Start with Cell Editor

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: A bite of HIV, crunchy and crisp

Lu Li and Qin Wei-senpai left the hotel, and when they returned to school, they separated.

Qin Wei bought something and returned to the dormitory. As soon as she walked into the dormitory, she was discovered by Zhou Jingjing.

Zhou Jingjing gave a smirk: “Tsk tsk, where did someone go last night, did he do something bad?”

Qin Wei didn’t know what she thought of, her face flushed.

By this time, Lu Li had already arrived in the laboratory.

It’s time to be busy after being cool for so long.

The matter is also very simple, nothing more than the use of single-base gene editing technology to edit the genes of macrophages.

He already has the correct genetic code, and the next job is equivalent to copying homework.

However, when Lu Li took out the macrophages from the reagent tube and observed them with a microscope, they found that these macrophages had died.

“I almost forgot. The life cycle of macrophages is only two to three weeks. I received the sample more than ten days ago. Calculating the time, it is almost the same.”

Lu Li murmured, then contacted Professor Tian and went to Professor Tian’s laboratory to apply for some HIV samples and macrophage samples.

Next, Lu Li got busy in the laboratory.

Although using single-base gene editing technology to perform gene editing is much less efficient than using a cell editor, he doesn’t need to study now, just copy homework, and the speed is still very fast.

Ten hours later.

Lu Li has transformed thousands of macrophages. He calls these macrophages “new macrophages” and divides these new macrophages into twelve groups, which are placed in ten petri dishes.

Under the electron microscope, they are no different from the original macrophages, but theoretically, they can recognize and destroy HIV, as well as cells infected with HIV.

The actual effect will be known only through experiments.

“Well, put in some HIV and try it.”

Lu Li carefully put the HIV virus into the ten petri dishes and observed them carefully.

Through an electron microscope, Lu Li found that these new macrophages did not disappoint him at all. When they encountered HIV, they would actively rush up and then begin to swallow them. The direct macrophages are about 60 microns in size. The largest cell in the human body, and the diameter of HIV is only about 120 nanometers (1 micron = 1000 nanometers). Therefore, macrophages eat up HIV, just like a shark eating dried shrimps, one bite by one, crunchy and crisp.

In a short while, a new macrophage swallowed dozens of HIV under Lu Li’s gaze.

Seeing this scene, Lu Li was a little excited, because it means that the experiment has been half successful. Next, as long as the new macrophages can break down the eaten HIV, the experiment will be successful.

Generally speaking, after HIV enters the macrophages, it only takes 4 to 6 minutes to kill the macrophages and then emerge from the macrophages.

So, if after 6 minutes, this new macrophage is still alive, it means that it has probably broken down the HIV that was eaten by it.

Lu Li waited patiently.

1 minute.

2 minutes.

6 minutes.

10 minutes.

“Very well, this new macrophage is still alive, and no HIV emerges from it.”

Lu Li looked very excited all over.

However, the experiment is not over, he will also cut open this new macrophage to take a look at the inside of the cell.

“There is no HIV inside the cell, which means that HIV has been broken down! This new macrophage can beat HIV!”

After seeing the inside of the new macrophages through the electron microscope, Lu Li was in a good mood, but now it was past 11 o’clock in the evening, and he was also a little tired, so he returned to the dormitory and ate a bowl of soak. Face, then began to rest.

After waking up the next day, he hurried to the laboratory again to continue the experiment.

He also needs to determine whether the new macrophages can swallow and destroy the cells infected by HIV.

Six hours later.

Lu Li watched the HIV in the petri dish and the HIV-infected T cells, all being swallowed and destroyed by the new macrophages, and couldn’t help feeling surging.

From this moment on, he can tell the world loudly: “I, Lu Li, have overcome AIDS!”

He can completely imagine that once the news is released, the whole world will be shocked. The AIDS, which has always trapped countless scientists around the world, has been helpless by scientists, and has been found a cure!

Not only that, this method and idea can also be used to treat other diseases, such as cancer. Macrophages can also swallow cancer cells. If single-base gene editing technology is used, the genes of macrophages can be modified to make macrophages. Phages can recognize and destroy cancer cells, and the cancer will naturally be cured.

There is no doubt that this is definitely a super event that is enough to attract global attention.

However, at this moment, Lu Li suddenly thought of a question.

His method of treating AIDS is completely different from traditional medicines. The current medicines are basically chemicals that are difficult to imitate, but what he uses to treat HIV is new macrophages, which can divide. , As long as you get a sample, you can produce unlimitedly, even only an ordinary college student who understands biology, plus a small laboratory, can produce.

This also means that he may only gain fame, but not make money.

As for the registration of a patent? This is not very reliable either. Nowadays, pharmaceutical patents are very common, but Xiangguo simply ignores these patents. Generic drugs are everywhere and even delivered to the world.

What’s more, there are nearly 40 million AIDS patients in the world. What a huge market! At that time, even in other countries, there will be countless people making generic drugs for money, and there is no way to stop it!

“Can I only earn a reputation?”

Lu Li muttered to himself.

He is a little unwilling.

He also lacks money. He wants to build his own top-notch laboratory. He wants to buy a house and a car. He wants to let himself and his family live a life without bad money.

“This money is what I should earn, and I must protect my own interests.”

After Lu Li made the decision, he began to think hard. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he said excitedly: “The genetic technology I have mastered can completely solve this problem.”

(The young author is a newcomer to Feilu. If you don’t understand, just ask. The protagonist puts his own interests first and wants to use this technology to make a lot of money. Isn’t Feilu a poisonous point?)*

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