Steal The Heroes’ Harems

44. Interlude – Aida Plots Part 2

Aida was given some funds, funds the Count left in her care and to use as she desired, and soon hired informants of her own. It wasn't exactly difficult for someone connected to the Count to get merchants to do work, and many merchants were eager to get into the good graces of the Count of Natar. She remembered the story Edmund said during their moments of intimacy, and even if her knowledge wasn't first hand, she's gifted with good memory. 

There were a few things about healing magic, like one she possessed, that made her unique. First, the ability to [overheal]. Normally, that meant adding a certain amount of hitpoints to a character. Edmund said that was her super ability, that made her one of the strongest healers in the game. 

But healing often involved curing other symptoms. Now that she was Edmund's mate, she wanted to head in the other direction, to be a master of causing symptoms. 

She needed to brew the strongest aphrodisiacs and stimulants the world had ever seen, and also, the strongest sexual suppressants ever. 

She checked the list of adventurers and decided to put out a quest. They'll collect materials, and she'll run experiments. If she could suppress the hero's needs, while enhancing the ladies around the hero, their needs will turn into frustration, and that should drive them into the Count's arms. 

"Milady, you summoned?" A maid walked over to Aida's room. 

"Indeed. Are you aware whether there are people who require healing in Natar?"

"Plenty, milady. Sickness is after all a perpetual thing."

"Then I shall open a clinic and offer my services, for a reasonable fee. It's time I help spread Count Edmund's good name, and let the people remember him as the man who helped heal his people. Who should I speak to that can make this happen?"

The maid nodded. "One of the Count's aides would be best suited, milady. I shall summon whichever available." 

"Make it happen." Aida said. "The Count's good name must spread."


Aida's clinic was fairly popular, she charged a reasonable fee, and began to treat the people. 

But, with a certain select group of men, particularly the horny old men, she began experimenting of a type of herb that caused their penis to lose the ability to maintain an erection. Her intention was to eventually use this on the hero. She'd have to find ways to mix it with a drug that broke through the hero's magical blessings, but based on the Count's extensive library, she already began to have some ideas. One of it, was to abuse healing. 

Heroes could be healed. 

She needed to trick the blessing into thinking it's healing, when it weakens that part of the hero's body. 

It would take practice, but it would be done. 


I has new fic. I also has patreon. Gib monies. May have advance chapters some day. gib.


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