StarChaser: Another (18+)

Autumnhollow Chronicles – Interlude 1.5 – Mission Control

Story so Far:
Arek has Star Tulip bring over the graft of Cecil. Philia requests Arek to bring in certain items for summoning to Terragalia later. The pocket dimension inside the portal is very spacious and may be a good place to start a farm. Iohann officially joins the whales.


A Certain Skyscraper in A Financial District, Earth:

"Just calm down..." Star Rose said as the elevator brought them up to the top floor. But the little kyuubi fox was pacing back and forth like a distressed, caged animal. Star Rose herself was rapidly tapping her foot.

The elevator finally opened up and the dark-suited security men simply nodded to the girl in crimson and her familiar, one of them gesturing at the set of double doors.

As they entered the otherwise empty meeting room they heard a voice talking on the opposite end, the occupant's high wing chair had it's back to them.

"...of course, of course. Well what are our options, Bernard? Who do you think is next in the line of succession? Oh? Oh! OH!? REALLY!? You want us to get another? Really? And is this what, for Immediate Hiring? You want to throw more into the meat grinder, that's what you want? Oh sure! If you want handle things that way why bother fighting them, you're no different, you goddamned piece of sh-" a smartphone was hurled into a wall with enough force that it embedded itself.

The chair turned around, revealing it's occupant, a small unicorn.

It glared at both of them with such hatred it felt like Melrondia herself was looking right at them.


Autumnhollow, Gorpisal Woods, Terragalia:

The new dining table and chairs allowed for everyone, including the mice to sit comfortably for supper.

“If our party grows, we should consider the idea of building a town in that secondary dimension, the problem of course is that none of us here are professional builders..” Ingrid said at the suggestion of expanding.

“I don’t see the problem inviting any tradesmen for that kind of job, at least here in New Gorpisal.” Cecil said, he hovered behind Ingrid who sat at the head of the table. “I can’t imagine some aristocrat having their goons grab them by the lapels and demand they bring us to them.”

“Provided we don’t ask for super expensive furniture.” Philia interjected, sitting at the opposite end of the table. “There is a chance we’ve already attracted the attention of some people, not just from our performance at the red moon but also due to having two Item Box users. I can imagine some wanting us to part with either Siria or Viel just so they can have a gopher.”

“Not happening.” Ingrid said, biting off a huge chunk of steak. “The minute someone takes any of our own, Philia, it’s Geneva Suggestions, no objections, case closed.”

Philia grinned. “Yeah, if I can find my jars of anthrax or mustard gas that is.”

“What sort of ominous thing are you suggesting, Ingrid?” Iohann said worriedly.

“Anthrax is a very virulent dust, I think, when inhaled it requires a cure too hard to find, then again I don’t know how healing magic works so, it may not be that bad.” Zefir explained. “Mustard gas is like a corrosive mist, I may be remembering it wrong but it does severe damage to the outside of the body…much more when inhaled.”

“Sounds rather impractical to obtain,much less contain…” Kinu remarked. “Is there even a safe way to use it?”

“I have a few suggestions, but we’ll leave it for now. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that I won’t tolerate anyone who messes with any member of our team. They mess with one, they mess with all of us.” Ingrid said firmly.

Cecil floated down to Ingrid and gently held her hand, Ingrid twisted her face as she was in the middle of eating and didn’t want to spit it out laughing as her slime familiar not only touched her hand to his forehead, but also had the Muse Box whirr to life and it started playing the iconic trumpet intro of The Godfather Waltz.

“Don Ingrid, may yer foist child, be a mmmasculine child.” Cecil said in his best Brooklyn Italian accent. Zefir and Philia too covered their mouths as the song played on. Ingrid was doubled over trying to suppress a laugh while everyone wondered what was so funny.

Taking cue the mice wiped their paws and snouts with the table napkins and waddled over to Ingrid.

“No, no, no guys! That’s not…HRRMMGHHMHMHM” Ingrid suppressed another giggling fit as the mice lined up and reverently took Ingrid’s hand and pressed it to their heads.

“Don Ingrid, the mouse-father.” Cecil said in an exaggeratedly hoarse voice. “Someday, and may that day never come, I’mma ask you to do a service for me…”

Zefir and Philia had pressed their foreheads to the table, also shaking in a giggling fit as Cecil dubbed Ingrid as head of the Mousefia.



