Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 85 Half of the Stone Tablet

Professor Jacques' scolding made Dr. Sharif have to stop talking, but the other party still stared at Liang En with an angry look from time to time.

In order to avoid such annoying eyes, Liang En temporarily resigned after translating the current batch of contents, and then joined Fan Meng who was searching for supplies in the barracks.

"I finally understand why that guy is still an assistant researcher in his forties." Fan Meng commented after listening to Liang En briefly talk about what happened just now.

Because the scope of the job included protecting Liang En, who was a child of his own, Fan Meng had already collected the public information of everyone in the team before he came. Therefore, Liang En just said it and he roughly guessed what it was. what happened.

"This Sharif is a second-generation immigrant like us, but he is different from us who can preserve our national identity. He belongs to the kind of complete integration. If we Chinese are the standard ABC, there is a kind of conversion fanatical.”

"In fact, what he did reflects the views of those old Europeans on you." Fan Meng said, "After all, Egyptology can be regarded as Europe's strength, and it is difficult for them to accept that a non-professional Asian can get such a right Results.”

"Of course, all the other party can do is criticize you verbally or online. There is no need to worry about any security issues. At least according to the information I found, that guy is just a standard keyboard warrior."

"You're right, and I didn't take this matter to heart." Liang En shook his head indifferently and then asked. "By the way, did you find anything valuable here just now?"

"I found some stones with inscriptions on them, but they basically looked like fragments." Fan Meng said and began to point at the walls and the ground for Liang En.

As Fan Meng said, because the craftsmen who built the castle only cared about the size of the stones and did not care about the content of the carvings at all, the content on them was naturally messy and irregular.

After a simple translation, he found that the contents were very messy. They were part of the temple's tribute list and also a description of a scene in a certain war.

Obviously, these things should have come from multiple ruins and then been randomly put together.

After translating all the contents now exposed, Liang En and Fan Meng expanded their search scope. Considering that the craftsmen might have placed the side with writing on it, they began to examine everything that looked like a stone tablet.

Soon, the two people found an interesting object on the floor of a room. It was a semicircular stone. From the arc of the upper half of the arc, it could be seen that it was a stone that had been carefully carved. out of stone.

Obviously, if you just use stone to pave the floor, there is no need to process the stone in such detail. Therefore, this stone is most likely the stone that the builders removed from an unknown ruin.

"This thing looks like half a stone tablet." After cleaning the soil on the surface with a broom, Fan Meng looked at the stones on the ground and said in a guessing tone.

A very interesting fact is that although different civilizations have different development directions. However, when most civilizations carve stone stele, they will make the stele into a shape with a circle at the top and a circle at the bottom.

Therefore, after seeing the stone on the ground that was equivalent to a large-sized computer screen, Fan Meng's first reaction was that someone should have laid half of the stone tablet on the ground as bricks.

"Your judgment is very reasonable." Liang En said after looking at it, "If this stone is thicker, then the construction workers should use this thing to build the city wall, so this should be a relatively thin stone slab. .”

"If you add that this stone has a fine texture and is carefully polished, then it is very likely that this is a stone tablet that was pulled from somewhere."

After confirming this, the two men started digging. Fortunately, the people who built the castle laid the ground without much mortar, so they easily dug out the stone from the soil.

This stone is nearly 30cm thick, slightly more than 70cm wide, and nearly half a meter long. It looks like it should be the upper part of a stone tablet.

After turning it over, they found that the round top of the stele was carved with images of eagle wings, cobras, the sun, and ancient Egyptian gods. These patterns indicate that this stone tablet is of a very high level and is most likely related to the royal family.

At least in ancient Egyptian tradition, the pharaoh was regarded as the incarnation of the sun god. Therefore, if the sun is carved in the center of the stone tablet town, it means that this stone tablet is either an edict issued by the royal family, or it is simply a record of certain things done by the royal family.

Because this stone is granite, with a side with writing on it, and it is spread all the way down on the floor, the writing on it remains relatively clear. So after cleaning off the dust, they found eight lines of hieroglyphics carved on the stone tablet.

"Let me see what is written on it." After dragging the stone tablet from the dim room to the sunshine in the castle yard, Liang En began to translate the words on it. At this time, many people in the yard They also gathered around to watch.

"——The legitimate heir to the throne of Egypt, a devout believer in God, the rebuilder of the Kingdom of Egypt and the defender of human civilization, invincible, the one who made Egypt prosperous for 30 years, the master of Upper and Lower Egypt, the son of Ra, eternal life King Ptolemy, the beloved son of the god Ptah——"

These words were all ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, so based on the knowledge in his mind, Liang En quickly translated the content and recited it.

But because it was only a broken stele, the only information he got from the stele was that a king of the Ptolemaic dynasty donated the statue to the temple.

"Are you making this up based on the ancient Greek inscriptions carved by several Ptolemaic kings when they donated money to the temple?" Just as everyone was listening quietly, a harsh voice came from the side. come out.

"Anyway, no one here knows what these ancient Egyptian inscriptions are, so you only need to slightly change the name of the pharaoh in the circle of kings' names, and then you can compile a reasonable inscription."

"Mr. Sharif, let me say it again, you can accuse me of mistakes, but I hope you can come up with reasonable reasons instead of personal attacks on me."

Since the other party brought these things to everyone, Liang En was not going to give him face.

"I think everyone here has heard what I just translated, and the stone tablet is placed here." Liang En said, pointing to the stone tablet on the ground, "So please point out my mistakes!"

After hearing what Liang En said, everyone present focused their attention on Dr. Sharif.

Although they didn't know what the conflict was between the two people, it was human nature to watch the excitement, so everyone focused on them.

"Because it is now recognized that ancient Egyptian characters are all hieroglyphics used to express meaning, and you confirm that some of these characters are just phonetic symbols."

When he realized that everyone was looking at him, Sharif panicked for a moment, and then quibbled.

"Although the point of view you put forward can indeed translate part of the content, without other evidence to support your plan, it is just a conjecture, and I just don't want you to lead everyone astray."

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