Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 94 Victoria House

Because they had drunk some wine before, even though they and Fan Meng were still clear-headed. Liang En chose public transportation and went to a small road in the city.

Seriously, this bus ride didn't feel good at all. Especially the big bag on Fan Meng's back and the metal detector on Liang En's back seemed to attract a lot of people's attention.

Their destination was a seemingly very narrow road, barely enough for two cars to miss each other on the road. There were lush lime trees on the sidewalks on both sides of the road, and some shops that looked older were scattered in the buildings on both sides of the street.

Diana's house is on this road. It is a three-story building built with red bricks. Judging from the signs of weathering on the bricks on the surface of the building and the wear and tear on the stone pavement, this is indeed an old building.

"I feel that the economic situation of the people living in this place is not too bad." Looking at the surrounding environment, Fan Meng quickly came to a conclusion. "After all, this place is very close to the wealthy area, and I also saw the police patrol car passing by just now."

"This should be where the factory owners, ship owners or major shareholders of the company who got rich first in the Victorian era lived." Liang En explained, recalling the information he had read before.

"You know, Bath is an ancient hot spring resort city, so the nobles and people of high status have already occupied all the good places around it."

"So after the outbreak of the Industrial Revolution, the newly affluent class who suddenly emerged found that they could not find a place of their own in the city, so they simply built another residential area."

"Of course, with the passage of time, the nature of the residential areas in the city has also undergone major changes. Places that were once exclusive to the nobles were crowded with all kinds of wealthy people, and these areas have become wealthy people. A middle-class residential area——"

After explaining, the two people also came to the door of Miss Diana's residence. After knocking on the door, Miss Diana opened the door and welcomed them into the room.

This building is a standard Victorian building. The structure inside is not much different from the old rooms Liang En saw before. The only difference is that there are people living in this house, so the overall interior looks more advanced.

Even so, some fundamental problems with this old house have not been completely solved. For example, the room is so dark that they have to turn on the lights during the day.

"Miss Black, I would like to take the liberty of asking you, do you know who the previous owner of this house was? It was the owner before your grandfather moved in." After walking into the living room together and sitting on the sofa, Liang En asked Dai Anna asked. "

Sorry, I really don't know this. "Diana, who was sitting across from the coffee table, said, "My grandfather didn't say these things when he gave this house to me. I only know that the earliest owner here seemed to be a colonial official of the British Indian government. "

"If it is a colonial official of the British Indian government, then he may indeed leave some valuable things in the room." Liang En nodded thoughtfully, "But the prerequisite is that you have not decorated this room on a large scale before. A building.”

"Of course we haven't renovated it on a large scale." Diana shook her head and said, "My grandfather's father liked this style when he bought this house. Naturally, he would not carry out comprehensive decoration inside like some people did."

"If this is the case, then there may indeed be some valuable items left in this house." Liang En said after looking at the antique and even dim-looking decorations in the room. "By the way, how much money do you need now?"

"I'm not asking for privacy, but I want to be able to plan the items you need to sell as reasonably as possible. Let you sell as few items as possible to get enough money."

Knowing that it is taboo to ask strangers who have just met a few times about money-related matters no matter where they are, Liang En quickly explained to himself after raising the question.

"This is not something taboo." Diana smiled after listening to Liang En's explanation, and then said. "You know, the annual property tax on a house like this is not cheap, so I need £5,000 to pay the tax."

"This house used to be my grandfather's and was given to me for my 20th birthday last year. I was happy to receive this birthday gift from my grandfather, but trying to raise the property taxes was a daunting task. A big deal."

"In other words, you only need to find something worth 5,000 pounds." Liang En nodded. In fact, the property tax paid every year in Europe and the United States is not cheap. For a student without much income, he wants to afford it. It's not that simple.

This Miss Black is obviously an ambitious person, so she naturally hopes to pay the property tax for this house by herself instead of asking her family for help.

After obtaining the permission, Liang En and Fan Meng started wandering around the house. For this kind of search, the less disturbed the place, the more likely it is to find good things, so their first step was to go to the attic.

Why don't we go to the basement? "After going upstairs, Fan Meng, who found that the lady had not followed, whispered to Liang En, "Also, that lady believed in us too much, and actually let us come up like this -"

"Don't forget, this is Bath, and the groundwater level is very high. There is a high probability of water seepage or leakage in a basement that has not been managed for a long time. Even if there is something, it is probably difficult to preserve it." Liang En shook his head and said.

"As for trust, this does not mean that the lady is gullible, but because he believes that with my current status, I will not steal anything in the room or deceive her."

After all, Liang En can now be regarded as a rising star in the archaeological world, so as long as his mind is normal, he will not do those worthless things to ruin his future.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to talk, the two people climbed up an aluminum alloy ladder and came to the attic. After looking around with a flashlight, Liang En had an idea.

From the furniture containers of different styles and the obviously different thicknesses of ash, it can be seen that the debris accumulated here must have been put in in batches over a long period of time.

"The old rule is to search these containers first, and then search the surrounding walls." Liang En said after taking a look at the structure of the house.

After simply comparing the size of the roof outside the house with the space inside the house, he felt that there might be some secrets hidden in this house that Miss Black didn't know.

After making the decision, Liang En and Fan Meng, who put on gas masks and gloves, searched the boxes and cabinets in the attic.

Half of the cabinets that looked relatively recent were completely empty, while the other half contained a lot of worthless things in their eyes. For example, something like plastic toys or flashcards.

"Take this box of things to a thrift store and sell it. You can probably sell it for 15 to 20 pounds." After checking a box, Liang En lightly kicked the box and said, "But the labor cost of moving it away is At least £10."

"Same here." Fan Meng threw a tattered doll into the box and said, "There is only some combustible garbage in this box."

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