Ingrid found a big gravelly patch of ground some two hundred feet to the west of the Autumnhollow portal. Working quickly she began turning over the ground surrounding it, expanding the fire-proof zone and tamping it flat. She looked up and smiled to see Viel walking over to her, her staff held up and glowing as she telekinetically carried over a large crate that Philia indicated contained the barrels of gasoline.

“It seems that whatever's in these metal barrels is quite useful.” Viel said as Ingrid pried open the crate with her bare hands.

“It is, as far as our ATV is concerned. With that, we’ll be able to carry the whole group to Teth-Odin much quicker than by wagon. It’s also heavily armored so we can get through most dangerous places.” Ingrid replied as she carried one barrel over and laid on the now-level gravel.

“What’s an Ei-Tee-Vee supposed to be?” Viel asked, thinking there was some meaning behind it’s enigmatic name.

“It’s shorthand in our world’s language, using the first letter of our alphabet to the three words that compose its proper name; which means All-Terrain Vehicle. That means it’s capable of travelling over rough uneven ground, and in the case of that vehicle; the Atvoros Shaman, it can pretty much go anywhere except climb sheer vertical walls.”

“A wagon definitely cannot do that…” Viel said.

“Definitely not, which is why Philia prefers to travel using the ATV. The fun part is that we can even travel off the road and stay hidden in forests, assuming it’s wide enough for our vehicle. Anyway…we need this liquid fuel stored in these barrels to keep its engines running, that's the machine that lets the wheels turn on their own.”

“Sounds like it’s a living thing.”

Ingrid thought for a while as she hefted her tenth barrel to form a neat row. “Yes and no, it’s not a living thing, it’s a machine. It’s engine runs by spraying a fine mist of that liquid fuel in a tiny little chamber, a small spark in this chamber creates a controlled blast… remember how that explosion in the howitzer as well as the guns are used to push things around?”

Viel nodded, remembering the immense power the howitzer exerted to hurl a massive hunk of steel so fast it wasn’t visible to the eye.

“Well there you have it. Instead of throwing out a bullet, it moves the end of a series of pistons along, they’re arranged in a way so that it rotates a crank and there you go, a constantly spinning crank which in turn is applied to the wheels to propel the vehicle forward. For a vehicle as big as that ATV, well it’s going to need a lot of fuel.”

“Are all the vehicles in your world like that, Ingrid?” she asked.

“If you mean the engine, yes.” Ingrid said “But as for most vehicles? No, they come in all shapes and sizes, there’s a lot of them smaller than our wagon, carrying only up to five people. One I had had only two wheels and carried one at most, or two with the other sitting behind the rider like on horseback. My favorite is the Ford…“


Just as Ingrid put the last barrel in place and Viel telekinetically hauled off the last now-empty crate of fuel, both of them turned their heads at the rumbling sound of the ATV as it trundled along on eight wheels. Ingrid picked up Viel and moved aside as the ATV parked itself on the gravelly ground. The back door opened and the rest of the party hopped out, talking excitedly amongst themselves, with many wondering if one day they could drive to certain dangerous lands to complete quests there.

“A bit of a drive to get out, but it’ll do.” Philia said.

“Don’t forget we still need to drive out of the forest too.” Ingrid said. She paused for a moment considering what to say next but decided to bring it up now that everyone was gathered.

“Zefir!” Ingrid called. “I’ve been thinking about this while I was hauling the gas here…” she paused for a moment. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but while we’re adventuring out there… you’re out.”

“I’m out?” Zefir wondered if at first he was being let go but it didn’t make sense as they were all stashing their things in his place, then just as he reinterpreted Ingrid’s words to mean that he was going to sit it out in Autumnhollow, Ingrid continued.

“You have to be mission control, stay in Autumnhollow as you’re too valuable to lose, we’ve put all our stuff here and there’s no reason for you to endanger yourself. With us around, you don’t need to unnecessarily expose yourself to danger. You wouldn’t need to work a job.“

Zefir looked at the ground but not glumly, he didn’t look like he was let down. Instead, he looked left and right to everyone else, gauging their reactions.

