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Chapter 379

Chapter 380: Humans are Coming!

The Cetus galaxy has a total of 13 planets, of which there are two living planets, Vulcan and Green Star.

At this time, at a distance of 200 astronomical units from Vulcan, the void is like a lake blown by a strong wind, rippling circles.

Although “Vulcan civilization’s electromagnetic wave radar and quantum radar cannot detect us, they have deployed many detectors in space. We continue to move forward and enter the monitoring range. Anomalies in space will definitely be discovered by them, so, There is no need to keep sailing at war speed.

On a Kyushu series warship warship, after a moment of contemplation, Li Zhai gave a decisive command: “Exit the warship sailing state and start the formation. The battle has begun!”

next moment.

The huge warships exited the warp-speed sailing state and appeared in space, the hatches opened, and the space warplanes flew out.

All transport arms and long-range arms have also exited the warp-speed sailing state. Those melee arms that were dormant instantly regained consciousness and flew out of the transport arms.

In the distant Barnard galaxy, the same scene happened, but the expeditionary force to the Barnard galaxy did not find a probe, not even a spacecraft.


Since the first four years of the safe return of the Vulcan soldiers captured by human civilization, the Vulcans have been less wary of humans. Although the official has been making 547 weapons and equipment, ordinary people are not nervous at all. Live a leisurely life every day.

at this time.

The detector deployed in space discovered the warship warship and the Zerg who had drilled out of the void.


The defense system of the Vulcan civilization instantly issued a harsh siren, and issued a prompt: “Beyond a distance of 200 astronomical units from Vulcan, a large army appeared out of thin air. Judging from the shape of the battleship, this is from the Dragon Kingdom of human civilization. The fleet, the number of warships exceeds 100 million, and it continues to increase!”

Soon, Hex, who was working in the Parliament Building, received the news. He stood up with a sigh, took a deep breath, and a touch of despair appeared in his eyes: “Humans are really cunning. Three years ago, Omega arrived. The solar system, and then I will video chat with me every once in a while, telling me that human civilization is busy digesting existing resources, and there is no idea of ​​continuing the war for the time being. He also told me that although humans invented the warship warship, they still Without solving the energy problem, interstellar voyages cannot be carried out. It seems that all of this is paralyzing me, and Omega has already taken refuge in humans!”

In fact, he wronged Omega. Omega has always been loyal to the Vulcan civilization, but after arriving in the solar system, Lu Li found an opportunity to plant a “seal of thought” in Omega, and then Omega has been there. Deliver fake news.

Although he was desperate in his heart, Hex knew what he was going to do now. He looked at the assistant and said: “Notify everyone, in two minutes, hold the last emergency meeting!”


Two minutes later, the senior level of Vulcan civilization held a holographic video conference.

Hex said in a deep voice: “Humans are here. They dispatched a war speed fleet to a place 200 astronomical units away from Vulcan before they came out of the void. Over 100 million, they sent such a huge fleet, obviously preparing to destroy us in one fell swoop! We have no choice but to untie the shackles of the Apocalypse!”

The voice fell.

Everyone’s face became very ugly.

Even if they were psychologically prepared, they still couldn’t accept it at this time, because whether they were wiped out by humans or become slaves to the Apocalypse, the results were not good.

We “can try to fight humanity, and if there is really no hope, then untie the shackles of the Apocalypse.

Someone said weakly.

“The Apocalypse is not necessarily an opponent of humans. The best way is to surrender to humans.”

Someone sighed.

“Don’t be lucky!” Hex said in a deep voice, “Humans will not let us go. At best, they will leave the lives of scientists to their use. As for others, it is hard to escape, because Mankind needs our life planet and our resources. Our only choice is to accept the shelter of the Apocalypse. Although we become a vassal, our blood can be continued and there is hope in the future.


The crowd (cedy) sighed.

Why don’t they understand this truth?

But, after all, I’m not reconciled.

Two minutes later, the meeting ended, and Hecks, escorted by guards, went to the underground base where the Apocalypse was located.

On the way.

He arranged his clothes and started the live broadcast.

“Hello, all citizens of the Vulcan civilization, this may be the last time I will speak to you as a consul. I want to tell you bad news, mankind is here! The human fleet is 200 miles away from Vulcan. The void of the astronomical unit is launching an attack. We are definitely not their opponents!”

Hearing Hecks’ words, all the Vulcans looked pale and roared wildly in their hearts.

This is not true!

This must not be true!

“The only good news is that we have sent 100 wandering fleets to all directions in the universe. As long as they still exist, our Vulcan civilization has hope. Here, I want to tell the citizens on the wandering fleet, You must firmly remember the four words “the weak eat the strong, the weak is the original sin, I hope you will use this as a lesson, and don’t fall behind anymore.”

“As for the citizens who are still in the T-Cet galaxy, please stay at home quietly. I will soon untie the shackles of the Apocalypse. By the way, you don’t know the Apocalypse. The apocalypse was created by Mr. Nak. Intelligent life, with extremely powerful abilities, is also extremely dangerous. It has been sealed in an underground base physically isolated from the outside world. I have reached an agreement with him, and I will release the shackles of him, and he will protect us Vulcans, but Everyone must be psychologically prepared, because this kind of protection is actually similar to protecting animals in a zoo. Only scientists have the opportunity to enjoy a certain degree of freedom.

After listening to Hecks, the entire Vulcan civilization was in chaos, completely chaotic!

“I don’t believe it! I don’t believe it!

Someone yelled hysterically.

Waste”! Hex, you are a waste! Today’s scientists are also waste! Because of you, we are not human opponents! Our ancestors are also waste. If they had been developing science and technology, they would have reached the solar system decades ago. Annihilated mankind!”

Someone is venting frantically.

We “are not human opponents, and the apocalypse is human opponents? The only way out is to surrender to humans!”

Someone wants to save themselves, find a banner at home, and write “Welcome to humanity!”, “Long live mankind!”, “Vulcan civilization is very willing to be a vassal civilization of mankind”, “Humanity” written on it in the language of Vulcan civilization. Long live the friendship between civilization and Vulcan civilization!” and other words, when preparing to wait for the landing of the human army, go outside to raise a banner and wave.

There are also people who have taken up weapons. They don’t believe in human beings, and they don’t believe in the apocalypse. They will fight to the last moment of their lives.

At this moment, the Vulcan soldiers who had been implanted with the “seal of thought” also panicked, and quickly reported the news to Lu Li.

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