Steal The Heroes’ Harems

24. Erenia’s Descent III & Kiara’s arrival

It took another two weeks, but the province of Kenarias finally gained some semblance of peace. Edmund's financial prowess placated the masses, and his demonic clandestine operatives tracked down those who opposed their rule. 

It wasn't difficult, and the Kenarias land was officially opened for trade once more. 

The City was not yet safe, of course, and the manor that they once lived in had since been ransacked by thieves and bandits. It would be years before it is fully repaired. Well, it could take just months if Edmund actually tried, but he liked having lady Erenia around, and these days, even if she didn't admit it, she didn't want to leave either. 

During this time, the Count's agents made contact with those he had identified, and then, spent some time with both Erenia and Aida. He had hoped to push Aida's corruption to the next level, but despite spending multiple nights together, it hadn't quite happened yet. 

He wasn't exactly sure what was the mechanic behind the corruption meter, so he experimented.


"Do you think Kiara will be alright?" The hero asked as they rested at a camp. They had just finished clearing out one of the demon's nests in the magical woods. The ghosts had proved significantly harder to tackle than they expected,  partly because the type of demons were so crafty. They didn't expect to see ghost-demons that could 'vanish', and Wynn was the only one who could deal some damage. 

"She'll be fine." Hannah said, more than delighted that her competitor for Aman's affections had decided to return to her mother for a ceremony. "She's a tough lady, and she is blessed by the goddesses too." 

"She didn't look too happy when I said I had to fight demons." Hannah smirked, more than glad that Aman's a little dense. She knew the hero since they were both children, and Aman was always a little shy and clueless about girls. Of course, that's what some of them liked. Hannah looked at the dragon-mage that joined their party, and noticed her staring at Aman constantly. 

"I'm sure she's fine." Hannah said. "I think she's just worried for her mother, I was told that Lady Erenia is a beauty, and she must be worried that others have their eyes on her."

Aman frowned. "Really? Hmmm. Don't they go for formal courtships and stuff for nobles?"

Hannah shrugged. 

"Actually." The hero looked at the small party of three, and then said. "We do need a healer." 

Hannah nodded. "Yes we do." Hannah secretly hoped to get a male healer, of course. 



Kiara looked out of her carriage and admired the main city of the Natarian province. It was everything she hoped her hometown could be, prosperous, safe, and filled with businesses. The people genuinely looked like they had desire and momentum, even if they also seemed a little grumpy and hassled. The streets were noisy that her carriage offered no protection, and yet, no one tried to attack her. 

She did overhear some vendors trying to sell her things, though. 

Eventually, they left the noisy market streets, and soon came to the quieter, residential district, and eventually, through the woods. The Count's home was located in an actual forest located within the city, with it's own lake district and gardens. It was a kind of wealth that Kiara wished they had, too. 

Those tasked to transport her didn't know about her mother's situation, so, when one of her mother's personal butlers joined her in the carriage, she immediately bombarded him with questions.

"Who's this Count Edmund? What does he want with mom?"

"He's the Count of the Natarian province, milady. His forces helped us escape after the revolts, when the Lord died suddenly." The butler naturally repeated the full details of how the Lord died. 

Kiara couldn't believe it. "My father is a strong warrior from a strong family of knights. He doesn't just fall off from a horse and die. Who poisoned him?"

The butler sighed, and looked at the young lady. "Milady, I am willing to tell you the truth, but your mother will have my head if I do." 

"Then tell me secretly."

"Your father's been dosing on the drugs from the cartels. In the months leading to his death, his condition has deteriorated significantly, and he was not the heroic knight he once was." 

Kiara paused, and sighed. She knew, ever since she went on a journey with the hero, she always asked the merchants and the barkeepers about home. About how did they view her father. What she learned during the journey made her realise the truth, but a part of her just didn't want to admit it. It was her father, and she didn't believe her father was that kind of man.

As the butler narrated the drug in full details, she just sighed.

"It's really that bad, eh?"

"It is. It might be the work of the demons. The Count's men managed to flush some of them out, but for the rest, he paid them off to restore order to the Kenarias lands." 

"Then what of my mother? How is she?"

"She is well and healthy. She would be glad to see you in the specially made Kenarias ceremonial armor. She kept talking about how beautiful the armor was." The butler smiled.

"She made a set of ceremonial armor for me?"


"Can we afford it?"

"The Count sponsored it as a gesture of goodwill." 

"Oh. What does he want? Why is he helping us?" 

The butler scratched his head. "Honestly, I don't know. I think he's interested in Lady Erenia." 

"He wants my mom?" 

"I think so." 

"No!" Kiara rejected it mentally. Her mother only had one man, and that was her father. How could she! "Has he done anything?"

"I'm not sure. They do spend quite a bit of time together."

"Is he threatening my mother? What leverage does he have?"

The butler shook his head. "I don't know, milady. And we have arrived."

The carriage stopped, as they reach the manor's door. Lady Erenia was already waiting, and she smiled as she saw her daughter. "My dear Kiara." She hugged the young girl, and then began checking her. "Are you injured anywhere? Did the demons hurt you?"

"No, mother. I'm fine, and we do have potions." Kiara looked at her mother, a part of her relieved to see her mother in good condition. "Where's father's... uh."

"He has been buried as per the customs. I'm sorry, Kiara." Erenia gave her daughter a hug. She was quiet. "We couldn't keep his body forever."

"...I understand."

"Come, it's been a long journey. Let me get you settled in." They walked together, and Kiara looked at the immaculately well maintained manor, and couldn't help but feel jealous.

"Mother, why are you still here?"

"Because I have to. It's safer here. Our home is still in ruins, and repairs have not started. Not with our finances." Erenia hooked her arm around her daughter's. "How's the hero?"

"He's... alright." Kiara sighed. 

"That's not a convincing answer, my dear. I hear from the maids that you wanted to marry him." 

Kiara blushed. "Eh. Only if he defeats the demons." 

"That's a very far fetched investment in a man that may not choose you." Lady Erenia said, as they came to a quiet, cozy guestroom located right next to Lady Erenia's room. "We have this segment of the manor to ourselves, so make yourselves at home." 



"Is the Count threatening you or anything?" 

Lady Erenia frowned, as her mind recalled the things she said to the Count, and all the nights they've sent together. Yet, the look on her mother's face told Kiara everything she wanted to know, and reinforced her own suspicions. There was something her mother's hiding from her. "No, darling. He's not threatening me. He has been extremely helpful and supportive."

"I see." Kiara didn't believe her mother's answer, and she would find out for herself. 







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