelled in panic.

“D-don’t move! You’ll anger it.” Amalla said, her voice shivering in fear.


By the time Ingrid had composed herself and apologized to them, Cecil in the meantime emerged from Arcane Pasture, a pencil perched on where an ear would be. He didn’t need it since he had his HTX companion bot record everything from audio to video.

“There you are, Ingrid! The town’s pretty much all good to go.” He said. “We got the cottages installed, the workshops are being assembled as we speak. Nod, Bryce and Bosco fishing up a feed. Looks like trout, Earth trout and pretty hefty too. Also, we got a smoke house going.“

“Thanks Cecil.” Ingrid said, before introducing him to the wide-eyed pair of Wolians who have never seen a talking slime before, much less a slime living inside a portal. Up on his plushy foot stool he looked like a king.

“Right. We’ll need another day or two to get our bakery up and running but we’ve got no wheat to speak of. The animals have only a basic pen, it’ll be a while before we get a barn, we haven’t tried asking around if anyone’s willing to part with fertilizer so we can speedrun our crop production, we actually don’t have any crops or seeds, thought I suppose we can get those from the market assuming that’s a thing. As for workshops, those are still under construction too. Cataline reports she’s got a third of her potions busted up. Right now, our village is the red, Ingrid. Worst case scenario we can at least shuttle them over to Teth-Odin where they originally planned to be.”

Ingrid sighed a bit. “Rough start but at least they got fish and these food waiting to be decontaminated.” she gestured at the large amounts of wares they had taken last night.

“One idea.” Cecil suggested. “We could just pass them all through my room to decontaminate them wholesale rather than tire out some clerics.

“Let’s do just that…” Ingrid said, walking over to the gathered good by the patio.

Tibbles and Millarna were now examining the goods they had gotten from Irons and they had pulled Siria over to assist them alongside with Viel.

“We’re taking thirty percent, that includes the tithes you wished to make at the church.” Tibbles said. “As you can’t be credited for these, we will do it in the guild’s name.“

“Understood sir.” Ingrid said, nodding to Viel to start telekinetically carrying off their chosen goods into the Philia’s wagon, using one of the carpets to cover them up so nobody could take a peek.

With that, Ingrid, Cecil, Amalla, and Kaolla got to work transferring the foodstuffs,spices, and anything that could be consumed into Cecil’s room.

Simultaneously, As Cecil’s “outdoor” DW portal moved forward to take up the next bundle of consumables, his “indoor” portal moved along as well, forming a line of decontaminated items. Working together, they quickly processed the items into Cecil’s roomy roof deck and soon were back on the patio. Viel then took portions for Tibbles and Millarna’s share before Siria hopped on along with them to drive back to New Gorpsial.


“Ranger-Two to team, rendezvous with you guys at the market, over.” Siria said into her earpiece.

“Copy Ranger-two.” Ingrid said in acknowledgement.

“Still…” Cecil said, looking at all remaining three-fourths of the goods they had. “Which do we keep, and which do we sell?”

“You take care of that.” Philia said, helping herself to more elven tea that Siria left behind. “I need to work on our Rhokalian dressform. It’s range is a joke so I’m going to work on this…” she held up an amulet. “If I play this right, we'll all have our torsos protected with a carbon fiber-grade forcefield.”



New Gorpisal:

“Ingrid!” George called as she approached the gate, carrying the big bundle of carpets. “Good to see you looking better now!”

“Sorry about the long face, George.” Ingrid said sheepishly.

“Hell you do!” George said in a mock-stern voice. “I thought someone in the party died!”

Ingrid smiled sadly “I won’t let it happen George.”

The two embraced briefly.

“Alright, get in you crying wimp.” George chortled. Zefir, Kinu and Kvaris, also carrying sacks of goods nodded George good-naturedly. “You guys take good care of each other now!”

“We will!” Zefir called back.”We’ll make sure of that!”


Kvaris and Kinu handled the selling, making sure they had a good price for these high-quality goods, especially the carpets and spices. The gold earned was then used for supplies to jump-start the town’s production. Some like the sacks of spices were bartered or put into smaller sacks or jars and sold off or traded.

“Starchaser to Glados, open comms to Loch Ness.” Ingrid said as she watched the Enthana sisters haggle.

At hearing the name of their town's callsign, Zefir laughed. Loch Ness was the callsign for the town she christened Ram Ranch.


When Ingrid suggested the name hours ago, Philia, and Zefir, who were in the middle of drinking coffee sent hot caffeine spraying out of the noses, splattering their nearby teammates who cried in surprise.

“What in the hells, Zefir!?” Kvaris had yelled in shock.

“A-are you alright miss Philia?” Gwen said, rhythmicall tapping her back. Looking back up at Ingrid she demanded, half angrily and half in amusement “What sort of ill name did you conjure?”

“N-nothing.” Ingrid said, her lack of sleep had been showing. “It just really rocks… I mean, really great.”

“D-dammit Ingrid!” Philia said, now gripped in the throes of a giggling fit. “There aren’t even eighteen people there!”

“And they’re not all guys, what the hell!?” Zefir said, coughing.

“What’s going on?” Kinu asked.

In response, Cecil willed the Muse Box to play “Ram Ranch.” and in a minute even the mice were excitedly squeaking in laughter.

“W-what kind of music do you have in your world!?” Sammy guffawed, wiping tears from her eyes.


Party Information

  • Arcane Pasture’s town named Ram Ranch
  • Lakeside assigned callsign Loch Ness

INDEX: The Whales Party Sheet (Updated!)

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