“What do you guys think? Ingrid’s right. If I’m hurt you all could lose a lot of things. Also, I won’t be bored here, trust me…” Ingrid, Philia, and Cecil smiled, and the two starchasers clapped a hand over his shoulder. “Save some for us, aaaaall of us.”

Zefir laughed, holding up his hand placating “okaaaay, easy there girl. I’ll be good. But what do the rest of you think? Viel? Sammy? Kinu? Kvaris? Iohann? Saber? Believe it or not I can still contribute to the team in various ways without stepping out of Autumnhollow.”

“What does he mean?” Kvaris said, as the team headed back to the well-lit patio of the house proper. She and Kinu had an arm firmly around his, causing them to nervously laugh as if he had committed a crime.

“Mission control.” Ingrid said “Cecil’s caddy has cameras that can relay the image to us as we go into the dungeon, from there he can provide information.”

“What about his table box? His item box maybe small but it’s the fastest in the world.” Kinu said. Zefir winced, causing Ingrid and Philia to laugh at the unintended innuendo.

“N-not that, Ingrid!” Zefir said, panicking.

“Sure, his maybe tiny, and comes really fast, but…” Ingrid grinned maliciously “but Neith’s ability to carry our traveling essentials already fulfill his role as a porter, as does Cecil in a pinch, and don’t forget Philia’s Travelers’ Vallises we’re all wearing now. Not worth risking his life, Zefir’s not even a real fighter to begin with.”

“I do have some wearable cameras, it shouldn’t be too hard for me to grab some computers from Earth, if we don’t mind delaying our trip for another few days…” Philia said. “What do you think, Ingrid? Are we in any time crunch to reach Teth-Odin?”

“The estimate for the monster population explosion being cut down can reach up to two and a half weeks.” Siria said. “Traveling by horse can take up to four days depending on weather conditions.”

“Huh, doesn’t seem to give us enough leeway time to the next Red Moon.” Ingrid remarked.

“It can take anywhere from a month to three months give or take, the average is around two or three in a year…” Philia said “and sometimes it’s just once a year if any at all.”

“New Gorpsial had a couple of Red Moons that were three or six years apart.” Siria said. “Sometimes the horde of monsters just march past, so there’s no problem for Philia to take the time needed to prepare her spell to bring the tools she needs.”

“Speaking of which, Gwen should hang back as well.” Philia said. “There’s no reason to endanger her either.”

“I can help minimize Zefir’s need to leave Autumnhollow by handling the purchasing of daily supplies.” Gwen said. “I do have some training from Miss Philia on how to shoot.”

“Alright, and you can also help Zefir when it comes to doing Mission Control.” Ingrid said. “Never leave your room unarmed, always pack heat, Gwen.”

Philia’s maid nodded.

“Earlier you mentioned a wearable camera…” Sammy mentioned. “I can’t believe just one or two people looking into these observing devices would be easy.”

“Yes.” Zefir said,”We all just have to do our best, and it’s not a replacement for keeping an eye out.”

“As for me I’ll stay with the adventuring group. I’ll guard the center of the group which would consist of Neith, Iohann, and Viel. In addition as an Artificer I can help deal with curses and such…” Philia said.

“It’s for the best,” Kinu said, she too had been having reservations about Zefir adventuring with them in a dungeon when he provided them with such a comfortable house.

“It’s the best choice.” Viel remarked. “I have telekinesis and itembox abilities.”

“Zefir’s far more valuable back in Autumnhollow, ensuring we have a place to stay.” Siria said.

“Agreed, Zefir and Gwen stay. No need to be exposed to unnecessary danger.” Kvaris added.

“Same.” Sammy curtly said in agreement.

“I’ll go with the group’s idea, I’m not familiar with everyone yet.” Iohann said.

“I’ll get to work summoning the things I need then…” Philia said.

But they didn’t get to work, as the ale they had bought from the town had now chilled deliciously and it was time to enjoy them under the stars.

This allowed Iohann to learn about the team’s story and at the same, for the group to come to the agreement that ale tastes far more delicious when very cold.


“A smoke house…” Philia said. Ingrid paused in her drinking.

“I’m listening…”

“Building simple structures like that I can help with, I did carpentry back at Ontala.” Zefir volunteered.

