Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 92 Pools and Roads

That night, Liang En and Fan Meng set up a tent next to the car to guard their treasure. After a brief wash during the next day, they continued digging with shovels.

Since the face relief yesterday was mounted on a curved stone wall, Liang En and the others quickly analyzed the rough shape of the original pool based on the curvature, and then locked the center of the pool.

Sure enough, after more than an hour of careful digging. A slightly damaged cylindrical stone pillar appeared at the bottom of the pit they dug.

"Yes, this is indeed a building built by the ancient Romans." After cleaning up the dust on the stone, Liang En pointed to the small hole in the center of the stone and said.

"You see, we can clearly see that the water outlet in the center of the stone is surrounded by a ring of lead. This shows that the users at that time used lead pipes, and this was a standard Roman architectural style."

"This sculpture looks really good." Fan Meng said while looking at the carvings around the stone pillar. "How much do you think this thing could sell for?"

"If we take it away from here, this stone sculpture can be sold for about two thousand pounds. But we will also violate the Treasure Act." Liang En shrugged.

"But to be honest, there is no need for us to do such a thankless thing. At least as far as I know, we have an easier way to get more money-"

Half an hour later, two off-road vehicles drove over from the direction of the city. Then seven or eight people got out of the car. Obviously, Liang En’s choice was to call the local cultural relics department.

"Ah, Dr. Smith, it's nice to see you again." As soon as he got off the car, Liang En recognized the identity of the old man who was leading the group of people who got off the car.

This old man is the director of the Cultural Relics Conservation Center of the University of Bath. He had also invited Liang En to come to the University of Bath for academic exchanges. Liang En did not expect that he could attract this big boss just by finding a fountain.

"Lawrence, I didn't expect you to be able to find an ancient ruins in such a short period of time." Smith walked up to Liang En and said to him, "I now believe you are an explorer."

In fact, those people couldn't believe it when Liang En said he was a treasure hunter. Because in their view, the person who can decipher ancient Egypt and its secrets should be a professional scholar, not the kind of antique dealer they scorn.

"Yeah, I think I have talents in both areas." Liang En smiled, and then took this respectable scholar to look at everything they discovered yesterday.

"Very good, very good -" Seeing the assistants they brought cleaning up the pool, Smith nodded with satisfaction, then turned to Liang En and said. "This should be regarded as the most valuable historical relic found in this area since the beginning of this year."

"It's not just that, Dr. Smith." Liang En said and walked to the other side, because in his memory, there should be an old road five or six steps away from the pool well.

According to the markings on the Viking map, this place has a road that is very suitable for their movements, and many places on it have been hardened with stones.

Considering the era in which that group of Vikings lived, it can be judged that the people who lived on such roads should be ancient Romans. Because only the ancient Romans could build such roads at that time.

"Please look at this place." Liang En led Professor Smith to the grass beside the big pit, then pointed to a place and said. "I think there might be something underneath this place, otherwise there wouldn't be a path without big trees."

"There is indeed something wrong here." As a professional, Professor Smith quickly saw what was going on here. Liang En and Fan Meng stepped forward and did some simple digging. Some concrete floors appeared more than 20 centimeters below the soil.

"Another important discovery." After bending down and taking a closer look at the heavily weathered road surface, Professor Smith immediately returned to the car and took off the spare tools to study, while saying at the same time.

"According to the information we have received before, there was only one avenue connecting Plymouth and London through Bath in ancient Roman times, and the rest were just small roads."

"But judging from the current paved road, everyone's previous traditional understanding was wrong. This city was more prosperous than we imagined in the ancient Roman era, and even had two or more Roman avenues-"

Professor Smith was talking nonstop, but Liang En had already focused on the few new cards he had just obtained. Just after he excavated this ancient Roman road and identified it. Three cards appeared in his mind.

After checking, Liang En realized that except for a common [Detection (N)] card, the remaining two cards were two identical brand-new cards that he had never seen before.

[Power of legend (N): There are many histories in ancient times that turned from facts into stories, stories into legends, and then from legends into myths. And many things are gradually tainted with information in the legend that is inconsistent with the real world.

And you, a young explorer of history gain powers from beyond this world. So this information can be converted into real power.

Skill card (one-time use), consuming this card can increase the upper limit of legendary power by one point. 】

"Is this the legendary blue bar?" Liang En suddenly woke up. He suddenly realized that all the skills he had mastered before could be mastered if he studied and trained by himself. It was difficult to say that they were truly extraordinary abilities.

And after that [Historical Explorer (Elementary) (UR)] card was upgraded to [Historical Explorer (Intermediate) (UR)], in theory, he should have gained real extraordinary abilities, and naturally he needs to be able to use them. The extraordinary power of ability.

After realizing this, Liang En pretended to listen to Professor Smith's content while quickly using the two [Legendary Power (N)].

He originally thought that these cards might have a different feeling after being used, but in fact, after being used, the cards only turned into two groups of light points, and then merged into the [Historical Explorer (Intermediate) (UR)] among cards

And after he carefully checked the cards. Only then did he discover that a blue circle appeared in the lower right corner of the card [Historical Explorer (Intermediate) (UR)], and there was a golden Arabic numeral 2 on it.

"This is a bit like the blue bar in Diablo -" Liang En thought after looking at the changes in this card. But this matter ends here, after all, he does not have any such ability now.

"——So, this road plays an important role in the historical identification of the city of Bath. It can prove that Bath had a higher status as a city in the ancient Roman era." At this time, Professor Smith's narration also arrived The end.

"Yes, I think this is a very important historical discovery." Liang En quickly nodded in agreement, "Especially the lead pieces in the pool can show that this place was a very lively place in the past."

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