“Would you recommend anyone from Ontala or New Gorpisal to work in our town?” Ingrid asked Zefir and Siria. “I’m thinking those in the business of raising crops, livestock, fishing, and judging from the forest in the distance, also woodworking.”

“Those aren’t exactly uncommon jobs.” Kvaris pointed.

“True, but there’s two factors we need to consider.” Ingrid continued “For us, there’s a matter of trust. I don’t want to leave Zefir in the company of people I barely know. Simply hiring bodyguards isn’t an option, they work for money and being paid a good amount to kidnap a boy who can summon a whole house…”

“We’ve just met.” Sammy said “How are you so sure about me or Viel? From what I’ve heard from your story, Philia seems to retain some of her previous corrupted self’s ruthlessness. I’ve seen Gwen make minute reactions whenever she gets pragmatic. Just a moment ago, I noticed she flinched at the idea of having people work here, considering that she had just killed her own workers after they buried her things.”

“You’ve been protecting Viel, Sammy, you’re a bad example of someone unreliable, also as an upstanding orc, your sense of honor and as the daughter of a tribal chief means you can be trusted.” Philia replied. “Siria here has been working in the guild for years, Kinu and Kvaris if they have unscrupulous designs are tempered by the fact that their riding by their family’s honor. Especially that of Amaduscia Enthana, a travelling merchant.”

Philia paused for a bit, she was about to say something when Ingrid clapped a hand around her shoulder. “Philia’s a bad villain, she killed off more of her dark generals than we did.”

“In Melrondia’s defense,” Philia replied, a little annoyed at the memory “They were inefficient and put into exalted position through nepotism, Ingrid. You put them in command of the galaxy’s greatest warriors and they would still get slaughtered, that’s how bad they are.”

“Philia, do you think there would be a situation where you would find working with someone else would be more profitable for you?” Zefir asked.

“I’m with Ingrid and other earthlings, Zefir. If I want something I can make it happen. I know you’re the same too, she’s your idol. So… do we have any further reservations about each other?”

“I see none.” Siria said “All the world’s money is rendered useless with whatever Zefir’s house and Philia’s summoning magic has to offer if I’m being materialistic about it.”

“I left my Tribe to seek my own glory. Considering this group gives me the best chance to travel the world then yes, I can see a higher chance of fighting worthy foes for better glory.” Sammy said.

“No one else accepted me simply for I am.” Viel added.


“Okay, now let’s get back to the concept of introducing non-adventuring people in Autumnhollow.” Ingrid said. “What we have to offer is fertile land and a place that seems to be free from hostile creatures, or if not, ‘reasonable’ predators, hopefully not that either. One can grow their crops, fish, cut lumber, and raise livestock. In return they need to be comfortable with the idea of living in a village where the only way out is a portal that can go anywhere. These have to be people that can’t be homesick.”

Zefir and Siria were thinking, wondering if they knew anyone that fit bill.

“And of course, they have to be someone we can trust.” Ingrid said. “Seems to me that Ontala’s inhabitants are a prime choice, but simply having to repair damaged houses once or twice a year seems hardly a justification to leave the village for good. I imagine that this is just a normal part of life for Ontala and other similar villages.”

After some silence, Ingrid got up. “That’s fine, let’s focus on our currently livelihood right now as adventurers.”

Everyone downed their drinks and headed back inside to bathe and prepare for bed, as there was still much to take care of tomorrow.


Ingrid, Philia, Cecil, and Neith stayed at the patio however, as they still had some business to deal with.

“One message from Arek. The graft of Cecil is confirmed alive.” Neith said quietly.

“Do you sense anything, Cecil?” Ingrid asked.

Cecil shook his head.

“The Cecil graft had been talking. He mentions one time the graft was talking frantically as if trying to get out.”

The color drained from Ingrid’s face.

“Silence it!” Cecil said urgently. Ingrid and Philia looked at him at his unexpected choice of words.

“Hey! Whatever happens to your graft could kill you too!”

“It won’t!” Cecil said. “It’s a graft, and I haven’t felt any connection to it either.”


Farmer Grace’s home, Kansas:

“Where is it?” Arek said urgently as he let her through the door.

She’s getting drilled sideways, that’s for sure!” The hollow slime squeaked from inside the box. “Can’t blame her, cat tongues are rough, am I right, George? Hahahahaha!

“You and I have never met.” Arek said, quickly. “Now scram!”

“Why can’t you tell me?” Star Tulip said. “I’m worried about Cecil!”

“It’s too late to question if I’m unscrupulous or not.” The giant terrestrial lobster said. “This is for Cecil’s sake.”

...And oh god that loudmouth, Cindy! When will she EVER shut up!? I tell you Roger, if she ever learns to stop acting like a teen drama NPC and just do things already there’s like a HUNDRED situations we would have NEVER been in trouble! I bet you, Ingrid won’t miss that in a million years, I mean… Why do you think we worked alone? …I know! No way Ingrid will ever come back to THAT! Hahahahaha!” The hollow slime said mockingly.

Star Tulip sniffed, turned and walked away.

“Miss you too Cecil.” She said, before leaping skyward.


An hour later she was back, morosely plopping on the couch and dispelling her Rainment as Star Juniper and the other familiars were frantically calling for Cecil.

“Cindy! Cecil’s gone! He’s…!” Star Juniper said.

Cindy reflexively wanted to talk about Arek saying that Cecil should under no condition be brought to Taffy’s hands, but what Cecil said back in Arek’s house was right. If she would just shut up and do the right thing then nothing bad would happen. His subconscious brought to life in words (her interpretation of Cecil’s words) stung badly, a harsh consequence and reminder that in a way she had contributed to Ingrid and Cecil’s deaths due to her desire to know everything just so she could blab it up.

“I’ve been looking for him too…” she said, ready to tear up again as she heard his last exchange about her. “...he escaped.”

“Dammit… Athena’s gonna get really angry if she finds out about this…” Star Juniper said, hurrying out of the apartment and rocketing off to the sky to look for the lost little slime that saved everyone’s lives.

Arek’s mandibles clickled as the hollow slime spoke its monologue and caused Star Tulip to leave in tears.

“Talk about awkward timing.” He then skittered down the basement, the door automatically locking behind him. He quickly settled into his desk and started calling 50_Pymp which was Neith’s handle.

“Yooo, what’s up man?” Neith replied, taking on the voice of some stoner surfer dude. It was a precaution in case someone who wasn’t Arek had pressed the button.

“I have the graft!” Arek said urgently.

There was a pause, which was interrupted with the little squeaky graft of Cecil making a haranguing monologue of him talking shit about the other Starchasers.

Hey! That’s from the Heucuva Tavern!” Cecil, the real one at Terragalia said. “Looks like you caught him just in time! I’d say kill it, but considering it IS parroting my words that means there is some connection after all…”

“Uhhh… I got an idea…” Arek said. He whistled and a mechanical voice responded.

What?” Despite Arek belonging to a far more advanced world he, like anyone else in the Greater Galactic Community had a love for the older things and that included having their own AI have obvious mechanical filters when they spoke.

“Kaguya honey? Can you come over and beam me up later? I need one of those Ulixian shrieker jars.”

Is it for that little Cecil graft?” The mechanical voice said.

“Yes, as soon as possible, there shouldn't be any trouble flying over today since you can cloak.”

No problem.” Kaguya said. “ETA twenty minutes.

“By the way Cecil, dick move.” Arek said, his voice a little stern. “Star Tulip heard you talking smack about her with some George guy. Just when we did the exchange, not a good way to part with someone who just saved you guys’ skin.”

Cecil was quiet, but Ingrid quickly spoke up.

Good. She’ll miss us less, they’ll miss us less if she talks about it. The sooner we are forgotten the better. Philia’s got a successor, right? Those girls need to focus.” Ingrid said.

If they ever manage to track little Cecil to you, just say it’s something you and Cecil arranged during your drinking sessions. Say something about slimes having a state like that and it was best to put it out of its misery.” Philia added.

“Alright, I wanted you guys to know we were crying our eyes out.” Arek said. “You guys got a spot in Arlington.”

The line was quiet again.

I don’t know what to say, Arek. We can’t tell them we’re in another world. You know what happens if the Starchasers know. You know who else will know when they do.” Cecil told him.

“Alright, alright I gotcha.” Arek the said. “So…what’s up in your little Isekai world? … … … You’re looking for farmers, huh? Well, I can say I’ve had enough experience since that little drunk flying back in Roswell…”

INDEX: The Whales' Party Sheet 

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